“Are you going to carry any weapons in with you?” Katie asked as they headed up I95 to meet with Lieutenant Jarvis.


“Just my boot knives.  I have one in each boot.  I don’t think I’ll have to worry about weapons with you two out there loaded to the teeth,” the dark woman replied with a grin.  “Oh, and I’ve got one of those knock out pens in my back pocket.  Just for back up.”  She laughed as Katie told her that she really doubted she would need to use it, because they’d all fall over once they got a good look at her.


“Is that all?”  Katie grinned.  “No special earrings?”


“Nope.  They haven’t made them in turquoise yet.”  Dean laughed as she pulled into the parking lot for the Pentagon.  “There’s the van.”  She lifted her chin in the direction of the waiting van and headed in that direction, pulling up next to it.


As they pulled up, a tall dark-haired man in his late twenties stepped out and waved.  He was about the same height as Dean, maybe an inch taller, with a short brush cut, clean shaven, and astounding green eyes.  He was wearing black jeans and a black long sleeved T-shirt that did very little to hide the fact that he could probably be the next Mr. Universe.  He walked across to the SUV with a grace that defied his bulk and reached up to salute Dean.


“Evening, Colonel!”  The lieutenant saluted--even though the gesture wasn’t necessary-- and grinned, showing perfect white teeth in the parking lot lighting.


“Evening, Bill,” Dean returned, smiling warmly back at him.  “This is Special Agent Katie O’Malley.  Katie, First Lieutenant William Jarvis.  One of my best men.”  The pride in Dean’s voice was obvious.


“Nice to meet you, Lieutenant,” Katie replied and returned the smile in earnest.


“Just Bill will do on this op.”  He took her weapons case from her hand and walked over to the van with it.  “I know we talked on the phone yesterday, but you sure aren’t what I pictured in my mind.”


“Oh?  How’s that?” Katie asked curiously.


“Well, I figured you’d be as tall as the colonel here, and at least as mean looking.”  This he said with a chuckle that got a raised eyebrow and crooked smile from the aforementioned colonel.


Katie chuckled too before replying.  “Well, Bill, sometimes small packages can be very deceiving.”


“She’s got that right!”  Dean cut in.  “On my last case, she dumped me on my butt and had my throat blocked before I knew what hit me.”


“Whoa!  You’re telling me that this little wisp of woman got the best of you?” Bill scoffed, disbelieving.


“Yep.  So you’d better watch your step, big boy!” Dean responded with a nod and a grin before adding, “Besides, she’s not your type anyway.”


“Ohhh, meaning she’s your type?”  Bill grinned at his commander.


“Yeah, so make sure you keep her safe, got it?”


“Yes, Ma’am!” the young lieutenant beamed.


This conversation left Katie a bit confused, but obviously Dean’s admission to the young lieutenant was okay, or she wouldn’t have done it.  Just to be sure, Katie pulled Dean aside as Bill got into the van with the weapons case.


“Dean?  Something you want to tell me here?” the blonde questioned.


“Oh.  I forgot to tell you.  Bill’s one of us.  He’s a really good guy, and we watch out for each other.  His partner is a civilian computer consultant that works for the Pentagon.  They’re two of the nicest guys around.  We manage to get out once in a while when I’m in-between assignments.”  Dean looked apologetically at Katie.  “Sorry, I should have warned you.”


“Hey, no problem here, just nice to know I don’t have to watch my p’s and q’s.”  Katie gave Dean’s arm a squeeze as they both got into the van.


They pulled into the same convenience store they went to the last time they had the van out.  Katie jumped out to get a few ‘extras’ for the night ahead, while Dean and Bill stayed in the van.


“I gather you forgot to tell her about me,” Bill stated as they watched Katie enter the convenience store.


“Yeah, but she’s caught up now,” Dean said quietly.  “Just make sure she stays safe, okay?  I almost lost her last time.  I don’t want that to happen again.”


“No problem, Colonel.  We’ll make sure we keep each other safe and you too, in the process,” the big man replied seriously.


“Thanks, Lieutenant.  I knew I could count on you.”


They sat there in silence as they waited for Katie to return with a sack full of goodies to keep her hunger at bay for the entire night and then some.  When she put the sack down, Dean immediately pounced on the package of Ho Ho’s she spied sitting on the very top, daring the young woman to try to take them away. 


