A Different Kind of Rift - Chapter 11

As the hour of destiny approaches.

I walk alone.

Waiting for what will be.

Only wanting to be with you.



Entering the infirmary Xena could hear the cries of agony. Following the sound she made her way to the far corner of the infirmary. There lay two wounded soldiers approaching the one that was crying in agony she could see that he had a badly dislocated shoulder. Glancing over to the other pallet she could see that the soldier had what appeared to be a broken leg and several superficial cuts. As the old healer struggled to relocate the man’s dislocated shoulder the soldier once again screamed in pain. "Stop!" Xena cried. Seeing the women healer the old healer quickly backed away.

"I was only trying to repair his arm, truly I meant no harm to him! Please!" the old healer stated as his hands began to shake.

"I can see that but you don’t have the strength or the leverage to relocate his arm properly. Help the other soldier I will tend to this one." Xena commanded.

Quickly moving to tend to the other soldier the old healer tried to regain some dignity. Ordering several of his men to fetch bandages and water to clean the soldier’s wounds.

Once again turning her attention to the injured man, "Now let’s see about that shoulder shall we." Grimacing the soldier nodded in agreement. Carefully examining his arm she could see a large bruise at the top of his arm that connected the shoulder. The soldier was of fair size and she knew that placing his arm back into its socket was going to be quite painful. "I’m going to help you with that pain." Xena quickly used her pressure points at the base of his shoulder. Sudden relief could be seen in the soldier’s eyes. "Now hold still while I get that arm of yours set in place." Helping the soldier to sit up she moved him up against the stone wall. Looking up Xena calculated just how much force would be needed to snap the shoulder back, with at quick breath she took hold of his arm aligning it and suddenly struck the shoulder with tremendous force. With a sickening snap the shoulder was back in place. The soldier looked up in awe, as Xena examined her work.

"Thank you, Let me tell you the next time I see that Amazon bitch she’s the one who will be needing a healer." the soldier stated watching Xena work."

Taken back a bit by the soldier’s comment Xena inquired further. " Amazon you say I didn’t think there were any in these parts."

"Nor I, truly I did not believe it myself when I saw that small redheaded beauty, looking so sweet and innocent. But the way she swung that damned staff of hers I didn’t get a chance to draw my sword. Nice body that one wearing only a small top and skirt. If I meet up with her again I will show her a thing or two … if you know what I mean." The soldier bragged.

As the soldier described his attacker slowly Xena’s stomach tighten as a feeling of great despair began to wash over her. No, it ..it can’t be! Gabrielle is safe.. she’s in Greece with the Amazons ..she’s safe … isn’t she? Gods I have to know .. I have to see for myself.

" Um, where did you say you were fighting?" Xena asked suddenly feeling weak.

"At the Temple, we were guarding it when we were attacked. They took us by surprise. That Amazon and Boadicea's rebels fooled us dressed like priests and I’m ashamed to say we weren’t able to put up much of a fight." The soldier explained, suddenly noticing a spot on the floor.

Closing her eyes Xena tried to concentrate as her heart was flooded with panic and dread. The TEMPLE!! NO!! GODS NO!! IT CAN’T BE!! Clearing her throat she looked up and made the excuse that she needed to get some bandages. Looking to the healer he meet her eyes and pointed to where the supplies were kept. Placing her warrior mask on she headed to the room. Quickly entering she leaned back against the door trying desperately to get her pulse under control. Taking calming breaths she tried to concentrate. Ok, calm down you don’t know its Gabrielle and even if by some chance she is here you won’t do her any good panicking. Need to focus on what to do now. Opening her eyes she looked around the small room which was well lit by the large window. Spotting the bandages she forced herself over picking up several long bandages to use as a sling. As she turned to leave Xena suddenly heard a voice she knew far too well, "Caesar!!"

As Caesar and his entourage entered the infirmary he spotted the old healer and his new patients. Having been told by his guards that the famed healer Scylla had been called to the infirmary Caesar intended to see this healer of his in action. "You there, healer where is Scylla." Caesar inquired.

"Oh Caesar she has gone to fetch some supplies, she will be right back."the healer explained nervously.

"You there soldier, what happened?" Caesar asked the soldier that Xena tended to.

"Caesar, our company was guarding the Temple when we were attacked by Boadicea’s rebels. We fought hard injuring many of them but they were too much for us so we headed here to inform you. As you can see my sword arm was dislocated and I was unable to defend myself. I must say that women healer practically used magic to fix my arm."

Curious Caesar inquired "Magic, you say?"

"Well I guess that is what you would call it. She just jabbed me in the shoulder and suddenly the pain was gone, Magic." The soldier replied.

Suddenly pieces to a large puzzle started to come together making a clear picture, Caesar’s heart began to race. "What does this healer look like?"

"Truly a beauty, tall, long black hair and the most beautiful blue eyes that I have ever seen." The soldier replied with a grin.

