Tony sat in her small cubicle in the FBI office going through her inbox. When she arrived, she had asked to see Mike Braxton. His secretary told her he wouldn’t be available until 1pm. Tony knew that was a crock of shit. He’d already been out to chat with some of the other agents. He was probably still pissed she refused to take all the credit for solving the case and had credited both the Assistant Coroner and the police department. After her statement, his claims that the FBI single handedly solved the case met deaf ears.

Leaning back in her chair, she picked up a new directive about surveillance techniques and began reading it. There really wasn’t anything new in it. The wording was just more ambiguous.

Bored, Tony decided to go see what the other agents in the office were working on. Walking down the aisle to John Austin’s desk, she said, "Hi John."

John looked at the beautiful woman standing in front of him. Smiling warmly, he said, "Hi Tony. Welcome back."

"Thanks. What’re you working on?"

"I’m just finishing up the paperwork on an embezzlement case. Have you met Keith?"

"No, not yet. How many agents do we have?" Tony asked.

John got up and walked with Tony over to Keith’s cubicle. "Right now, we have twenty. But we’re supposed to have twenty-eight, so we’re spread really thin."

"Tony, this is Keith. Keith, Tony."

Keith was short and slender with dark skin and black hair cut close to the scalp. Smiling a greeting, he stood and shook Tony’s hand. "Hi. I’ve heard a lot about you."

"Good, I hope," Tony answered automatically, smiling at the friendly agent.

"Mostly. But I don’t think you’ve made any points with the boss," Keith quipped. He decided he might as well give her fair warning.

"I figured as much," Tony said. She could care less what Braxton thought of her. He’d just have to get over it.

John took Tony around introducing her to the other agents that were in the office. After meeting everyone she returned to her office. Sitting down at the desk, she continued going through the inbox. The unimportant paperwork was wadded up and expertly banked off the file cabinet into file 13.


David looked up when Megan walked into the office. He was sprawled in a chair waiting for her. He got up, a big smile on his face and walked over and hugged Megan. Grinning at her, he said, "I’m glad you’re back. I missed you. How was the vacation?"

Returning his hug, Megan stood back, smiling warmly at her friend, and said, "Great. I took a bunch of pictures. I’ll bring them in tomorrow to show you. How’s the new house?"

"We love it. It’s so nice to have a place to call your own," David said. "I don’t think we’ll ever get all the boxes unpacked. But we already set up Mike’s office. He loves being able to have a place to work now and his boss loves his new drawings." Concern written clearly across his face, David continued, "But Mike’s not been feeling well lately. We think he’s got a sinus infection. He’s just miserable."

"Sinus infections can be serious. He should go to the doctor," Megan said. She knew that sinus infections left untreated had the potential to cause death.

Sitting back down in the chair, David said, "He has an appointment for tomorrow."

"Good. Tell him I hope he feels better." Megan sat down at her desk and put her purse in the drawer.

"I will." David was very excited about his new house and could hardly wait for Megan and Tony to come and visit. "When he does feel better, we want you both to come over."

Megan smiled warmly at David. "We’d love to." David had told her about their new house and she was looking forward to seeing it. She also knew her friends were planning on having a house warming party once they got the house in order.

David turned mirth filled eyes toward Megan and grinned, saying, "Oh and we have two new members in our family."

Megan looked at David cocking her head with a puzzled expression on her face.

Chuckling Mike said, "Two beautiful kittens. We just love them. One is black and white and we named her Velcro. The other is calico and her name is Huggy."

"Ooh. They sound adorable." Megan said. "I can hardly wait to see them." Megan had a big soft spot for animals.

Reluctantly changing the subject, Megan said, "So how’s the case load been? Anything interesting?"

David’s face turned serious. "No. Just the regular stuff. Dr. Whitehouse has been on a rampage lately though."

When David’s mood changed at the mention of work, Megan thought, this doesn’t sound good. "What about? I’m surprised he’s not still basking in the glory from the Press Conference."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. He sounded like a jerk when he kept telling the press that his office discovered how Mark was killing his victims. I think he’s still pissed that you made the front page."

Megan shrugged her shoulders, "I didn’t know that would happen. It would have been fine with me if it had been his picture instead of mine on the front page."

"Oh I don’t know. I thought you and Tony looked cute side by side on the front page," David said grinning.

Megan chuckled and said, "Well, I didn’t mind that part."

"You know, you’ll never convince him that it wasn’t staged and I think he’s already started exacting revenge," David said.

"What do you mean?" Megan asked puzzled.

"The two cases he assigned you today are a guy they pulled out the river who’s been dead awhile and a suicide that jumped from the 17th story of an apartment building." David looked at Megan sympathetically thinking, Whitehouse is such an asshole.

Megan sighed. Just what she wanted to do on her first day back. Resigning herself to her fate, she said, "Might as well get them over with. I’ll change and meet you in the suite." Turning back to David she added, "Let’s do the drowning first." Megan wanted to get the worst case out of the way.

Once the autopsies were completed Megan changed into her street clothes and returned to her office. Suddenly, all she wanted to do was hear Tony’s voice. Picking up the phone, she dialed her lover’s number.

"FBI. Agent Viglioni."

Megan felt some of the tension ease from her body when she heard the familiar, welcome voice of her lover.

"Hi," said Megan. "How’s it going?"

Tony smiled into the phone, "Hi yourself. Ok, but kind of boring. I'll be glad to get home today. She was always careful of what she said when at work. She was well aware that the phones could be monitored at any time.

Megan sighed. "Yeah. Me too. It’s been a rough morning."

"How so?" Tony asked concerned. Megan loved her job and this was an unusual comment.

"I think the great Dr. Whitehouse didn’t like me making the headlines instead of him." Megan said sarcastically.

"That really doesn’t surprise me," Tony said, thinking about the time that she had met Megan’s boss. "Anything I can do to help?"

Feeling more relaxed, Megan said, "You already have. I’ll see you later, ok?"

Tony smiled into the phone, "Ok. Take it easy, and don’t let him get you down. Just remember he’s a jerk."

"I keep telling myself that. Bye," Megan said already feeling better.

"Bye," Tony said.


Mike walked into the conference room and handed a file to each of the agents seated at the table. Walking to the head of the table, he began briefing them.

"One of our undercover agents has located the headquarters of a major money laundering operation. We’re going to set up surveillance in an apartment over an antique store across the street from the suite they are using. The owner has been quite cooperative and agreed to stay with relatives for the duration of our operation."

Mike looked at his notes and continued, "All the information you need is in the files you have been provided. There will be two teams of six agents. You will work in pairs covering each shift. You will work rotating shifts. Team 1 will work three days, be off one and then work two on a rotating basis with Team 2."

Tony looked through the file while listening to the briefing. She hated surveillance work. There was nothing more boring. Hopefully they would get the information they needed to nail this group quickly. Shift work sucked.

She looked around the table at the other agents. Keith and John she’d already met. Carlos, Brandon, and Steve had introduced themselves before Mike started the briefing. Mike had informed them that they made up Team 1 and he would be briefing Team 2 separately because he had not finished contacting all of them. They were being pulled off other cases to work this one.

"I will personally oversee this operation. At the end of each shift I expect a written report detailing the events that occurred. Leave it in my mailbox. Are there any questions?"

Tony almost rolled her eyes at the last announcement. You couldn’t oversee an operation from the office. It required an agent in the field or the very minimum a liaison in the field. This guy was a real piece of work. The surveillance would be worthless if they needed to move and had to find Mike. Why should she have expected anything else? It was bad enough the teams were being briefed separately. Any raw recruit learned that if you don’t have everything in place, including agents, you didn’t start the operation until you did. Basic Procedure 101.

"Since there are no questions the operation starts tomorrow. Keith and Tony you take first shift. Carlos and Brandon you’re on second shift. John and Steven you get the graveyard shift."

Mike looked at the agents. They all had inscrutable expressions on their faces. Uncomfortable, Mike said, "If there are no questions, you can go now."

After Mike left, Tony asked John, "Where did he come from anyway? He doesn’t know a thing about field Ops."

"Tell me about it. We’ve had to put up with him for the last two years. His daddy is a friend of the Director. It’s called politics."

"Great. That’ll be a real comforting thought next time my life’s on the line."

Tony unlocked the door and entered the apartment. After the briefing, she had reviewed the case file and agreed to meet Keith tomorrow at the Federal building at 6:30am. They would be traveling in vehicles provided by the agency to and from the surveillance site.

Walking into the bedroom, Tony changed into shorts and a T-shirt. She was home early and decided to make dinner and surprise Megan. Her partner was a better cook, and they had settled into a routine where she cooked and Tony cleaned up afterwards.

Deciding to make a chef salad, she took everything she needed from the refrigerator. Placing a tomato on the cutting board, she began cutting it into squares, her thoughts on her new assignment. She still couldn’t believe Braxton. Shaking her head at the absurdity of the situation, she hoped for a quick conclusion. The shifts required would mean less time with Megan, and that she was not looking forward to. The salad finished, Tony glanced at the clock. Megan was due home any time so she set the table, putting the salad in the refrigerator.

Megan entered the apartment and saw Tony standing in the kitchen. "Hi. You’re home early," she said smiling at her partner.

Tony walked over to Megan and said, "Yeah. I got a new case starting tomorrow and the briefing finished up early." Leaning over she kissed her partner.

"Are you hungry? I made salad for dinner."

Megan felt the stress of work slip away when Tony’s mouth met hers. Smiling, she said, "Sure am. Let me change first."

