Liz was making a mental list of things to pack as she prepared to meet Roger. In the midst of her clothing requirements she thought about Randi. Her friend was going to be very upset with her. They had shared a most amazing experience a while back. In fact, it was Randi’s persistence that had brought Liz back from that dimension. She felt bad about keeping all this from her, but she also knew Randi would never allow her to leave knowing about the attempt yesterday. She would just deal with the rage and anger when she got back...if she got back. And what of poor Roger. She had placed him in a no win situation.... at the mercy of Randi. This would be something else to deal with. In some ways, Liz was being extremely selfish, but she didn’t really care. Doing what she and Sam had talked about was the only thing occupying her mind.

The cats were sitting side by side on the comforter, watching their companion move about the room, talking to herself. She was going through her nightstand.

"Jeez...where did I put my passport? Come to think of it...when was the last time I used it? Oh...that trip to Greece." Her hand felt deeply in the back of the drawer. "Ah...there you are." She withdrew the dark blue article and traced the embossed eagle on the front with her finger. All that seemed so long ago. She shrugged her shoulders and walked from the bedroom, placing the passport in the folder with the plane tickets. She still had some last minute things to do before she left, but today she would spend with Roger. Liz grabbed Sam’s leather coat, the keys and left the interior. It had been a while since she’d been outside. It felt strange...leaving the safety of her home...and yet it was a relief to be away from all the physical reminders of Sam. She was feeling guilt at leaving the pain of being inside...almost like she was leaving Sam. This whole process was completely awful.

The descent in the elevator separated her from the visual connection. She took a deep breath and prepared to enter the garage. The next goal was to actually get in the car and drive it out into the sunlight. She’d hardly been in the thing the last two months. In fact, she wondered if it would crank at all. The doors opened and she stepped into the quietness of the garage. Her footsteps echoed as she made her way across the concrete floor, her palms moist with nervousness, her mouth dry. The feeling was very much like the first time she had to make a speech in public. She had dreaded that, too. Most of the building’s residents were well into their workday and the Z-3 sat alone.

"This is ridiculous," Liz said aloud, "It’s just a has nothing to do with Sam. I can do this."

She reached the driver’s side, put the key in the lock and turned the key. The door swung open and the interior light came on. Liz stood for a moment staring into the cockpit, waiting for an apparition to appear.

"Jeez, Liz!! Get in the damn car!" she admonished herself.

She held her breath and slid into the worn leather seat. Like an old friend, it welcomed her form and remembered the curves of her body. She felt a sense of relief and accomplishment that she wasn’t crying. Maybe she could do this after all. The engine roared to life and Liz gripped the custom wheel. She backed out of her space and headed for the exit gate. The bright sunlight emphasized the neglect the auto had was filthy. Normally, Liz would be having a fit, but now it hardly was just transportation.

The Botanical Garden wasn’t very far from her home but the holiday traffic made the going slow. She had to go on Peachtree, past Symphony Hall and through the neighborhood where she and Sam had parked that night. The route was so automatic that she didn’t realize where she was until it was too late. The shortcut took her down the very street where her life so abruptly changed. Liz tightly gripped the wheel to keep from veering onto the sidewalk.

"Damn it all to hell, Liz!! You had to come this way! Are you out of your furkin mind!? Why don’t you just push stakes under your nails? Shit!" She berated herself all the way down the street, looking very much like an insane person...babbling. Fortunately, the Christmas atmosphere made everyone talk to herself in the car, so she fit right in.

She finally exited the neighborhood right in front of the entrance to the Garden. It was a little after eleven. The roadster wheeled into the parking lot and the first thing she saw was Roger, pacing like a mother hen. Liz sighed as she got out, knowing he was going to be on her for being late. She wasn’t disappointed...he was walking her way before she even locked the door.

"Where have you been!?" His voice had a very sharp edge.

Liz glanced at her watch. It was ten past eleven. " God, Roger...I’m only ten minutes late. Chill out! I’m sorry...ok?"

He embraced her and held on tight. "Liz...please don’t ever scare me again..." Pulling back, he looked into her face, " ...please."

" more scaring of Roger. Now can we get on with the afternoon’s enjoyment? Oh...where are we having lunch?" She was trying to assuage his fears...which might be very hard to do today. She could only imagine what her leaving was going to him. "How about some really cheap Mexican and margaritas?"

He hooked his arm through hers and they walked toward the entrance to the Garden. "I can do Mexican...but I’m picking the place. The last time you selected a Mexican restaurant I distinctly heard barking from the kitchen. gave me the creeps."

Liz remembered that particular establishment. It was new and they had gone there to try out the menu and margaritas. The food was so-so...the margaritas...awful. In fact, awful was being kind. Seems the bar was woefully understocked...not a decent bottle of tequila in the place. The bartender thought if he substituted Saki for tequila, no one would notice. Just the thought of that drink had Liz making a face. Roger knew instantly what was going through her head.

"Uh-huh...and those Saki margaritas were the worst insult. My animals in the kitchen and kamikaze ‘ritas. Yes, I’ll be selecting the lunch site today, dearie if there are no objections."

Liz squeezed his arm. "You won’t get any from me. The decision is all yours."

With the food question out of the way, they entered the Garden and it’s wonders.


Xena, Gabrielle and Sam stood in the entrance of the temple. The main room was open and an altar was the obvious focal point. It was not as ornate as Sam thought it might be. In fact, she didn’t know what to expect. She hadn’t been in too many her realm and certainly not this one. The idea of actually meeting a goddess from Olympus was staggering...but this whole scenario was quite unbelievable. Gabrielle stepped ahead to confer with the attending priestess. She exchanged a few words; the priestess graciously bowed and left the room. Only the three of them were in the space. Sam looked at Xena and posed her questions.

"Well, what do we do now? When will Artemis appear? Do I have to do anything?"

"Whoa...hold on to your centaurs," Xena interjected. "We don’t have to do anything. Gabrielle will summon Artemis. Chances are she will speak only to her Chosen anyway." She cast a glance toward the bard and continued, "Which is just fine with me. I don’t care much for conversing with the deities."

Gabrielle couldn’t help but clear the air for Sam. "The fact is, Sam, the gods don’t much care for talking to Xena. She has this habit of irritating the hooha out of them. Which, I might add, always ends up being trouble for both of us. So, I’d just as soon she didn’t open her mouth, thank you. This will be hard enough as it is."

Xena just had to add her two dinars worth. "Hey, it’s not my fault the gods are so sensitive. If they didn’t insist on being right all the time, things would go smoother...."

" know perfectly well you do it on purpose. You just don’t know when to stop. Oh...and about that ‘always having to be right’ me, the gods don’t have the corner market on that..." Gabrielle was about to launch into a rather lengthy discourse when Artemis materialized, shocking everyone. Gabrielle went to her knees and was motioning for Sam to do the same. Xena stood to her full six-foot height, only her head bent in recognition of the goddess.

Artemis circled the group, always amazed at the human interaction. She and Xena had formed some kind of truce, but her arrogance was still annoying. She realized this was as close to kneeling that Xena would ever subscribe to... she let it go. Her attention was on Gabrielle and the woman next to her. In fact, she was somewhat surprised to see this mortal kneeling beside her Chosen.

The goddess spoke in admonishing tones, "Gabrielle...why have you not assisted this mortal to the Elysian Fields, as I instructed?" She held her hand out to assist the bard from the floor. The touch of the goddess always had an effect on Gabrielle. It was hard to describe. It was like touching love and compassion, truly amazing. Gabrielle was trying to formulate her response and make it sound reasonable.

She dragged Sam off the floor with her. "Uh...Artemis, this is...." The sentence never completed.

"I know who this is, Gabrielle. That’s not what I asked of you. Why is she here?" Artemis peered at the bard and Sam. The warmth from her eyes washed over them conveying a sense of safety...sort of like tranquilizing an animal caught in a trap.

