~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Five
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Six:

Constantia Xianthos spoke quietly to her housekeeper and friend Sarah. They had travelled from England to live on the island that she had vacated after being taken to safety by Adam Warriorson all those many years ago. “Sarah I hear from Lukas that Althea Spiros is now on the island. That can only mean trouble.” The words spoken in a strong clear voice, which defied the fact that the rest of the woman was confined to a wheelchair from a freak accident falling from a horse in Hyde Park. It had been a touch and go situation with her life. But the doctors had saved her, except now, she was paralysed from the waist down. Her upper body was constantly in pain. At least she had some mobility. ‘The curse of her family line-always accidents and death.’

“No, I hadn’t heard Consty. Perhaps it’s only a short visit for her mothers sake?” Sarah replied softly watching the blue eyes of her employer and friend take on a troubled look.

The woman had always been vital in her previous lifestyle. At first she hadn’t been sure about coming back to the island with her. It wasn’t what she would have thought Consty would enjoy. She had all her friends in England and Paris. But, she had taken the step to come back and live out the last of her life here on the island where she was born and apparently, where she wanted to finally rest.

Sarah had agreed, hoping that they would return to England once Consty grew tired of the small island. However, she hadn’t. Miraculously it had given her a new lease of life. Renovating her old family home back to it’s original opulence, then the involvement in the affairs of the people that had lived on the island for centuries, just as her family had previously. Now thirteen years later, the island was home for her as well!

“Perhaps. Fatama has been very quiet of late, as you know there was the American woman who inferred, she knew our family well and spent time with Fatama. That can only be a reference to Catherine, since there is no other family that would matter to Fatama.” Constantia replied, her mind turning to her niece for the first time in several months.

“Why not contact Catherine and find out if she knows who it could be? That might put your mind at rest.” Sarah knew how futile that question would be. Constantia and her niece Catherine Devonshire had not spoken since the younger woman had been imprisoned for drug trafficking over sixteen years ago. Even then, they hadn’t talked much in over twenty years anyway.

“No. I will have Lukas make more enquiries to determine if there is a problem. Catherine has a new life. She should be left to continue it without being told of my concerns.” Constantia responded her mind made up on the subject.

She had kept track of her niece originally through Adam Warriorson. But on his death, she had only the newspapers to advise her of her only nieces’ whereabouts and the situations she encountered. Those had been non-existent for several years after Adam and Lucas’s death. Then it had suddenly all fired up again and the last report had been that Catherine had married again, but this time to a woman! That had been a shock, but as with everything Catherine did, she was never the most conservative person alive. That particular trait had been from her fathers’ side of the family, she was sure of it! Elena had been a gentle soul. She had when Catherine was a child, considered her to be gentle as well. Catherine had shown it in many ways. However, upon the death of Elena and her fathers’ perceived betrayal of the family unit, Catherine had changed acutely.

Constantia had never been allowed to try and create a loving home for the young woman. Her brother had been different though. He was her sister’s son in everyway. Thank god, she had been able to salvage one of them, even though it had been such a short life. At least he had known love. Catherine had shied away from the emotion and in the end abandoned all hope of its’ existence in her life, even when she married Adam. Constantia hoped that her niece had finally allowed the sentiment to enter her life. For Catherine had such a wealth of love to give the world, she just had never known how to accept it in her life.

“I’ll go and fetch our afternoon tea…shall I?” Sarah knew the conversation had been closed. It was in the blue eyes that looked at her and silently agreed to her suggestion. Pity about the niece though, she didn’t even know that Consty was now wheelchair bound. Always a pity when families don’t get on. From what Sarah could recall of the niece, she had been very like Constantia, if only in the eyes and the stubborn nature.

Constantia watched the passing yachts from her vantage point on the hillside her home was perched on. The marble patio flooring having been specifically adapted for the wheelchair to allow her easy access to all the beautiful scenic views the house allowed.

It was strange that Catherine’s name should be mentioned today, for she had a dream last night that her niece was coming to see her. That it would be important for both of them in ways that she hadn’t seen in the dream, but her soul had acknowledged the message. Now, she just had to wait for the younger woman to have the dream also. She would, that was certain. The dreams given to the female Xianthos line never failed. The time for the confrontation was coming ever closer.

