Chapter 19.

Jessica finished hammering the roughly-cut board onto the solid frame and stepped back, breathing heavily. The front of her simple tunic was soaked with sweat, and the coarse material scratched her neck and chest. She wiped at her forehead with the back of her arm, knowing she looked like a mess and not minding in the slightest. A sharp ache had developed in her biceps from the hours of hard labor, but it was a satisfying discomfort. The young woman had tied her long hair back into a loose tail to stop it getting in her face, but a few damp, golden strands had pulled free. She flicked them away, patting them down absently as she surveyed the half-completed house in front of her.

Living in a castle with all the luxuries of nobility, Jessica had never actually seen much of the dwellings used by the common-folk. Of course, she knew they were simple structures, designed to be cheap and easy to build; in a land where an attack could come at any time, few things were built to be permanent. The house that Jessica was helping to build was replacing one that had been lost to fire just the other night; constructed from highly combustible materials, peasant houses were often destroyed during winter, when a kitchen fire could easily turn into a blazing inferno.

Consisting of a single room for living, a single room for sleeping, and another smaller room for cooking, Jessica couldn’t help but wonder how anyone could stand such cramped accommodations. She had always thought she could live without all the trappings of her noble blood . . . but realized now just how accustomed she had grown to living in the vast, secure castle of Da’Gran.

She knew the villagers here lived good lives. From stories Sir Miles had told her, some peasants in other vassals were treated by their lords as little more than slaves or playthings. The lands of Da’Gran were wealthy, and Jessica’s father made sure everyone under his protection benefited from that fact, never hoarding his riches away like many lords did. Sir Richard offered the services of his own men to assist his people when things got hard for them, doing all he could to make their lives a little bit easier. The people in the village had asked for aid to rebuild the destroyed house, and the volunteer’s had left Da’Gran that morning when the sun was still low on the horizon, led by Damon Cook.

Jessica had never been allowed to join such an expedition before; Lady Rose had always insisted her daughter stay away from such demeaning manual labor. But with the changes she had made to her life recently, Jessica figured her mother wouldn’t be able to stop her this time. And since Damon was in charge, she at least had a friend to keep her company.

Stepping back now to study the progress that had been made, Jessica smiled, feeling rather proud that she had played a part in the project. The house was about half-way to completion. It had taken most of the morning to build the frame-work, which was now raised and secured. Under the supervision of the village headman, the small army of volunteer’s from Da’Gran were now working on cutting and then nailing long, rough-edged boards to the structure. After that would come the thatching on the roof, and the house would be largely completed. The final touches would be done by the villagers themselves. The building was nothing fancy, but to Jessica’s eyes, it looked as majestic as the great fortress that was her home.

Hands on her hips, the young woman nodded to herself, pleased with her efforts. It was hard work. Even Jessica, who was extremely fit from endless hours of training, found the work exhausting. Exhausting, but very satisfying. It felt damn good to know that she was really helping the common people, to know that they could actually see her trying to make a difference.

Though she was dressed in the same manner as the other volunteers, Jessica had never entertained thoughts that she might be able to blend in. For starters, everyone else was a lot taller than she was, and with her long, flowing golden-blonde hair and delicate features, it was impossible to hide herself among the rugged, mostly bearded men. No woman in Da’Gran looked even remotely like she did . . . her nobility was stamped on her face clearly, and no amount of sweat and grime could hope to mask it. Even the giant Damon wasn’t getting as many stares as she was. Jessica knew the villagers standing nearby watching, and the ones who were working side by side with the soldiers, knew exactly who it was that walked among them. Thankfully, no-one seemed to recognise her from the night she’d spent at the tavern with Kaleah.

In truth, Jessica found all the awed attention rather amusing. The village headman who was given command of the men from the castle hadn’t known what to make of the situation, and had obviously been extremely nervous about ordering Sir Richard’s own daughter around. At first, he offered her small, token jobs, figuring such a delicate flower wouldn’t be willing to get her hands dirty with real work. As the day wore on, however, Jessica pitched in more and more, proving herself to be just as tough and hard a worker as any of the men. When she’d hit her thumb with a hammer and let loose a string of colorful curses, the headman realized he was mistaken in his thoughts of her. After that, Jessica was given more challenging, physical tasks which she threw herself into happily. Now, most of the villagers were accustomed to her presence and treated her no differently than the other soldiers . . . although they still seemed hesitant about getting too close to her.

The sound of a horse approaching drew the young woman’s attention from the house. Turning, Jessica smiled when she recognized Charles’ elegantly-appointed stead cantering toward her with graceful, considered strides. She waved as her friend drew the dark-brown gelding to a halt next to her.

"Morning, Charles," she greeted happily, before gesturing grandly towards the house. "What d’ya think?"

Charles tilted his head thoughtfully and surveyed the work. "Looks good. Not that I know much about building a house, of course, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to fall down anytime soon. That’s certainly a good start."

Jess grinned. "What brings you out here? Planning on getting off your horse and joining the fun?"

He grimaced and eyed her sweaty form with distaste. "I’d say you were enjoying the fun enough for both of us, Jess. No, I just came out to see how you were doing. Things were a bit dull at the castle." He looked around. "I see Kaleah decided not to come, huh?"

Jess flushed a little, the memory of last night still fresh in her mind. "No, she, uh, decided to stay back at Da’Gran. She had some work to do."


"Yeah. She’s working at the smithy all day, I think. Sutton asked for some help."

"From Kaleah?"

Jess shrugged. "Sure. She was trained as a weaponsmith by her last master. I don’t know one end of an anvil from the other, but to hear Sutton talk about her, you’d think she had steel in her veins instead of blood."

"Really?" Charles cocked an eyebrow. "I never pictured her doing something like that. Smith’s are usually so big and muscular . . . like Sutton, you know? Kaleah’s more . . . athletic."

"Yeah, she is, isn’t she. But you know, she’s also a lot stronger than she looks." Jessica tried to sound casual, telling herself not to think of how that ‘athletic’ body had pressed against her own last night. She almost succeeded.

Charles grinned and dismounted. "I’ve seen that." Stepping closer, he gave her a serious look for a moment. "So . . . you two are still okay then?"

Jessica raised an eyebrow at the question. "Of course we are." She shuffled a little, thinking of just how very okay they were. "Why would you ask that?"

He shrugged a little. "Well . . . it’s just that yesterday you seemed a little out of sorts, that’s all. I thought I felt some tension going on between the two of you." He smiled when she blushed and nervously glanced away. "What’s going on?"


"Uh huh." Charles’ put his hands on his hips sternly, but his tone became playful. "Then why are you turning such a lovely shade of crimson? You were doing that a lot yesterday, too, if I recall correctly."

Jessica stammered for an explanation for a few seconds, then looked up at her friend shyly. "She was, uh . . . she was . . . kinda . . flirting with me, that’s all."

Both Charles’ eyebrow’s shot up at that, and his mouth fell open a little. "She was what!?"

The young blonde shrugged. "She was flirting with me. Just since yesterday morning." Jessica turned away, wishing she could hide behind her hair like she usually did. She felt embarrassed talking about this stuff when she was still getting used to it herself.

Charles took her arm gently and turned her back to face him. "Hey . . . it’s okay. I knew you liked her. Isn’t this good news?"

She cocked her head. "Yeah, it is. It’s just . . . a little new, that’s all."

Charles tilted her face up gently, forcing her to meet his eyes. "You know you can talk to me about it, Jess. Just because we’re engaged doesn’t mean I don’t want you to be happy."

Jessica couldn’t help but grin at that. "Thanks." She chuckled shortly. "Frankly I’m surprised you didn’t spot it yesterday. She was being pretty damn obvious about it."