After eating, Tony was sitting on the couch next to Megan, her arm around her lover. Megan had just finished telling Tony about her day.

Tony shook her head disgustedly. "At least the idiot can’t save any more cases for you."

Megan snuggled closer to Tony. "I just got back to work and I can hardly wait for the weekend to get here."

Smiling ruefully, Tony said, "I’ve got to work Saturday. We’re doing surveillance and we’ll be working rotating shifts."

"You do? What about the game?" Megan said disappointed. She hadn’t seen the Indians all season and had really been looking forward to the game.

Tony had forgotten about the game. Seeing the fleeting look of disappointment on Megan’s face, she thought, thank God I pulled days first. "We can still go. It doesn’t start until 7:05pm. I’m on days for the next three days, and then I’m off Sunday and work evenings Monday and Tuesday."

Megan laid her hand on Tony’s thigh. Drawing an invisible design on her partner’s bare leg, she said, "Evenings? We won’t even get to see each other."

Tony sighed, and said, "I know. Hopefully it won’t last long."

Megan laid her head against Tony’s chest thinking about how long Monday and Tuesday evening were going to be without her partner while aimlessly running the tips of her fingers up and down Tony’s thigh. Feeling the muscles beneath her fingers tighten, she looked up and saw deep blue eyes gazing at her.

"Oh," Megan said smiling lifting her hand only to have Tony grab it saying, "Don’t stop now," before guiding her hand back to her leg and capturing Megan’s lips with her own.

Megan felt her body responding to the soft full lips of her partner and she moved her hand up cupping the area between Tony’s legs squeezing lightly through the shorts.

"Oh… Megan," Tony murmured, her desire escalating. "I love you." Capturing an earlobe between her lips, she moved a hand underneath Megan’s top working her way up to the breasts fondling first one and then the other.

Megan loved the effect her touch had on her partner, but that was only a fleeting thought when her body reacted to Tony’s hands on her breasts.

Tony gently eased Megan onto her back. She wanted to see the full firm breasts her hands were kneading.

Laying over Megan and supporting her weight on her elbows, she lifted Megan’s top and lowered her head running her tongue around the nipple of one of the full breasts. Kissing each nipple, she looked into Megan’s passion filled eyes. Lightly kissing her lover she said, "This couch is too small," before kissing each of the nipples again.

Megan’s nerve endings were sending shivers up and down her body. Not wanting to stop, but her movement limited, she nodded in agreement, letting Tony help her up before they retired to the bedroom.


David opened the door and walked in. Mike was sitting at the table and looked up despondently.

"What’s wrong?" David asked, walking over to his partner. "What did the doctor say?"

"I’m allergic to cats," Mike said sadly, knowing how much David loved the two kittens.

David breathed a sigh of relief. "God Mike. You scared the hell out of me."

"But the doctor said we had to get rid of the kittens."

"I’m just glad that’s all it is. I know we’ll miss the kittens. But you’re much more important to me than they are," David said, hugging his lover.

"I just can’t believe that out of all the testing the only thing I’m allergic to is cats. It was nice having them around the house during the day when you’re gone."

Wanting to make Mike feel better, he said, "Once we find a good home for Huggy and Velcro, maybe we can get a puppy. Where are the kittens?"

"I had to put them in the den for a while. My eyes were really bothering me. You can let them out now."

"It won’t hurt them to stay in the den for a little while. I’ll just play with them in there," David said. "You know those pictures we took? I’ll take one down to Trading Times tomorrow and run an ad. They’re so cute it should be easy to find a home for them."

"Yeah, I guess. I still hate the idea of giving them to strangers."

David looked at Mike and said, "Don’t worry. If we don’t both like who wants them, we’ll just wait until the right person comes along."

Mike’s face brightened a little. "Ok. I guess I’m just a little overprotective of them."

"I think we both are. Why don’t we go out and eat tonight? We haven’t done that for a while. We could go to Diana’s."

Mike smiled, "Sounds good."


Sherman was sitting on the balcony in a lawn chair. He had spent parts of the last three evenings here. His surveillance equipment was set up, and based on the information gleaned, he had formulated a couple of different plans. Walking inside, he picked up the binoculars and trained them on the bay window across the street. It was early and the curtains were still open. He could only see the portion of the living room near the large bay window, but if this had been a regular case, Sherman would already have taken her out with a high-powered telescopic equipped rifle.

Smiling Sherman acknowledged this was fun. Careful meticulous planning was his trademark. But this case presented a real challenge. He had to develop the perfect accident. Not only did it have to take out the target, but there could be no suspicion that it was anything but an accident. Everything was going well though. Sherman still couldn’t believe his luck at finding an apartment in such close proximity to his target’s.

He had known the location of the surveillance case she was working on since Thursday. He had simply parked his car on a side street near the Federal building that gave him an unobstructed view of the garage entrance. When she left in the agency car with the other agent, he followed. This had actually been easier than he thought it would be. The early rush hour allowed him the luxury of blending in with the other drivers.

Sherman never acted until he had enough information. The location of the surveillance site was not of immediate importance, but he wanted to know where his target was at all times. If a contingency plan became necessary, he would be prepared.

When the lights went off in the apartment across the street, Sherman prepared to leave and return to the hotel. Smiling, he thought, soon.


Tony was getting irritated. They were at the Tower City station of the Rapid Transit and had been unable to board two other trains because of people pushing and shoving in front of them. She could see the headlight of another approaching train and decided she’d make sure they got on this one. She’d had enough of this particular crowd and just wanted to get home.

Megan looked at Tony and saw the hardening of her face. She had been remarkably restrained considering they had literally been shoved away from the doors of two other trains. She wished she had thought about the Garth concert before suggesting they take the rapid to the Indians game. It was always crowded at the station after a game, but nothing like this.

Placing her hand on Tony’s arm, she squeezed it lightly before letting go. She met Tony’s eyes and shrugged her shoulders, saying, "Next time we’ll drive, ok?"

"It’s not your fault these idiots are so damn rude," Tony said, relaxing a little. Quirking a half smile, she added, "But I would rather drive next time."

The train entered the tunnel and the jostling began again. After a particularly hard bump from someone standing behind her, Tony finally had enough. She had just started to turn around and let the asshole know she did not appreciate it when he stumbled forward losing his balance. Unable to stop her forward momentum with the weight of the man pressed against her, they fell from the platform onto the tracks and into the path of the oncoming train.

Megan watched horrified when her partner and the man fell onto the tracks right in front of the train. Screaming, "Tony…" she was on her knees in a second leaning forward, her upper body protruding over the tracks holding out her hand for Tony to grab. Before Tony even saw her, she was roughly lifted to her feet and jerked back by someone who had grabbed her around the waist. Fighting wildly, her mind imprinted with an image of her partner pinned beneath the man on the tracks, she yelled desperately, "Let me go!" But the screams of people who saw what happened had attracted the attention of the transit police, and her sight was blocked when they started pushing people back. All she could hear was the screeching of metal against metal when the brakes were slammed on.

"Stop it," the stranger said harshly. "You could have been killed."

Megan stopped struggling. Turning her head to look at the stranger, her voice conveying a calmness she did not feel, Megan said, "Please let me go."

The moment he released her, Megan began pushing through the crowd, her heart pounding painfully, please let her be ok, but knowing it would be a miracle if she was. Pushing past the transit cop, afraid to look but having to know, she stood at the edge of the platform and forced herself to glance at the tracks.

When Tony felt herself begin to fall, her mind automatically registered that the ground was too close to do anything but ready herself for the impact. Adrenaline and reflexes honed by years of training took over, and the instant Tony landed she wrapped her arms around the man on top of her. Freeing her left leg, she drew it up until her knee was bent at a 45-degree angle. Using it to propel them, Tony shoved off rolling both of them over the track and out of harm’s way. On the far side of the tracks, she watched the train finally come to a stop several feet beyond them.

Tony lifted herself off the man and slowly stood up, her mind assessing the damage to her body. Her right thigh was throbbing, but she could detect nothing serious. Ignoring the stinging of the scrapes along her arm and hands and the pain in her leg, she held out a hand to help the shaken stranger to his feet, asking, "Are you ok?"

Grabbing her hand, and heaving himself up, he said, "Yeah. I’m ok. I think," and then added, "thanks."

"Then would you mind telling me why you were shoving so hard? You could have killed us both." Tony said, her voice hard.

The man looked at the woman standing there glaring at him and was suddenly very afraid again. He had just narrowly escaped death and this woman looked like she was ready to kill him herself. "Someone behind me pushed me. That’s why I lost my balance. I was trying not to fall into you. I’m really sorry," he sputtered.

Tony looked for any signs of deception and found none. It didn’t make sense anyway. He wouldn’t have lost his balance if he was just trying to push forward. "Did you see who was behind you?"

"No. First thing I knew I was falling into you," he said, anxious to convince her that he wasn’t responsible for their fall.

Just then, transit personnel spotted them and began shouting. "Over here! They look ok."

Megan heard shouts, but amidst all the chaos on the platform, she couldn’t hear what they were saying. Yanking her arm out of the grasp of the transit cop who had ordered her back, she jumped down onto the tracks. Crossing in front of the train to the opposite side, she saw several people making their way up the far side of the tracks, and one was unmistakably her partner. Megan broke into a run, never noticing the tears of relief that were steadily streaming down her face.

Tony saw Megan come around the front of the train and begin running. Separating from the group, she opened her arms to meet her partner.

Megan threw her arms around Tony and felt her partner’s arms encircle her. In Tony’s comforting embrace it impacted on Megan how close she had come to never knowing this feeling again, and she began crying harder unable to say anything. Tony held her tightly saying, "Sshh. It’s ok."