“Poor Adam. I think at the end, you rued the day you ever set foot on Xianspiros and met the Xianthos family. It was to heralded your death my friend, in so many ways.” Constantia reflected to the emptiness around her as she overlooking the sea as echoes of the past floated by. She pictured the very happy young English man, who had written poetry and a book whilst sitting on this very balcony. The book that was to start a new Xianthos empire…one that would touch the whole world, not just one corner of it!

Constantia smiled warmly at her friend as she wheeled in the tea trolley, a definite must after all those years in England, for it was very soothing to the nerves.


Catherine was upset!

Jace was upset!

The children were enthusiastic.

Faith was amazed. She was finally going to see one of the places she had always wanted to visit – London, England.

Catherine peered into her tea wondering if it would let her sink inside and drown. Okay, maybe that was drastic, but she felt like it. She had inadvertently dropped a big hint that they could all go with her to England. They would spend a month there, seeing the sights and have a holiday together.

Judy could come also, to ensure the children never lost out on the education programme. With Jake moving to the senior school next term, he wouldn’t be travelling with them except on school holidays. Judy had discussed the problem of keeping him out of school and disturbing his routine in school in the future. Only problem being, although she’d kind of mentioned it to Jace, her partner hadn’t agreed. She wanted to talk to her about it first…things just slipped out as they say.

Jace looked at the happy faces of everyone except hers and Catherine’s. Her partner had been happy, until she had said that it wasn’t that easy. They needed to discuss it before she agreed. Now it looked like she would be the bad person in all this if she didn’t agree. Catherine really did have a lot to answer for some days. But she hadn’t meant it any way, except in a good way. What can anyone say about that, she was Catherine and the woman’s heart had been in the right place.

“Hey, it isn’t going to change miraculously in front of you. Unless, you’re a magician of course?” Jace whispered tentatively, her voice only just within the hearing range of Catherine, who looked up surprised at her gentle tone.

Catherine gave her a wry smile and nodded her head at the comment. “Guess not. But sometimes it’s worth a try.”

“So, tell me, what did you hope it would do?” Jace asked and propped her chin on the hand that she rested on the table.

“I was hoping I could drown in it for being so stupid. I suppose I’ve fuc…sorry messed up again?” The voice asked very seriously and tiredly. It was finally getting to her how often she was making mistakes with this woman.

“Why?” Jace asked, her tone shocked and upset at the words.

“You didn’t appear to want to go.  I’ve mentioned it and we will both be in trouble if we don’t go now.” Catherine explained.

Jace reached over and turned Catherine’s face to hers and looked at her with a warm gaze, “No Catherine. If anyone is at fault this time, it’s me! Anyway, if you get to drown in the tea, that means I would have to reciprocate and drown in my coffee, for we are partners, right? I prefer to drink my coffee Catherine. I know that is what you would most certainly prefer to do with your tea. Give me a smile, please?”

Catherine did. Although it had difficulty reaching her eyes, because she still wasn’t sure if Jace was going to go with her. At least she tried to make the effort.

“Will that do?”

“It’s a start. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you smile. I’m afraid my love, it never quite managed that this time around. You want to try again for me, please?” Jace cajoled her as her fingers caressed the fine scars of her left cheek in a soothing motion.

Catherine wasn’t sure if it was the plea or the fingers touching her skin that convinced her. She smiled so much it dazzled Jace, who laughed at the sight and kissed Catherine in appreciation.

“I love you. We will work something out. Never fear.” Jace finally replied, her lips still tingling from the touch of the lips she could never resist.

“Same here partner.” Catherine responded indistinctly, looking at the grinning expressions from the rest of the room. “Okay, haven’t you seen people kiss before?” she chuckled and picked up her cold tea and grimaced at the taste, ‘how on earth did people drink ice cold tea?’

“Yeah, we see it everyday with you two.” Lisa piped in and was given a warning look for her cheek by Catherine.