Gabrielle knew stalling wasn’t an option and she plunged in headfirst. "’s like this. I know you asked Xena and me to help her transition...and we were right there...just like you instructed...but ...uh...she kinda refused to go." She paused for a reaction from the goddess. Artemis remained silent, allowing Gabrielle to continue. "Fact is, both she and Liz are sorta stuck, if you get my meaning. thought you might be able to help both of move on." Gabrielle finished and stood waiting the reaction from her goddess. Her eyes darted toward Xena for some nod of approval, but the warrior gave her a slight shake of the of those ‘don’t blow it ‘ motions. Artemis caught every movement and slight gesture. She found it amusing when mortals tried to put one over on her.

"Oh...I see. Then just how do you propose that I help them, Gabrielle, assuming of course, that I would at all?"

Confidently, Gabrielle put forth Xena’s plan. Xena already knew Artemis had seen through the ruse, but it was too late. She sighed deeply and shook her head. Sam was still gawking at the sight and sounds before her. She was sorely tempted to reach out to touch the goddess, but stared instead.

" see...if Sam and Liz could know for sure they’d meet would be easier for each to let go of the other."

Artemis arched her eyebrow, "Oh, really? And whose bright idea is this? Yours Gabrielle?"

The bard shifted uncomfortably. Lying wasn’t her strong suit...skirting the truth worked much well. "I think it’s a good idea." And to add fuel to the smoldering fire, she added. " And Xena does too...right Xena?"

The warrior stepped closer to her lover. "Yeah...right Gabrielle, I do."

Artemis looked at the trio and approached Sam. "And I suppose you think this is a good idea, dear? I mean they did consult you, didn’t they?"

It took Sam a few minutes to find her voice. She wasn’t exactly sure how to address a goddess from Olympus. She opted for conversational English. Clearing her throat, she responded. "Not exactly...which isn’t to say I don’t think it’s a good idea...I guess I don’t see how something like that could be possible anyway." She glanced at Gabrielle apologetically.

Artemis decided to put all of them out of their misery. "First of all, Gabrielle, I know this was Xena’s idea from the start...."

The bard made a move to protest and Xena stemmed the ensuing plunge into the pit of falsehood. "Gabrielle, don’t. She knows the truth...just let it go."

Artemis acknowledged the warrior’s move. "At last the first truthful thing that’s been spoken since you came in here. Don’t worry, I’m not angry...just a little disappointed that you’d even consider trying to deceive me." She threw a glare toward Xena as a warning against further such attempts.

"Now where was I?" She turned toward Sam, her features softening. "I already know about the plight of these two. And yes, Sam, it is possible to do what Gabrielle has asked...but it just isn’t done. The human condition is one of trust and faith. To show you the ultimate destiny of your lives would negate your growth in searching for that destiny. I’m sorry...there’s nothing I can do. You must release Liz and she must do the same for you. There is no other way."

Gabrielle persisted in arguing the point with Artemis...always a risky venture. "But have intervened more that once in our lives..." She gestured toward Xena, who was nodding in agreement. "I don’t see how this is any different."

"Well...It is different. I just can’t go around doing this sort of thing. There are limits even for me, Gabrielle. You’ll have to think of something else."

The bard’s ears picked up, "What!? You mean if I can find another way, you’ll help us?"

"No...that’s not what I meant...", the goddess said backpedaling.

Gabrielle pressed for advantage. "Yes it is...otherwise you wouldn’t have said it that way."

Xena couldn’t resist the urge to chime in. "Gabrielle’s right, Artemis. Your response did leave the door open. Now are you saying that you won’t help Sam and Liz? What about the danger Liz endured to save Gabrielle. Isn’t that worth something here?" Xena then went straight to the heart of the matter. "I thought Gabrielle was your favorite. It’s not like she asks for favors from you all the time."

Gabrielle couldn’t believe Xena was trying to make the goddess feel guilty. It was absurd to try. Artemis didn’t operate within human convention. She existed in a whole other realm...with different rules. The bard was certain this would not go well for them and let Xena know with an elbow to her ribs. She was going to have some serious damage control to do.

"What Xena meant...."

Artemis held her hand up to stop what was surely to be a pathetic attempt to explain. "Gabrielle...I know what Xena meant." She walked toward the stoic warrior and stood before her. They were eye to eye.

"You don’t care much for you warrior?" The question hung in the air like an unexploded balloon.

Xena took it all in stride. "I wouldn’t put it exactly that way. It’s more like I don’t care for most of the gods. You have been instrumental in our lives...whether we asked or not. As I see it, this will be a continuation of the relationship. You are aware that the four of us are connected, right? How could you refuse to assist Sam and Liz? It would be like refusing Gabrielle."

Artemis pondered the logic. "Ok...I can see your point. But I just won’t solve this problem for you. You must try to get Sam and Liz to do this by themselves." She shifted her attention to the blonde. "Sam, you must really try to resolve these feelings without intervention. It is essential for your growth...and for Liz’s."

Breathing deeply, Sam spoke softly, "Yes, I know. I’m just not ready to turn loose. "

Artemis placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I know, dear. You will find a way...when it’s time." She added a warning. "But I suggest you try a little harder. Your essence cannot remain in this state much longer."

Gabrielle was relieved that the goddess had somewhat agreed to help them. She needed to know what they should do next. "What are we to do now, Aretmis? "

The goddess had returned to the center of the room, and was preparing to leave. As her form shimmered, her words filled the temple. "You must go back for your friend is about to do something very foolhardy."

Gabrielle needed more information, "What!? What is she going to do!? Artemis, come back! We need to know!" Her plea fell into empty space...the goddess was gone. Sam’s eyes were out of fear of what Liz might do next.

"Gabrielle...what did she mean? Is Liz in danger? " There was panic in her voice. Xena took control of the situation.

In very even tones, she laid out her thoughts. "I suggest we return to Liz’s place and just see what is going on. No sense reacting to the situation until we know what it is." Xena was already headed out of the temple.

Gabrielle and Sam knew the warrior was right and followed quickly. There was a real urgency in their steps now. The three hit the bottom of the stone steps and proceeded out of the village. Time was running out...for Sam and for Liz.


Liz and Roger stood in the parking lot of the Tex-Mex eatery. They had spent a leisurely afternoon walking the Gardens and having lunch. To Roger, Liz appeared more her old self...laughing at lunch...providing a running commentary through the Garden...generally just being, for lack of a better description, Liz. He was feeling somewhat better about the prospect of leaving her alone this evening. The subject of her trip never came up in the day’s conversation...of which he was thankful. Foolishly, Roger thought Liz had decided not to go. As they prepared to go their separate ways, they embraced.

"Thanks, Roger for getting me out today. I really needed it." Liz’s comment was sincere.

"No problem, sweetie." He drew back to look at his friend, "You going to be all right tonight?"

Liz placed her palms on either side of his face, "Yes...I’ll be fine so stop worrying, ok?"

Roger nodded, "I’ll try, but you know what a Jewish mother I can be."

" I ever! with you...I’ve got things to do this afternoon. I’ll call you tomorrow." She gave him a quick peck and headed for the car. Roger waved as he pulled out of the parking lot, the car finally disappearing down Piedmont. Liz settled behind the wheel, her mind continuing her trip checklist. The Z-3 roared to life and she prepared to pull into the stream of traffic. The conversation with herself went unnoticed by the other vehicle inhabitants.

"Hmmm...lessee...I have the rental lined up. What about clothes? Need something really warm...sweats...sweaters...down jacket...insulated boots...gloves...sunglasses...lip balm..." Her discourse was rudely interrupted by the annoying ring of the cell phone. No matter how many times she got a call in the car, it always startled her. She reached for hands free headset and wrestled the earpiece into place. Now she looked like a mission control specialist.


Randi’s voice purred on the other end. "Liz ...honey, I hope I’m not interrupting anything." She chuckled into Liz’s ear.

