~ Haunting Shadows ~
J M Dragon
Part Four
© 2000 by J M Dragon
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:   See Part One

Part 4

Chapter Seven

Paul Strong had been given a tip-off that Hudson had dropped out of sight and she was up to no good, or at least no good for Xianthos or Catherine. He wasn't even sure if he was now a target he'd made it plain to Hudson that he instigated the court case that had cost her UCP and most of her personal fortune. Although knowing the devious nature of Hudson she would have hidden some of her accounts in other countries. Tapping his fingers on his desk in agitation he contemplated calling Catherine and warning her, but what was he to warn her about?

"Get me a private line to Constance Waverly in New York, Jenny." Paul asked his PA. She was turning out to be a rare find in this town, which was a compensation for him losing Celeste Johnson.

"Right Away," Jenny responded via the intercom.

Paul looked out over the smog building up in the town and wondered why he'd chosen such a place, when he could have literally lived anywhere else in the world. He smiled sheepishly at the thought 'Oh I know why I chose here, it was no contest really, wherever James lives will always be where I want to be, no contest, no contest at all.'

The phone rang and he answered, "Strong."

"Hi boss, what can I do for you?" Constance Waverly cheerfully asked.

"Hi Constance, how's it going in the big Apple?" He smiled as he thought of his New York VP and her permanently optimistic attitude.

"The big apple is doing just fine, all revenues are up and I'd say we are going to post a record year here." Suddenly realising that this was the man she had taken over from.

Paul laughed at the statement, nothing like putting the president in his place. "Excellent, always knew you were wasted in the old post. So have you received anymore information on the leak in the company?"

Paul heard some shuffling of papers and then Constance answered him. "Nothing concrete, but the closest we can get is that the leaks are coming from Europe." Constance's voice was very serious.

"So, is it Eduardo?"

"No, but I think it's someone who has access to the mainframe data network in a senior position or we have a hacker."

"Why don't you think its Eduardo?" Paul was interested in the woman's opinion.

"He asked me to check out a strange set of messages going through his European network, about three months ago. They appear to be from the same source that has retrieved confidential data from the corporate files. He wasn't sure who to trust, so he came to me."

"I see. The VP of America is taking on the mantle of second in command." Paul chuckled and paused in thought.

"You must have done a good job huh?" Constance smiled at her end of the line.

"Yeah, Catherine should be told, but she's got other things on her mind at the moment. We'd better keep a close eye out for the infiltrator and then see her with the information when we have something she can use." Paul considered the options available.

"Can I ask a personal question about our Chairwoman?" Constance tentatively asked Paul, who she knew, was also a close friend of Catherine Devonshire.

"Well, you can ask." Paul said cautiously, he wasn't worried about this woman in anyway but he knew Catherine wanted to keep what little private life she could relatively quiet these days.

"Is she involved with another woman?" There was silence at the other end that Constance couldn't decipher between surprise and annoyance.

"Is it any of your business, what she does with her personal life?" Paul finally said quietly.

"No, none at all. But when it comes to fighting dirty and I think someone is going to do that! Let's have at least some honesty up front." Constance replied.

"I don't think Catherine has much left to air in public do you?" Paul considered the question.

"Yeah, you could say that. Although it never implied she was batting for the same side now did it? Only that she didn't care much how she paid for her excesses." Constance pointed out.

"She has a girlfriend, if that's all you wanted to know." Paul finally decided that Catherine wouldn't care much if people knew anyway; she wasn't the type to be interested in how people speculated about her lifestyle.

"Thanks. Do we know her?" Constance knew that she was pushing it.

"No! Let's drop the subject, you might get to meet her if we have to report the situation to her directly." Paul considered the matter closed.

"Okay, but Catherine might want to know what's going on earlier, than wait until we have positive id on the person involved.  She possibly could beef up her security at the ranch." Constance said practically.

"I don't think she would thank us for worrying her unduly, anyway she added more security on the ranch when she went home six months ago." Paul reasonably validated her worries.

"If you think so, but......." Constance wasn't happy about this, and she was sure she would want to know if anything remotely threatening was going on. There again they didn't know that for sure, the only information taken had been the address of the ranch and all the personnel employed and details of the children that were being cared for there also!