The other victim and the transit workers stood around uneasily. Tony looked up, her eyes hard, and asked in a tone that indicated there was only one answer, "Could you give us a minute?"

"Yeah, sure," one answered, and they turned and resumed walking up the side of the track.

Tony continued to hold Megan, both comforted by the contact. Megan gained a semblance of control and looked up at her partner. "I thought you…" and stopped, unable to continue.

Raising her hand to Megan’s wet face, Tony wiped some of the tears away with her thumb. "So did I," Tony admitted.

Taking a hold of the dry bottom of her tear soaked T-shirt, Tony lifted the edge to Megan’s face wiping it off. "We better go before they come looking for us."


Tony unlocked the door and pushed it open letting Megan enter first, and then following her. She was tired and her leg was protesting angrily, but she was worried about Megan. Her partner had been uncharacteristically quiet.

The paramedics had checked Tony over when she refused to go to the hospital. Since some of the passengers on the incoming transit train had been jostled when the driver slammed on the brakes, total chaos had reigned. There were no serious injuries, but it took over an hour before the police had completely established order allowing time for some of the local reporters to appear. When the police finally took her statement, Tony had been questioned for over an hour about the bizarre accident. It was just good to be home.

Megan was exhausted. The emotional anguish she had endured for those few minutes tonight had taken their toll. It had driven home again just how important a part of her life Tony was.

Turning and hugging Tony, Megan’s mind was still coming to grips with the fact that her partner was safe, that against incredible odds, she was right here. The familiar feel of Tony’s arms around her, and her chin resting on her head, began melting some of the tension out of her body.

"You ok?" Tony asked, softly.

Looking up at the concerned blue eyes watching her, Megan felt a twinge of guilt. Tony had hurt her leg and her arm was scraped up pretty badly, and yet she was still worried about her. She should be taking care of Tony.

Smiling wanly, Megan said, "Yeah. How does your leg feel?"

"It’s a little sore," Tony admitted. "Nothing serious though."

"I want to look at it."

Tony kissed her saying, "Ok." She was willing to do anything to make Megan feel better. Removing her jeans she watched Megan examining the bruises on her legs. The largest was on the outside of her right thigh extending from just below her hip halfway to the knee. Tony knew that was where she took the brunt of the weight of the man when hitting the tracks.

Megan’s trained eyes and hands were closely checking over her partner. "Ooh. This is really nasty," Megan said, looking at the angry gray and purple discoloration. The skin was swollen and warm to her touch.

Megan stood up and said, "We need to get some ice on that. It’ll help with the pain and swelling."

Tony kissed Megan on the forehead, and said, "Ok. But I want to take a shower first."

Megan raised her hand to Tony’s face and softly stroked her cheek, reaffirming that her lover was indeed safe, before saying. "I’ll get the ice ready."

When Tony went to take a shower, Megan got out a bottle of peroxide and some square cotton patches. Getting a zip lock gallon size baggy she went to the freezer and poured the contents of the ice cube bin into it. Closing the bag, she put it in the freezer along with the ice cube trays she had refilled.

Tony stood under the soothing warm water, an unbidden curse escaping her lips when it hit the raw skin on her arm and leg. Washing the dirt from her body, being particularly careful with her arm and leg, she thought about the unusual accident.

It didn’t make any sense. The guy that fell into her said he was pushed. But everyone on the platform was pushing and shoving. It would have taken a powerful shove to cause him to lose his balance. Why would anyone be shoving that hard?

When she got out of the shower and dried herself off, she was no closer to making sense of the events of the evening. Shaking her head, she decided it was probably one of those fluky things that sometimes happened.

After donning a sleeping shirt, Tony walked to the kitchen limping slightly. She eased herself down into one of the chairs, taking care not to aggravate her leg.

Megan had put the peroxide and cotton squares on the table and was waiting for her. Picking up a cotton patch, she thoroughly dampened it with peroxide.

"Let me see your arm." Looking at the scraped skin, she frowned and said, "You really got your arm good, didn’t you?" and started cleaning the wound.

Tony flinched when the peroxide came into contact with the raw area on her arm.

Megan looked up and said, "Sorry…I know it hurts. I’ll be done in a minute."

Once Megan had applied the peroxide to Tony’s arm and hands, she said, "Let’s go into the living room. You need to lay down so I can put the ice on the worst of that bruise," Megan said.

Tony laid down on the couch on her side watching her partner. She grimaced when Megan laid the cold ice against the warm angry bruise. Looking into her partner’s sympathetic eyes, Tony wondered for what was probably the millionth time how she had ever gotten so lucky.

Taking a hold of Megan’s hand she said, "I love you."

Megan bent down kissing Tony on the cheek. "I love you too." Standing up, she placed a hand towel over the ice bag and said, "Hold this in place. I’m going to take a shower," pausing a moment, she added, "and keep the ice on ok?" giving her partner a warning look.

Tony grinned at Megan. "Ok."

Megan insisted she keep the ice on for twenty minutes. Even though her skin was protected from the ice by a thin cloth, after about ten minutes Tony decided her leg hurt more from the ice than the bruise. When Megan returned to the living room, she removed the ice bag. When Tony started to get up, she said, "You might as well stay there. In twenty minutes it goes back on again."

"I think we should just go to bed." Tony suggested, smiling.

Megan returned the smile. "We will after the next time. Tomorrow you’ll be glad we did this," she said before taking the ice bag back into the kitchen and putting it in the freezer.

Tony wasn’t so sure about that, but Megan sat on the coffee table right next to her the whole time, and when her leg began aching from the ice, looking into the caring hazel eyes somehow made it hurt a lot less. But she was still glad when Megan finally removed it, allowing them to go to bed.

The fresh smell of rain wafted through the window, carried across the room on the cool breeze. Megan’s eyes slowly opened, the morning light brightening the room through the curtains. Her head was resting against Tony’s chest, the steady heartbeat echoing a soft cadence in her ear. Her arm lay across her partner’s midsection, and she could feel Tony’s arm resting across her back.

Sensing Tony was still asleep, she slowly lifted her head and looked at her lover. This was a rare opportunity. Her partner was usually always awake before she was. She is so beautiful. All the tension from the night before was gone and her face was relaxed and peaceful. The corners of her mouth were turned up and Megan smiled at the sudden thought that Tony must be dreaming about something good and she hoped she was in it too. Very slowly raising herself up so as not to wake her partner, she got up from the bed. Looking at Tony one more time, she leaned over and kissed her on the forehead before saying, "I love you," her voice no more than a whisper.

When Tony woke up, the first thing she noticed was Megan wasn’t there. She must have been more exhausted than she thought not to hear her partner get up. Moving, she realized she was very sore. Sitting up slowly, she eased her legs over the side of the bed favoring the bruised one.

Gingerly standing up, she tested it before putting her full weight on it. It was stiff and complained angrily when she put weight on it. Ignoring it, but compromising a little, she favored it slightly while walking to the bathroom.

Megan was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. "Morning," she smiled at Tony. "How does your leg feel?"

"Not bad. Still a little sore," Tony said, underplaying her discomfort.

Megan looked at Tony pointedly. "Just a little? You have remarkable healing abilities then, because it should hurt more today than it did yesterday."

You’d think I’d know better by now. Tony drew her eyebrows together and with a questioning look on her face, she said, "What? You didn’t know that?"

Chuckling, Megan walked over saying, "You’re incorrigible," before reaching up to kiss her.

Megan unobtrusively watched Tony ease herself into the kitchen chair and decided another ice treatment was in order.

After they finished eating, she filled another bag with ice and handed it to Tony saying, "I’ll clean up out here. Go put this on your leg."

"Megan, it’s fine. I don’t need any more ice." Tony said, in her most convincing voice.

Looking her partner in the eyes, Megan said emphatically, "No it’s not fine. It shows every time you move." Softening her voice, she said, "It really will help."

Tony was not the least bit happy about the prospect of putting the ice on her leg, but seeing the concern on Megan’s face, she took the bag of ice from her partner. Knowing Megan would be watching her, she walked into the living room trying not to favor her leg, grumbling under her breath, "This is really getting old."

Megan shook her head while watching Tony try to walk without limping. She had been through this with her partner before. For some reason, she seemed to think acknowledging pain was a weakness, and if you ignored it, it would just go away.

When she was finished in the kitchen, Megan went to the bedroom and changed out of her nightshirt and into a pair of shorts and a pull over top.

Tony had turned on the TV and was flipping channels with the remote. Finally settling on the Discovery Channel, she looked up when Megan walked in. Megan said, "Another five minutes and you can take it off. I’m going to do the laundry."

Oh no you don’t. "It’s my turn to do the laundry," Tony reminded Megan, although she was quite sure Megan didn’t need the reminder.

"Yeah, I know. But I’m not doing anything so I figured I’d just do it," Megan said, knowing she was pushing it, but hoping Tony would agree. She wanted Tony to take it easy.

Tony thought quickly. She knew Megan was only thinking of her, but she had no intentions of being treated like an invalid just because she had a bruise on her leg. "Ok. While you’re doing the laundry, I’ll go grocery shopping."

Megan almost rolled her eyes. Grocery shopping entailed a lot more walking than doing the laundry. The laundry room was only three doors down from their apartment.

Shaking her head, and smiling at the innocent look on Tony’s face, she said, "You win. Go ahead and do the laundry. I’m going to do the grocery shopping."

When Tony smirked, Megan walked over and planted a kiss on her mouth. "Just remember what they say about pay backs."