“Great! That means if I did it again you would have nothing to stare at then, because you see it all the time right?” Catherine chipped in, turning to face Jace, who looked at her as the pink tinged her cheeks.

Lisa giggled and ran round and hugged Catherine, placing a kiss on her cheek, then did the same for Jace and went to pick up her sandwich box from Judy.

“Come on Jake, we will be late for the bus.” Lisa ambled off giving Faith a kiss and Judy a hug as she went out of the door.

Jake smiled at them all and was given his sandwich box also. He followed his sister. He was happy for he had great news for Ian. They could think about the same school again. Things were looking up, now he was really glad he had talked to Colin.

Faith was removing Elena from her high chair and placing her in the pushchair. This time everyday, the two of them would go walk around the paddock and stables and pretty much everywhere they could go that was accessible by wheels.

Catherine moved away from the kitchen table and pulled Jace along with her, “See you later ladies. I have a wife to convince going to England is a good idea,” smiling as Jace protested verbally, but her body willingly followed Catherine’s lead.

Once inside the study Catherine placed her arms around Jace and kissed her soundly. It was several minutes before they surfaced both breathing heavily. “Now explain to me please, why you can’t just say yes?”

Jace looked at her and frowned not wanting to break up the magic of the moment. “You won’t get angry will you Catherine, promise me?”

Catherine frowned herself at that remark. “Okay.” She replied and waited for the words that might bring about that reaction.

“Clarence wants me to go to a seminar and a workshop for a week and it’s the only one for the next twelve months and I said I’d go.” Jace admitted and felt Catherine’s arms that were holding her stiffen as she explained.

“A seminar? A Workshop? A week away? Were you going to tell me the day before, or would I have to guess when you didn’t come home one night?” Catherine couldn’t believe what she’d heard. This was unexpected and so not like Jace. Incredible and she didn’t want me to get angry?

“Catherine it’s not like that, let me explain.” Jace replied knowing that the woman before her was fuming inside and rightly so. She had been remiss in not mentioning it earlier. Hades, what did she do now?

“Explain? It is going to take a hell of an explanation Jace. But, please continue. I’m all ears.” Catherine’s voice laced with sarcasm.

Jace blew out a breath and the blonde hair on her forehead moved at the force of the air escaping. “Look Catherine, please sit and I’ll give complete details of what I’ve been doing, the plans we have and hopefully, you will understand.”

Catherine released her partner and sat down heavily in her chair at the desk and watched as Jace paced the room clearing up exactly what she’d been involved in and why it was important to her to continue it.


Constance kicked the edge of her desk in frustration and watched the light appear in the office as it turned six a.m.  She had arrived at work at four this morning. There had been no point in staying in bed. It had been so empty without Clare. Feeling sorry for herself, she had decided that coming into work was the solution. It hadn’t been at all, it was even worse! Constance wanted desperately to see Clare. She had called to say that she had arrived at her sisters and that she would call again at the weekend, assuming Constance was home! It had been a slight she knew. Clare had been right to say it, when had she been home for a full weekend since she’d returned to work? Never!

Looking out over the street below and the steady stream of traffic that was always on the street below, she contemplated what it was now going to be like without the intelligent and caring woman who simply meant the world to her. Could they salvage their relationship at all? With the way things were going in Xianthos, she highly doubted it. Not unless she gave up the job. Did she want to do that? If she did and they restarted the relationship, would she resent it?  Would she in the end resent Clare for making her decided between her career and her? But if she didn’t leave it…there would not be any Clare. Could she live with that also? Her heart said no. But her mind was struggling diligently to say yes!

Walking back over to her desk she took out the strong painkillers the doctor had prescribed when she had been in pain from the shooting injuries she had received. She decided that she needed something stronger than a headache tablet to take away the pain in her head now. She swallowed three of the pills, washing them down with a measure of whisky she had stored in the desk draw. Her senses telling her that she was doing the wrong thing, but her mind ignored it and used the fact that there wasn’t anything else readily available in the office to wash them down. It was a temporary measure. At least she might be in a position to function if she had one less pain, even if it was only the physical one.