"I'll take full responsibility Constance, so how's Gareth shaping up in Africa?" Paul smiled as he thought of the expression that would be on Constance's face about now, with the mention of the man who had taken over her VP status in Africa, there was definitely no love lost with those two.

"You really want me to answer that?" Constance said with a caustic laugh.

"Yeah, I'd like to hear it." Paul chuckled and they continued the conversation.

Hudson had all the information she needed to make the deal with the person who could take down Catherine Devonshire and her mistress Jace Bardley. It had been surprisingly easy to convince a powerful person in Xianthos to sell out their boss. Seems they had a hate of Catherine that was almost as devouring as her own. The information she had requested had flowed easily and with no apparent detection, or so her informant had indicated. Hudson had made sure that she wasn't directly involved in any of the information transfers as a precaution. She didn't want to have her hands dirtied at all by any of this. Her only contact had been two months ago, and that person was now so heavily involved in the situation that they wouldn't give her identity away unless they wanted a death sentence and she had threatened that, and been believed. Well, it was true, she would kill anyone who got in her way this time, anyone!

Jace looked over the paddock from the window of the bedroom she shared with Catherine, as the children had their usual Saturday morning practice session with Colin and the horses. Catherine had insisted that they practice though the winter too; it wasn't a pursuit for the fair weather minded it was an all season pastime. Catherine missed going for rides on Tralargon, although she went to talk to the mare twice a day and often spent an hour grooming her after Colin exercised her pride and joy. Jace placed her hands on her extended stomach that seemed to be enormous these days and with only three weeks left of the pregnancy she was becoming anxious too! 'What had Catherine implied that morning as she lay snuggled up on the tall woman's shoulder? Oh Yeah, she'd said that the sooner the baby was born the better, getting out of bed at three a.m. practically every morning to hunt out some delicacy that I craved, was really getting to her.' Jace chuckled as she recalled the expressions that ranged from tenderness, indulgence and annoyance, when the cravings became a normal occurrence in the last few weeks. 'But you're wonderful Catherine, because no matter what, you always manage to get what I need and god's knows how you do that!'

Jace gasped as the baby kicked her in the diaphragm 'this kid was a acrobat that's for sure.' Not hearing anyone come up close to her, Jace jumped slightly in surprise as large hands closed around her swollen belly gently.

"Hi beautiful." Catherine whispered into Jace's left ear and kissed her neck tenderly.

"Hi yourself, what have you been up to for the last hour?" Jace smiled happily as she felt the secure hold of her lover and positively glowed at the simple compliment she had been given. 'Catherine knew when to say the right words at the right time, especially now.'

"Ah, now wouldn't you like to know?" She answered mysteriously.

Turning in her arms she faced her taller companion, although her protruding belly didn't allow her to maintain the kind of contact she wanted. "Yes, I would," she replied softly.

"It's a surprise for the kids, a holiday of sorts." Catherine smiled her eyes never leaving Jace's face, even though it was only a shadow she saw in front of her.

"Where to?" Jace touched her hand to Catherine's left cheek that had only small scars crossing it, after her recent surgery. It still looked a little red but generally Catherine was fine and her recovery was even faster this time than on any of the other occasions.

"Well, I rang Grace, she's kind of homesick and I thought that the kids might like a change so I volunteered them to Auckland to stay with Grace and her family for a couple of weeks, when the baby is born. What do you think?" Catherine asked cautiously, wanting her lover's approval.

"You never mentioned that you were ringing Grace, I would have loved to have chatted with her, I miss her." Jace sounded disappointed.

Catherine looked down at Jace with a frown and a look of insecurity on her face. "I didn't mean to keep the call a secret, it was a spur of the moment thing. I never thought about you wanting to talk to her, I'm sorry."

Jace saw the insecurity in Catherine's features, she was so in control most of the time, Jace forgot that when it came to the emotional stuff, Catherine was a babe in the woods and could be hurt so easily. Grace leaving two weeks ago had proved that in a big way!

They had all been present when Grace had loaded her luggage into the jeep, it was the final event that made Catherine realise that Grace was leaving and for good!

Jake and Lisa had hugged Grace, tears had rolled down the girl's face and Jake had looked solemn and shuffled his feet constantly, a sure sign he was upset but wouldn't voice it.