Tony sat up and took the ice off her leg. Walking with Megan into the kitchen she said, "How about picking up some peaches? Maybe a peach pie too?"

"Didn’t we just have that last week?" Megan teased. One of the reasons she had changed to the peach scented shampoo and bubble bath was because of how much Tony loved peaches.

Tony cocked her head to the side, and with a winning smile said, "Please."

Megan walked over and hugged her. "Like I could really say no to that."

Tony kissed Megan. "Thanks."

After Megan left, Tony took the clothes out of the hamper and put them in the laundry basket. Stripping the bed, she added the sheets and a few other loose clothes in the bedroom to the basket, and walked into the kitchen to get the laundry detergent from the pantry.

Tony was disgusted to find that she still had to favor her leg walking down the hallway. But on reflection, she decided she really shouldn’t be upset. It could have been a lot worse. She vividly remembered being awash in light from the headlight of the rapid and honestly didn’t know how they had managed to escape the wheels of the transit train. At least Megan seems better today.

Megan exited the elevator and walked toward her car. Passing another tenant, she stopped and turned to look at him again, but he was walking toward the elevator, his back to her. There was something about him that seemed familiar. Shaking her head, she decided he probably just reminded her of someone she knew.

Megan pushed the shopping cart down the aisles of the small Bi-Rite store. The prices were a little higher than Finast, or was it Topps now, but it was more convenient, and it was worth it just not to have to deal with the crowded larger store. Stopping in front of the fruit display, Megan looked at the peaches. Selecting a dozen, she thought, this should last her a while. Leaving the produce area, Megan headed toward the bakery.

Tony opened the door of the apartment and heard the phone ringing. Picking it up in the kitchen, she said, "Hello."

"What’s with you anyway? You’re not even back in town a week and you’re in the paper again. Just can’t stay out of the news, can you?" Brian teased, effectively concealing his concern.

Tony smiled at the familiar voice. "Good morning to you, too, smart ass. How are things in your neck of the woods?"

"Quieter than yours," Brian retorted before adding, "you ok?"

"Yep. Got lucky." Tony thought, Very lucky.

Brian glanced down at the newspaper he was looking at, and said, "Paper says you fell from the platform. Somehow I find that hard to believe."

Tony snorted, "Fell, huh? I don’t think so. Guy behind me got shoved, lost his balance, and we both landed rather unceremoniously on the tracks. End of story," Tony summed up succinctly.

"The story says it was a miracle you were both uninjured. Care to let me know how you managed that?"

Tony heard the concern through the bantering in Brian’s voice, and said, "I was able to roll off the tracks along with the guy that fell with me."

Brian thought about what Tony said. He had seen her in action and she defied imagination. He had the utmost respect for her and considered her a friend. "Ok. Just checking to make sure you were all right. When are you guys coming over for dinner? Shannon’s been asking and the kids are really excited about meeting a real live FBI agent," Brian said chuckling. "They’re at that hero worship age."

Oh hell. I'm gonna have to turn him down again. "I’m working on a case that involves shift work right now. How about I give you a call when it breaks?"

"Sounds good," Brian said. He was looking forward to having Tony and Megan over.

"See ya," Tony said, replacing the receiver.

Tony had just set the phone down when it rang again. Frowning, she picked it up.


"Tony?" David asked, hesitantly. He'd only spoken on the phone with Tony once and wanted to make sure it was her.

"Yeah," Tony said, resting her weight on her uninjured leg.

"This is David. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. The paper said…"

"I know. I’m fine. The paper exaggerated the accident," Tony ad-libbed, having no idea what the paper said because she hadn’t read it yet.

David smiled, and said, "Oh, good. We were really worried."

"Thanks for calling David," Tony said with mixed feelings. She wasn’t used to having people care one way or the other what happened to her, except for Megan. She appreciated his concern, but found it somewhat disconcerting.

"No problem. Talk to you later," David said, relieved.


Tony opened the door figuring the wash should be about done when the phone rang again. Exasperated, she picked it up saying, "Hello."

Barbara was taken aback. She couldn’t have misdialed. Megan’s number was programmed into the memory. Tentatively, she asked, "Is Megan there?"

Not recognizing the voice, Tony forgot her irritation and said pleasantly, "She’s not home right now. May I take a message?"

Why was someone else answering Megan’s phone? "Yes. Would you tell her to call her mother?"

"Sure," Tony said, hoping her tone hadn't been to brusque when she answered the phone.

Hanging up the phone, Tony opened the apartment door for the second time when the shrill sound of the phone once again split the air. Ignoring it, she closed the apartment door.

Megan took the grocery bags out of the trunk and loaded them into the elevator, holding it with the stop button. Arriving on the fourth floor, she pushed the stop button in, grabbed a couple of the bags, and went to the apartment. Tony heard her and opened the door, taking the bags and putting them in the kitchen. She walked to the elevator with Megan to get the rest of the groceries.

"Your Mom called and wants you to give her a call," Tony told Megan while they were putting the groceries away.

Megan looked up from putting a box of rice and some pasta in the cupboard. "Did she say anything else?"

"No. But I think she was surprised I answered the phone," Tony said, still looking through bags.

"This is going to be real interesting. You have no idea how nosey she is," Megan said, frowning. "Guess I'll call and see what she wants when we get done here."

Tony looked up and winked. "Just tell her you have a roommate."

"Well, that does happen to be true," Megan said, grinning at her partner. "Just don't make me laugh when I tell her that."

Tony drew and exaggerated "x" across her chest. "I promise to behave while you are talking to your mother." Smirking, she added, "But only until you get off the phone."

Megan's eyes started twinkling, and she said, "Is that a promise?"

"Do you want it to be?" Tony parlayed back, grinning.

Chuckling, Megan said, "You are so bad."

Looking in another bag, Tony smiled when she saw the peach pie. Walking over to Megan, she kissed her, and said, "Thanks."

Opening the last bag, she glanced over at Megan. "You got Dove Bars."

Grinning, Megan said, "Don’t tell me. You like those too?"

"Well…a little," Tony said, with twinkling eyes.

Walking into the living room to call her mother, Megan noticed the red light on the answering machine blinking.

"Someone else must have called when you were in the laundry room," she said, depressing the play message button.

Tony put the last few items away and arrived in the living room in time to hear the message.

"Hi, Tony. This is Mom. If you have time, give me a call."

Megan looked at her partner and smiled. "Must be family day today."

Tony shook her head. "Yeah, I guess it is." Some days you just couldn’t win. Sitting down on the couch, she extended her sore leg out along the side of the coffee table. It felt a little better that way.

Megan sat down next to Tony and dialed her parents’ number. "Hi, Mom. You called?"

Barbara smiled at the sound of her daughter's voice. "Hi. I just wanted to remind you about Saturday. "Who answered your phone?"

She sure didn't waste any time asking. "Tony." Glancing at her partner, and winking, Megan said, "She lives here, too."

Well this is sure a surprise, Barbara thought. Walking out to the kitchen to get her tea, she asked, "Since when? You never mentioned having a roommate. How did you meet her?"

"I met her working on the Shadow case." Deciding to downplay it and hopefully satisfy her mother's curiosity, she continued, "Tony's lived here for a while now."

"Is she the FBI agent whose picture was in the paper with yours? The one you went on vacation with?" Barbara asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes." Megan said, correctly deducing that Ashley must have told her that, but offering no further explanation.

She couldn't have lived there that long then. The article about her in the paper said she was new to Cleveland. "Ok. It was just a bit of a shock to hear someone else answer your phone." A thought suddenly occurred to Barbara. "Megan…you know if you need any money we could help you out."

Megan frowned, wondering where her mother had gotten that idea. "Thanks Mom, but my money situation is fine."

"Well, I just thought since you had gotten a roommate…" Barbara trailed off.

Megan’s brow furrowed and she pursed her lips. Holding her anger in check, she said, "Mom, I don’t have a roommate because I’m short of money."

"Well, just remember we’re here for you if you need some help. It’s nothing to be ashamed of." Barbara couldn't think of any other reason her daughter would have a roommate. There had to be some problem. Since Megan had left home, she’d always lived by herself.

Megan’s anger briefly surfaced, and her words flowed forth unchecked, "If my roommate was a guy, would you still think I needed money?"

Smacking her lips together in a disapproving sound, Barbara stated what she thought was obvious. "That’s different."

Sighing, Megan said, "No it’s not." Deciding to end the conversation, she added, "I’ll see you Saturday."

"Ok, dear. Bye." Barbara shook her head. She should have known better. Megan would never admit she needed help. She was too independent.

Megan glanced at Tony. "I can’t believe she thinks you live here because I need money. That’s my parents’ answer to everything." Megan paused and met Tony’s eyes. "One part of me wants to just tell them about us, but I know how narrow minded they are. They would never understand."

"If you think it would cause problems, there’s really no need to say anything about it," Tony said. She didn't want Megan to do anything that would make her uncomfortable or further strain her relationship with her parents.

"I know. But I would like to tell them. It would be so nice if they would accept the fact that we are together, like your mother did." Shaking her head, and looking down, she said, "Unfortunately, I just can’t envision that."

Tony reached over and put her hand under Megan's chin urging her partner's head up. Looking into the troubled hazel eyes, she said, "Hey. Come on. "Don’t worry about it. There will be plenty of time to tell them if you decide to." Smiling and winking at her, Tony added, "I don’t plan on going anywhere."

Some of the stress faded from Megan’s face and the corners of her mouth turned up. Tony certainly wasn’t the most talkative person she’d ever met, but she sure knew how to make her words count. Leaning over, Megan kissed her and said, "Good."