Siting behind her desk, she contemplated the papers and lost herself in the new signings that the New York office had taken on.


Jace watched Catherine ride off on Tralargon. It was late afternoon and although they’d talked at length, she had managed by some miracle to calm her partner down, even though things had been a little strained to say the least. Now, all she could do was wait and see if Catherine had accepted her decision to stay behind and the rest of them go to England. After all, she was going to be away one of the four weeks anyway. There were lots of things she could occupy her mind with once they went away. The time would fly by.

Catherine had looked at her in a disconcerted way and shook her head, stating she needed to go out for a ride and would be back for dinner.

The door to the lounge opened and Jake walked in and came up behind her and asked gently, “Is everything okay Jace?”

Faith and Judy had been discussing the altercation of the couple and hadn’t realised that Jake had been on the porch and could hear everything they said.

Jace turned and gave him a bright smile. “Sure it is Jake. Why do you ask?”

The boy turned his hazel eyes to hers in concern and understanding and lifted his right eyebrow before he spoke. “I heard that you might not be coming with us to England, is it true?”

Jace looked at the boy, how very like Catherine he was in the mannerisms. She wanted nothing more than to hug him, but knowing Jake he wouldn’t like that at all.

“How did you hear that Jake?”

“I was on the porch and Faith and Judy were kind of speaking about things, I’m sorry Jace.” The boy looked down at his feet embarrassed that he had to admit to eavesdropping.

Jace shrugged her own shoulders and watched the gradually diminishing spot of her partner finally disappear over the hills. “No that’s okay Jake, actually you’re right. I’m not going with you. But you’re all going to have a wonderful time. Catherine will see to that you know.”

Jake looked up at her and saw the tears, which Jace could never keep entirely to herself. It hurt him this time around. “I know Catherine will make sure we have a good time. But who will help her to have a good time without you Jace?” Jake asked her solemnly.

“Oh, Jake please, you will all have a good time together.” Jace smiled through the tears that now descended.

“Catherine is only happy when she’s with you Jace. Can’t you come with us?” The boy asked reluctant to create more pain in the woman who had come between him and his heroine. Yet he loved her too. She was important to Catherine, therefore by default, she was important to him as well.

Jace turned to the boy, looked at him and she shook her head. “Not this time Jake, but believe me it will never happen again. This is the final time she goes away without me, that much I guarantee.” Jace responded, the words thick with the emotion she felt.

Jake nodded his head and then looked into the tear filled green ones. He suddenly put his arms around her and hugged her tight. “We love you Jace and will miss you when we go away.”

Jace was taken aback by the unexpected outburst by her son and she hugged him tightly to her and whispered in his ear. “Keep her safe for me Jake?”

“Always.” The boy answered and then even more surprisingly lifted his head and kissed her cheek, disengaged the contact and smiled at her shyly.

“Thanks. Why don’t you saddle up Rosy and catch up with Catherine? She is going to be at Cutters Ridge, if anywhere. Tell her…well just be with her Jake.” Her voice finally broke at the emotion as she averted her face to the patio window.

“Okay. I can do that Jace. See you at dinner. Oh, and I’ll tell her you love her.” The boy went out of the room and she was left with her own melancholy thoughts.

‘Yes, I love her. How I love her. Was anything easy in this family?’

Chapter Seven


“Well you look like you’ve won the bobby prize in a contest my friend. Care to enlighten me?” Grace breezed into Catherine’s study. It was the first time she had seen her friend since her return home two days previously.

“Whatever makes you say that Grace? Hell, am I glad to see you.” Catherine smiled genuinely at her and got up from her desk and went over to the smaller woman and hugged her tight.

Grace had seen the strain in her friends’ eyes and the pallor of her skin when she walked in the room. There was only one thing that created that maelstrom of emotion in her friend these days...it was a four-letter word called ‘Jace’.

“Well the feelings mutual Catherine and I have news for you.”

“Good news I hope?” Catherine released her friend smiling at the bubbly woman who had just lightened her load by being Grace.