When they arrived at the warehouse, it was only 2245 hours, and the place was still deserted.  They pulled into the same parking lot and turned on the equipment to make sure everything was operational.  They did a quick scan with the TDSC unit for any possible warm bodies lurking inside.  The place was still empty.


“Hey, how are we going to pick you out from everyone else?  You don’t have that necklace on,” Katie inquired a bit apprehensively.  Dean smiled and pointed to a gem in her concho belt, indicating that she would show up on the screen as a nice blue dot.  Much relieved, Katie nodded her approval, then they finished going over the emergency signals.


“Right, Colonel.”  Bill repeated.  “You say ‘gringo ladrones’ and we’ll come in like gang busters.”


With that, they pulled out in the van and went ten blocks away from the warehouse to drop Dean off. 


“Are you sure you want us to leave you here?” Katie asked for what seemed to be the millionth time.


“Yeah, I’m sure!  Now get the van back before they start coming in,” Dean ordered.  “I’ll be fine, trust me!”


With that, Katie and Bill closed the van door and headed back to set up their surveillance before the warehouse workers started to arrive.  Dean watched them leave, before beginning a slow walk towards the warehouse, conscious of all the night sounds and shadows that lay in her path.

* * * * *


Despite the slow pace Dean set, it still only took her twenty minutes to make it back to the warehouse.  When she arrived, it was nearly 2345, and she found that some of the dockworkers were beginning to arrive.  She walked in the front entrance, casually looking around until she recognized Golding from the picture in his file.  Rather than go directly up to him, she began asking each man she saw if he was ‘Señor Golding.’  A few of the men hooted out catcalls, which she ignored, while some tried to see how far this beauty would let them go.  Dean took care of that easily.  The first one who tried to touch her found his hand grasped in a vice like grip that quickly told him the lady wasn’t here to play.  Finally, one of the men she asked, pointed Golding out to her.  She thanked him with a simple ‘gracias’ then walked over to him.  Golding had been watching her approach from the time she hit the front door to see how she carried herself, and to give himself time to let his instincts come into play.  By the time she walked up to him, he had decided that she certainly looked like she could handle herself well enough to do the job. 


“Señor Golding.  Soy Maria.  Estoy aquí Enrique.”


“So you’re Enrico’s cousin?” Golding looked at the tall woman nodding.


“Sí,” was her simple response.


“Do you speak English?  Habla ingles?” he asked, knowing that Enrico said she didn’t.


“No good,” Dean stammered out.


“Can you lift heavy boxes?” he asked, pointing at the boxes and making a lifting motion.


At first Dean made a face as if not understanding him, then when he made the lifting motion, she began nodding and repeating the lifting motion saying, “Ah, sí, puedo hacer el trabajo,” and smiled at him.


“Okay,” he nodded back, “follow me.”  Again, he made a motion with his hands for her to follow him.


Dean obediently followed Golding to the back of the warehouse, where he went up to the foreman and explained in a low voice that the woman was replacing Enrico for the night.  He told the guy that she couldn’t speak English, but seemed to catch on to hand signals pretty well.  He also warned the man that he shouldn’t try anything stupid with her, just get the shipment out on time. He walked over to Dean and pointed at the man and said, “Burt.”  Then he pointed at her and looked at Burt and said, “Maria,” as he left to return to the office at the front of the warehouse.


“So, cutie pie -- you’re here to load boxes are you?”  He looked around at the other dock workers and grunted.  “Well let’s see how strong you are, eh boys?”  Dean had anticipated that there would be some macho maneuvering, so she just looked at the man with a questioning look.


The foreman was of medium size and seemed to be solidly built.  He made his right biceps bulge and pointed at her.  Dean looked back thinking, Okay, let’s just get this bullshit out of the way, shall we?  She walked over to Burt, nodding her head and smiling, and touched his muscle saying, “Sí, fuerte!”  She quickly bent her knees, reached over to his safety back belt tucking her right hand under it to secure her grip, then reached up with her left hand, grabbing a handful of shirt to pull the man forward onto her shoulders.  When she felt him settle, she stood, lifting the man easily off the loading dock floor. 


“What the…!” he shouted as she lifted him up.   Dean walked over to shipping container that was being loaded and deposited him fairly gently on top of the first box, all to the cheers of the other dockworkers.  A very embarrassed Burt scrambled off the box and nodded, saying, “Yeah, yeah, fuerte!” 