" trying to navigate through this traffic...nothing important." The car next to her decided it was in the wrong lane and veered sharply in her direction. Liz voiced her opinion of the driver’s decision. "Hey!! Idiot!! This lane is already taken! Get your own!!" She laid down on the horn, scaring the guy back into his own space. Being quite the gentleman, he gave her the finger and sped ahead, cutting off a less aggressive driver. Randi’s voice filled her ear.

"Are you ok? What’s all that yelling about?"

"Randi...I’m trying to drive here, ok? You know I’ve never mastered the art of talking on the phone and driving at the same time. I can do one or the other...but not both...I suck at multi-tasking. Make this short before I have a wreck."

"Well, I’m glad to hear you’re back to your sarcastic self. So if this is a problem for you, why do you have the damn thing in the first place?"

"Oh...jeez...a discussion question. If you must know I have it for emergencies...not to while away the hours while stuck in traffic. So...was there something you wanted?"

Randi let a little of her irritation vent. " thought I’d call you so I could actually hear you have a wreck."

"Ok...I get your point. I’m sorry about being so pissy. It’s been a while since I was out. I’d forgotten how ugly the holiday traffic could be. Now, what is it?"

"That’s better. I just wanted to touch base with you and I knew you’d be out all day. How about dinner tomorrow? We could go to that new little bistro in the CNN Center."

Liz knew she’d be well on her way to Calgary then, but wasn’t going to tell Randi. "That sounds fine with me. I’ll call you, ok?"

"Well...I thought we could have a drink at my house first and then take the train to the Center. Sorta make an evening of it, what do you think?"

Obviously, Randi wasn’t going to leave anything to chance. Liz let her have control. "Ok, that’s good. What time?"

"How about you be here around six. That good for you?"

Liz smiled, "Yeah...that’ll be perfect. See you then. Bye, Randi."

Randi’s tone was one of relief, "Ok, six it is. See you, hon. Bye, now."

The line went dead and Liz took the earpiece off, laying it in the passenger seat. Randi was going to be absolutely livid with her, but it couldn’t be helped. She inched the roadster forward imagining the yelling that would ensure on her return. Once again, she spoke to herself, "It doesn’t matter. This is for you, Sam...and for me."


The three otherworldly figures were heading into the forest with a quick pace. Xena was leading the way; Sam and Gabrielle following close. Their conversation was centered on the warning Artemis had uttered about Liz. Gabrielle tried to brainstorm the implications.

"Do you think Liz will try know...again?" Her question was directed toward Xena.

"I don’t know, Gabrielle. I certainly hope not, but she’s in a lot of pain right now. Anything is possible and...."

Sam interjected her thoughts and convictions, " No! She won’t do that again! Liz just doesn’t operate that way, in spite of what almost happened. She’s a lot like you Xena...she will find a way to work through this. She’s not a quitter...I know this. She must have meant something else."

Xena continued the discussion, " if we assume that...." She made little quotation marks with her fingers in the air "...she wouldn’t do that again...what would Artemis have meant by ‘foolhardy?' Sam, you know her...just how foolhardy could she be?"

Sam stopped and pondered that question. " have no idea. Liz has done plenty of things I consider...well...not quite right. Hmmm...skydiving....scuba with sharks....hang gliding....base jumping. She even bungeed off the tallest bridge site in North America once."

Gabrielle’s interest and curiosity were not to be held in check a minute longer. "Uh...Sam...what’s all this skyscuba...hanging bases and bungee thingy? Are they that golf thing Liz told me about?"

Xena threw her a look at the mere mention of ‘golf’, and it prompted a stern warning, "Gabrielle...don’t even go there, I’m warning you."

The bard grinned at her warrior remembering Xena’s introduction to the term

‘taking relief.’ "Ok..."

Sam tried to explain some of the terms to the inquisitive woman, smiling warmly, "Well, the term is jump out of a flying machine at about 13,000 feet and uh...dive into the air..."

Even Xena was intrigued by this explanation. "Let me get this jump into empty air from 13,000 feet? And how does one survive the landing?"

Sam was thinking how to best describe a parachute. "Let’s see. You have this uh...pack strapped to your back containing a device that will slow your descent. At a certain elevation, you deploy this cloth sail and it catches the rushing air, filling and gently allowing you to land unhurt. Ingenious really."

Xena shook her head and snorted, "Sounds unbelievable if you want my opinion."

Gabrielle ignored the warrior’s skepticism and probed further. "Ok...that sounds pretty foolhardy if you ask me. What’s that bungee thing about?"

Sam remembered watching Liz dive off that bridge, into the river gorge below. It had scared the wits out of her. She didn’t speak to her for two days after that blatant disregard for sanity. " stand atop a very high structure...a bridge span usually..."

Gabrielle attempted to finish the scenario. "Let me guess, you jump into thin air with a pack on your back, right?"

" have the jumping into thin air correct...but without the pack. An elastic cord is secured around your ankles and you just go off headfirst into the space below. At the bottom, the cord rebounds and you sorta bounce up and down."

Sam was getting a shiver up her spine seeing Liz suspended above the raging river again. The guys had slightly miscalculated her weight, so instead of just nearing the water, she actually went in headfirst. Of course, Liz thought this to be a special treat. The operator’s, however, were seeing lawsuit with every wet bounce. It actually could have been a disaster. The river was low and there were many exposed boulders..., any of which could have resulted in a serious head wound. Hence, the silent treatment for two days.

Gabrielle wanted to be sure she had heard her correctly. "You mean she jumped on purpose...head first...with nothing but a cord around her ankles to stop her?"

Sam nodded, "Uh-huh...that’s right."

Xena added her observation. " least she did it over water...not a river of lava. Remember, Gabrielle...Callisto and and that bridge...?"

"Oh, sorta did a bungee thing yourself. But and Liz were seriously not right. There, something else you two have in common. In fact, the more I think about it, the more similar you’re becoming." She winked at Sam, "This is very scary, Xena. Now I see why you and I were picked to oversee this little venture. Liz could be the future."

The warrior raised her brow in that special way, "Don’t push it, Gabrielle. But it does sound like Liz has an affinity for dangerous excursions. Which leads me back to our original question. What could possibly be more foolhardy than what she has done already? Sam...any thoughts?"

Sam took a deep breath, "I haven’t a clue. All I know is I have this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. We have to get back as soon as possible. Once Liz gets an idea in her head, nothing can stop her. It’s not one of her more endearing qualities."

Gabrielle concurred, "Yep...just like you Xena...more and more."

"Gabrielle...." The tone was serious.

"Hey...just an observation..." The bard was pushing it.


She backed off, "Yeah...yeah...I know...don’t go there."

Sam quickened her step and urged the two bickering parties to do the same. "Girls...can you argue and walk at the same time...or are they mutually


Xena couldn’t resist, "Ah-ha! Seems you also have a counterpart, Gabrielle. Sam’s words could have come right out of your mouth."

"Uh-huh...and they would have been on the money, too." Gabrielle said, trying to have the last word.

Xena gave the bard a playful nudge in the behind with her foot. Gabrielle responded with a shove on Xena’s shoulder. Sam shook her head at the childish exchange and smiled. She so missed that same playful interaction with Liz. The three continued down the path toward their destination.


Liz pulled into the parking garage, relieved to be home yet dreading the return to her space. She wondered when these conflicting emotions would resolve themselves...if ever. She tried to focus on the trip...the packing...the act she and Sam had discussed. Her mind was actively running the sequence of possibilities...her body moving of it’s own volition… the two not really communicating...operating on different levels. It wasn’t until she stood before her door, that the two converged. Liz slid the key into the lock and entered her home. The silence was deafening...if that sort of thing were possible. Once again an invisible hand closed around her heart, applying unseen pressure. It was so familiar now; she barely acknowledged its presence. Her hand only momentarily went to her chest as she peeled the coat from her person.