Jace had cried with Grace the previous evening, Catherine had decided to go and talk to Colin and see Tralargon, thus leaving them alone with their tears. It had been a relief for both of them to let the pent up emotions go. Grace because she really was struggling to come to terms with leaving everything she had come to know and love in the past six years. Jace because Catherine was upset and refused to talk about it with either her or Grace, plus the fact Grace had been a good friend and had always been there for her no matter what. She could identify with Catherine's pain at seeing her friend leave and knowing that there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Now Grace had everything stored away and she smiled a watery smile at the children and Jace. Walking unsteadily over to Catherine who had planted herself on the bonnet of the jeep.

"I can't move the vehicle if you don't move Catherine." Grace flippantly said to her friend.

"Maybe that's why I'm here." Catherine said in a stilted voice.

Jace saw Grace look at Catherine in gentle understanding and nodded her head, knowing the woman couldn't see that. Taking the children by the hands, Jace walked over to the porch of the house and they sat down on the benches, giving the two women space to say goodbye.

"Are you happy with the replacement?" Grace said quietly.

"No!" Catherine replied petulantly.

"I see, Jace seems to like her and Doris will come over three times a week to help out too." Grace replied patiently.

"I don't want this Grace, I don't accept it either, and you know that! You're part of my family Grace, this is your home, come back to us." Catherine pleaded softly, a tear slipping from the corner of her right eye.

"I haven't gone yet Catherine! You know I love you right?" Grace finally managed to respond.

"Some love if you walk away from me!" Catherine huskily replied, a few more tears drifting down her cheeks.

"Okay, so we beg to differ on what's right for me about now, but in time you will see it differently, please accept my decision Catherine, I can't stand to see you so upset, it breaks my heart." Grace let out a sob and wiped an errant tear from her own eyes.

Suddenly Catherine moved to Grace's side and she pulled her into a tight hug and they both held each other as if for the last time. "Will you come back for holidays and to see the new baby?" Catherine finally managed to struggle the words out.

Grace moved away from the hug and smiled sadly at her friend, it had been an interesting six years, and she would never forget them ever! "Sure, you won't keep me away."

"Promise me, if ever you need anything you will call, and I mean anything got me?" Catherine was finally getting her composure together.

"Yeah, I promise, how can I deny you anything? From the day I met you, you've had such a profound effect on me I doubt anyone else will ever do so again in my life." Grace laughed softly and went towards her car door and opened it.

"Yeah, unfortunately people say that but they leave anyway!" Catherine responded.

"Well, some come back, Jace is a prime example of that." Grace offered as a parting gesture.

"In that case I'm going to hope you do the same." Catherine said positively.

Laughing softly Grace got into the driver's seat and started the engine. "Okay, I asked for that, take care Catherine."

"Take care yourself my friend and remember to drive carefully, I know how you like the speed and the thrill." Catherine said laconically.

"Hey, I've given that up remember." Grace laughed surprised at the final comment from Catherine.

"Tell that to people who don't know you like I do Grace, I know you're responsible for those tracks up the 'Crasidian' mountain. Behave my friend." Catherine turned away to the porch and her family; Grace was tooting her horn as she left them waving her departure.

Colin Montgomery was watching the departure from his lounge window, a lone tear tracked down his cheek as he saw her go, there really had been nothing left to say between them, not even goodbye in the end.

"Did Grace agree to having the kids for a couple of weeks?" Jace finally asked, her reminisces now in the background.

"Hell, she wanted me to send them today, never mind in a couple of weeks time. I told her to come home," Catherine said flatly.

"Oh Catherine, please love don't put on pressure this early. She needs to find her own way back you know that better than anyone." Jace compassionately replied.

"Yes I know you're right but......." Catherine trailed off, her face reflecting her pain.

"How about when the baby is born, we work on Grace to bring the kids back personally and maybe, just maybe we can persuade her to stay for a little while. How does that sound?" Jace put her hands to Catherine's face and brought it close to her own and kissed her gently.

"I think I love you Jace Bardley." Catherine smiled into the next kiss they shared and both laughed as the baby took that moment to kick Jace as they leaned together.