Once the cheering stopped, Burt led Dean to the work table to give her a safety back belt and a pair of leather gloves. Then he took her over to the stack of boxes that were being transferred from the forklift to the shipping container, miming what her job was.


Dean nodded, put the safety equipment on, and began moving boxes, all the while tuning in to the conversations around her, and stealing looks around the warehouse for anything that looked different from the time she was here last. 

* * * * *


Katie and Bill were settled comfortably in the van, keeping a careful eye on the blue dot that danced back and forth on the screen, and tuning in to the conversations in and around the warehouse.  For some reason they kept picking up static from the office area. 


“Why can’t we tune in the office better?  I didn’t think there were any limitations to this equipment other than the shielding we encountered in the Catskills?” Katie asked Bill as she kept trying to home in on the signal.


“They’ve got an electrical blanket over the office throwing up interference to keep out unwanted listeners,” Bill said simply.  “We can filter the interference out at the lab, but that won’t help us here.  We’ve just got to keep taping and pull out the information later.”


“But what if Dean gets into the office and then uses the emergency signal.  We’ll never know.”  Katie was obviously worried about a worst-case scenario after her escapade in the Catskills.


“The colonel is very flexible.  She’ll adapt if we aren’t johnny on the spot,” Bill said, smiling at Katie.  “She’s got great instincts, Katie. She’ll be all right.  She’ll warn us first chance she gets.”


Katie outwardly appeared to be placated by Bill’s rhetoric, but inside she still worried over the possibility.


Sensing her discomfort, Bill decided to try another tack.  “So how’d you take the colonel down?”


“Excuse me?”  Katie asked, misunderstanding and blushing a bit.


“Sorry,” Bill said chuckling.  “I just wanted to know how you were able to knock her on her butt.”


“Ohh,” Katie blushed deeper, realizing her mistake, and went into the story on how they met on the mountain that fateful night.  Bill was obviously surprised at the level of skill the young woman had in hand-to-hand combat, and quickly asked if she’d mind showing him some moves.  He told her that he and the colonel worked out in the officers’ gym whenever they had the chance, and he was hoping some day to be able to do exactly what Katie had done.  Only so far, it was his butt on the mat.  As they amiably shared stories about Dean, they continued listening in, and watching Dean’s blue dot.

* * * * *


Dean worked for a solid two hours moving boxes without a rest stop, mentally tallying each box and the cargo it was supposed to hold.  The two other guys at her workstation started out trying to out-do her, but soon gave up and took a break.  Wusses, Dean mused to herself. Bet they haven’t worked a full eight hour shift since they started here.  Not wanting to put herself in an awkward position with her fellow workers, Dean did slow down, but refused to take a break until she definitely needed one.  At the three-hour mark, Dean stopped, stretched and began looking around the warehouse.  Finally, one of the guys she was working with, a short squat man named Fred, came over as she continued to look around.


“You lookin’ for somethin’, honey?” Fred asked in a fairly pleasant manner.


Dean just looked at him, then continued her visual search.  Fred tried again thinking that maybe she needed the ‘john’ so he tapped her on the shoulder and said, “bathroom?” to which Dean nodded vigorously, stating “Sí, sí, baño.”


“Follow me.”  Fred waved his hand for her to follow as he led her down the main aisle towards the front of the building.  He stopped a short distance from the main office and pointed her in the direction of the bathroom.


“Gracias,” Dean said to Fred as she walked into the small bathroom.  She really did not need to use the facilities, and once inside, she was glad she didn’t have to.  Why is it that these kinds of places never keep their restrooms clean?  And their choice of wallpaper always includes nudes!  Dean reviewed the wallpaper nudes to pass the time.  Ooo, that one’s cute.  Kinda looks like Katie, but with long hair!  She dallied a little longer before flushing the toilet.  As she exited, she noted that no one was in sight, so she purposely turned the wrong way and began walking through the maze of crates in a haphazard fashion back towards the loading dock.  Halfway back, she silently turned a corner and found two men standing by an open crate.  They had effectively removed the center boxes of ‘CheerieFlakes’ cereal creating a cavity within. 


“Okay, now slip it in carefully.  Roger will have a fit if this unit gets busted,” the one man said as he helped the other guy lift the bubble wrapped item.


“What is it this time?” the second man asked as he carefully slipped it into the cavity.