Liz stood before the coat closet preparing to hang Sam’s worn leather jacket back in its place. She stopped, burying her face in the soft lining, breathing deep. The faint scent of Sam’s perfume still lingered in the fibers. She wrapped her arms around the aroma of her lover, not wanting to release it, tears welling in her eyes. Slowly, Liz turned and swayed, securely holding the memory of Sam in her arms. Softly, she whispered into the recesses of the leather, "I miss you so much...."

Hearing the sound of their mother, Brie and RG jumped off the bed and strolled into the living area. They could sense the emotional upheaval emitting from Liz’s very cells. They neared her, rubbing insistently around her ankles, drawing her out of her pain for the moment. Liz lifted her tear-streaked face from the coat, looked at the cats and sat on the floor, still grasping the coat. The two furry intruders climbed in her lap, nuzzling and purring. All of them sat for some time exchanging comfort. She was amazed at the connection they had with her and her moods. It was as if they really understood and knew what would ease her suffering.

"Ok...I get the point, girls. I just had a sinking spell...that’s all." She rubbed the fleece lining of the jacket next to her face. "I can’t help it right now." Liz gently shooed the cats from her lap and stood up. She put the jacket on a hanger, placing it in it’s spot and closed the closet door. Turning toward the kitchen and the hungry felines, she made an observation. "Perhaps I shouldn’t wear that coat right now." Brie and RG agreed with a chorus of loud meows.

Liz put the nightly repast out for her discerning children, started some Columbian decaf and went into the bedroom to start packing. She pulled the large duffel from the back of the closet.

"Hmm...I’ll be gone a week or so...probably no place to do laundry...need lots of undies...socks...tees for starters. Then a couple of heavy sweaters, sweats, flannel shirts, thermals." The duffel quickly began filling out with the bulky clothing. She’d have to be careful not to overpack. Lugging this thing in snow and ice wouldn’t be any fun. A few more extras, just in case, finished the apparel list. The only thing left were the few toiletry items she would need. Those she could pack in the morning. Liz heaved the duffel off the bed and pulled clothes out for the morning. For the trip she’d wear faded jeans, a tee, her Xena sweatshirt and her insulated hiking boots. She wouldn’t need the real cold weather gear until she arrived at the inn.

Satisfied this portion was complete, she went back into the kitchen for her coffee and then to the filing cabinet. She pulled all evidence to her where abouts from the folders along with her tickets and various reservations. These with her passport went into the carry-on bag. She knew the first thing Roger and Randi would do is try to find out where she went. She couldn’t have that. The fact that she had shown Roger the general overview really didn’t bother her. Her final destination hadn’t been listed and Canada was a very big place. So what if something happened. Her affairs had been in place since that trip to Greece, all the details had been taken care of. Her demise wouldn’t present a logistical problem, she had seen to that. She sipped her java, looking over the room. Had she forgotten anything? No...all was ready. Her flight was non-stop leaving Atlanta at 8:00 the next morning. All she had to do was get through the night.

Liz put the sounds of Sarah on the stereo, curled up on the sofa and peered out on the city. The cats, having taken a break from noshing, joined her. She felt very close to Sam at that moment...very calm...very focused. She felt Sam’s love wash over her, warming her skin as it had done many evenings. She closed her eyes and remembered.

It was a December night much like this one. The house was filled with the smells of the season...the cypress tree filling the space with an intoxicating aroma. Sarah’s voice and words mirroring the lovers. The only lights were the soft glow of candles, casting flickering shadows on the walls. From her position on the bed, Liz looked up into the face of her lover. Sam was sitting astride the dark haired woman. Both were wearing only tee shirts, the warmth of Sam’s thighs caressing Liz’s. For a long time they just looked at one another, eyes moving over features, hearts racing, a light sheen of moisture beginning to bathe their bodies. Sam supported herself by placing her hands on either side of Liz, leaning forward and gently placing a kiss on her lover’s forehead. Liz’s hands rested on Sam’s thigh, feeling the smooth skin react with thousands of tiny goosebumps. Her fingers applied gentle pressure to the muscles.

Sam’s lips moved across Liz’s face... her brow...the bridge of her nose...her eyelids. Liz lay in a state of sheer anticipation of her lips finally settling on her own. She took an excruciatingly long time to capture Liz’s mouth. The result was a wave of rising passion sure to consume both of them. Sam’s kiss was the most sensuous communication Liz had ever experienced. She was able to climax just by kissing her. It was an amazing exchange. The two savored one another for a long time...only lips touching lips...Sam’s weight resting across Liz...a fire building within them both.

......And I would be the one

To hold you down...Kiss you so hard....

In slow motion, Sam pulled her lips from her protesting lover, and sat back on the top of Liz’s thighs. Her fingers trailed across the front of the prone woman’s tee shirt, finding the exposed skin at her navel. She traced the outline of her taut abdomen and ran fingers, light as feathers along her side, back under her shirt. Liz’s hips instinctively arched toward Sam wanting to be close to her. It was sublime torture.

......I’ll take your breath away....

Strong, expressive hands caressed Sam’s thighs, moving lightly over the tops, thumbs trailing along the inner portion, and disappearing under the end of Sam’s shirt. Liz peered into her lover’s eyes as her fingers danced over the silken, damp curls coming to rest along that warm crease on either side of her folds. She could feel the heat radiating from Sam’s most secret place. Fingertips moved just barely over the very center, causing the desire within her to seductively rock against the touch. No words were spoken, only the language of touch and breathing.

......My body aches to breathe your breath

Your words keep me alive....

Sam was the most beautiful woman...her features strong yet delicate...her eyes intense and piercing. Liz had fallen into her and wished no escape. She was so certain they would grow old certain...

......Would I spend forever here

And not be satisfied....


The bedside alarm was buzzing, waking Liz in the living area. She had fallen asleep in the chair, thinking about making love with Sam. It had been so real...she had felt their skin touching...Sam’s lips on her once again. In her near waking state, she put her arm out to touch her love, as she had done so many mornings. Brie nudged Liz’s hand and grasped her fingers with her claws, giving her a nip on the thumb. Liz opened her eyes and gazed sadly at the feline. She gave her a gentle rub on the head.

"Good morning, Sweetheart. I hope you slept well." The words hung in her throat as reality intruded. She glanced at her watch...the time was 5:30am...time to get up and get going. Slowly, she sat up on the edge of the sofa, rubbing her eyes and running both hands through her hair. She remained for a few minutes, head cradled in her palms, fighting the urge to start crying. Finally, she stood and made her way to the kitchen to feed the cats and put on coffee...then it was into the shower.

Liz didn’t linger under the water; she wanted to finish packing and needed to call a cab. She wouldn’t be taking her car to the airport...just in case. She quickly dried off and pulled on her tee and underwear. A detour by the kitchen was next for her cafe, the cats were still snarfing that nasty kibble. Remembering the other morning’s experiment made her wince. She looked at Brie and RG who were totally focused on the meal. She shook her head in amazement.

"Sorry, girls, but that is some nasty stuff you’re eating. Euwwww...really!" She grabbed the cordless and dialed the stored number for the cab company, moving back into the bedroom to finish dressing. She had one leg in her jeans when the dispatcher picked up.

"Yellow Cab Atlanta..." the young, bored voice said.

"Yes...I need a cab at Peachtree Lofts in about 30 minutes...going to Hartsfield. I’ll be out front." She had the phone cradled in the crook of her neck and was pulling her jeans over her hips.

"’cha...Peachtree Lofts...out front...30 minutes...going to the airport." The line went dead.

Liz clicked the phone off, irritated at the sorry state of manners these days. She spoke into the idle handpiece. "Uh-huh, and thank you so very much!" She continued her conversation, "And people wonder what’s wrong with the world now a days. I’ll tell you one says please or thank you anymore. It’s gimme that or gimme this...just once I wish.... Oh, doesn’t matter. Does it, RG?" The sleek black member of the family was sitting in the doorway, cleaning her whiskers...totally ignoring the babbling woman.