"Hey Jace, I think this child of yours is taking lessons from Jake and his soccer team." Catherine placed her hand on the belly and felt the movements of the baby.

"Oh no Catherine, I'm not taking all the blame, how about this child of ours?" Jace watched the flash of emotion on her lovers face and saw the silly smug look appear, it even reflected out of the near sightless eyes, which still managed to douse Jace in sensual overload, whenever they were sent in her direction.

"Whatever you say, whatever you say." Catherine said bemused.

"Now we have that point settled, what did you say about 'I think I love you' do you need convincing?" Jace whispered as she sought the full lips hovering close to hers.

"Convince me!" Catherine muttered her voice heavy with passion, she led Jace back towards the bed, cradling her gently as she lowered them both down onto the comfortable bedclothes.

"No problem, no problem at all," were the last words from Jace for some time.

Colin Montgomery had mixed feelings about Grace leaving. He hadn't been informed until the week before she left; that had only been because of the new housekeeper who arrived on the ranch to settle in prior to the hand over of responsibilities. He had been totally thrown at the news and when Catherine had casually informed him one evening when they were going over some details on the new horses; he couldn't answer her questions coherently for some minutes after this news finally sunk in. 'Grace-leaving'.

"Was it something I said?" Catherine turned to her foreman and inclined her head in question. 'It was hell when you couldn't see peoples expressions.'

"What?" Colin spluttered out, knowing he was being rude but couldn't help himself.

"Did I say something in our recent conversation to rattle you in some way?" Blunt to the point, why not.

"I wasn't aware that Grace was leaving, I guess it threw me," he finally managed.

"No you wouldn't, she wanted it kept low profile, and you know Grace." Catherine gave him an intent look. Not that she could see anything, but it always worked before.

"I thought I knew her, obviously not." Colin attempted to get his emotions in check his hands were shaking.

"Oh, I always thought you kind of liked her, in a big way too?" Catherine threw tact to the wind. She was fighting to keep her friend on the ranch and if it meant taking low pot shots at the man at the other side of her desk, she was the person to do it.

"I did," his voice barely audible.

"Did? I see, oh well fair weather love isn't good enough for Grace that's for sure." Catherine said sarcastically.

"How do you know what kind of love I have for Grace?" He snarled at her, fighting the urge to knock the smug look off her face.

"Ah, so it isn't did? It's still do? And you're too chicken to take a chance on finding out how she feels?" Catherine smiled briefly she could feel the negative vibes coming from the man close to her.

"Who you calling a coward in love, if it had been up to you, you would still be lonely without the woman you love at your side, how much of a chicken is that?" He caustically replied she might be his boss, but he was damned if this woman would give him lessons in love.

"Spot on actually, I had some good friends who decided they knew better, guess I listened for once." She replied calmly, although her heart rate had increased at the comments, she wasn't averse to slapping his face about now.

"Well, I can take care of my own love life thanks and if you hadn't noticed I'm seeing someone who does want to be with me!" Colin viciously attacked the statement from his boss.

"Oh, I'd noticed, hear she's a nice girl too. I hope you're happy, it takes a lot of guts to turn your back on the love of your life, I should know that, better than most." Catherine conceded the jibe at face value.

"Yeah, you should! I have to go, the horses need to be checked before I go to bed." He accepted the end of the pointless conversation.

"How's the nose by the way, still giving you any problems?" Catherine quickly tried to retrieve the situation with her foreman.

"No, it's okay. I can breath properly again and the doctor says the bone is back in line fine! Thanks for asking." He wasn't sure how sincere she was being, but he took it at face value.

"You're important to me Colin, just because we have differences of opinion doesn't mean it's the end of the world, quite the opposite usually." Catherine turned her back on him in dismissal. Sighing heavily she put her head on the pane of glass, her face a little heated over the discussion. 'Went too far again didn't you Catherine. One day I'm going to learn I guess, damage control was never my strong point, now creating the damage that is another thing altogether.' Lifting her head away from the window.

"I know, I'm glad Jace is staying and you found her again." He turned and left the room and the silently brooding woman.

Now sitting in his house looking at the retreating jeep, he realised just as everyone else did, that she was gone! 'It was a hell of a price to pay for pride.'