“Some kinda radar thingy -- it’s one of the last pieces he needs.  I just know Rog will have our heads if it gets busted, so be careful will ya!”  As the man turned to get better leverage on the package, he noticed Dean at the corner.  Hurrying to slip the package into place, he turned and yelled to her.


“Hey, you!”  He quickly walked towards Dean pointing at her.  Dean just played innocent, pointing at herself.  “Yeah, you!” he shouted as he came face to face with her.  “Where’d you come from?”


“Yo?”  Dean said, still maintaining the innocent look.


“Yo, you!  What’s your name?”


Dean just cocked her head at the man with a questioning look, making him even angrier. He grabbed her arm roughly and led her towards the office.  She put up a mild protest along the way repeating, “Qué he hecho?” and in a broken accent “no bad.”  When they arrived at the office, the man roughly pulled her in, startling Roger on the phone.


“What’s this?” Roger asked quickly before putting the phone down.  “What’s she done?”


“Ed and I were putting ‘the package’ away when I turned and saw this broad watching us,” he said quickly.  “You want me to take care of her?”


“Let’s see what she knows first,” Roger said.  “Call Jose, have him get over here quick.  Put her in the bathroom until he gets here.”

* * * * *


Out in the van, Katie and Bill stopped talking as they noted Dean’s blue dot moving towards the office area.


“Looks like she’s on the move,” Bill stated evenly.


“Yeah, nice touch, looking for the bathroom.”  Katie smirked.  “I’d like to have seen how she got that message across.”


They noted the area where she stood for a couple of minutes, then identified the sound of a toilet flushing.  “Okay, she’s moving again,” Bill commented.


“Yeah, but she’s not going back the same way she came.  She must have found an opportunity to do some snooping.”  Katie observed the blue dot zigzagging on the screen.


They watched as her dot stopped near two additional ethereal bodies on the monitor and tuned in the conversation.  “Uh oh,” Katie said quietly.  “Looks like she’s in a bit of trouble.  Should we go in now?”


“No, she hasn’t given the signal.  Let’s just keep an eye on her for now,” Bill said as the tension became visible in the posture of both watchers.

* * * * *


Ten minutes later, Jose showed up at the warehouse, and they brought ‘Maria’ back into the office.  Roger told Jose the questions to ask and then evaluated the responses, along with the dark woman’s posture as she was questioned.  After about fifteen minutes of this drill, he seemed satisfied that the woman was telling the truth, and was just disoriented after leaving the john.  He told Jose to take her back to the loading dock and to keep an eye on her, just in case. 


The next five hours went smoothly and by the end of the shift, all the shipping containers were loaded, locked and waiting on the flat bed trucks for their next destination.  At 0800 Monday morning, the workers lined up at the warehouse office and waited to receive their pay for the night’s work.  As Dean moved along the line, she caught snatches of comments from the workers that there was only one more shipment, and then they’d have to look for other work.  When her turn came to receive her pay, Roger told Jose to tell her that she would need to be back in one week if Enrico wasn’t back from Mexico.  Dean nodded her head in affirmation as she counted her cash smiling.  Well, you’re one cheap bastard.  Dean thought, as she counted one hundred bucks for eight hours of back-breaking work.  Not exactly what I’d call prime wages, Roger, but then you paid everyone else four hundred.  Trying to get away cheap with the immigrant help, eh?  Well, we’ll just take care of that next time.


Dean smiled at Jose, telling him to tell Senor Goldman that she’d be happy to work for him next week for such fine wages.  She left the building whistling a snappy Latin tune.  It took her fifteen minutes to backtrack through the alleys to the parking lot where the van was located and stealthy entered.  Inside the van, Lieutenant Jarvis and Katie were glued to the monitors watching the stationary blue dot on the screen.


“Wonder why she’s just standing there?”  Bill fine-tuned the audio.  “I can’t hear anything in that area at all.  Can you?” 


Katie shook her head and said, “Nope,” as she continued to stare at the screen. 


Dean put her head between the two agents and asked,  “Whatcha lookin’ at?” smiling as they came unglued at her presence in the van.


“What the fu…” Bill began    “Jeeezz…” Katie exclaimed at the same time    “How’d you… but, you’re still…” they both finished together.