Megan peeled off the surgical gloves and dropped them in the garbage can, having just finished her only case for the day. The woman had been found dead in her home from unknown causes. Megan had quickly located the cause of death as an aneurysm in the brain. The woman had only been 36 years old. Megan had long ago realized you didn’t take anything for granted, and it had been really driven home over the weekend.

She thought back over her conversation earlier with David. She had told him about Tony’s accident and he had shaken his head in disbelief. He had commented that sometimes life was stranger than fiction, but it was amazing that no one had seen the impatient person who had caused the whole thing by shoving so hard. Considering how many people had been on the platform, Megan didn’t find it unusual at all.

Megan went to the locker room and changed out of her scrubs into her street clothes. A quick check of her inbox revealed a message from Tony. Smiling, she picked up the phone and dialed her number.


"Hi," Megan said, smiling into the phone. "I just got your message."

Tony smiled at the sound of her partner's voice. "Do you have time for lunch? I could come and pick you up whenever you’re free," she said, already missing Megan even though she hadn’t started her new shift yet.

"Sounds great," Megan said, delighted at the chance to see her lover again today. "How about 12:30?"

"I’ll be there," Tony answered, pleased that Megan wasn't too busy to go to lunch.

David walked in and sat down. Megan looked up and said, "What’s up?" knowing instinctively that her friend had something on his mind.

Flopping into the chair, David said, "Mike went to the doctor Friday."

"Is he ok?" Megan asked, concerned.

David smiled and said, "Yeah. But it turns out he’s allergic to cats. He tested negative on everything else, but we’re going to have to find a home for the kittens. So, I was wondering if you knew anyone who might like them? We’d really like to place them together. But I want a really good home. We’re going to miss them."

While he was talking, David pulled an envelope out of his pocket. Pulling a photograph out of it, he handed it to Megan saying, "I’m going to take this to Trading Times this afternoon. For just $10.00 extra they’ll put the picture in."

Megan looked at the picture of the kittens. One of the kittens was black with a white face. It had a splash of white on the chest and white stockings extending halfway up the front legs. The other kitten looked like an artist had taken black, orange and beige, and just splotched them arbitrarily over her back. Her chest, face, and legs were all white. The mismatch of color extended up to the top of her head giving the appearance of a hat.

"Ooh. They’re so cute!" All of a sudden Megan had an idea. But wonder what Tony would think about it? "Can I borrow this picture until after lunch? I want to show it to Tony."

"Sure," David said, hoping this meant what he thought it might. "They’re really good kittens. You wouldn’t even know they were around," pausing, he added, "well…most of the time."

Megan laughed at the look on his face. She knew that the kittens were probably a hand full. "Yeah, right," she said smiling.


Megan was waiting outside the building when Tony arrived. Walking over to the Buick, she opened the door and got in. Looking at Tony, she smiled and said, "Hi."

Tony smiled back at her partner. "Hi, yourself. Where do you want to go?"

Megan didn't really care where they went. She just wanted to enjoy some time with Tony. "How about Isabella’s? That’s close, and it’ll give us more time."

"Ok." Tony said, maneuvering the car away from the building, and merging with the traffic on the street. A few minutes later they arrived at the restaurant.

Following the hostess to a table, they sat down and ordered coffee before perusing the menu.

"I’m going to have the chicken breast salad. That’s always good," Megan said, laying down the menu.

Tony laid down her menu and said, "Then I'll have that too."

After placing their orders, Megan looked at Tony and asked, "Is a dog the only pet you had when you were a kid?"

Setting her coffee down, Tony wondered what prompted this question. "Yes. Why?"

Smiling at the questioning look on Tony's face, Megan asked, "Do you like cats?"

Playing along, Tony said, "Yes. They’re ok. I like most animals. Why? Do you want to get a cat?" She knew Megan must have some reason for asking.

Megan grinned, and said, "Sort of." She took the picture of the kittens out of her purse and handed it to Tony. "Aren’t they cute?"

Tony took the picture from her partner and looked at it. Glancing up, she said, "Yes, they are. Whose are they?"

"David and Mike’s. Mike is allergic and they have to find a home for them." Megan paused, and said, "I think we could give them a good home."

Tony quirked a half smile. "You do, huh?" Seeing the excitement on her partner's face, she thought, you can have anything you want if it makes you happy.

Stirring her coffee, Megan said, "Well, only if you want them too."

Winking at her, Tony said, "Are you sure we want both of them?"

A warm smile lit up Megan's face. "David wanted to place them together, and besides, they wouldn’t be lonely when we’re at work. Are you sure you don’t mind?"

Tony smiled at her partner. "No, I don’t mind." Like I could really mind. "It’ll be nice to have a couple of pets."

"Oh good!" Megan said, excitedly. "I just knew you wouldn’t mind. I’ll go get them tonight." Pointing at the black and white kitten, she told Tony, "This one’s name is Velcro and this one is Huggy."

"Velcro and Huggy?" Tony asked, amused. Those are certainly original names.

Megan grinned back, "I thought the names were kind of cute. David said he named them that because they were both so sweet and wanted to be close to them all the time."

Tony just shook her head. I just might have to tease David about those names.

After they finished lunch, Tony dropped Megan off, and said, "I should be home by midnight or at the latest 12:30am, so don’t wait up. You have to get up too early."

Nodding her head, Megan said, "Ok. See you later," not looking forward to spending the evening alone. Well, at least she'd have the kittens to keep her company.


"So, hey, Tony," Keith said waiting for her to look up. "How did you end up in Cleveland?"

Glancing at the other agent, Tony said, "I requested a transfer and this is where they happened to have an opening. How about you?"

"My family is here and I was engaged when I entered the academy. So when I heard there was an opening here, I put in for it." Pulling out his wallet Keith extracted a picture and said, "This is my wife," handing the picture to Tony.

Tony took the picture, looking at the attractive woman. Smiling, she said, "She’s very pretty," and handed the picture back to him.

It had been a very slow shift. There had been only one subject in the house they were conducting surveillance on all evening.

"What about you? You married?" Keith asked.

"No. I do have a significant other though," Tony said, not elaborating, but wishing she were at home instead of in the dingy apartment they were sitting in.

A black Chevy Van pulled up in front the building across the street. "We have company," Tony said picking up the camera. Focusing in the wide-angle telescopic lens, she snapped off several pictures of the two men clad in jeans and T-shirts carrying briefcases. Once they entered the surveillance site, she took a few pictures of the van making sure the license plate was visible.

Keith was monitoring the receiver and tape recorder. Coming to life, it began recording the conversation between the new arrivals and the lone occupant of the dwelling. Picking up a tablet, he began jotting down notes at strategic points in the conversation.

Tony kept her eyes trained on the doorway across the street. She wanted to see if they left with anything other than the briefcases they entered with. During the three days of surveillance, the agents had already picked up pertinent information on the destination of the money once it was turned in.


Megan locked the door and walked down the hall to the elevator. She was looking forward to seeing David and Mike’s new house and she was really excited about bringing the two kittens home. Megan loved animals and had taken many strays home as a child. Her father had refused to let her keep any of them, so this would be the first time she had ever had any pets.

Locating the address, she pulled into the driveway behind Mike’s Chevy Cavalier. The house was an attractive large white colonial with gray trim. It was set back from the street and had a large front yard. There was a two-car garage at the end of the driveway. Getting out of her car, she went to the side door. It opened before she had a chance to ring the doorbell.

David smiled at Megan. "Hi. Welcome to our abode," he said, standing aside so she could enter.

"This is really nice, David," Megan said.

"Wait until you see the inside," David said. They still had some boxes to unpack, but the house was mostly in order and he was anxious for his friend to see it.

Mike walked into the room and greeted Megan.

"Hi," Megan smiled warmly. She didn’t see Mike often, but liked him. He was a little on the quiet side, but was perfectly matched with David who was quite gregarious.

David and Mike gave Megan the grand tour. The house was decorated attractively and had a very relaxed, pleasant atmosphere. The curtains and blinds were color coordinated to match the area rugs that covered the hard wood floors. The windows maximized the outside light, and plants were generously scattered throughout the dining and living rooms. The kitchen was modernized with an abundance of wooden cupboards set against eggshell colored walls, offset by a bright yellow and blue border just under the ceiling.

"The kittens are in the den," David said. "Wait until you see them. I know you’re going to love them."

Leading the way, he opened the door just wide enough for him and Megan to squeeze in. "Every time I open the door they make a beeline for it. I don’t think they like being locked up after having run of the house," David explained.

Megan knelt down on the floor and held out her hand to the kittens. Naturally curious Huggy walked over and sniffed her fingers. Taking a few more steps she bumped Megan’s hand with her head and a quiet rumble began. Velcro, not wanting to miss out on the attention, came bounding over and pushed her body up against Huggy’s purring loudly. When Megan lowered her other hand to Velcro, stroking her head and back, the kitten arched into it contentedly.

David grinned, and said, "Looks like you’re a hit."

"They are just adorable," Megan said smiling up at David. "I don’t think you have to worry about finding a home for them anymore. But I should get going so they can get used to their new home."

"Ok. It’ll just take me a minute to get their things together," David said, before leaving the room.

Putting their food and dishes into a bag, he got their carrier and litter out of the hall closet. David took the carrier into the den and then put both kittens in it. Securing the door, Megan picked up the carrier containing the bouncing kittens and walked out of the room. David retrieved the litter box and followed her out of the den. "Just a minute and I’ll have this all ready for you."