Liz shrugged and finished dressing. She packed the last of her stuff and zipped the duffel, carrying the bag into the living area. A quick check around the condo was made...the coffeemaker turned off and the computer shutdown. She knew the cats had plenty of food and replenished the water bowl.

"Ah...ok...right. I think I’m ready," she said double-checking by sight. She collected the down jacket from the closet and moved toward the door. Brie was sitting on the back of the sofa, staring at her.

"It’s ok, Roger will be around this afternoon...believe me. I’ll be back...I promise." She blew a little kiss toward the feline, opened the door and stepped into the hall. In a few minutes, she had made her way to the front entrance, past the lobby guard and to the curb. The cab pulled into the circular drive stopping at Liz’s bag. She stepped into the backseat while the driver heaved the duffel into the trunk. In the early morning light, the transport moved away, toward the airport.


Roger was sound asleep when the phone rang. It was Sunday and he was going to spend a lazy day doing nothing. The idea that someone would call him at this hour rankled him. Pulling the silk sleeping shades from his eyes, he snatched the receiver to his ear.

"Uh-huh...and this damn well better be important!"

Liz’s voice flowed into his ear, "Feeling a little testy this morning, dear?"

"Liz? Is that you? Is everything all right?" He had pulled himself up in the bed, back resting against the ornate headboard. He tried to focus on the clock, squinting to see the numbers. "What time is it?"

"Yes, Roger, it’s me...and it’s about 7:30. Look honey I need for you do something for me..." The sounds of the terminal were all around being called...passengers being paged.

Roger turned his head slightly, trying to figure out what all that noise in the background was. "Liz...where are you?"

"Listen...I want you to take care of Brie and RG for a week or so...ok?", she said completely ignoring his question.

"What!? Take care of them...Liz...where the hell are you!?" Roger’s faculties finally kicked in. "Christ! Tell me you’re not about to go to Canada. Liz...please...."

"Ok...I’m not about to go to will you take care of them or not?" The gate attendant began the boarding call for her flight.

"Attention all passengers on Delta’s flight 377, non-stop to Calgary. We are now boarding all first class and Medallion Level passengers...please have your boarding passes available for the attendant..."

Roger didn’t hear the specifics of the flight, but he knew she was about to do the very thing he feared. "LIZ!! You said you weren’t going to do this!"

"Uh, Roger...I said I’d think about it.... did and I’m going. Now I left plenty of food for the cats...and the keys to the Z-3. Knock yourself out...oh...and would you mind telling Randi I won’t be able to make dinner tonight? I gotta go, hon. I’ll call you...bye, luv." She hung the phone up before Roger could utter further protest, slung her carry-on over her shoulder and got in line to board the L1011.

Roger was yelling into the phone before he realized Liz wasn’t there. "LIZ!! You can’t do this to me!! Shit! Randi’s going to have my hide.... Liz ?? Liz??...Damn you!!" He slammed the receiver back in the cradle and threw a fist into the pillow. He continued his rant, "Shit...shit...and double shit!! How could you do this to me!? I’ve got to tell Randi...oooh...I’d rather wear white after Labor Day." For a moment, he seriously contemplated hiding all this from the archeologist, but decided it would be worse on him to do so. He was, however, going to wait till he’d made some hot tea and had a shower. What difference would a few more hours make? His butt was still going to be in a sling...he might as well be clean for it.


The three forms entered through the glass front wall. Brie opened one green eye, yawned and repositioned her head between her paws, falling into blissful sleep again. Gabrielle was the first to state the obvious.

"I don’t think anyone’s here, Sam. It’s too quiet."

Sam was headed for the bedroom. "Maybe she’s still is Sunday you know." She entered the room and found nothing. "This isn’t right. Where could she be?" She called out to the livingroom, " find anything?"

The warrior yelled back, "If by ‘anything’ you mean Liz...the answer is no...not unless she’s hiding in the closet."

Sam joined the two, looking around the area. "I don’t believe Liz was ever in the closet, Xena." Gabrielle totally missed the true meaning of the exchange. "Well, maybe we should look just in case...."

Xena smiled, "Gabrielle...she’s not in the closet...figuratively or literally...I’ll explain it to you later. Right now, we’ve got a real problem on our hands. Sam, do you have any idea where she might have gone?"

"Not a clue, but she can’t be too far, the car keys are still here. So wherever she went, she walked..."

Gabrielle added, "That or got a ride with someone..."

Xena and Sam looked one another. That possibility hadn’t occurred to them. Sam’s heart began to race. "She’s right, Liz could be anywhere...we’ll never find her now." Xena tried to offer encouragement. "Oh...we’ll find her...even if I have to get Artemis to help. Their conjecture was interrupted by the sound of a key in the front door lock. Sam fully expected to see Liz stroll in.

The door flew open followed by Randi and Roger. She was in the throes of a bona fide snit. "I cannot believe she did this! And you knew this was on her mind? Why in blue blazes didn’t you tell me?" Randi had taken her coat off and was proceeding to go through the condo.

Roger closed the door, removed his coat and prepared to defend himself.

"Why!? Have you ever tried arguing with Liz once she’s made up her mind?"

Sam nodded, commenting to Xena, "See...I told you...the woman is very stubborn..."

Gabrielle opened her mouth, "See...just like yo...."

Xena glared at the bard, "Gabrielle!!"

Randi was in the bedroom now, looking for anything to tell them where exactly she’d gone. "Roger what the hell prompted this irrational decision?"

The boy took an even deeper breath, knowing he should tell Randi everything. "Uh...Randi...I need to tell you something else that happened."

The doctor stopped in mid-search, knowing this couldn’t be good. "Something else? You mean there’s more?"

" remember the other day when you were here?" He didn’t wait for a reply, " Well, I came over early and found the tub with a razor on her wrist...." He let the last part trail off and waited for the explosion...he even held on to the footboard of the bed for support.

Randi’s face went pale and she sat on the edge of the bed. "Omigod...Roger why didn’t you call me?" Her eyes were filling with tears. He sat next to her, placing an arm around her shoulders.

"Oh...I wanted to, but Liz asked me not to...not at that moment. Randi, she was so distraught...I didn’t know what to I didn’t call you. I’m sorry..."

Gabrielle watched the woman carefully. Sam was standing next to Xena, waiting. The bard was curious, "Sam, are Randi and Liz very close?"

"Oh...yes...they have know each other for a very long time...they were even lovers once long ago. I’d say Randi knows Liz even better than Roger."

"Hmmmm...she seems to be taking all this rather well." Gabrielle was closer to Randi, studying her features.

Sam cracked a smile; " think so? Trust me, she’s processing at the moment. I’d stand back if I were you."

Puzzled, the bard looked at Sam and Xena, "Huh?"

Roger patted Randi on the shoulder, trying to be comforting. What he should have done was get the hell out of her way. Randi took his hand off her shoulder and slammed it into his lap. "God.... Roger!! I didn’t think I could be more pissed at you know what ...I am!!" She stomped out of the bedroom, Roger trying to catch up.

"Listen...Randi...I’m stuck in the middle go ahead and yell all you want! It won’t change anything, ok? She did what she did...I did what I did...and now we have to find her. So can we hold off on my execution till all this is over? I’m tired of being the whipping boy! Hell...I don’t even have my whip thanks to Liz...and I’m still pissed over that."

Sam leaned toward Xena, "What did he mean by that?"

"’s a long story...Gabrielle can tell it to you later."

Randi wasn’t through. "Yeah...whatever. Now what exactly did Liz show you that night?"

Roger went to the filing cabinet and was flipping through the folders. "It was in a folder labeled ‘Canadian Rockies’...I know it was in here...I saw her pull it out." He was going through every file carefully. " it is..." He lifted the manila file out and handed it to Randi.