“Nah, that’s not me.”  Dean continued smiling at the two flustered agents.  “That’s just the scanning chip from my belt.”  She pointed at the obvious hole in her concho belt.  “Just thought it would work as a temporary tracking device since we didn’t bring any with us.  I slipped it into the container carrying the ‘extra package’ in the CheerieFlakes cereal crate as a last minute idea.  It’s in the packing slip casing on the outside.  What do you think?”  Dean leaned on the back wall of the van, unable to stretch to her full height in the cramped space.


Bill was the first to reply.  “Guess it should work as long as we have access to a TDSC unit to track it.” 


Katie just nodded, since the technical capabilities of the Intelligence Section were outside her realm of expertise.


“Yeah.  I’ll call Tibbits now to put the satellite unit section on alert to track this shipment before it starts moving.”  Dean checked the GPS coordinates before she called in her request.  After a short chat with the sergeant major, Dean hung up and, with a dazzling smile asked, “Anyone up for breakfast?”

* * * * * * 



Chapter 7

1000 Hours, 30 October


After dropping off Lieutenant Jarvis, Dean and Katie went back to the house for a quick nap before returning to the Pentagon at 1800.  As soon as they opened the door to the house, they were greeted by three very annoyed felines.  Katie quickly fed her brood, medicated Sugar, and followed Dean to the bedroom.  Dean was just coming out of the shower, still dripping from the quick wash.


“Mmmm, you look good in that outfit, too,” Katie purred as she reached for a towel to help dry her partner off.  “Too bad I’m so wiped, or I might try to take advantage of your vulnerable situation here,” she said as her towel-covered hands slowly caressed Dean’s breasts.


“Who, me? Vulnerable?”  Dean’s eyes twinkled as she made a lightning-quick move, pulling Katie into a tight embrace.  The tall woman leaned down, placed her lips on the young blonde’s, and administered a soft, passionate kiss.  “Still too tired?” 


“Mmm, actually, yeah.  I’m afraid real life is interfering with my romantic life,” the blonde answered softly.  “Rain check?”


“Rain check,” Dean affirmed as she deftly picked the young woman up and carried her to the bed, gently putting her down.  She then removed Katie’s clothes and slipped her under the covers before returning to the bathroom to finish drying off.  By the time she returned to the bed, Katie was already asleep, so she quietly settled in next to her lover and entered Morpheus’s realm.

* * * * *


“Well, it’s been moving since 0900,” Lieutenant Jarvis commented, as he entered Dean’s office.  “Looks like it’s headed north.  Maybe they’re going to ship it out of New Jersey?”


“At least we’ll be able to track it.”  Katie looked over at Dean.  “Thanks to the colonel’s quick thinking.”


“Hmm?” Dean mumbled as she looked up from the current manual she was reading.


“The package is on the move.  Looks like it will be going out of a port somewhere north of here,” Lieutenant Jarvis reiterated.  “What’s got you so distracted?”


“I’m trying to figure out what that package was.  The guy said it was some kind of radar ‘thingy’, and I’m just trying to see if I can pinpoint it.”  She sighed as she put the manual down and stood to stretch.  “I’m not making much headway, though.  Any ideas?”


Bill picked up the manual Dean had just set down and began scanning.  “Phew!  This is some pretty technical stuff here.  What would a bunch of military misfits want with a radar set up?”


“Maybe they want to be able to set it up for defense of their headquarters, wherever that might be?” Katie offered.  “You know, like a warning system if anyone tried to enter a specific area.”


“Yeah, or maybe they have their own airfield, and they need it for air traffic control,” Bill chimed in.


“Or, maybe they just want to beat the speed traps,” Dean sighed.  “There are just so many uses for radar these days.  Unless we know what kind of set-up they’re working on, it’s just a crap shoot!”  Dean went back to her chair and sat down, beginning her rocking motion.  “Wish I could have gotten a better look at the package they were loading.”


The sound of the telephone ringing broke the silence in Dean’s office.  She reached over to pick up the offending instrument.  “Colonel Peterson,” she stated into the receiver.

“Yes.  Really?  That’s interesting.  Well, keep tracking it, okay?  And thanks.”  Dean looked at her two partners, brows knit together and stated, “The package is now headed west by train.  That’s certainly not the direction I was expecting.”


“West?  Wonder what’s going on here.  Maybe a circuitous route to make sure the shipment isn’t compromised?” Katie offered, considering the final destination site that they had suspected.