"Xena!!" Caesar cried. Realizing that Xena had probably just made her exit as he had come in he doubted that she was within his grasp, but he had to be sure. "Quick send a dozen soldiers to all the exits.. and DON’T sound the alarm. I want her and I want her ALIVE, is that understood! I will have your head if she is harmed! " Caesar exclaimed to one of his guards, who quickly left to carry out his orders knowing his life depended on it. Turning to one of his other soldiers Caesar exclaimed "I want every legion in this country here by tomorrow!!" Pausing with delight Caesar knew this was it the battle he so longed for, and Xena would be his! Seeing the soldier waiting for more "Go now!! Or I will have your head as well!! Turning he and his entourage turned and left, Caesar had a battle to plan and rebels to destroy.

Xena had overheard everything she knew she had to warn Boadicea, but what had Boadicea heard would she believe that she was truly there to help. No time for this now I’ve got to get past those guards first. Quickly Xena made her way to the window and jumping through made her way to her horse.

The old healer turned to tend to his patients when he notices that each of them was smiling wildly to each other. Then they began to laugh. Suddenly both of them stood up, which stunned the healer since his patient had had a broken leg. His patient walked up to him and touching him on the forehead the healer fainted. Turning the two faced each other as Ares and Discord transformed laughing as they vanished in bright flames.


As Ares and Discord reappeared in Ares temple they were still laughing. "Well Ares, you do know how to have a good time! Now that was fun, didn’t you just love the look on that old fool face!"

"Yes, although I preferred the look on Caesar’s face when he realized that Xena had been in his midst! Now that look was priceless." Ares howled.

Thinking of how he had baited Caesar "Oh well, maybe Caesar will have better luck this time defeating Boadicea. Either way I was in the mood for a little blood sport.. you know to relieve the tension." Ares declared.

"What do you mean this time Ares?" Discord asked.

"Oh well a a, long story Discord and right now I don’t have the time to get into it. Besides we have other arrangement to make how are you coming with that business in Chin? Ares inquired.

"As well as can be expected, but I still don’t see what this has to do with Xena." Discord replied in pouting manner.

"Don’t worry your pretty little head, it’s just something that I have been wait to put into play for the right moment. Just be sure that you have done what I told you." Ares stated again feeling the confidence in his plans. "Xena will be mine!"


As Xena made her way to the gate she was aware that there seemed to be more activity ahead. Approching the gate she noticed Celeus, slowing up she hoped to bluff her way through. She had become quite fond of Celeus and she would regret having to kill him. "Celeus!"

"Scylla, where would you be going?" Celeus asked as he grabbed the reins by the horse’s bit trying to steady the horse.

Thinking that Celeus must not have been alerted yet Xena decided to come up with a believable story. "I am running low on some of my herbs and need to gather some fresh supplies." Xena stated calmly as her hand shifted to the hilt of a short sword she had hidden in her robe.

"Well with the rebels about that wouldn’t be to safe. Why don’t you let one of my men escort you." Celeus suggested.

Raising her eyebrow Xena smirked "Has my change in attire made you forget how we first met Celeus, you know that I can take care of myself." Xena said with a chuckle, knowing full well that she needed to hurry before one of Caesar’s guards alerted them.

Chuckling himself Celeus paused to remember their first encounter. "Sorry it’s just, well I’ve seen more of you as a healer then a warrior. Alright just don’t take too long." Celeus stated as he began release the reins.

Just then several Romans could be seen running to the gate shouting. "Stop her!!!" Realizing they meant Scylla Celeus grabbed harder on the reins. Xena knew that her time had just run out, quickly she kicked Celeus and jumped from the horse heading for the two guards in front of her. As their hands reached for their swords Xena rapidly kicked one then the other sending them sprawling to the ground. Turning she notice Celeus starting to get up. With a powerful fist she punched him in the face knocking him unconscious. Seeing that the guards were still well within reach Xena turned her sword holding the butt of the sword in her hand she made a sharp thrust to Celeus sword arm just at the point of the shoulder joint. Xena knew this injury would prevent him from ever using his sword arm again, to fight. " I’m sorry but I hope this brings you some peace my friend." Xena said as she jumped on the horse and urged him through the gates and into a full run. Knowing the soldiers would need time to gather horses she made her way into the dense forest knowing it would be difficult for them to track her.

After riding for a half a candlemark Xena felt comfortable enough that she had lost the Romans. Slowing the horse she made her way to a small glade that had a small spring. Jumping from the horse she guided him to the water for a much-needed drink. As she sat down to relax a moment as the horse quenched his thirst, Xena began to ponder how she would be able to convince Boadicea of her true intent. Thinking back to the first time that they met here in Britannia she could recall the lack of trust and Boadicea’s anger. Closing her eyes she tried to recall all the details of her first journey. Speaking aloud "There must be something.. someone who she could help convince Boadicea. YES!!" A plan came to her as she recalled how to get there. Yes! The Warriors of the Pierced Heart.

To Be Continued...


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