Judy Schmidt was trying to look the calm controlled housekeeper that everyone perceived her to be. Fortunately, the head of the household couldn't see anything so she wouldn't really be aware of any shortcomings. Her acceptance for the role had been a short interview with the previous housekeeper and a discussion with the 'friend' of the owner. Now she was here and it was the first morning breakfast she'd been involved with on her own. It was nerve wracking for her, she had not lied exactly over her qualifications for the job but did embroider it a little, well a lot really, but she needed the job.

The child Lisa sauntered in and was pulling a hand through her red hair, looking at the woman as she came close to her, she smiled at her and sat in her usual place. Everyone it seemed had a usual place at the long table.

The boy Jake came in closely following his sister, but no! Lisa wasn't his sister it was some sort of orphanage exchange programme, Grace had explained.

Colin Montgomery had declined breakfast this morning and said he would see Catherine later; there was some sort of breech on the fences where the new horses were exercising.

Jace Bradley walked with a heavy gait into the room, she looked tired, but she always had a cheerful air about her that endeared everyone to her; all that is, except the therapist who seemed to delight in sniping at the woman for some reason. Danni wasn't due for another hour or so; at least she couldn't give the young blonde indigestion, although the baby probably would.

Catherine Warriorson followed behind Jace; she had a confident air about her that defied the disability that had befallen her.  Everyone had read the stories about her from the tabloids almost a year ago, but little was known about the accident that had taken her sight and left her with facial and probably body scars. She'd been asked if she objected to working for Lesbians, and it was made clear that theirs was not a discreet relationship, in their own home at any rate. Although they never flaunted their sexuality, it was so comfortable in the house that it wasn't particularly noticeable once you lived there. She hadn't cared anyway she needed the job, who gave a damn who slept with who these days!

"Have you settled in Judy?" Jace asked her kindly, seeing the nervous look on the new recruit's face.

"Yes, thank you Ma'am. The room I have is very beautiful." Judy replied, giving Jace a small smile. Not noticing the way Jace cringed when she said the word Ma'am.

"Yeah, Grace loved to decorate all the rooms, Catherine gave her free reign, and didn't you love?" Jace teased her lover, who was patiently waiting for her mug of tea. 'I really must talk to Catherine about how people who work here address others, it's embarrassing.' She thought idly.

"Grace had free reign because she couldn't be controlled, just like someone else I know." Catherine turned her face towards Jace who was always seated to her right.

"Ah, now that's not entirely true Catherine, don't you go giving people ideas about me now." Jace chuckled and squeezed Catherine's hand.

"Me? How the bloody hell could I do that? You can manage it all on your own, you know that." Catherine chuckled happily.

Jace scowled at the expletive from Catherine. "Now Catherine, we've had the discussion about you swearing in front of thechildren. I think it's time you actually listened or I'm going to set both of them onto you in a big way." Jace said softly but with a serious ring to it.

"I'm sorry Jace, I forget sometimes. Lisa, Jake I'm sorry okay. Now don't go repeating me or I'm a dead woman?" Catherine spoke solemnly to the children who sat opposite her. 'God I wish she wouldn't undermine me when we're in a room with the kids and a stranger.' Catherine felt like a child herself when Jace did that; as it was, Jace was the only one who would ever be allowed to scold or correct her in that manor.

"Okay." They replied in unison, both laughing softly at Catherine's solemn expression.

Judy Schmidt watched the verbal banter across the table and visibly relaxed, maybe she wasn't going to fail after all, she had all the time in the world, no one would even notice her failings.

"Okay then Judy, let's get my children fed and watered so they can get to school." Catherine turned her head towards the new housekeeper and smiled briefly in her direction, a slight depression clouding her face.

Judy looked at the woman and realised that being blind didn't detract in anyway from the pure animal magnetism she exuded, wonder what she saw in the little blonde, however attractive; she certainly looked like she could do better. "No problem, it's all ready."

Constance Waverly asked her communications manager to join the discussion on the computer 'hacker'. She knew the woman who had been the PA to Paul Strong for over ten years could be trusted implicitly along with her PA Clare Fallon, who had proved to be a remarkable source of information in the short time she had been in charge of the New York operation.