"Well . . . I just thought she was still shaken up about the attack, that’s all. I didn’t want to read anything into the way she was acting." He regarded her seriously a moment. He knew the young blonde had no experience in this kind of arena, and he also knew she was prone to idealism and romantic flights of fancy. He had to ask. "Are you sure she was really flirting with you? I mean, maybe you’re just seeing what you want to see."

She grinned fully, her eyes dancing in the sunlight. "Oh, I’m sure, alright. Believe me, Charles." She remembered the feel of Kaleah’s hands as they flitted tantalizingly close to her breasts, and was unable to repress a shiver at the memory. "We haven’t really talked about it too much yet, but she’s made her feelings very clear!"

Charles held her eyes a long moment, seeing the conviction there. "I see. So, you think this is going to be getting . . . serious, huh?"

Her eyes glinted with shy mischief and she smiled coyly. "I certainly hope so."

The young lord nodded slowly, considering this development gravely. "Well, if that happens – if she likes you the same as you like her – where does that leave us?" The question was asked very quietly and gently, and Jessica had to take a few seconds to think.

"I don’t really know," she admitted after a pause. "You . . . know how I feel-"

"And you know I feel the same way. You’re my friend, and I want you to be happy. If Kaleah’s the one you’ve been waiting for these last four years, than I’m glad you’ve finally found her. But we’ve both been trying to find some way to call off this wedding for a long time now . . ." He hesitated, but knew they’d have to deal with the problems this could cause sooner or later. "I don’t think the fact that you’ve fallen in love with another woman is going to be an acceptable excuse, Jess." he told her gently.

Jessica considered this, realizing she’d been so swept up in the glorious knowledge that her love was returned to even think about the ramifications. After a second, however, she shrugged. "I don’t care," she said, jutting her chin out stubbornly. "If people can’t deal with it, that’s their problem."

"And the treaty?"

"The treaty’s already firm. Let them ratify it some other way!"

"Jessica . . ." Charles put his hand on the young woman’s shoulder to calm her. His soft eyes locked with hers and refused to let go. "We both live our lives for the betterment of others . . . that’s what you’ve always told me, anyway. We have to make sacrifices-"

"I’m not giving this up, Charles!" Jessica snapped angrily, suppressing the urge to pull away when she felt the eyes of the villagers watching them with interest. With an effort, she calmed herself. "If they won’t accept that I’m in love with Kaleah, then we’ll just have to make up some other excuse." Her emerald eyes flashed defiantly. "I’ve sacrificed a lot already, and you know it!"

"You’ve been given a lot, too, Jess," Charles pointed out softly.

She nodded. "And every gift I was given was used to help others. I’ve taken little for myself, Charles . . . but I’m keeping this one thing, and nobody’s going to stop me!"

Charles had rarely seen Jessica look so fierce, and against the look in her flashing eyes he knew he had no recourse but to admit defeat. With a sigh, he turned away a little, running a hand through his wavy hair. "Fine," he conceded. "I guess we’ll think of something." He turned back to face her. "Is this . . . situation . . likely to get more serious any time soon?"

Jessica glared at him. "The ‘situation’, as you put it, could very well get more serious pretty damn soon if I have any choice in it!"

"Hey!" Charles raised his hands defensively. "I’m on your side, remember? But if you want to make everything work out without loosing a whole lot, you’re going to have to be a bit careful!"

The young blonde took a steadying breath. She didn’t like being angry, especially at Charles. Everything was so out of control, and it was a scary feeling for someone so accustomed to discipline and order. "I’m sorry," she apologized. "It’s just . . . I hadn’t even thought of all that stuff yet."

"I know, but you better start thinking about it soon." Charles lowered his voice and stepped closer. "Your mother already hates Kaleah – imagine if she finds out what’s really going on?" He saw that sink in when Jessica’s eyes darkened. "She’d crucify you both, and the Church would support her all the way, no matter how much everyone loves you."

Jess nodded slowly. "You’re right."

"That’s why you have to be careful. The people watch you a lot, Jessica, and they can’t help but watch Kaleah, too. A public display could mean a whole world of trouble for both of you."

"The Church could try her for treason . . . or even condemn her as a witch!" she thought out loud in growing horror.

"It’s not going to come to that. At least it won’t if you’re smart." He patted her reassuringly on the shoulder. "Just don’t let things get out of hand, Jess. Please?" She nodded. "We’ll think of some viable reason to call off the marriage . . . and then we’ll deal with everything else." A sudden shout from Damon ended the conversation, the huge warrior calling out to his lord to join him. Charles gave her a swift hug. "Be careful, okay?"

She sighed. "I will." They parted and she gave him a dour look. "I’m not saying I’m going to stop things from moving at all with Kaleah, because I can’t do that. But I’ll be sure to keep it in private."

Charles patted her shoulder and smiled teasingly. "Do you even know what you’re doing with her?"

She blushed a little, but her eyes sparkled. "I’m sure I’ll figure it out. And besides . . ." She winked saucily, ". . . I’ll bet she’d be happy to give me instructions if I get lost."

He laughed. "I daresay she will be." Damon called again, and he waved to him. "I’ll see you later, huh, Jess? We’ll talk more about this."


The young lord turned away, heading over to where Damon and most of the workers were gathered to eat a quick meal. Left alone again, Jessica stepped away from the house and considered these problems.

Having waited all her life to find true love, Jessica wasn’t prepared to loose it now that it had come along. And there was no doubt in her mind that Kaleah was the one she was meant to be with. She had felt it the moment they’d laid eyes on one another . . . although it had taken her a while to figure out the true meaning of those strange sensations and feelings that had been sparked by their meeting. All her life, Jess had never considered that falling in love would raise so many damned problems; she’d always kind of assumed it would work itself out.

Apparently, she mused, that wasn’t going to be the case.

The biggest problem, of course, was the fact that Kaleah was a woman. The Church condemned all such relationships – if her mother found out, the best Kaleah could hope for would be banishment. Then there was the fact that the former slave was a heathen savage. Jessica knew there were a lot of ways to sugar-coat that fact – Kaleah was noble and courageous and loyal – but when all was said and done, she couldn’t deny her own heritage. For Jessica, it wasn’t a problem; in fact, she found the savage, animal aura Kaleah radiated exciting, and rather sexy. But among the nobility, such qualities were scorned. It wasn’t likely that Jessica could ever openly reveal her relationship with the dark woman . . . but she didn’t mind that too much. The difficulty was going to be finding a way to get out of her betrothal to Charles.

In the last four years, she had connoted and discarded dozens of plans to achieve this, and Charles had done the same. So far, the best they’d been able to do was delay the actual wedding. But after four years, the ideas were running out, and it was growing clear that a permanent solution was required. But what?

Sighing, Jessica sat down on a thick log that was waiting to be cut into wooden boards and started idly tearing up pieces of bark. The grim realities of this whole affair were starting to sink in with Charles’ words. She felt the elation of last night and this morning dwindle, replaced by a niggling depression.

You can’t let it worry you, her mind advised. Kaleah loves you, and you said yourself that if you ever found out she felt that way, it wouldn’t matter what everyone else thinks. If you let a few problems stop you from enjoying one of the greatest experiences of your life, then you don’t deserve her love!

Jess scowled. She was just about to reply when she heard someone approaching. Looking up, expecting it to be Charles or Damon, she was a little surprised to find an elderly woman coming closer, carrying a wooden mug and a chunk of bread. Immediately, the young blonde let go her thoughts and smiled in welcome.

The old woman seemed hesitant about interrupting Jessica’s thoughts, but the smile gave her courage and she stepped nearer. "My Lady . . . I was thinking you might be likin’ somethin’ to eat." She held out the bread and cup shyly.

Jessica flashed her a dazzling grin. "Thank you. You’re most kind." She accepted the offering happily, only now remembering that she’d skipped breakfast that morning in favor of staying wrapped in the embrace of her still-sleeping bed-mate. There had been little time to talk once Kaleah did wake up, since Damon had summoned his volunteers early, impatient to get started on the work.