Walking with Megan out to the car, he put the bag of food, litter and litter box into the trunk of her car. Megan sat the kittens on the back seat and fastened the seat belt around the carrier. It didn’t hurt to be safe. If she had to stop quickly, she didn’t want the kittens on the floor.


Tony drove the car along the familiar route singing along with an old Carpenters song. She had only one more day on second shift and then she’d be on the graveyard shift. While the prospect didn’t thrill her, at least she would be able to spend some time with Megan. The evening had been unbearably long.

Passing the entrance ramp at Edgewater Park, she turned on her signal preparing to merge with the oncoming traffic so she could move over to the right lane in time to exit. Moving skillfully between the two vehicles entering the expressway, she changed lanes. The car in front of her moved over into the left lane, and the one behind her followed suit.

Slowing as she approached the exit, the vehicle that had merged behind her pulled even and swerved into her lane. Tony jerked the steering wheel to the right moving the car onto the berm while simultaneously depressing the horn and thinking, damn idiot. He never even looked. But the thoughts barely had time to cross her mind before it registered that he was continuing to crowd her, forcing her further off the road. Suddenly the truck driver jerked hard to the right, violently slamming the heavy pickup into her car before bouncing off and continuing down the street. The sound of the impact echoing in the still night.

Tony fought to regain control of her car. The force with which the pickup hit her car propelled it through the snow fence. The wildly spinning tires of her car could not find purchase on the grass and it began slipping over the lip of the embankment.

While fighting fiercely to keep the car to the left, Tony’s mind processed the fact that if the car slid over the incline, it would most likely flip. She instantaneously made a decision to try and stop the car against one of the two trees on a slight incline that her car was rapidly approaching.

The wheels of the car fought against the direction she was attempting to steer the car, and with only seconds to spare, her desperate efforts were rewarded when her car impacted with one of the trees.

Before her body had finished its momentum forward, she was thrown violently back against the seat, her head banging the headrest when the air bag deployed.


Sherman struggled for a moment before regaining control of the pickup truck. He heard the loud and satisfying bang from the impact of her car against the tree. Smiling, he exited at Clifton and made his way to a nearby bar where he planned to leave the truck. It was close to a bus stop that ran all night and it was an anonymous way of traveling back to his hotel.

Standing at the bus stop, he thought about the accident. His timing had been perfect. Sherman had selected the site the day before. It was the only stretch along her route home that had an embankment.

Sherman smirked. He would have rather her car gone over the embankment. But her car had hit the tree with such force it was unlikely she had survived. If Viglioni was alive, she would be seriously injured, and he would just visit the hospital and finish the job.

Getting on the bus, he walked to the back and sat down. The police scanner in his room would furnish him the information he needed.

Back in his room, he turned on the scanner and picked up the disjointed conversation between the dispatcher and the police. There had been little traffic and it might be a while before she was discovered.

The scanner clicked to life. "Dispatch to Unit 28 and Ambulance 1. I have a motorist on the line calling from a cellular phone relaying an accident at the Route 2, Edgewater exit. MVA versus tree. Condition of occupant unknown."

"Unit 28 copy."

"Ambulance 1 en route."

Smiling, Sherman thought, so far so good.


The whirling sound of a siren cut through the night. The ambulance slowed at each intersection before proceeding, the driver intent on arriving at the hospital safely. Pulling into the emergency entrance to the large community hospital well known for its trauma center, he swung the ambulance around, backing up to the emergency room doors. Getting out of the ambulance, he walked quickly around to the rear and began assisting the other paramedic by helping her move the portable gurney to the edge of the ambulance, allowing the legs to drop and lock into place.

The emergency room personnel met them at the door and the driver gave the following report while the gurney was rolled into the trauma room. "This is a 30 year old woman who was driver of MVA versus tree. C-spine precautions, vital signs stable, no obvious blunt trauma, no LOC, extraction time was 30 minutes."

Megan woke up feeling uneasy. She opened her eyes and looked into the green eyes of a purring kitten lying contentedly on her chest. Not fully awake, her mind processed several things, and one of them was anxiety. Automatically sensing that Tony wasn’t in the bed, she looked at the clock before sitting upright alarmed. Huggy meowed in protest at the sudden movement and loss of her comfortable bed.

It was 1:30am. Tony should have been home. She said she’d be home by midnight or 12:30 at the latest. Throwing the sheet off, Megan got up and walked into the living room and kitchen before proceeding to the bathroom wondering why Tony wasn’t home. It was possible she could have gone out with guys after work or something. People did that all the time. Yeah, but she would’ve called, her mind answered. Not if she didn’t want to wake me. Really? And she would take the chance of worrying you instead? Not likely. She is only an hour late. Maybe the report took longer than normal, or maybe they moved in on the surveillance site. That was probably it. But Megan didn’t believe that. The internal argument she was having had little impact compared to the feeling in her gut. She knew something was wrong.

Megan thought over her options and realized there was little she could do. But she wasn’t going to sit around and do nothing either. What if Tony needed her? Trusting her instincts, she decided to call the only person she knew who might be able to find out something quickly. She knew if this turned out to be a false alarm, she might be laughed at later, but she didn’t care. The feeling that something was wrong was too strong to ignore.

"Hello," the deep sleepy voice answered.

"Hi, Brian. This is Megan. I’m really sorry to bother you and it may be for nothing, but Tony’s over an hour late and I have a bad feeling," Megan paused, knowing she probably sounded ridiculous.

Brian wakened fully as he listened to Megan. He liked the young Coroner and knew she was a sensible young woman. If she thought something was wrong, then he would check it out. She was not prone to hysterics.

"Megan, stay by the phone. I’ll make a few calls and get back to you."

Megan paced back and forth in the kitchen. Tony, where are you? Are you ok? She was startled out of her thoughts 10 minutes later, when the phone rang.

Wasting no words, Brian said, "I’ll pick you up in 15 minutes. Tony’s been in a car accident. She’s at Metro."

Megan went through the motions of putting her clothes on, occupied with trying to keep terrifying images from appearing in her mind. Shutting her eyes tightly, her hands balled into fists, she finally won the battle. She would accomplish nothing by panicking.

Megan stood in the lobby of the apartment building waiting for Brian to arrive. What could have happened? Tony was an expert driver.

Trying to focus her thoughts elsewhere, Megan looked at one of the pictures in the lobby. It was a portrait of a woman from the Victorian era, but the picture began transforming and in her mind’s eye she saw Tony sitting across from her, smiling the special smile that Megan knew was reserved only for her. Scenes from the last time she saw her lover continued to play through her mind in slow motion. She saw incredibly blue, mirth filled eyes, shinning out of a perfectly sculpted face, and the quirky little half smile when Tony learned the kittens’ names. She felt the strong, soft hand gently squeeze her own and heard the softly spoken words, "See you later, Love," when Tony dropped her off after lunch. Choking back a sob, Megan thought, she has to be ok. She just has to.

The reflection of headlights against the lobby doors drew her attention from the picture, and she hurried out the doors and got into Brian’s car.

Megan was already asking, "What did you find out?" before the door was even shut.

Briefly glancing at the drawn face of his friend, and wishing he had something positive to tell her, Brian said, "Not much. The patrolman on the scene is still in the ER and I didn’t want to wait for him to call me."

Megan took a deep calming breath and looked at Brian. His short hair was disheveled from sleeping, and his unshaven face showed heavy stubble. Suddenly realizing just how quickly he had arrived, she said, "Brian, thanks."

Hearing the emotion in the young woman’s voice, Brian said, "No thanks are needed. You two are friends. I’m just glad you called me."

Brian sped through the streets, the siren blaring and the blue and white light on his car creating strobe effects in the darkness.

For Megan the ride lasted an eternity, her mind tormented with the thought, she would have called if she could.

Brian, in an attempt to make Megan feel better said, "You know Tony’s a real tough customer."

Megan smiled ruefully, "Yeah. I know. But this doesn’t make sense. Lately she’s had the worst luck. Two days ago she got pushed in front of a rapid, and now she’s in a car accident."

"It is unusual," Brian agreed, his mind processing the information and not liking the direction his thoughts were taking.


Tony looked at the lights overhead. With her neck secured in the uncomfortable collar, that was about all she could do. At least she was on a regular gurney now instead of the hard board the paramedics had insisted on moving her on. She knew they had only been doing their jobs, but all she had done was rub her neck and comment that she had a headache when they had finally freed her. It had taken them half an hour and the Jaws of Life to get her out of the car. Who wouldn’t have had a headache?

The emergency room team examined Tony and determined there were no obvious injuries. They told her they would take an x-ray just to make sure her neck was ok. If the films were negative, they would take the collar off.

Tony felt ok all things considered. She had already checked herself out and could move her arms and legs without any pain. She figured she probably sported a few bruises from the airbag, but other than that she had come out relatively unscathed.

Her thoughts turned to Megan and she fervently hoped her partner did not know she wasn’t home yet. It would worry Megan too much. Please be sleeping, Love.

Once the x-ray technician had finished taking the x-rays, Tony told the nurse, "I need to notify someone I’m here."

"Whom do you want me to call, and what’s the number?" the nurse asked.

Tony gave her the information and the nurse said, "It may be a little while because we’re really busy right now."

"Just make sure she knows I’m all right," Tony said. It was bad enough she couldn’t call Megan herself, and she wanted to let her partner know everything was ok.

An hour passed and no one had been back to her cubicle. Tony’s thoughts had alternated between the accident and her partner. She was tired of trying to figure out why that idiot had swerved his truck into her. All I want to do is get out of here and go home. Her thoughts turning dark, she thought, I’d like to get a hold of the guy driving that pick up.