She opened the cover and held the file by either side, turning it upside down. "And I suppose when you saw it, there was information in it, right?"

Roger swallowed, "Uh...yeah...lots of stuff. There has to be another one..." He returned to the cabinet, feverishly thumbing the tabs. He saw the second folder, neatly labeled. "See...I told you..." He retrieved the folder and closed his eyes as he opened it. It was as empty as the first. "Damn!! She must have put the information somewhere else. She knew we’d be looking for it." He returned to the drawer. Randi went into the kitchen and pulled a beer from the fridge.

"Roger...give it up. It’s not here, trust me. " She took a long drink from the cold brew.

He wasn’t ready to toss the towel in just yet. "How do you know that?"

She rounded the island and plopped on the sofa, " Because...she knew we would come looking for it. It’s simple...Liz does not want us to know where she went."

"But we can’t give up...we could try the airlines...someone has to know..." He was beside himself.

"Roger, dear, listen to me. The airlines are not going to give out that information. We can’t even file a missing person’s report for 48 hours...and honey, Canada is verry big. Besides...Liz isn’t technically missing...she’s just hiding...not the same thing. Even if we knew what city she flew into, we’d never be able to locate her. I’m afraid we’ll have to sit on this one till she sees fit to call us." She turned up the bottle and added, "I’m not at all pleased with this, but Liz has the upper hand right now. It’s out of our grab a beer and we’ll chat about other things."

The boy sighed, slammed the filling drawer closed and took Randi’s advice. As he sat on the sofa, he offered a subject for discussion. "So...just how shall we punish her?"

Sam had moved to the front window, her arms wrapped tightly around herself. There was a faint smile on her lips. Xena and Gabrielle stood on either side of her, Gabrielle’s arm around her waist.

"Try not to worry, Sam, we’ll find her." She squeezed her for emphasis.

Sam’s voice was very calm; "Oh...I’m not worried. I know exactly where she went and what she’s going to do."


The flight to Calgary was non-stop and, for the most part, uneventful. Liz’s biggest decision was whether to sleep, write in her journal or listen to music. She wasn’t sleepy...exhausted, yes...but not sleepy...writing was even painful...too many emotions kept flowing through her to keep up with. Perhaps later she would write all this down. And the music...well, it had a torment all it’s own. She opted for staring out the window.

She peered out of the L1011. Even at 38,000 feet, it was apparent the landscape was covered in white. The snowfall had been unusually heavy this season. The forecasters were blaming El Nino and the split in the jet stream...bringing warm moist air to the southern part of the US and bitter Arctic cold to Canada and the northern states. The results had been devastating. It brought horrendous rain and flooding from California to the East Coast along with warmer than normal temperatures. The northern regions had already seen record snowfall and bitter cold. This was evidenced by the latest weather update for Calgary. Normally, the December temperatures stayed in the 8-29 degree F range. So far, the high had only been 5 above zero...harsh even by Canadian standards. Going into the Canadian Rockies during this time was truly foolish, but Liz had only one thing on her mind, and she would soon deal with the consequences of a foolish, hurting heart.

"This your first time to Canada, eh?" The passenger next to her was curious about this Yank.

Liz drew her attention from the window. "Uh...yes, it is. You live there then?"

The man had a pleasant way about him. He was probably in his mid-forties, graying slightly with a medium build. He’d been working non-stop on his laptop since leaving Atlanta. ‘A salesman’, Liz thought.

"Yes...just outside Calgary. Been in the States for a month now, promoting my software company. I’m ready to be home. Where you headed? " He had pale gray-green eyes and a very warm smile.

‘Hmmm...I was close...a salesman of sorts,’ she quietly mused. "My ultimate destination is Jasper National Park, but I’m going by Lake Louise then up toward Bow Pass through Baniff. You know the area?" She was always open for more information.

He closed the laptop, thankful for some more interesting conversation. "Oh...yeah...know it very well...beautiful places. Bow Pass is the highest driveable pass in all the Canadian Rockies national parks. At 6700 feet, it’s spectacular, when you can actually see."

"What do you mean by that? Is there some problem with going through there?" A slight twinge of anxiety sweep over her.

"Not normally, but the weather has been really bad...lots of snow...some avalanches over some of the roads. I have a friend who works for the parks, and she says it’s the worst she can remember. Some of the roads won’t be open till the spring thaw." He stopped for a moment, dredging up information. "I don’t think the Icefields Parkway is effected though, and that would be your route, correct?"

"Umm...I’m not real sure. I think I remember something about that from the travel agency. I’m sure the car rental folks will have a more detailed description and maps." She was almost sure they would.

The man held his hand out and introduced himself. "Oh...I’m sure they will. Name’s Jules...Jules Moore...nice to meet you...uh..."

She took his hand in a firm shake, "Liz...Liz Remington. So...uh...Jules...are you a native or transplant?"

"I guess I’m a transplant. My wife is fourth generation Canadian. I’m originally from Minnesota. Because I spend so much time in the States, I have duel citizenship. It can get kinda tricky some times...but I love living in Canada...and the Canadian people are wonderful. And we have the most impressive array of beer." He winked and a smile washed over his face.

Liz relaxed and returned his smile, "Oh...I think I remember something about that...and you say ‘eh’ alot."

He chuckled, "Oh...sure...that’s part of our charm. So, Liz, let me buy you a beer, eh?"

He flagged the flight attendant in first class. The pert woman stopped at their seats. "Yes, can I help you?"

Jules put forth his request. "My friend and I would like an ice cold beer. What choices do we have..." He peered at the polished brass nameplate, "...Michelle?"

She smiled at his polite gesture. She was used to passengers treating her like their personal slave. "Well...we have the usual American domestics. For European imports...Amstel, Beck’s, and Bass.’s gonna be Rickards Red or Blue Light."

Jules looked at Liz, "So...what’ll it be...wanna try something local?"

"Sure, what do you recommend?"

"Hmmm...depends on your mood. Rickards is a deep, red coloured brew...very thick on the tongue. Blue Light is more ... uh...refreshing...light and bubbly on your senses."

Liz thought for a moment, and made her decision, "I think the heartier of the two."

Jules nodded approval and turned to the waiting Michelle. "Make that two Reds, please."

The attendant smiled and disappeared into the forward galley, returning promptly with the brews and glasses.

Liz and Jules poured the thick beer into frosted of the perks of first class...but hardly worth an additional $400. The two toasted their individual agendas...Jules, to going home to his wife and family...Liz, to her date with destiny. If all went as planned, she would do the deed on Solstice Eve...under the clear, winter sky.

She tapped her glass with his, "Here’s to going home." He nodded and both took a long, cold drink.


The L1011 touched down in Calgary a little after 11am. Flying cross-country always amazed Liz. She had been on that plane for nearly five hours...and it was still early morning. That was good for she had a very long drive ahead of her. She would try not to think about the time difference, needing to focus on driving in a strange country...on roads covered with an automobile she would have to get used to.

Liz gathered her carry-on bag and her coat. Riding first class had some advantages; she could exit almost immediately. She bade Jules goodbye and stepped through the plane’s doorway. Even in the covered rampway, the low temperature was very noticeable, her breath visible and the cold knifing through her thin jeans. It was a welcome relief to enter the heated terminal. She really wasn’t much of a cold weather girl, preferring the warmth of the Keys.

Having moved through customs, Liz made her way to the Hertz counter. She had requested a sport utility for her stay and to navigate the snowy terrain. The agent was very efficient, something of a surprise. She took Liz’s reservation number and entered it on the keyboard.

"Yes...E. 1997 Jeep Cherokee 4WD. All ready for you Ms Remington. Take the Hertz shuttle to the lot and give the attendant this confirmation slip. He’ll get you on your way. Enjoy your stay."