The peasant woman flushed a little. "It’s not much, I’m afraid, my Lady . . . but it’s freshly baked . . ."

"It’s fine. And you can call me Jessica, if you like." She bit into the bread hungrily, finding it soft and still warm from the oven. She chewed happily a moment, then turned her green eyes back to the woman. "What was your name?"

"Um . . . it’s Mary."

"Mary. What a lovely name."

The woman’s flush grew deeper with pleasure. "Thank you."

Jessica glanced over at the group of gathered workers, who were watching her curiously. "They seem a little nervous with me here, don’t they Mary?"

"Well . . . we don’t get too many young women like you turnin’ a hand to common work, my La . . " Jessica raised a brow, and the peasant blushed. ". . . Jessica."

Jess smiled and nodded. She didn’t like her noble title . . . it seemed to separate her from everyone else, and being alone so much, she had come to detest things that made her feel even more isolated like that. "I’m happy to be able to help."

The woman stepped closer shyly. "I-I’ve seen you a few times, you know," she said, "when you was . . riding out to some battle or other. And a few time when I went to the castle for the Spring festival. If I may say so, Lady Jessica, it’s a real honor to be able to meet you in person."

Jessica flashed her eyes at the woman and saw her smile almost on reflex. "Thank you. You’re very kind." She nodded to the other villagers and saw them all look away hastily. "They look at me as though I had a second head or something," she chuckled in amusement.

"They’re . . . just a little surprised, is all."

"Of what? Of the fact that Sir Richard’s daughter would get down in the mud with them and let herself be seen as a normal person?" She saw Mary flush and glance away. "I thought I had a reputation better than that."

"Aye, you do," the grey-haired old woman said hastily. "But . . . it’s one thing fer you to be off soldierin’ and the like. It’s quite another fer you to be workin’ right beside us."

Jessica tore another mouthful from the bread and chewed thoughtfully. "Well," she said when she’d swallowed, "maybe after today, you’ll be seeing me around here more often."

Mary smiled and nodded. "That’d be real nice, Lady Jessica. I’m sure we’d all like to see more of you than we gets to now." She bobbed her head. "Enjoy your lunch."

Jessica nodded. "Thank you, Mary. It was nice to meet you." She watched the woman return to her fellow peasants, shaking her head a little in amusement when several other women flocked about her, clearly asking excited questions. "Guess I know who’s gonna be the topic of conversation tonight around here," she chuckled, before returning her attention back to feeding her impatient stomach.


It was dusk, and the sun was vanished from the sky leaving behind only a last fading light by the time Jessica returned to the castle. She went immediately to the open shelter that made up the blacksmith’s workshop, her steps slowing and a smile forming on her lips when she made out the distinctive form of her dark-haired friend pounding away with measured blows at a red-hot length of blackened steel. Kaleah was wearing a light tunic and trousers covered by a protective leather apron, and her back was facing Jessica as she approached. Coming closer, the young blonde let her eyes run up and down Kaleah’s tall, slender figure, stopping to appreciate the rippling muscles across her sweat-slicked shoulders and back. With her midnight-black hair tied in a loose tail, every inch of glistening, bronzed skin was exposed, even the intricate lines of the strange tattoo which twisted with every flex. Jessica licked her lips unconsciously.

By God, she’s magnificent! Her eyes narrowed. And she’s all mine!

When she got close enough, Kaleah sensed her presence and turned around, a smile already on her face. "Hey," the dark woman greeted, thrusting the length of metal into a trough of water, where it hissed and let off a cloud of steam. Turning back to Jessica, she wiped her hands on her apron. "How’d it go with the building?"

"Fine. It was hard work, but I enjoyed it." She smiled at Kaleah’s face, which was dripping with sweat from the heat of the forges. "You look hot."

"Thanks." Kaleah’s eyes darkened and her smile took on an instantly seductive twist. "You’re not so bad yourself."

Jessica couldn’t help but blush. She’d let herself forget the true effect of those sparkling sapphire eyes when they turned on her in desire. "Thank you."

Kaleah grinned, pleased at the response. She turned away a second to dunk her head in the trough, letting the cool water take the edge off the heat in her skin. Surfacing, she shook herself, splattering Jessica.

"Hey!" The young blonde shielded her face from the water. "You’re getting me all wet!"

Kaleah waggled her eyebrows suggestively. "I didn’t hear you complaining about it last night." Her voice was very throaty, and it took Jess’ innocent mind a moment to realize what Kaleah meant. When she did, however, she flushed and glanced away.

"You . . . had a busy day, huh?" Jessica observed when she’d got her face to assume it’s normal coloring. She pointed to a rack of rough, still unfinished blades sitting off to the side. "Bet you’re tired."

"Yeah." Kaleah flexed her arms and shoulders, grimacing slightly. "Hard work."

"Doesn’t help when you don’t be takin’ a break, either," came a deep voice from behind the still-glowing forge pit. Sutton stepped out and nodded in greeting to Jessica. Then he glared good-naturedly at Kaleah. "Told ye to take a rest, girl. Ye’re gonna feel like you been run down by a wagon tomorrow, I promise ye that."

Jessica stared at Kaleah. "You’ve been doing this all day without a rest!? Kaleah, you must be exhausted! This is . . .You should . . ."

Kaleah shrugged and gave her a mischievous wink. "I guess I had a little extra energy to burn off after last night," she said. "That’s not my fault. And I did take several breaks, thank you, Sutton." She glared at the master smith. "They just weren’t very long ones, that’s all."

"Aye, maybe so," he allowed. "But I still don’t know how ye be lifting that hammer all day with those skinny arms a’ yours." He flexed his own fire-scarred, bulging muscles. "Got me enough trouble doing it with these."

Jessica grinned and poked Kaleah’s arm playfully. "Yeah. I couldn’t do this work for more than an hour before I’d collapse, and you’re not as strong as I am."

Kaleah shooed her away. "How can you possibly know that until you’ve tried it." She offered the hammer, but Jessica backed away. "Come on . . . give it a try. It’s fun."

"Uh uh. No way. I don’t consider getting hot and sweaty to be ‘fun’, unless I’m holding a sword."

"Oh really?" Kaleah’s voice grew low and husky, and she took a step closer. "I know a few extremely pleasurable activities that chiefly involve getting quite . . . hot and sweaty." Her smile was rakish as she arched an eyebrow. "I’d be happy to show you . . . if you’re interested . . ?"

Jessica swallowed, fearing for a moment her brain was going to just melt out of her ears under the heated assault of those dark gems. Eventually, she managed to get control of her rebellious voice. "Um . . . sh-sure." She cleared her throat and glanced at Sutton, reassured when she saw the huge smith inspecting some piece of rather dangerous looking equipment. Standing straighter, she managed to meet Kaleah’s gaze without faltering and smiled playfully. "Maybe we can discuss these . . . activities . . . later on tonight?"

"Maybe we could." Kaleah smiled seductively. "But if I recall correctly, you have a family dinner to go too right about now, don’t you?"

Jessica rolled her eyes and cursed herself for forgetting. "God, you’re right. I’m gonna be late if I don’t move it." She scowled, then gave Kaleah a hopeful look. "You wanna come keep me company?"

Kaleah shook her head, seeing the hopeful look turn to a disappointed pout. "Sorry . . . but I really want to finish up here first." Her voice raised. "Another hour or two and we’ll be done, right Sutton?"

"Aye, another hour should do it."


"But . . . can’t you put it off?" Green eyes pleaded soulfully in a look Kaleah knew the young woman had cultivated just for these situations. Still, she shook her head.

"If I get this done today, then I’ll have a lot of free time on my hands tomorrow." Her voice lowered again. "Free time I was thinking maybe we could fill in together . . ."