“Could be.  Why else go in the opposite direction of where it’s final destination is supposed to be?” Bill supposed agreeably.


“Well, the satellite surveillance section is still tracking it.  They’ll let us know of any changes.”  Dean looked at her watch.  “I don’t know about you two, but I’m ready for a change of scenery.  Anyone interested in a workout in the officers’ gym?

* * * * *


It took the trio about thirty minutes to get down to the gym after shutting down the computers in the office and filing the afternoon’s research.  Dean and Katie had brought workout clothes with them in anticipation of at least getting in a run before the sun went down.  Going to the gym was an even better idea.  Entering the women’s locker room, Dean led Katie to the attendant’s desk to get a locker assignment for her.  The women’s locker room was larger than she expected, brightly lit, and smelled better than any locker room she had ever been in. 


“So what kind of facilities do they have here?” Katie asked the attendant.


“Just about anything you’d need to keep in shape, except a pool,” the attendant replied.  “We’ve got all the high tech stuff, as well as the good old free weights, an indoor running track, and a couple of small gyms for hand-to-hand work, aerobic and step routines.” 


“Hey, not bad.”  Katie accepted her locker assignment slip, signed it, returning the attendant’s copy and keeping hers.  The attendant handed her a towel and asked her to review the rules on the reverse side of her assignment slip.  “Will do.”  Dean read her locker number from the slip and led Katie to the aisle where it was located.  It was only two aisles from Dean’s. 


“So, what do you want to do first?” Katie asked as she rounded the corner into Dean’s aisle.


“Well, I’m feeling a little stiff right now, so a little warm up on the free weights and a short jog, then maybe a workout with Bill on the mats,” Dean replied easily.


“Sounds good to me.  Bill asked me if I’d show him a few moves, so that’ll work out just fine.”


The women went to the weight room first, hitting the circuit along with several other men and women.  The weight stations were actually located in the middle of the oval indoor running track.  Whether the designers had intended the effect or not, the breeze caused by the runners and joggers kept the weight lifters cooled.  After completing their strength training, they joined the others on the modest track and worked on the aerobic portion of their program, with a warm up walk before breaking into a run. 


Calculating they had hit their target heart range for thirty minutes, they slowed to a walk once more to cool down before proceeding to the gym, where they had promised to meet Bill.  For the next two hours, they took turns working on defense and attack tactics. No matter who came at her, every round that Katie was in was won by her; and she graciously critiqued them regarding their techniques after each bout.  Finally, Dean and Bill decided to team up on the young woman for one final round.  Katie had anticipated this approach much earlier, so when they both attacked, she was ready for them.  Utilizing a combination of techniques from aikido, judo, Tang Soo Do, kung fu, and karate, Katie prevailed again, landing both would-be attackers on the mats several times.  Bouncing on the balls of her feet, Katie waited for them to rise and come at her again, but Bill and Dean finally remained down.  After catching her breath, Dean rolled her head over to look at Bill and said, “Well … that was fun!” earning a hearty chuckle from him.   Katie, the typical gracious winner, reached down to help them both up before taking a winner’s lap around the small gym making cheering crowd noises as she jogged.  “Yea… cheers…. Atta girl… roar…” Having maxed their endurance levels for the night, the trio headed to the locker room for well-deserved showers.

* * * * *


“Well at least we won’t have to work out when we get home,” Katie commented as the two women exited the officers’ locker room.  “In fact, we could probably skip tomorrow, too, after the workout we had tonight.” She added this afterthought hopefully.


“Don’t count on it, Katie.  That run up the stairs after Enrico made me realize how much I’ve gotten out of shape.  And our little exercise tonight reinforced that!” the older woman said with conviction as she met Katie’s best puppy dog look.  “And that little pout won’t help either.”


“So you’re saying that if you had beat me tonight, you wouldn’t consider yourself out of shape?” the blonde teased her older partner, giving her a gentle elbow in the ribs. 


“Oh, no, I’m saying I’m out of shape.  If I was in better condition, I’d have whupped your butt!”  Dean replied with a feral grin.  “Just give me a week, and we’ll go through that little exercise again.”


“Oooo.  Do I sense a little challenge here?” the blonde responded jovially.  “What say we make this a bit more interesting then.”


“What do you have in mind?”