Liz moved to the side as the agent helped the next person. Now all she had to do was go to baggage claim and then to the rental lot. All was proceeding well. With the duffel hiked over her shoulder, she moved toward the sign that read ‘Ground Transportation’ English and French. Mentally, she wished she’d taken French instead of Spanish in college. Fluently ordering a margarita in Spanish here wouldn’t be very impressive.

The auto doors opened to the outside and the full extent of the cold made its presence known. Although she had the down parka on, she had neglected to take the gloves out and she was without head covering. Her eyes were watering and her face literally hurt.

" I remember why I like Key West so much!" She was still mumbling as she climbed aboard the shuttle. There were six other people already on, each fully decked out in arctic gear. They looked at Liz like she was nuts walking around in nothing more than a light parka. Indeed, she felt kinda nuts. The shuttle lurched from its parking space, assisting Liz to her seat. The view from the bus windows revealed blowing and swirling snow. She could hardly see further than 50 feet in any direction. Silently, she hoped for better driving conditions away from the airport.

The shuttle pulled into the covered shelter, the doors swung open and once again the cold ran it’s icy fingers over her. Hurriedly, she grabbed the duffel and moved toward the interior of the building. There were several people in front of her, but she welcomed the time to warm up and to stop shivering. In a few moments, she was standing at the counter, sliding the confirmation slip to the agent. He entered the number and retrieved a packet.

Sliding the envelope to her, he recited the same line he’d been doing all day, inserting her name at the appropriate spot. "Here you go, Ms Remington, keys to the vehicle, rental agreement, roadside insurance documents and road maps. Remember to obey the posted speed limits, wear your seatbelt, and use the headlights at all times. We drive on the right...just like the States. Speed is noted in kilometers per hour and petrol is dispensed in liters, not gallons. You will return the car right here, under the canopy. Enjoy your stay." Without hesitating, he announced, "Next."

Liz moved toward the outer door, almost dreading the onslaught of biting air. The outside attendant looked like an animated cartoon. He or she, for Liz couldn’t discern gender, had on so many layers she was sure a trip to the restroom had to be planned well in advance of a pee crisis. He/she looked at her car number and pointed out the correct vehicle.

"’s that Cherokee right over there. It’s all fueled and ready to go. You know how to operate a 4 wheel drive?"

Liz was peering into the lot, "Uh-huh...yeah sure. Where did you say the car was? I don’t see it. "

The attendant laughed. "Oh, that’s because in this blowing snow it’s hard to see a white car. C’mon, I’ll walk you over." It waddled in front of her, making way to the still invisible car.

"Did you say...white car?" She was shaking her head.

They were almost on top of it before Liz saw it. The attendant opened the hatch and took her duffel, placing it behind the rear seat. He showed her the emergency road kit containing jumper cables, roadside flares, a Mylar thermal blanket, some waterproof matches and a hand shovel. She pulled her gloves from the duffel before closing the hatch.

Liz opened the driver’s door, threw her shoulder pack across to the passenger seat and climbed in. The attendant asked one more time if she was set.

" is there anything else you need?"

Liz looked through the windshield. " do I get out of here to highway One?"

"It’s easy...turn right out of the lot and follow the signs to the highway. You can’t miss it." He/she shut the door and hurried back to the safety of the canopy. Liz pulled her maps out and surveyed the cockpit of the Jeep.

As she prepared to pull out, she made an interesting observation. "Oh, yeah, easy for you. You’re not driving an invisible white car in a snowstorm. I know how Wonder Woman felt flying around in that plane of hers. how much insurance did I take out? Well at least it has a CD player." She pulled a disc from her case, slid it in and slowly pulled from the lot. Had she turned on the radio, she would have been advised of a major storm moving in from the east...the worst one of the season so far. The authorities were advising no traveling unless it was absolutely necessary. Liz turned up the music.

The Jeep made it’s way onto the airport frontage road. Visibility did seem better, much to Liz’s relief and she was able to clearly see the overhead signs indicating the various routes to the north, south, east and west. Maneuvering the vehicle over a lane, she made the transition onto highway one west, happy that she was finally on her way. The mileage to Lake Louise was approximately 114 miles. Traffic was moving at a brisk pace, even with the continuing snow. She estimated a driving time of about two hours.



Gabrielle was puzzled, "How do you know where she’s going?"

Sam’s face reflected a hint of sadness, "It’s something we talked about doing...well...we planned on doing for one another." She looked out the window again, lost in her thoughts...back to last winter during a surprise snowfall in Atlanta.


" throw that at me and we’re going to have a serious proble...." The words were cut short by a well-placed snowball to her backside...the projectile disintegrating upon impact.

Liz was bent over, hurriedly scooping snow into her gloved hands. "Problem? I don’t see a problem..." She raised her head to peer at Sam, the bright sun dancing in her eyes. "Say...y’know your eyes are really beautiful..." She took the opportunity to launch an underhand salvo toward her lover, catching her in the chest this time.

Sam brushed the compacted snow from her jacket, and prepared to return fire. "Ok, missy, I warned you. This is war!! " She expertly formed a ball and fired it at the blue eyed woman. The accuracy caught Liz offguard. It struck just at the top opening of her coat, exploding into mini-balls and finding an entrance inside the garment.

" you’ve done it. Prepare to be boarded! " Liz charged across the lawn, fending off thrown snowballs with her arms. She let loose the battle cry, "Aiiieeeee...take no prisoners!!"

Sam began scooping handfuls of snow toward the charging woman, shouting defiantly, " your dreams. I’ll never surrender...snow for everyone!! She was in mid scoop when Liz caught her around the waist, her head tucked down. Sam shoved the last of the white stuff down the back of her neck, resulting in Liz making a strident push toward a nearby snowbank.

Sam barely had time to hold on before the two made a soft landing in the pile, protesting all the way, "Liiizzzzzz...don’t you do ittttt...arrrrggggg..." With a tha-fumpthhh.... they were covered, head to toe, in resplendent white. Liz was fully on top of Sam and Sam was continuing to flail snowflakes in the air. The sun caught the ice particles as they took flight and reflected in a rainbow of colors, the absolute beauty of which was ignored by the women. Liz pushed herself up and sat across Sam, her arms shielding her face from the onslaught. Reaching down, she collected another handfull of the wet stuff. She held it aloft, giving Sam a chance to give in.

"Consider yourself do you surrender or not?" She was breathing hard, breath standing out in the air. Sam relaxed slightly, and peered through brilliant green eyes, her smile warming Liz’s heart. It was a tactical mistake on the dark haired woman’s part. Sam shifted beneath her captor, throwing Liz off balance just enough. She easily flipped her, and righted herself atop the now vanquished conqueror. It was her time to taunt.

"Uh...I believe the answer is not!’ She had the snow positioned above Liz’s head. "Now...about who’s surrendering...truce? I won’t hesitate to use this." She moved the snowball in a threatening manner. "I possess lethal snowball skills."

Liz dropped her hands to either side, and conceded, " win...I give..."

Sam tossed the dripping weapon to the side. "There...that didn’t hurt, did it?"

Liz sat up, grabbed and pushed her to the side, "Nope...not a bit..."

They rolled, tangled together to the bottom of the sloping yard, finally coming to rest against a large pine tree, laughing uncontrollably. It took a few minutes for them to catch their breath. Liz and Sam were eye to eye, their lips inches apart. Sam captured Liz’s mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. It mattered not that they in a stranger’s front yard, in plain view. The two parted slightly, Sam gazing into her lover’s face.

In a voice ever so soft, she said, " I love you, Liz."

Liz returned the gaze, " Sam, I’m very much in love with you. I want to be with you forever."

"Forever?" Sam queried.

"Yes...forever..." Liz was touching her face with her gloved hand.

"Then we should make it official... in a special place...a special time." She looked at the landscape. "I think someplace covered in snow and spectacularly beautiful...just you and me."

Liz pulled her close for another kiss, ""

Sam’s green eyes sparkled in the bright sunlight. She drew back from the warmth of Liz’s mouth, "I think on Christmas Eve."