Jessica absorbed the meaning there and reluctantly dropped the pleading look. "Okay . . . I guess. So . . . I’ll see you back in my room when you’re done?"

"Sure. I’ll grab something to eat from the kitchen and be up there after that. But I think I should probably take a bath first." She scowled at her arms, which were covered in steaks of black grime . . . except her hands, which were protected by thick leather gloves. "I doubt you want me getting dust on everything." Kaleah didn’t miss the quickly masked expression of delighted interest that flitted across her friend’s face at the mention of a bath, and she smiled.

"Sure. I’d, uh . . . better be getting cleaned up myself before dinner. And Kaleah . . ." Jessica gave the dark woman a last enticing grin. ". . . You really do look hot."

Kaleah just rolled her eyes and watched Jess saunter off, her hips swaying a little more than was normal. She grinned.

"Hey!" Sutton’s voice called her back to the task at hand as he lefted a piece of red-hot steel from the forge fire. "You ready fer this?"

"Sure . . hand it here." Kaleah took the metal rod in her gloved hands and laid it on the solid surface of the anvil. While Sutton returned to the bellows, she lifted a heavy hammer and struck with rhythmic, practiced blows, further flattening the steel length and slowly tapering the end into a point. When the red glow faded, she thrust it back into the embers of the forge and waited for it to gather heat again.

As she worked, Kaleah’s mind drifted, lulled into a state of relaxation by the repetitive ringing of the hammer blows. Her lips bowed into a quiet smile as she considered the night that lay ahead . . . particularly, her thoughts focused on the bath she planned to take. Her smile grew wider even as her arms ached from the day of constant work.

Yeah, she thought idly as she formed the steel into the shape of a sword. A nice long bath . . . and maybe a massage to follow it. Her eyes glinted happily. I’m sure Jess’d enjoy that as much as I would!


Jessica’s heart skipped a beat in anticipation at the knock from the door to Kaleah’s room. She smiled when the door opened, admitting her tall, dark-haired friend. Kaleah closed the door behind her and smiled.

"How was dinner?"

Jess waved her hand in a ‘so-so’ motion. "Mixed bag, really. On the one hand, I had to listen to my mother’s snarky disapproval of what I was off doing today, as well as a few insinuations about the wedding. But on the other hand, she didn’t say anything about you, and my father said something about the number of bandits in the area dropping off. Apparently, the patrols are turning up nothing, so . . . maybe they all decided to move on."

"That’s good news." Kaleah hesitated a long moment, her eyes nervous. "Wh-what did you tell your mother . . . about the wedding?"

Jessica smiled, hearing more than idle curiosity in the question. "I told her what I usually tell her; that it’s not a good time right now. My father backed me up on that one . . . the treaty with Sir William’s making him a bit nervous, I think." Her verdant eyes held Kaleah’s. "Charles and I are trying to think of a way to end the betrothal more permanently."

Kaleah nodded slowly. "I see. So . . . does this mean that you and I can . . ." She trailed off, but Jessica read the question clearly enough.

"It sure does," she nodded. "But Charles reminded me that we should be a bit careful about things, you know?"

"Charles? Does he . . . know about . . ." Kaleah waved between them. ". . . this?"

"He asked me, so I told him," Jess said simply, watching her reaction carefully and hoping she didn’t mind. "We don’t keep secrets from each other . . . and besides, he figured most of it out all by himself when he first got here." She grinned. "I guess he’s just good at reading people."

"Yeah." Kaleah smiled to show she was okay with Charles knowing about them. "Well . . . I just finished eating and was looking forward to a good long soak after working so long." She held up a bundle of clean clothes she was holding. "I’ll be back in a while, okay?"

"Sure. Take your time. Relax." Jessica’s tone was carefully casual, but her eyes were lit from within by an unmistakable excitement. Kaleah grinned fully, her teeth flashing, before she retreated back into her own room, heading for the bathing chamber.

As soon as the door closed behind the dark woman, Jessica let her eyes drift shut as her imagination ran a quick but extremely heated picture show across her mind. Since yesterday, the young woman’s thoughts of being intimate with Kaleah had taken on a much more serious aspect. She already had a fairly good idea of how two women might make love just from reading so many stories on the subject . . . but now her young body was growing ever more eager to explore the full depth of this love that burned in her blood. When her eyes finally opened, Jessica’s attention went instantly to the secret entrance.

"You probably shouldn’t go and watch her," she told herself. Already she could feel arousal washing through her body, and she suspected Kaleah would only fan the flames of her desire when she returned. "If you see her getting all wet and naked in the bathing room, you’ll only make things worse for yourself."

Oh, come on! her mind mocked. How can you even think about not watching her!?! She got to see you topless last night, remember? Looking in the mirrors? If she gets to see you, it’s only fair you get to see her, right?

Jessica felt her breathing start to quicken, and her mouth grow dry. She swallowed. "It’s nothing you haven’t already seen," she argued. "Watching her now’ll just make you even more frustrated when she’s wrapped around you tonight."

Unless . . .


. . . Well . . . maybe when she gets back, she’ll want to do more than just talk, her mind suggested hopefully. She did say she’d like to show you . . . more, didn’t she?

"Yeeessss . . . but last night she didn’t sound like she wanted to move too fast."

Her mind considered that and sighed metaphorically. You’re right. It was silent a moment. Let’s face it, though . . . you’re going to be restless tonight whether you watch her or not. And you know how much you like to watch her, right?

Jessica smiled as her ever-helpful imagination provided a picture of Kaleah’s naked figure. "Yeah . . ."

So why not do it?

Jessica hesitated.

Okay, let me put it another way, her mind pressed. Would you prefer to watch her bathe and be done with it . . . or watch whatever your imagination can come up with later on? A few images of sweat-soaked, naked bodies twisting together in an erotic display flashed across her mind, and Jessica knew her rebellious senses had won.

"Fine . . . I’ll go." Heaving a sigh, she rolled off the bed and stepped quickly over to the fireplace where she opened the doorway to the passages beyond. "Just don’t bitch to me about all this later on tonight when you feel like you’ll burst into flames if she doesn’t touch you, okay?"

Her mind refused to agree to any such thing.


Chapter 20.

Kaleah stripped down quickly and waded out into the deeper parts of the great pool, letting the warm water ease the aches from her joints and muscles. With her senses on full alert, the dark woman knew she would be able to feel Jessica’s presence if it was there . . . but she didn’t feel anything. Ducking her head under the water a moment and slicking her long, sable hair back from her face, Kaleah felt a moment of disappointment.

Maybe she’s not coming, she worried. Maybe she doesn’t want to tempt herself. She must be getting pretty damned frustrated by now . . . could she have decided to avoid making it worse?

Kaleah puzzled on that a moment, then shook her head. No . . . the desire in Jessica’s eyes had been from anticipation. She would come to watch, no matter how much worse it would be for her. Taking the wash cloth she’d collected from the side-room, Kaleah began to slowly wash her arms and chest, every nerve alive as she waited.

It wasn’t long before a sudden delicious wave of awareness swept through Kaleah’s body, her senses screaming that someone was watching her. An instinct buried bone-deep recognized Jessica’s presence, and the former slave wondered for a moment how she’d not sensed the young woman’s voyeurism earlier. Probably because I was so busy trying to convince myself she didn’t like me that way, I guess.

Kaleah smiled to herself and turned a little so she half-faced the well-concealed peep-hole, setting her body to a better angle for her admirer. She could feel the heat of emerald eyes as they burned into her naked body . . . could feel them even as they moved up and down to take in every part of her. Unable to resist, she stepped into a shallower section of water, exposing herself down to the waist. With gentle, slow movements, she brought the wash-cloth up to her breasts and caressed them slowly, more interested in teasing the young woman watching her than in actually getting clean. Her nipples hardened under her attentive actions, and Kaleah groaned throatily at the pleasure that raced straight to her groin, lighting fires along the way.