All of a sudden Tony’s patience ended. She was sure there was nothing wrong with her neck. She felt fine. Megan should have been here by now. It would never have taken her this long, and she wanted to see her partner now. No matter how crazy her life had become lately, the one thing that was sure and comfortable and right was Megan.

Tony slowly sat up. Feeling no pain, she swung her legs over the side of the gurney and slid to the floor. Standing next to the gurney for a moment she decided her first instinct had been right, and she had somehow escaped serious injury. Walking over to the privacy curtain, she pulled it opened and looked down the aisle. There was a desk centered in the middle of the row of cubicles and it was there that Tony saw a phone. While walking to the desk, the doctors and nurses were busy with other patients and did not notice her. So far so good. Picking up the phone, she began dialing.

"What are you doing up?"

The high collar prevented natural movement, and Tony had to turn sideways to face the woman talking to her. She was confronted by the irritated face of a very angry nurse.

The nurse's reaction never even fazed Tony, and she said, quite reasonably, "Sorry, but I need to let someone know where I am. I gave the number to the other nurse an hour ago and since Megan is not here, my guess is it was never called."

The nurse said emphatically, "You need to lie down right now. You have not been cleared. Do you know the damage you could be doing to your neck?"

Tony’s persona began changing. In a low assertive voice, she said, "I will lay down once I call Megan," ignoring the nurse who continued to berate her for being on her feet.

She had to dial the number over again and this time tried nine first to get an outside line. The phone began ringing. On the fourth ring the answering machine picked up. Tony hung up the phone, thinking, Megan must be on the way, and followed the frustrated nurse back to her cubicle.


Brian parked in the emergency room parking lot and they entered the hospital together. Hurrying over to the information desk, Megan said, "I’m looking for Antonia Viglioni. She was brought here after a car accident."

"Are you a relative?" asked the woman behind the glass partition in a bored tone of voice.

Megan narrowed her eyes and said, "I’m her doctor."

"Oh. Come on back," she said, releasing the lock of the door that led to the emergency room bay.

Brian said, "Go on. I want to talk to the cop that was at the scene."

Megan quickly walked to the cubicle she had been directed to. Taking a deep breath, not knowing what to expect, she pushed aside the curtain entering the private cubicle. She saw the tall form of her partner lying flat on a gurney with a c-spine collar around her neck.

Walking over to the gurney she looked down at Tony, her mind quickly processing the fact that there were a few bruises on her arms but otherwise no obvious signs of injury except for the cervical collar. But that could be very serious. She looked into the deep blue eyes gazing up at her.

"I’m ok," Tony said smiling ruefully. "This is just a precaution," she said, knowing Megan would think the worst.

Megan placed a hand on her lover’s forehead and breathed an audible sigh of relief, the tight control she had put on her emotions finally dissolving.

Tony watched the expressions of fear, worry, concern, and relief flicker across Megan’s face. Her stomach tightened at the thought of all the anguish this had caused her partner. Taking hold of Megan’s hand, and looking into the concerned hazel eyes, she said, "Sorry, Love. I wanted to call you myself and let you know I was ok but they wouldn’t let me. When I finally did, you had already left."

"It’s not your fault," Megan said. "I just can’t bear the thought of anything happening to you and lately… " Megan stopped and looked at Tony questioningly, "No one called me."

Tony’s brow furrowed slightly, "Then how did you know?"

"I woke up, you weren’t there and I just knew something was wrong. So I called Brian, and he found out you’d been in an accident and were brought here," Megan answered.

Megan’s simple answer left Tony speechless. She just knew? Looking at her partner, Tony’s words conveyed the depth of her feeling, "You just knew?"

"Well, yeah," Megan said, the corners of her mouth turning up into a smile.

Tony looked into the hazel eyes watching her. Megan was always surprising her with her insight on things, but this was really unbelievable. I am so lucky. Squeezing her partner’s hand, she said, "You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m so lucky I found you."

Megan felt the warm sense of well being that only Tony could elicit in her. Leaning down, she met Tony’s lips for a fleeting kiss. "I’m just as lucky. Let’s get you out of here. I’ll be right back."

Leaving the cubicle and walking to the desk, Megan found a doctor talking on the phone. Waiting until he was finished, she said, "I’m Dr. Donnovan. Who is handling the patient in the last cubicle on the right?"

"You mean the MVA?"

When Megan nodded affirmatively, he said, "I am."

"What’s her status?" Megan asked.

"We’re waiting on the results of the cervical films. I’ll check on them. They should have been read by now."

Megan stood next to him while he called the radiologist. Hanging up the phone, he said, "They’re negative. I’ll write her release orders."

Tony and Megan walked out into the emergency room waiting area a short time later looking for Brian. Spotting him, they walked over.

Brian stood to greet his friends. Tony looked ok. The patrolman had said the car was probably totaled. This was one lucky woman…again.

"Well?" Brian asked, brusquely.

Smiling at her tall friend, Tony said, "I’m ok."

Shaking his head, in an exaggerated show of exasperation, Brian said, "I can see that. What happened?"

Tony chuckled at the expression on Brian's face. Shrugging her shoulders, she said, "You know Brian, I don’t understand it myself. A guy in a pick up truck deliberately swerved into my car. Just doesn’t make sense."

Brian thought about what Tony had said. I don't like the sound of this. "I’m glad you’re ok," Brian said, underplaying his concern. "But Tony, I have to tell you…this is getting old."

"Tell me about it," Tony said glancing at Megan.

"I want to talk to you tomorrow. You can give your official statement then," Brian said.

Smiling her appreciation, the three left the hospital.


Tony opened her eyes and was greeted by the filtered sunlight streaming through the curtain on the window. The familiar feel of Megan’s body against hers felt so comforting. Lately it seemed like the events in her life were out of control. It was almost as if whatever cosmic forces there might be were angry with her, and she was being punished for some unknown transgression. The two accidents elicited a feeling of coincidence in her that made her uneasy. Unfortunately, she had nothing to base her suspicion on, except a well-developed survival instinct.

But right now, here, with her lover wrapped in her arms, all the events of the last few days took a back seat. Tony lightly ran her hand through Megan’s hair, enjoying the feel of the silky strands against her hand. I wonder if you know just how important you are to me? I love you so much. Have I told you that lately?

Looking at the peaceful face of her partner, she hoped things would settle down in their lives. Megan didn’t deserve to be put through so much. The thought, I hope it’s over, floated through her mind, but that didn’t make sense. Nothing was going on…or was it?

Megan’s awoke to the comforting feel of even breathing and a steady heartbeat echoing in her ear. Her mouth curved up into a smile and snuggling a little closer, she thought, She’s right here, and she’s ok. I love waking up next to her like this.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft rich voice, "Morning Beautiful. You finally awake?"

A contented smile appeared on her face. "I was hoping you wouldn’t notice. I’m not sure I want to get up yet," Megan said, leaving her head on its soft pillow.

Tony grinned, loving this part of their morning ritual. In a minute or two, Megan would look up at her with those beautiful eyes and a lazy smile on her face. She knew her heart would flutter, like it did every time she saw her feelings reflected back at her through the eyes of her partner.

Megan raised her head and looked at her lover. "How do you feel?"

Tony looked into the sleepy hazel eyes peering up at her, and unable to resist, she leaned over gently kissing the soft sensuous lips before answering, "Fine. No headache or sore neck or anything."

Noticing how light it was, Megan said, "I guess we better get up. We’ve got a lot to do today."

"Yeah," Tony said, reluctantly releasing her hold on Megan.

Tony went to the bathroom and then turned on the coffee in the kitchen. As was customary, Megan had prepared it for brewing the night before.

Her progress was impeded by two meowing kittens waiting impatiently for their food while trying very hard to trip her by winding between her legs. Bending down and petting them both she smiled at the loud purrs her stroke elicited.

"Aren’t you two cute. I guess you must be hungry."

A quick search of the cupboards revealed a few cans of food and Tony opened one, scraping the contents of the can onto a saucer for the two kittens and placing it on the floor.

Walking into the bedroom, she drew her sleeping shirt over her head and tossed it on the bed. Opening the closet, she took out a pair of jeans and a pullover top.

Megan called work and told Dr. Whitehouse she was taking a vacation day due to a personal emergency. I can’t believe he didn’t give me a hard time. Not that it would have done him any good anyway.

Walking into the bedroom, Megan felt her heart flutter at the sight of her naked partner. She was gorgeous even with the additional bruises marring her body. Crossing the room, she stood in front of Tony her eyes running lasciviously down the length of her lover’s body.

Tony’s breath caught in her throat. Oh God. The sultry look on her partner’s face sent a jolt through her body. She was so sexy…so Megan. Her heart beginning to race, she bent her head and kissed the full soft lips turned up toward hers, while her body shivered at the light feathery touches of Megan’s hands.

Megan pulled back and took off her sleeping shirt basking in the appreciative look on her partner’s face. Tony’s raised a hand to Megan’s face, her eyes dark with passion. "You’re so beautiful," she said in a low throaty voice.

Taking Megan’s hand, she led her to the bed and lowered her body over that of her partner’s. Megan guided Tony’s head down, kissing her deeply, her desire escalating and goose bumps forming on her body when one of Tony’s hands found a breast and her fingers began teasing the nipple. All their plans for the day were forgotten.