“Yeah, definitely good news. How does being an aunt sound to you?” Grace chuckled at the expression on her face, “You know I could make a fortune with your looks Catherine.” Smiling she sat down on the sofa in the study and beckoned her friend to join her.

“Jesus, Grace that’s great news. How long?” Catherine sat down next to her friend and she put her own solemn thoughts out of her head as she contemplated Grace’s good announcement.

“Two months and everything is fine. Thanks for recommending the doctor Catherine. She was wonderful.” Grace took her friends hand and smiled at her.

“Ah well, that’s good. Now I know she might be able to help Jace and I in the future.” Catherine grinned at her friend. This was excellent news and she couldn’t wait for the baby to be born.

“What do you mean?” Grace gave her a puzzled look and waited.

“Well, don’t let it go any further Grace, but Jace wants another baby. And I’ve kind of agreed and soon we are going to look into it!” Catherine answered, her voice soft and bemused at the thought.

Grace saw the tender look that crossed her face at the thought. She knew whatever was bugging Catherine that involved Jace wouldn’t last. She felt that all the words had been said. Anyway, they had enough love to clear up the problem without someone else getting involved. “Hey, that’s great news. What are we going for a boy this time? He might be more like his mother than the little one we have now?” Grace chuckled and then laughed loudly at the look of consternation that Catherine gave at those words.

“What does Colin think about the news?” Catherine decided to move away from her own subject to her friend’s exciting announcement.

“What do you think Catherine?  The man is ecstatic. I swear he can’t do enough for me and I’ve only been home twenty-four hours. He thinks I need to rest all the time.” Grace chuckled as she recalled her husband’s reaction, it had made her cry and she didn’t often do that.

“Let him have the opportunity of pampering you Grace. Not only do you deserve it, but strange as it may seem he needs to do it as well. Or he won’t feel part of the wonderful prospect of the life you’re going to bring into the world.” Catherine words wistful.

“What makes you say that?” Grace asked the question. She really thought that Catherine wouldn’t answer her.

“Experience, simple as that Grace. Let me tell you this, I’ve experienced it from both sides. Believe me, the easiest is giving birth. Perhaps not at the time, but all the waiting, not knowing and not being able to stop the pain…that Grace is the hard part. So let Colin inside let him enjoy the whole experience of having your baby. I swear you will never regret it.” Catherine responded quietly, her mind travelling the distances between her birth of Lucas and Elena’s birth.

“Then my friend, I will take your advice and do so. Although you might get an irate Colin on your doorstep for the advice.” Grace smiled and clasped Catherine’s hand in hers as an acknowledgement of the sentiment.

“No, he will never ever be upset at having the opportunity of not only seeing the birth, but knowing that he had been part of it all the way through. Not just the conception, but also all of it Grace. He will never forget that miracle for the rest of his life, just as you will never forget the birth of your first child. It is an awesome experience.” Catherine smiled.

Grace knew that the woman was now twelve years in the past reliving the birth of her own child and strangely enough, Grace felt that all the ghosts regarding her son had suddenly been relinquished and laid to rest within this very complex woman.

“So, my friend what’s your newsflash?” Grace laughed at Catherine’s surprised look.

“We’re going to England. Well, all of us except Jace.”

“Tell me more, this sounds fascinating.” Grace quizzed, holding onto the hand that trembled beneath hers.


Grace stood at the bottom steps of the porch to the ranch house and watched the blonde as she gazed unseeingly over the fields. Catherine and the rest of the household had left that morning to begin the long expedition to England. It had been a busy early morning for the converted Landrover, which could hold fifteen passengers. It was now ready and waiting outside the main house to ferry the prized cargo of passengers to the local airport, then to the waiting private plane that would take them to Christchurch, then the private jet to England.

Colin had agreed, well no volunteered, or personally made sure no one else could volunteer on the ranch to drive the monster of a vehicle to the first port of call.

Grace had declined to go with them and said her goodbyes the previous evening. She wasn’t much of a morning person at the moment and considering rising before seven a.m. simply wasn’t something she cared to encounter right now.