“How about the loser has to give the winner a massage every night for a week?”  Katie smiled, raising and lowering her eyebrows in true Groucho Marx fashion.


“A week?”  Dean laughed.  “Guess you’re not very confident.  How about a month?”


“You’re on!” Katie quipped as she entered Dean’s office.  “You know what they say, ‘The bigger they are the harder they fall.’ But don’t worry, I’ll let you down gently.”


“We’ll see,” Dean answered with a grin of her own, knowing that even if she lost, she’d still win, since she enjoyed giving Katie a massage as much as receiving one.  “But right now, let’s see where our package is at the moment.”  Dean lifted the phone and called down to the satellite surveillance section.  She found that the package was just about to Chicago, and they would know in a few hours where the next stop would be.  Dean thanked them and said she’d contact them at 2300 for an update.  After checking the latest information on the other prime mercenary targets, they decided to call it a night, and headed home.

* * * * *


At 2245, Dean rolled over and turned on the lamp on her bedside table.  She punched in the number for the surveillance section and waited for someone to pick up.  After six rings, the phone was finally answered.  “This is Colonel Peterson.  What’s the location of my package now?”  Dean waited until the staff sergeant found her information and returned to the phone.  “It’s where?”  Dean’s voice boomed through the quiet bedroom, rousing the sleepy blonde who was still semi-wrapped around her waist.  “How the hell did it get there so fast?  Yeah, uh huh.  Well, can you pinpoint it exactly?  Then do it and get back to me immediately!”  Dean gave the staff sergeant her phone number then hung up the phone.  A heavy-eyed Katie opened one eye and peered at her frustrated partner.


“So, where’s it at?”  Katie was now sitting up on the bedside next to her partner.


“Would you believe Las Vegas?” Dean replied, shaking her head.  “Seems it took a plane there.  A commercial plane.  Not FedEx, or Airborne, or any of the normal shipping airlines, but a goddamned commercial jetliner!”


“The whole shipment?” Katie asked inquisitively as she began to knead at the knots she knew would be developing in her partner’s shoulders.


“I doubt it.  There were too many shipping canisters for that,” the tall woman said, still shaking her head in wonder.  “It must have been removed from the crate for some reason or another.  Maybe they’ve got to add it to another part or something.  Who knows?”


Dean threw the covers off and slid out of bed, grabbing her robe and putting it on as she stood.  Once out of bed, she began to walk around the room waiting for the phone to ring.  It only took three minutes for the return call, but in that time, you could almost see a path in the carpet from her constant pacing.  Grabbing the phone she muttered, “Peterson.  Yeah, got it.  Look, this is a priority.  Keep an eye on that blip and let me know immediately if it moves again.  No, just if it leaves Vegas!”  Hanging up the phone she looked at Katie and said, “Seems like it’s somewhere on the Strip.  That’s as close as they could get right now.  They have to wait for the next satellite to get into the right orbit before they can pinpoint it any further.”


“Any way a ground team could pinpoint it better?” Katie asked.


“That’s a great idea, Katie.  It’ll still be like finding a needle in a haystack, but at least we could get a better bearing on what’s going on with it.”  Dean smiled at her partner and sat back down on the bed next to Katie.  “We’ve got a team of new intelligence recruits going through training out in New Mexico.  We could get a team up to Vegas by daylight.  With the new hand held TDSC units, they could use this as a practical exercise.”  Dean reached for the phone and made a quick call to General Carlton, explaining the situation and the recommendation.  The general concurred that this could be a valuable training exercise for the recruits, and the addition of a seasoned field instructor was also a plus.  They agreed that the only information they needed at this point was the location and condition of the package.  General Carlton said she would issue the orders immediately.  ”Now we just have to wait and see what the team finds out.”  Dean sighed as she stood to take off her robe and slipped back under the covers.


“How long before we get a response?” Katie asked yawning.


“Probably within six to eight hours, depending on how long it will take them to track it without being noticed.”


“Well, then, we’d better get back to sleep,” the young woman suggested.  “Not much we can do for now.”


“Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” Dean stated as she turned off the light and slipped her hand out toward her lover’s body, finding her objective with exquisite precision.


“Mmmm.”  A soft moan escaped from Katie as she relaxed into Dean’s ministrations.  “You can always find something creative to do, can’t you.”


“You’ve got that right,” Dean mumbled as she burrowed under the covers towards her ultimate target.

* * * * *




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