For several minutes, the dark woman continued to slowly wash herself. Trying not to be too obvious, she made sure her young voyeur got the best possible view of all her activities. It was hard for Kaleah not to look directly at the peep-hole itself, but with new restraint she managed to avoid the temptation. It was amazing, but she could swear she could sense Jessica’s rising excitement . . . could tell exactly where the young woman’s eyes were fixed. Before long, the combination of her own caresses and the heated appraisal from beyond the wall took their inevitable toll on Kaleah’s body. Without really intending for it to happen, the dark woman had managed to work her body into a start of extreme arousal. Her breathing was growing shallow, her skin more sensitized. A pressure had built between her legs . . . and it started to pulse maddeningly, demanding satisfaction. When Kaleah moved the cloth down her body and ran it lightly over the apex of her thighs, the pleasure zinged through her center and caused her legs to almost buckle. Unable to resist, she stroked herself again, groaning deeply at the incredible sensations.

With an effort, the dark woman stopped and took a deep breath, trying to clear her head. It was no good. The build-up of the last few weeks – and particularly the last few days – was just too powerful, her need too great. Kaleah could never hope to quell the storm that raged within her. There was no way she could return to Jessica in this condition . . . and she knew there was only one way to deal with this situation.

She needed release . . . and she needed it now!

Considering the matter quickly, her body thrumming with excitement and anticipation as it sensed victory, Kaleah felt the emerald eyes boring into her and wondered how this might affect Jessica. Would she be disgusted? Kaleah grinned a little. Not likely.

This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when I said I’d be happy to show her some pleasurable activities, she thought, but it works well, just the same. In fact . . . this works very well indeed!

Kaleah grinned. She could satisfy her own raging desires . . . and bring Jessica to an even greater level of need at the same time.

Quickly pulling herself out of the water onto the central stone island in the middle of the pool, Kaleah found a smooth, polished area that would be perfect for her plan. The rock had been carved into a gentle, curving slope that Kaleah lay back into, letting the rock support her in a semi-reclined position. Checking her position, the former slave smiled, satisfied that her hidden admirer had an unobstructed, direct view of everything she was about to do.

Well, Jessica . . . I hope you’re ready for this! She grinned as her hands began to slowly slide up her taut, dripping body, teasing the edges of her ribcage with feathery touches. You’re about to get an education!

From the other side of the wall, Jessica watched with unblinking eyes and open mouth as Kaleah lay back on the island and began to run her hands along her bronzed skin. The young woman swallowed hard and stared as her dark friend finally cupped her own breasts and let her head fall back, eyes closed in obvious pleasure.

"What the hell is she doing?" Jess breathed, her eyes widening. She almost stopped breathing when Kaleah’s fingers sought out hardened nipples and began to pinch and roll them lightly. The young woman felt dizzy and her mouth went suddenly dry as all the moisture in her body headed south. When Kaleah’s legs drifted apart and exposed glistening pink folds to her heated appraisal, Jessica gasped as understanding dawned. "Sh-she’s not going to . . ." She struggled to get the thought to form properly, her mind unable to process the notion it wanted to. When Kaleah’s right hand slowly wandered down her tight stomach to between her own legs and gently began to stroke back and forth, Jessica thought for sure she was going to burst into flames right then and there. "She can’t . . . can she!?"

Her mind was too stunned by what was happening to give an answer, however. Awed, her senses reeling at the erotic vision unfolding in the next room, Jessica watched the show, unable and unwilling to tear herself away.

Kaleah sighed deeply as her fingers parted smooth, slippery folds and began to stroke gently. With her left hand, she continued to fondle her breasts while her fingertips slid with fluid ease along the length of her highly sensitized sex. Oh God, but she needed this! Never in her life had she felt this level of need . . . this strong an arousal! The fingers working between her legs were instantly soaked in the sweet juices that flowed from her desire, and with a groan she let them drift a little higher to find the hardened bundle of nerves that screamed for attention. At first contact, her hips thrust forward, desperately seeking greater pressure, but Kaleah forced herself to slow down. If she wasn’t careful, this would all be over too soon . . . and she wanted to give Jessica a good show!

With great restraint, Kaleah spread her legs wider and ran two fingers teasingly across her swollen clitoris, drawing out the pleasure slowly, determined to make it last. Her sex was dripping with true wetness as she dragged her fingernails through the neatly trimmed hairs above her most sensitive area, reveling in the delicious sparks that shot through her groin. Her left hand started to squeeze harder on the nipple it was tending to, and she groaned in ecstasy. Unable to resist any longer, she ran her flat palm down and pressed against herself, gasping for air at the tremendous pleasure. She could feel the burning emerald eyes of her unseen admirer following her every move, and the knowledge that she was being watched only served to heighten her arousal further. Her hips began thrusting against the pressure of her palm, and she slowly increased the pace until her need grew too strong. When she could stand it no longer, Kaleah finally drew back and, making absolutely certain her audience could see everything she was doing, she very slowly speared two fingers and pushed them into her molten depths.

Jessica watched, lightheaded and hardly breathing, as Kaleah penetrated herself. No story she had ever read had detailed the actions she was now witnessing. . . and even though a small part of her knew that she shouldn’t be spying on such a private moment, it was drowned out by the pulsing emanating from between her legs. Her breeches were soaked through with her arousal, and even just the pressure of the coarse material against her sensitive folds made her yearn for something more solid to grind against. Squeezing her legs together brought a sharp stab of blissful pleasure . . . but it couldn’t satisfy this fire, could only make her more aware of how great her need had become. Her brain was still frozen, lost somewhere as it struggled to comprehend the fact that she was watching her friend make love to herself.

Kaleah’s head shot forward as her fingers gradually pushed deeper, feeling her inner walls tighten in delight against the welcome invasion. What started as a slow, steady rhythm quickly sped up as her heart beat faster in her chest and her body thrust against her fingers. Gasping for breath, Kaleah’s left hand abandoned the breast it was working on to join it’s mate between her legs. With long-practiced ease, two fingers parted over her clit and started to stroke and lightly pinch the engorged nub. When she pushed a third finger into her dripping core, Kaleah’s hips bucked hard and she couldn’t suppress a slight scream of joy. Tears crept into her tightly shut eyes as her pace increased, bringing stars to her vision. She was rapidly loosing control.

"Oh, God . . . yesssss," she hissed as her fingers found a sensitive spot inside and pressed against it repeatedly on every thrust. The combined stimulation was bringing her to the peak faster than she might have liked, but there was nothing she could do to slow down. This had been building too long, and for a moment, the dark woman almost feared her rapidly approaching climax, wondering if she could survive its intensity. She had never experienced this level of pleasure – by her own hand, or any other. Just knowing that Jessica was watching her made everything seem so much more real . . . so much more fulfilling.

Her arms were getting cramped, but they continued to move at a blinding speed both inside and against her clit. Kaleah felt her legs shaking, but focused on the wave that was building to a crest inside her. "Yes! Oh, God, please . . ." Her inner walls began to spasm as her wrist strained to keep up the pace. It started slow, but as she thrust deeper still, orgasm ripped through her body in pulsing, blinding white waves of ecstasy, so strong she thought for sure they would tear her apart. "Jeess-i-caaaa!!!" The name burst from her throat, and a part of her dimly realized she was trying to share the intense feelings with the woman at the heart of their creation. Her fingers continued their movements, dragging out the climax for as long as possible as her essence flooded out of her, dripping down her wrist. Eventually, however, she slowed down and opened her eyes. Her chest rose and fell quickly, trying to draw needed air into her lungs. Breathing heavily, Kaleah collapsed back onto the slick rock surface and let the last few pulses wash over her.