Jace on the other hand had watched and participated in the activity of loading the vehicle with everyone’s possessions, even Blackie the dog was going.
As the time neared for them to depart from the ranch, Jace hugged all her children and wished them a safe journey and held onto Elena a little longer, until Faith gave her an understanding smile as she held out her arms for the toddler.  She smiled through the tears she so wanted to shed, but tried not to on this occasion.
Judy had followed Faith and was marshalling the older children to their seats on the vehicle.
Catherine had forgotten something from the study and gone along to retrieve it. Jace felt her presence as the tall woman came up behind her and stood silently waiting for Jace to turn to acknowledge her.
“Have you found everything you need?” Jace asked her voice catching with the unshed tears that still glistened in her eyes.
Catherine starred at her with mixture of disbelief and reluctant agreement. “Everything that is making the journey with me yes, but not everything I need!” her voice quietly asserted.
Jace gave her a troubled look from her expressive green eyes and finally let the tears track down her cheeks.
Catherine sucked in a deep agonised breath at the sight. “Come here.” Catherine dropped her leather suitcase and laptop computer onto the decking as she spoke and held out her arms.
Jace flew into the embrace and was literally crushed into Catherine’s chest. Neither wanting the separation, but both knowing that it was going to be the last time. A promise they had made to each other during the night. “I miss you already and you haven’t even left the ranch yet.” Jace said her words muffled in her confined position.
Catherine chuckled softly at the expression. Once again her tenderhearted lover had said the right words. “I miss you too Jace,” as she kissed the top of the blonde head.
“Will you call me everyday? That is if you can, not that I’ll mind if….” Jace trailed off as large loving familiar hands enclosed her face and brought it up for their eyes to lock.
“Everyday Jace. And my love, I hope you mind if I don’t call you, for I will not be happy unless I hear your voice everyday.  I don’t know about you?” Catherine quirked a playful smile at her partner and watched the return smile with satisfaction.
“I cannot envisage not hearing from you everyday darling. I love you so much!” Jace spoke with a voice filled with tender warmth and love.
Catherine looked closely at Jace’s face and committed every line, every expression into her memory. Not that it needed it, but she wanted to remember as she bent her head to capture a kiss from the trembling lips of her lover. “I love you too Jace. If I don’t get moving soon, one of our children is going to get upset or maybe all three of them.”
“Can’t have that now, can we Catherine? Lisa never lets you forget those things you know?” Jace chuckled and grinned at the guarded expression that came over her partner’s expression at the mention of the precocious child.
“No, I have to spend the next four weeks with her. And without you beside me, that could turn out to be less than beneficial to both of our tempers.” Catherine accepted the fact that she and Lisa did occasionally spark from each other and it could be interesting at times when that happened.
Jace reached up and kissed Catherine one last time. Then she picked up the briefcase and grimaced at the weight. “Hell, Jace they say it’s the paperless society, but I haven’t found that yet.” Catherine explained as she saw her partner wince at the weight.
Catherine retrieved her computer and hand in hand, they went to the vehicle.  The final passenger entered the vehicle and Jace handed her the suitcase and their hands touched, the fingers that entwined signified the feelings that each were feeling. Minutes later the vehicle moved off with all the passengers waving frantically at Jace, who reciprocated. But she was only looking at the ice blue eyes of one person before she finally averted her gaze because the vehicle had left her line of sight.

“Penny for them?” Grace asked softly from her position at the foot of the steps. It was one thing to be a friend, but quite another to be an aggravating friend when you needed to be alone.

Jace jumped in her chair as she heard the words. It had momentarily startled her. “Grace! I was miles away.” Jace smiled briefly at the woman who had become a very great friend in the three years that Catherine had been in her life.

“Yeah, well that’s understandable in the circumstances. Would you like some company for a little while?” Grace had told Colin that she planned on going over to see Jace and stay for a while, not knowing if the younger woman would want the company.

“Great, thanks Grace. What would we do without you? I was so damn lonely without them here, all of them!” Jace admitted and stood up and walked over to the porch steps as her friend mounted them.

“I know. When Catherine used to go away for her meetings to Sydney, the house was so empty without her. Yet, she didn’t say much then when she was in it.” Grace laughed at the memory. When did Catherine say much at any time?