Liz winked at the woman. "Oh...I think Solstice Eve would be better. Besides, you got to have your tree and those twinkles last year. I get to pick the day."

"Hmmm...I suppose I could give in...just this once." Sam’s words and a handful of snow hit Liz at the same time. Together, they rolled in the stranger’s yard, laughing like children.


"Well...where is it?" Gabrielle’s voice brought her back.

Sam turned toward the warrior and her bard. "We have to go to the Canadian"

"Rocky what? And what is a Canadian?" Gabrielle was getting an education in the geography of twentieth century Earth. Xena smiled and took her by the arm. "Just c’mon, I’ll explain on the way."

The trio prepared to leave the warmth of the room. Gabrielle was still a bit confused. "Xena? How is it you know these things and I don’t?"

Xena raised an eyebrow and started to speak. The bard knew what was coming and stopped her. "I swear by Zeus, if you say ‘I have many skills’, I’m going to start reciting that irritating Perdicus verse."

The warrior made a face. " asked...ewwww...I once knew a boy...."

"Xena! I’m warning you...I mean it now...stop it!"

The banter continued as the three faded from view.


Liz was pleased that the drive was going so well and she was making excellent time. It was still snowing but the road wasn’t bad. She had decided to refill the Jeep at Lake Louise just to have a full tank driving toward the pass, figuring the extra weight wouldn’t hurt. She pulled into the first gas station she came to. It was almost empty with only a few vans and campers at the pumps. She pulled her coat and gloves on before exiting the warm interior. Stepping outside was a shock. The temperature must have dropped twenty degrees in the last two hours and the wind was making it feel even colder. She opened the hatch and pulled out her heavy sweat pants and another sweater. The one thing she didn’t retrieve was her ski hat, thinking she really wouldn’t need that for a while. The pump shut off automatically and she topped the tank off. Hurriedly, she replaced the handle and trotted toward the inside of the station. This was one of those we sell gas and diapers kind of place. Before paying, she slipped into the restroom to don her sweats and take a pee break. Feeling warming and relieved she stepped back into the mini-mart.

On her way to the counter, Liz snagged some bottled water, a bag of Oreos and a Mounds bar. It wasn’t the soundest of choices, but she knew the Inn would have a late night buffet and she would eat then. She paid for the gas by credit card and sprinted back to the safety of the Jeep. It took a few minutes to get situated. She opened the water and the Oreos. She wanted to check the map before pulling out.

"Ok...where the hell am I?" She unfolded the map and traced her route so far. "Hmmm...I need to take highway 93 north out of Lake Louise. It’s about twenty five miles to Bow Pass then...." She moved the map toward the spotlight over the dash. The outside light had begun to fade and it was still early in the day. She should have paid attention to the dark snow clouds to the east. "...up the Icefields Parkway into Jasper...about a hundred eighteen miles. Piece of cake, I’ll be there well before nightfall...and I’ll have all day tomorrow to get ready. " Liz refolded the map in a configuration that left the remaining route exposed. It was a habit of hers. She cranked the Jeep and pulled back onto the highway. The wind had picked up significantly and she could feel buffeting against the car. A few miles out of Lake Louise she decided to turn on the radio, hoping for a local forecast. It took a few moments of scanning to get a clear station. This one was playing easy listening music. At the end of the play segment were some local ads for hunting lodges, snowmobile franchises and eateries. Finally, the weather announcer came on. His voice had that generic ‘ radio smoothness ‘ but with a bit of an accent.

"Today’s high was a balmy -13 degrees Celsius...that’s 8 degrees Fahrenheit for you Yank visitors, with the wind chill, an invigorating -50 Celsius. I’ll let you folks do the math for Fahrenheit. The Canadian Weather Service has issued severe travelers’ advisory for the higher elevations. That would be anything in the Rockies north of Vermilion Pass. There is a real danger of avalanches over the high mountain roads. It has been advised that travel be done only as a last resort till the storm passes. Visibility will be greatly decreased so if you’re on the road, drive slowly and leave a lot of room between you and the Canuck in front of you. We’ll have updates hourly, so stay tuned. Now back to the smooth sounds of Johnny Mercer...."

Liz’s grip on the wheel was a little tighter, her mind trying to rationalize continuing. She took the opportunity to scan the horizon, gazing up at the gathering storm clouds.

"Damn! Look at that...looks really bad." Liz loved talking to was often therapy...the sound of a sane voice...or at least one that wouldn’t argue with her. She was trying to remember where Vermilion Pass was and reached for the map. She held the folded square in one hand and the wheel in the other. Her eyes darted from the road to the map and back again. Finally, she saw Vermilion Pass. "Rats! It’s just up ahead...and the guy said passage north of there was going to be a bitch." She tossed the map into the passenger seat. "Well...bitch or not...I’m going. It’s just going to be a minor annoyance and take a little longer. It I drive slowly and use the four wheel drive I should be ok." She grabbed a CD and placed it into the player, cutting Johnny off in mid-croon. The taillights of the Jeep all but disappeared in the falling snow. She was well toward Bow Pass when it happened.

Liz hadn’t seen another car in over an hour and the light was almost gone. The road was becoming unrecognizable with the accumulated snow and driving becoming difficult. She began giving serious thought about her decision, but there was no way to go but forward. She hadn’t seen an exit in the last ten miles. In fact, she wasn’t quite sure where she was. With one hand she reached for the map, but it was just beyond her fingers. She then did the second most stupid thing in her life...the first being that bungee jump into the river...undoing her seat belt, she reached for the map.

" you, my pretty. Now lessee where the furk I am...." Liz righted herself and through the windshield, not twenty yards in front of the Jeep, was an adult moose standing in the road. Instinctively, Liz slammed on the brakes, which put the Jeep in a skid. She turned the wheel sharply to the right, trying to avoid hitting the animal. She barely missed the moose but impacted the unseen guardrail completely covered with snow. Her mind, in some demented, sadistic state dredged up that scene from Misery with James Caan’s car going off the road. She felt the Jeep tear through the low barrier, careening off the road. Her eyes watched the ground disappear. Even though it was airborne, Liz still gripped the wheel and had both her feet on the brake, neither of which mattered.

The Jeep seemed suspended for a’s descent in slow motion. For a fraction of a second, Liz thought maybe she could just fly the thing to safety. That fantasy vanished on first impact. The front end came down first, leaning to the right. Liz was thrown out of the seat toward the interior roof. The airbag deployed, almost pinning her there. It would have been safer if it had. The Jeep went into a wild spinning roll down the mountainside. The airbag deflated seconds after going off, leaving Liz to be tossed about the cabin like wet laundry in the dryer. On about the second full roll, she impacted the windshield and was knocked unconscious. Oddly, this may have saved her life. No longer able to struggle with the internal aerodynamics of the rolling car, she was flung about like a ragdoll. The result would be very similar to a drunk surviving a crash and his unlucky victims dying. Liz was just part of the debris flying about now.

The vehicle finally slid into a stand of trees near the bottom of the ravine. The impact was so violent; one of the larger conifers snapped and came down across the back of the Jeep, completely crushing the rear compartment. Immediately, silence filled the air. Nature had already begun covering the Jeep’s route, which was well out of sight of the roadway. There’s no way anyone would even know she was down here.

As the car lay on its side, a winter bird landed on the door handle. It turned its brightly colored head to peer inside. Liz lay crumpled in the passenger seat. It was a miracle that she didn’t end up compacted in the back. She was alive, but badly injured, and with the temperature falling and no rescue imminent...her chances were not very good. It was only by the sheerest chance that her parka had ended across her. The bird cleaned its beak on the doorframe and took flight. On the road, the moose snorted and lazily meandered toward the trees...none the worse for wear. Darkness was quickly would be Solstice Eve in a few hours.

Continued - Part 3

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