After a moment, her strength returned and Kaleah smiled lazily. A pleasant lethargy settled over her body in the afterglow of pleasure, and she exhaled. "Wow!" Slowly, the dark woman drew her fingers from their wet, tight glove, her inner walls pulsing a little in memory, desire stirring again. Ignoring the temptation to just start the ride a second time, she brought her soaked hand up to her lips without thought. Licking absently at the sweet, tangy honey, Kaleah grinned when she realized what she was doing . . . and remembered her audience. Feeling Jessica’s eyes still fixed on her, she deliberately ran her tongue up her wrist, collecting the juices there before sucking seductively on each finger in turn, humming happily to herself.

I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did! She wondered what must be going on in her young friend’s head. Sighing as she swallowed the last of her flavor, contented for the moment, Kaleah closed her eyes and relaxed fully, just enjoying the warmth that filled her soul and the wonderful tingles that still ran up and down her body. She decided to wait a while before she finished washing up and returned to the bedroom. Jessica would probably need a little time to collect herself . . . and to deal with her own arousal. Kaleah smiled, feeling very pleased with herself.

Maybe it’s time we talked about this stuff seriously, huh Jess? She frowned, thinking for the first time of how this whole situation might affect her young friend and would-be lover. With her lust sated – at least for now – her mind was clear to comprehend some things she’d not considered before.

If Jessica wanted to be with her, Kaleah was more than happy to give her everything she wanted; but she didn’t want to young, innocent girl to rush into a situation like this without being fully aware of what the consequences of her actions might be. Jessica deserved to be treated right; if things went badly down the track, the young girl could easily be hurt. As Kaleah lay back and let her mind drift, she realized it was time for her to make sure the young woman fully understood what she was getting into . . . and to give her a way out, if she needed it.


On the other side of the wall, Jessica crouched with her legs locked in position, unable to move as she watched her friend recover. She had read enough about sex to know what had just happened . . . recognized her friend’s climax for what it was. Though the thick walls prevented her from hearing Kaleah’s cries, she recognized her own name as it was formed on the older woman’s lips just as her body was apparently overwhelmed by her self-induced pleasuring. Realizing that Kaleah’s thoughts were centered on her at such a moment made Jessica’s heart ache. When she saw the dark woman begin to lick herself clean, Jessica’s mouth hung open and she would have drooled in envy were it not for the fact that every drop of moisture in her body had congregated in a lower portion of her body. She had never seen such a display of sheer eroticism . . . and the effect of the vision on her inexperienced body was stunning. It took several minutes for her mind to start working again . . . and several more before she could finally tear herself away from the spy-hole.

Sitting back on very shaky legs, Jessica concentrated on just taking slow, deep breaths, trying to get the blood flowing back to her limbs again. The smell of her arousal was thick in the air, and she could feel that her undergarments were completely soaked through. Swallowing, the young blonde ran a trembling hand through her hair, trying to collect her thoughts.

"She just . . . made love to herself." Somehow, saying it out loud made the idea seem clearer, easier to grasp. "She just made love to herself . . . and she was thinking about me while she did it!"

Taking a quick peek back into the room, she saw that Kaleah had settled back against the rock and was apparently resting. It looked like she was going to stay there for a while. Reassured that she had time, Jessica struggled for a second but managed to get to her feet.

She’ll be coming back to your room when she recovers, her mind observed when it recovered a little. You’re going to have to get yourself cleaned up, or she’s gonna know something strange is going on just from the way you smell!

Carefully, with shaky steps, Jess made her way through the passage back towards her room, trusting long years of walking these paths not to get her lost as her memory replayed the images of Kaleah pleasuring herself. She was still in shock, her mind fuzzy and dazed, but she navigated her way back to her room as quickly as she could.

Once back in the familiar, candle-lit warmth, Jessica turned her mind to setting things right so Kaleah wouldn’t suspect what had happened. Stripping out of her trousers and underwear, noting with a deep blush that her essence had soaked both articles of clothing, she hid them behind a large bookshelf in the back of the room. "Clean those tomorrow," she told herself sternly.

Next, Jessica filled a wide bowl with water from a pitcher and found a clean rag. Wetting the rag, she ran it between her legs, gasping when the cool contact brought an instant rush of pure pleasure to her heated center. Curious, the image of Kaleah’s somewhat frenzied activities still in mind, Jessica used the cloth to gently clean away the dew that slicked her inner thighs. When she applied cautious pressure to her swollen sex, her eyes shot wide open in amazement at the sensations the touch produced. She felt the urge to press more firmly against herself, but, remembering a few of the things her mother had told her about a woman’s ‘first time’, she reluctantly backed away. Still extremely sensitive, Jessica dried herself off as best she could and washed her hands, then found a clean set of clothes and hastily pulled them on.

Still operating largely without conscious thought, Jessica sat back on her bed and stared at the walls, not really seeing anything but the memory of what Kaleah had just done.

"How the hell am I supposed to act when Kaleah gets back?" she asked herself. "I won’t even be able to look at her without seeing . . ." She waved vaguely. ". . . all that stuff she just did!" Frustrated and worried, Jess lay back and groaned, covering her face with her arms. "The way I feel right now, if she doesn’t take the initiative with this relationship soon, I’ll bloody well do it myself!"

L-let’s not be rash here, her mind stammered, trying to regain a little equilibrium again. You can’t very well just . . . pounce on the woman and demand her to . . . to . . .

"To ravish me right here, right now? You wanna bet?" Jessica’s passion was growing to ridiculous levels, and her inexperience gave her no idea of how to deal with a hunger like this. She had imagined falling in love before, and had accepted her attraction to the dark woman with relative ease. She knew she wanted a physical relationship with the former slave . . . but this raw desire for Kaleah’s touch was so much stronger and more intense than she could ever have anticipated! Jessica had never thought herself capable of feeling this kind of animal lust . . . and it was only her innocence and shy nature that made her reluctant to make the first move. But now she was getting desperate.

"I want her . . . and I know she wants me. She screamed my name when she . . ." Jessica groaned and slammed her fists into the mattress in frustration. "Why couldn’t she have just asked me to do that for her!?! I’d have been more than happy to touch her like that . . . if she’d just show me how!" Her eyes grew hooded, and her voice deepened. "And then she could touch me . . . and I could touch her again . . ."

Snap out of it! For God’s sake, you’re a chaste, innocent virgin who’s never even been kissed before!! When Kaleah’s ready to take that step with you – and she will be in good time – then she’ll come to you on her own. Remember what she’s been through . . . You jump her, and you could easily scare her off for who knows how long!

Jessica considered this, and realized her mind was right. Kaleah had been a slave all her life; had been abused in so many ways it hurt Jessica just to think about. She might be hesitant about starting a sexual relationship that was based on an emotional connection like this.

"Maybe that’s why she did that then," Jess mused thoughtfully. "Maybe she just needed some relief. . . but she wants to take it slowly. ." She sighed. "I guess I have to go slowly too, then, don’t I?"

Just . . . don’t push her, that’s all, her mind counseled. She’s made it very clear she wants you . . . let her go at her own pace.

"Okay." Jess pouted. "But what am I supposed to do when she comes back? How can . . . I’m not gonna be able to look at her without blushing! What do I say to her!?"

How about . . . ‘Did you enjoy your bath?’

Jessica groaned.


Kaleah waited some time in the bathing chamber, wanting to give Jess plenty of time to get her head on straight and taking a moment to relax and think about her next course of action. Once she’d settled on a plan, the former slave quickly finished her wash and left the pool, returning to her friend’s room with a spring in her steps.

When she opened the door, Kaleah found her young friend sitting rather stiffly on the bed. Her eyes roamed down Jessica’s body quickly, taking in the tension that was apparent in her posture and not missing the fact that she’d changed clothes. She saw the girl swallow, and her eyes flit away. It was clear to her that Jess was still highly charged with excitement after her display. "Hey."