“Grace, what was she like when she came home after the accident?” Jace sat down heavily in one of the wicker chairs as Grace followed suit next to her. They both looked out at the steadily growing darkness around them.

“She was still quite ill and needed lots of help, but that’s not what you want to know is it?” Grace was astute enough to realise that Jace wanted to know how Catherine had been feeling inside, not outwardly.

Jace grinned at her friend, “No, I want to know what she was feeling inside Grace. What she went through in her mind? And how she survived so well?”

Grace snorted at the comment. “Yeah, well Jace, she might have survived well, but I’m not sure how the kids and I did at times.” Grace laughed, her eyes teasing the blonde.

“Grace really.” Jace laughed with her knowing that Catherine wouldn’t have been the easiest person to live with at that time.

“I once told you Jace, that without the love you had shown her, she wouldn’t be here today. And that is the truth. Our Catherine would have died before she left Rio if it hadn’t been for the love you gave her. It literally triggered her love for the children and me as well! I’ve loved the woman as a good friend for years.  I never knew until after you left the first time exactly how she viewed me. Since then, we haven’t lost that rapport and never will. However, you created the environment my friend. Catherine was in a lot of pain Jace. But, it was a pain that the kids or I couldn’t salve. We didn’t have the means and yet that wasn’t true. I’ve always had the means, for I could have told you and had you visit earlier.” Grace responded, her mind drifting over numerous scenarios she had in her head at that time.

“Grace, don’t berate yourself. Catherine was too pig headed to listen. I believe how we ended up together was better for us both. We learned some hard, but necessary lessons Grace. The one we both remember was our love didn’t die, it didn’t really waver, it was young, naive and occasionally the young stumble. That’s what happened to our love Grace. We stumbled. That is all. When we both picked ourselves up, we found out the truth. We can’t live without the other, or exist until we see them again. That’s what happened Grace. We existed to see each other again. She wouldn’t have left me without seeing me one last time. I know that in my heart.” Jace responded in a soft voice that was hardly audible unless you listened carefully.

“Funny, I actually believe you, because as much as we tried to give her love and tried to help her, she was fighting some hard demons. She fought them alone, or so I though…except, she said something that makes sense now.” Grace became thoughtful as she spoke.

Jace lifted her head and watched the silent memories flood Grace.

“Catherine there is nothing in this world that I wouldn’t do for you. But you wont let me help you.” Grace impassioned the tall woman who was trying to pick up several small light items with her injured left arm. It was proving impossible and the frustration was brimming from her out of every pore.
“Look Grace I can do this. I will do this and if I can’t, I’ll give you the necessary instructions.” Catherine answered flatly.
“What instructions would they be?” Grace asked indulgently.
“Why I’d agree to see Jace, of course.” Catherine stated ghostly, her eyes on the objects.
“I don’t understand Catherine? Why is it important that you see her if you can’t do this, but wont see her if you can?” Grace was perplexed; it just didn’t make any sense.
“Well, that’s a good question Grace. It really is, however, if I can’t do this, I have no life. It’s over and that would be fitting.” Catherine answered obscurely.
“What do you mean over? Okay, so you might not have the use of your left arm, so what!” Grace said angered at the tall woman’s quiet acceptance of the situation.
“Over as in finished, my friend. I’d be nothing more than dead.” The melancholy statement hung in the air between them as Grace moved the objects closer.
“Fuck that Catherine! I don’t agree, and the kids definitely won’t. So get those damn bricks picked up and amazingly Catherine did pick up three of the bricks and each woman gave a sigh of relief for different reasons.

“Grace how about a coffee and we can talk about you and the baby and I’m sure by now you and Catherine have at least briefly mentioned the fact that I’d like another child.” Jace smiled at her friend as the brown eyes warmed and the grin returned her memories now back in storage.

“Sounds an excellent idea to me. You wouldn’t by any chance have some of those Belgium chocolates, would you Jace?” Grace laughed self-consciously.

“Not me my friend, but guess who does?” Jace laughed as they both moved towards the kitchen and the coffee.

Continued in Part 6

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