Celeste Johnson walked into her old office and smiled at Clare. "How's it going?" She asked the young woman who was announcing her to her boss.

"Great! What about you?" Clare waited for the intercom to be switched on in the other office.

"Can't complain, are we in trouble in Comm?" Celeste knew that she wasn't, since she had taken over from the demoted previous manager, the profile of the role had increased in importance, primarily through her efforts.

"No! Whoever would take you on anyway, you were handpicked by the Chairwoman herself." Clare laughed as she recalled her first introduction to the owner of the company and it's unusual consequences.

"Ah, but didn't she recommend you also?" Celeste smiled and heard her name called from the connecting door.

"Hi, Ms Waverly, I got here as fast as I could." Celeste liked the new VP; she was straightforward and had the drive that reminded her of Catherine Warriorson before her family tragedy.

"Looks like it! Clare, I need you in here also. Ask someone to take all my calls and yours until we're finished." The VP replied as she headed back in her office with the Comm manager behind her.

"Sure thing." The young woman said breathlessly; this was a surprise.

Making the relevant calls she entered the office and noticed that Constance and Celeste had taken seats at the small conference table in the room, she seated herself at the left of Celeste opposite the Executive.

"Right, I'm not going to beat about the bush it's too important and I think you ladies can bring something to the table that others in the operation wouldn't." Constance said mysteriously.

"If you don't mind me asking why do you think that?" Celeste asked in surprise.

Clare watched as her boss took a few minutes to formulate a reply, something she did when it was important to get the correct message across immediately.

"You have both been handpicked by Catherine Warriorson to take over strategic roles in this company, obviously I had a say as did Mr Strong, but she felt that you would benefit from the challenge as she knew Xianthos would benefit from it also. She's a very astute woman, you came through for her, not only that, you have never commented except in the positive, when her personal life was dragged through the mud a while back. Unfortunately that cannot be said of everyone she employs, consequently we have a breach in the confidential computer information on Ms Devonshire, or more exactly the information regarding her current status in New Zealand." Constance watched the faces opposite her and saw the disbelief on her PA's face
and quiet understanding on the face of her Comm's manager.

"How can we help?" Celeste answered for the both of them Clare nodded her agreement to the statement.

"We need to set a trap for the 'hacker', I'm sure he will try again, it becomes almost an obsession I'm told once they feel they haven't been detected." Constance explained.

"How many times has the information been breached?" Clare asked.

"Too many as far as I'm concerned, but for the record three times, the earliest about three months ago, the most recent was two days ago! Strong doesn't want to involve Ms Devonshire unless he has something more credible to go to her with, but I'm not so sure! Anyway, for now I will accept his decision, but ladies we need to nail this bastard and fast; it could be crucial to Ms Devonshire and her family." Constance earnestly replied.

"Catherine would want to know. She won't thank anyone if something happened to her family or the people working for her on the ranch." Celeste said matter of factly.

"Yeah I know, but its still Paul's call at the moment, can you come up with a trap to catch the guy?" Constance questioned grimly.

"You think it's a guy? Why?" Clare said almost absently.

"Just a gut feeling and unfortunately for me, that's usually ninety-five percent right." Constance looked over the room almost embarrassed at the confession, it wasn't exactly a practical reason, must be those African roots of hers.

"Hmmm, well, I guess she does appear to have more male enemies than female, as the biggest pain in her rear is now almost destitute, so she shouldn't give too much trouble now." Celeste said wryly.

"Well, I don't know about that Celeste, she is so revengeful, don't go casting her out of the equation just yet; Ms Hudson can never be discounted while she's still alive and it wouldn't surprise me if she could reach Ms Devonshire from the grave to, if she had a mind too!" Constance smiled at the thought, but it wasn't exactly funny was it. "So, any ideas how we are going to crack this?"

Danni O'Neil made her way to the kitchen and Catherine, who was rarely ever late these days. She knew that her time on 'Destiny' was almost over and suspected that Catherine was going to broach that very subject sometime this week. Walking into the warm room she could smell the coffee percolating, which had to be for the token American, now that Grace had left. It wasn't that she hated the American, more she hated that she had Catherine wrapped round her little finger and Danni had realised shortly after her arrival two months ago that her chance to dazzle Catherine had been ground into the dust. Danni recalled a conversation she had with Grace shortly after meeting the American.