"Hey." A pause. "So . . . did you . . enjoy your bath?" Jessica almost rolled her eyes at herself. Just seeing Kaleah brought her blood right back to the boil. The dark woman’s posture was so languid and sensuous, her eyes so dark and hooded, Jessica wanted more than anything to just tear off her clothes and beg for a relief she knew only her friend could give her.

Kaleah just smiled at the question. "It was wonderful, thank you." She hugged herself a little. "Very . . . relaxing."

Jessica swallowed even harder, and managed to squeak "Great."

Kaleah stepped closer. "Could I get you to do me a favor? My hair was getting to me today. Could you maybe, I don’t know . . . tie it into a plait or something? Nothing fancy, just to keep it out of my face."

"Umm . . sure, I guess."

"Thanks." Kaleah handed the young blonde a soft hairbrush she found on a dresser and sat down on the bed, turning away so her friend could get to her still-wet sable tresses. There was a long moment of hesitation before she felt Jessica tentatively reach out and run the brush through her tangles. She smiled a quiet smile, enjoying her secret knowledge. She could detect a slight musky scent still clinging to Jessica, and it made her mouth water as the girl gently brushed her hair. "You have very gentle hands," she said softly.

There was a long pause before Jessica whispered, "Thank you."

"I thought about you a lot today." She felt the hands holding the brush tremble slightly, then continue. "While I was working, I just looked forward to tonight . . . when I’d be able to relax with you."

"Are-" Jessica cleared her throat. "Are you sore? You must be after smithing all day."

"I was, yeah. Especially across the shoulders."

"Well . . . you know I do owe you a massage, so if you wanted, I could. . ."

Kaleah grinned at the excited, hopeful expression in the young woman’s voice. "That’s alright. My bath really took the edge off the ache." She could almost sense her friend’s disappointment. "Maybe tomorrow."

A very quiet "Okay," before Jess fell silent.

Kaleah let the quiet continue for a while, closing her eyes and feeling Jessica patiently begin to divide her hair into sections and tie it into a simple braid. After a while, she finally asked, "Is there something wrong?" The hands behind her froze instantly.

"Of course not." Jessica’s voice trembled a little. "W-why would you think there was something wrong?"

"You’re just acting kind of nervous, that’s all." Kaleah turned around and faced her friend, letting her hair go unfinished. When she looked Jessica in the eye, the girl couldn’t meet her gaze and glanced away. She smiled, knowing exactly what the problem was. "I was worried maybe I’d. . . done something you didn’t like . . ."

Jessica’s eyes instantly widened and she shook her head. "No! You . . . you haven’t done anything wrong! It’s not that, it’s just . . ." She trailed off, her eyes dropping.

Kaleah smiled. Her voice became very soft and gentle. "Is it because of what you saw me doing in the bathing room?"

The look on Jessica’s face was such a twisted mix of shock, fear and surprise that Kaleah couldn’t help but laugh. The young girl’s mouth opened and closed several times before she managed to start stammering. "How did . . I didn’t . . .y-you-" Kaleah placed two fingers over Jessica’s lips and stopped her babbling.

"Ssshhh. It’s alright." She smiled reassuringly, then took a deep breath. "You wanted to know if something happened yesterday morning, right? Well, after the attack, I started wondering how you’d known I was in trouble."

"I told you-"

"Uh uh." Kaleah pressed her fingers more firmly against the soft lips. "Just hear me out. What you told me was a lie, I could tell. It was very convincing, but it didn’t fool me. And the only other way I could think of for you to have known what was happening was for you to have been watching me. So, while you were busy dealing with your mother yesterday, I did a little exploring." She smiled. "When I found the spy-hole, well. . . it answered a lot of the questions I’d been asking myself for a long time now." She took her fingers away slowly. "It told me I wasn’t crazy to hope that what I saw in your eyes was more than just friendship. And it gave me the courage to start showing you just how much I really care for you."

Jessica just stared at Kaleah for a long moment, trying to process this. It wasn’t easy . . . especially when she remembered what the fingers pressed against her lips had just been doing. Her nostrils flared when she caught the hint of a musky aroma still clinging to the digits, and her mind went blank for a frightening moment. But the warmth in her friend’s sapphire gaze quickly banished her fears and concerns, and she gave a tentative smile.

"So . . . that’s why you started . . . flirting with me, huh?"

Kaleah nodded. "Once I knew you were okay with the idea, I wanted to let you know that I was interested in you. Really interested, I mean." She cocked her head to the side, her eyes glinting playfully. "I was wondering, though, just how long you’ve been playing this little ‘spy-on-Kaleah-while-she’s-taking-a-bath’ game?"

Jessica saw the look and smiled coquettishly. "A while," she said evasively.

"Uh huh. Would that be ‘a while’ as in a week or so, or ‘a while’ as in just once or twice?"

Jess shrugged. "Actually, it’s ‘a while’ as in since that morning when I had a hangover after we went out to the village," she admitted with a blush. "And I was thinking about it even before that."

A dark eyebrow rose curiously. "So . . . that means you’ve been having these kind of thoughts about me for a while then, doesn’t it?"

The young blonde nodded, feeling a little shy suddenly. "H-have you?"

Kaleah considered a moment, then nodded. "From the moment I met you, you made me feel things I’ve never felt before. For as far back as I can remember, all I ever felt was pain, hatred and anger . . . and it scared me at first; all these new emotions I didn’t know how to deal with." She smiled and let her hand caress Jessica’s cheek. "It took a while to get used to everything, but when I did, I quickly figured out I was attracted to you as more than just a friend. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to frighten you . . . and I could feel things growing more . . intense between us everyday."

Jessica nodded, letting her eyes slip away shyly. Her hands fidgeted a moment. "So . . .does this mean you’re not mad at me? For spying on you, I mean."

Kaleah grinned fully and she waggled her eyebrows. "If I was mad at you, do you think I would have done what I just did?"

Jessica blushed deep crimson, her eyes widening. "Wait! You knew all along, didn’t you!?" Kaleah nodded. "You mean you did . . . that, even though you knew I was watching you!?"

"Not exactly." Kaleah’s voice dropped lower. "I did it largely because I knew you were watching." Jessica just stared at her, mouth gaping. "I could feel your eyes on me the whole time I was washing myself and I guess . . . knowing you were there got me a little too hot. I needed release . . . and I didn’t think you’d mind the show, so I decided to make the best of things." Her blue eyes turned violet with desire. "Did you . . . like what you saw me doing?"

Jessica looked down at her nervously twisting hands, letting her hair fall forward to hide her furious blush. "Yes," she admitted very softly.

Kaleah smiled, and her voice became throaty as she leaned closer. "Did it . . . excite you?"

Verdant eyes glanced up through the blonde curtain of hair, then quickly looked away. "Yes."

"I thought so." Kaleah’s voice was just a breath that whispered close to Jessica’s ear. "I can tell how excited you are just from the way you smell . . . and from the way you’re breathing." A fingertip gently drew a lock of golden hair behind Jessica’s ear. "I imagined it was your hands touching me, Jessica. Knowing you were there made everything feel sooo much better." Kaleah almost purred. "I screamed your name when I climaxed."

Jessica whimpered, the low voice assaulting her highly-charged senses. "I-I know. I saw you." Her voice trembled with the strength of her re-ignited arousal. She swallowed, soaking in the incredible sexual aura that surrounded her dark friend, knowing she was going to die if the woman didn’t take her right now!

Kaleah could feel the energy thrumming through the young girl’s body, and she licked her lips as she felt her own passion begin to tighten in her groin. "Did you even know that what I did to myself was possible?" she asked softly. Jessica’s head shook very slightly. Kaleah grinned. "Have you ever thought about touching me like that?" Jessica could only groan. "Is that a yes?"

"Yesss." Jessica’s head snapped up suddenly, and Kaleah drew back a little when she felt the intense heat in the young girl’s emerald gaze, surprised at the raw lust revealed in her friend’s eyes. Uh oh. Jessica leaned forward, her hands surging up to pull Kaleah closer. "I want to do that to you! Please!"

"Wait!" Kaleah realized her seduction plan had worked a little too well; the predator had become the prey.

"I don’t want to wait, Kaleah! Please!! I need you!" Jessica pressed nearer, her lips descending, but Kaleah grabbed her by the shoulders and held her back, amazed at the passion she’d unleashed. Jessica moaned, her pupils dilated and barely focused but burning with need. She pressed against Kaleah, but the dark woman was firm.

"We can’t."

"Why not?" With courage born of desperation, Jessica grabbed Kaleah’s right hand and forced it to release her shoulder. She slid her friend’s hand down her body and guided it to her breast, groaning at the delicious contact.

Kaleah struggled to regain control of the situation. She had wanted to tease Jessica, yes, but only so the girl understood the gravity of her actions. She wasn’t expecting this sudden turn of events, but the feel of Jessica’s firm breast pressing into her palm was making it hard to concentrate. She could feel the young woman’s rock-hard nipple through the thin material of her simple shirt, and she couldn’t stop herself from massaging the ripe flesh being offered. Sensing victory, Jessica pressed forward again, her lips seeking Kaleah’s. The dark woman felt her move, and shook her head to dispel the desire to just let this happen.

No! You need to slow down, or Jessica’s going to get hurt!

Kaleah tore her hand away from her friend’s chest and pushed her back. "Jessica . . . please, stop."

"Why?" The green eyes pleaded. "I . . . I want you to touch me."

"I know, and I want that too."

Jessica’s breathing was ragged, but she finally quit fighting. "Then why do we have to stop? I’m ready-"

"Jessica, I-" Kaleah took her hands off Jessica’s shoulders when she saw the girl relax a little, and she sat back on the bed, putting some distance between herself and the amorous blonde.

"You’re not ready?"

Kaleah sighed, the speech she’d figured out in the bathing chamber flying from her head under the emerald assault of her friend’s eyes. "It’s not that. I just. . ." She considered her words carefully, wanting Jessica to understand. "I need to be sure that . . . this is really what you want."

Relief flooded through Jessica’s face and she smiled. "It is, Kaleah. This . . . you . . . I want us to be together." She started to move forward again, but Kaleah stopped her with a raised hand.

"No! Just . . . listen." Jessica sat back with a slight pout. Kaleah shook her head. "Jessica, I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. You. . . you fill all the empty places inside me that I never even knew were there before we met. You make me feel complete for the first time in my life. Nothing would make me happier than to make love with you–I’m not finished!" Jessica froze as she’d been about to launch herself bodily at Kaleah. "I do want to be with you, believe me! But I don’t want you to regret later what we do in a moment of passion. I don’t want you to get hurt by this."

Jessica listened, realizing she was going to have to come up with a way to reassure Kaleah before she could get what she wanted. The dark woman’s insistence on making sure she was comfortable with everything was only making her love burn stronger. "I know you won’t hurt me, Kaleah. And I know you’re taking this seriously. So am I."

"I know. But I want you to consider – and I mean really consider – how this is going to affect your life." She stared at her friend and would-be lover seriously until she finally saw a glimmer of understanding dispel some of the fuzziness in the young woman’s eyes. She sighed in relief. "You’re an important person in this land, Jessica. You told me yourself how your life is dedicated to helping to protect others. If we do this – if we become lovers – it’s going to affect your reputation and your life."

"It doesn’t have to," Jessica argued, sitting back on her legs and struggling to bring her raging desire back under control. "Charles and I will figure out a way to call off the wedding . . and we don’t need to let anyone else know about us-"

"And how long will that work for? A week? A month? Maybe we can keep it a secret for a year, even. But you know better than I do that in a castle like this, nothing stays hidden forever. It would only be a matter of time before a servant or a guard catches us in an embrace . . . or sees us looking at each other with more than just friendship. Hell, the rumors could start even without that much!" She saw Jessica look away and knew she understood. "Sooner or later, everyone would know about us."

"I don’t care!" Jessica snapped.

"Don’t you?" Kaleah shook her head sadly, knowing she was making Jessica frustrated but needing to be sure. "Maybe you don’t care what your mother thinks of you . . . or your brother. And maybe some people won’t care about what our relationship is. But what about your father?" Jessica’s face dropped. "You’re his only daughter. How will he feel if he learns you’ve taken a barbarian woman as a lover?"

Jessica fidgeted. "My father loves me," she said quietly. "He’s never judged me for anything I’ve ever done, and he’s always respected my right to make my own decisions. If this is what I want, he’ll understand."

Kaleah considered that and nodded slowly. "Okay, maybe he will. But what about the soldiers? The commoners? All the people who love you and respect what you do? Will they be so understanding?" She saw Jessica swallow nervously. "You know they won’t be. The religion in this land would condemn us both. If we go forward with this, your faith will cast you out."

Tears crept into Jessica’s eyes and she gazed imploringly at Kaleah. "Are you saying we can’t do this? Is that it?" She sniffled. "This was just a big tease-"

"NO! That’s not what I’m saying at all! I just need you to be aware of all the things that this could cost you, Jessica. Because if you come to regret anything I do to you . . . I couldn’t live with myself knowing I might have prevented it." She smiled a little. "If you want me . . . it’s forever, Jess."

Jessica nodded vigorously. "That’s what I want to! Please . . . I need you."

Kaleah closed her eyes and wiped her face with her hands. "And I need you to think about this carefully."

Jessica watched, stunned, as Kaleah got off the bed and stepped back, suddenly realizing the dark woman was going to leave. "What- Where are you going!?"

"I’m taking the night watch in the look-out," Kaleah said gently.

"Y-you’re leaving me!?! But-"

"Jessica, you need time to settle down and consider this alone."

"But . . .I know I want you!"

"Your heart says this is what you want because of how you feel for me," Kaleah said, "and your body says the same thing because you’re aroused. But I need you to stop listening to them . . . and listen instead to your head." She pulled her boots on and grabbed her sword. "Consider this logically; consider how this could change things not just for you, but for those around you. For those who need you to serve them. This decision will affect the rest of your life, Jessica. You can’t make it with me around to distract you."

"I see." Jessica swallowed her tears, trying to repress her emotions but finding it hard. "And what if tomorrow, I still want to be with you?"

Kaleah smiled warmly. "If you think about everything carefully tonight, and you decide that you’re willing to continue . . . then we will." Light lit the wet emerald eyes of the young blonde, and she quickly continued. "But you have to be sure, Jess! This is too important to just breeze past, okay?" She stepped closer and reached out a hand, letting her fingertips trace the curve of her friend’s cheek and along her full lips. When Jessica shuddered, she pulled away. "I’m serious. Do you promise you’ll think about it carefully?"

Jessica smiled up at her. "I promise . . . but only if you promise that if I decide it’s what I want, you won’t argue with me. Okay?

Kaleah nodded, then turned around. "Come find me in the morning," she said as she opened the door. "I’ll be in the look-out." Her piercing eyes locked onto Jessica’s. "This is your last chance to stop this thing. Don’t waste it."

"I won’t."

Kaleah was about to step through the door when Jessica called her name. She glanced back. The young woman grinned.

"Try to get at least some sleep, won’t you?"

She just smirked and winked. "I’ll have a better chance of sleeping then you will, Jess. G’night." She stepping out into the hall and closed the door gently behind her with a sigh.

It was going to be a long night.


Continued in Part 6 (Conclusion)


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