" Grace how come our token American wasn't here when Catherine was first injured, if she's such a good friend?" It was the conversation she'd tried to have with Catherine a few days before but that had been like talking to a clam.

Grace had looked at her in speculation; she'd seen the look before. " Catherine and Jace had a few problems some time back, but they are working them out."

"What sort of problems?" Danni could be persistent just like the American.

"Are you asking from a professional point of view or.........?" Grace gave her another veiled look from her brown eyes.

"I could say professional, but I guess you would see through that, how about from a concerned friend?" Danni smiled sweetly.

"Jace is a wonderful woman Danni, don't underestimate her! Catherine would toss you off the property physically herself if you attempted to come between her and Jace." Grace said seriously.

"Just a minute Grace,' holding up her hands in surrender, "I wouldn't do that honestly, well, only if I thought she was doing harm to Catherine, then I might be forgiven for involving myself. Come on now I could get terminated if there was any notion that I was involved with my patient other than professionally." Danni cautiously replied, as she knew Grace saw more than was good for her sometimes.

"You could end up that way, if you persist in getting involved in the why and wherefore of Catherine and Jace's relationship!"  Grace levelled her with a calm but steady stare.

"I'm lots of things Grace, but stupid isn't one of them, trust me on that one." Danni said knowing the futility of the situation.

"Pleased to hear it. But let me tell you, we are all stupid from time to time and usually we don't realise it until it's way beyond redemption." Grace offered one of her pearls of wisdom, or that's what Catherine called it when she teased Grace about her odd statements.

Looking at the new housekeeper, who was she judged to be around twenty-five and had the Arian look of her German ancestors, blonde hair and blue eyes, well Hitler wouldn't have booted her out of the country if he'd taken over the known world. Smiling at the seemingly relaxed stance of her patient, Catherine was leaning her elbows on the kitchen table and starring sightlessly into the depths of a large mug, which either held tea or the dregs of them. She appeared pre-occupied with something, it didn't look serious though, just speculative.

"Good morning folks, I see the snow has finally given us a wake up call this morning." Danni said cheerfully.

"Good morning Danni, it obviously isn't too bad, you're still on time." Catherine replied good-naturedly.

"Good morning." Judy said quietly and got back to cleaning away the morning's breakfast debris.

"Now Catherine behave, I can keep up with the weather here in the wilds, just you watch me." " Danni laughingly returned the ribbing.

"I will, before long you will have difficulty driving that piece of scrap you call a car out there." She drolly answered.

"I'm offended Catherine! If Max could hear what you called him he would be hurt." The therapist said with mock injury in her voice.

"You have a name for that piece of cr.....! That car?" Catherine turned her attention to her therapist, who they all affectionately called the 'Irish Spitfire' because of her volatile nature.

"Sure do, and he's done good for years." Danni said lightly.

"Exactly my point, years or is it decades?" Catherine's voice harsh.

"Whose yanked your chain this morning Catherine, you're being mean now." Danni placed a friendly hand on her shoulder.

Catherine looked up at the woman and could make out little other than she was bulkier than the other woman in the room with them. "No one. Okay, maybe they have a little, but I deserved it!" She offered as an aside.

"Now, how is it I get the feeling our token American has ruffled your feathers more than you want to admit?" Danni rarely got the chance to tease Catherine about her lover; any opportunity should always be exploited in her book.

Catherine gave her a withering look at the phrase Danni used for her lover 'token American', she never got involved in the skirmishes between the two of them, but she wasn't having Jace spoken about as if she was insignificant. "No, Jace was correct I suppose. Well, hadn't we better get started, I want to finish early today, I have a visit to town with Jace to go and see the doctor." Catherine got up from her chair and made her way towards the basement door.

"Right behind you Catherine, couldn't you call the doctor out to you, she's only a couple of weeks away now isn't she?"

"Three, but we want to go and pick up some stuff for the kids, they're going to see Grace in a couple of weeks." Catherine went down the stairs with the therapist following closely behind her.

Judy Schmidt had been eavesdropping and smiled as she heard that the kids were due to leave the house soon.

Continued In Part 5

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