Sherman worked the stair stepper steadily, his thoughts on the events of the previous night. He had called the hospital to find out Viglioni’s condition. They had told him she was still in triage and her status was unknown. He had gone to bed comfortable in the knowledge that she couldn’t have walked away from the accident uninjured, and he’d just pay her a visit in the hospital today.

After a leisurely breakfast, he called the hospital to find out what room she was in. He had been told they had no patient by that name. He just figured she was dead. But never one to leave anything to chance, he had called the hospital morgue. He was advised his "sister" had not been admitted to the morgue. Perhaps he had the wrong hospital. Calling the emergency room once again, playing the part of a very concerned brother, he was able to learn that she had been released the night before.

While this was only a minor setback, he wasn’t going to waste any more time trying to stage an accident. It was time to go buy a voice-activated tape recorder. He could listen to it at his convenience and be sure of not missing anything pertinent. He also needed to retrieve the tracking device from her car. That should be easy enough. FBI badges were quite handy for things like that.

Sherman continued mulling over different options. He had thought about taking her out at the surveillance site, but she always traveled there with another agent. It was too chancy to do it at the FBI lot.

Leaving his thought behind, he decided to go sightseeing. After all, he was on vacation. Viglioni could wait for a while. An opportunity would present itself, and when it did, he would take act on it.


Tony and Megan were sitting at the kitchen table eating chicken salad sandwiches. In another hour Tony was due to leave for work. Megan had wanted her to stay home, but Tony had convinced her that all they did was sit around anyway and she had the next day off.

"What did the insurance company say?" Megan asked.

"They’re going to have someone look at my car today or tomorrow. Personally, I think it’s totaled." Quirking a half smile, she added, "I think we need to go car shopping soon."

Grinning Megan said, "You like that Jeep you rented don’t you?"

"Well, it is kind of nice," Tony said, nonchalantly.

Megan laughed at the disinterested look her partner was trying to get her to buy. "Uh huh. Nice enough we had to ride around in it for an hour," Megan teased.

"I didn’t hear you complaining," Tony said, her eyes twinkling.

Megan’s face turned pensive. "No. You didn’t. It was an opportunity to spend time with you, and the way things have been going lately, I’m almost afraid to let you out of my sight."

Tony felt her stomach tighten. We shouldn’t have to live like this. Reaching across the table, she placed her hand on Megan's, not saying anything.

Her thoughts turned to the accident. There were so many unanswered questions. Why had the guy in the pick up deliberately rammed her? Was it just a drunk or a crazy? Had she just been in the wrong place at the wrong time? She might be more inclined to believe that if it hadn’t been for incident at the rapid station. How could she make Megan feel better?

Comforted by the contact, but watching her lover drift off, Megan said, "Earth to Tony." When the deep blue eyes met her own, she continued, "What are you thinking about?"

"Everything that’s been going on. It is so strange. I’ve never been prone to accidents and all of a sudden there are two in three days. Doesn’t make sense. I feel like I’m missing something. I just don’t know what," Tony said, looking at Megan.

Megan's sober expression mirrored her partner's. "I’ve been thinking about it a lot, too. When I woke up last night, I knew something was wrong. I don’t know why, but I just did."

Megan’s thoughts turned reflective. "The night you got stabbed in the flats…I remember thinking how it almost seemed like it had been deliberate." Megan paused for a moment, her face troubled by her thoughts, "We found out later it was." Squeezing Tony's hand, she said, "I feel like that now."

Tony saw the worry reflected in Megan’s eyes. What could she say? She didn’t understand it either. It was very troubling that Megan felt that way. Hopefully she was wrong and it was just the stress of the two accidents.

"Nothing else is going to happen. It was just a coincidence," Tony said, not sure she believed it, but hoping to allay Megan’s concerns.

Megan squeezed Tony’s hand, and looked into her eyes, saying, "I hope you’re right."

The phone rang. Tony let go of Megan's hand, stood up, and walked over to the phone.

Picking it up, she said, "Hello."

"Hi. Brian, here. What time do you get off tonight?"

"11pm. Why?" Tony asked, curious.

Brian thought to himself, here goes nothing. "I’m still concerned that this may not have been an accident."

"Yeah, I know. We talked about that earlier. I agree with you, but there’s not a whole lot I can do about it," Tony said, wondering why he was bringing it up again.

Plunging ahead, Brian said, "I’m going to have a patrol car follow you from the surveillance site to the garage to get your car and then home."

"Come on, Brian," Tony said, amused that Brian would even suggest such a ludicrous idea. "You got to be kidding. It was probably an isolated incident by a crazy. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Tony snorted when another thought crossed her mind, how the hell would she explain to Keith why she was being escorted around by the local cops?

Brian ignored her reaction and continued, "How about humoring me? What’s the harm?" He hadn’t expected Tony to accept the offer and knew he would have to work at it.

Megan looked at Tony while listening to her end of the conversation. Wonder what's up? She doesn’t seem very pleased whatever it is.

Tony glanced at Megan and saw the curious expression on her face. Suddenly her ego didn’t matter that much. There was something more important to consider, like Megan’s feelings. It would make her feel better, even if I think it’s ridiculous.

Wondering how she was going to explain this to the other agents, she said, "Ok. You already have the address. It’s on the report I filled out. I’ll wait until the car shows up before leaving," Tony said.

Brian couldn't believe she'd agreed. "Good. I’ll have someone there at 11pm," he said, hanging up. He didn’t want to give her a chance to change her mind.

Tony hung up the phone and sat back down at the table. Smiling at Megan, she said, "If it makes you feel any better, Brian is going to have a patrol car follow me home tonight."

Megan felt like a tremendous weight was lifted off of her shoulders. She hadn’t known how she was going to get through the evening. She would have done nothing but worry. The relief evident by the warm smile that covered her face, she said, "It does make me feel better." The thought crossed Megan's mind that she would still worry some, until Tony was home safe that night.


Sherman sat slouched in the seat of the car, cleaning his fingernails with his knife. It wasn’t that he needed to, it was just something to pass the time. The streetlight reflected off the stainless steel Smith & Wesson 357 magnum laying on the seat next to him. It wasn’t his weapon of choice, but it would do the job. It was loaded with .38 caliber hollow points. Hollow points were such a nice invention. They go in small and come out big. Sherman smiled to himself. Wouldn’t be much left of her head once the bullet had completed its trajectory.

Sherman saw the agency car enter the garage at the same time his peripheral vision noticed a patrol car pull into a parking place across the street. Probably taking a break from patrol.

He sat up straighter and trained his eyes on the exit, waiting for his target to emerge in her new Jeep. He grinned sardonically, It was so nice of her apartment to have the parking places numbered for the tenants. Once he knew she was in the apartment, he had gone to the garage to see what vehicle was in the parking space. Leaving nothing to chance, he had doubled checked later by parking in the same space he was in now, waiting for her to arrive for her shift.

When the sienna Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited exited the garage, Sherman shifted the car into drive prepared to move in behind her once an adequate space had passed. He felt a brief flicker of surprise when the patrol car pulled in behind the Jeep. That was no coincidence. A slow smile covered his face. She was running scared. Just as he had suspected, all the rumors he heard about her over the years were exaggerated. Shifting his car into gear, he pulled out and drove back to the hotel strangely disappointed. So this wasn't going to be such a challenge after all. Scared people make mistakes.


Tony turned on the coffee pot and took out a couple of bagels. Megan had to work today and was getting ready. Tony was supposed to meet with the insurance adjuster, but other than that had no plans. She was just glad things seemed to be getting back to normal.

She had already fed the kittens, and they were contentedly sitting next to each other meticulously cleaning themselves and occasionally each other. Tony smiled at them. It really was nice having the kittens here. They had slept on the bed with them last night, Huggy next to Megan and Velcro next to her. Huggy seemed to be the more mischievous of the two, not that Velcro wasn’t quick to join in whatever trouble her buddy found.

Tony smiled at the lovely sight that greeted her eyes when Megan walked into the kitchen. Her partner was dressed in a casual, sapphire blue suit with the jacket worn open over the matching skirt and off white blouse. The rich blue color offset Megan’s blonde hair and highlighted the gold specks in her eyes.

"You look really nice," Tony said, quite taken with her partner’s beauty.

Cocking her head and smiling at Tony, Megan said, "This is just my work clothes."

"So. You look nice no matter what you wear," Tony said, walking over and kissing Megan before adding, "Coffee’s ready. Want some orange juice?"

Megan gave her partner a hug and said, "You’re so sweet," waiting for her lover’s cheeks to redden like they did every time she told her that.

Watching Tony’s face darken a few shades, she continued, "Orange juice sounds good. You’re really spoiling me having breakfast ready every morning."

Grinning wickedly, she added, "You know you really are cute when you blush."

Tony rolled her eyes, the action in contrast with the warm glow she felt at her partner’s words. Fleetingly kissing Megan before releasing her, Tony got the orange juice out of the refrigerator and poured them both a glass.

"What are you going to do today?" Megan asked, wishing she had another day off.

"Wait for you to get off," Tony answered, and grinned at the surprised look on Megan’s face. Gotcha.

"Very funny. I meant really," Megan said, laughing while looking into her partner’s twinkling blue eyes.

"That is really what I’m going to do," Tony said winking at Megan. "But while I’m waiting, I’m going to call the insurance adjuster and then probably kitten proof the apartment."

"Good. Those two are too curious for their own good."

Megan finished her breakfast, and got ready to leave. Kissing her lover before departing, she said, "I’ll call you later."

Tony savored the short kiss and said, "I’ll be waiting."

They were still doing construction on the interbelt and it was the usual bumper to bumper traffic, moving at a crawl.

The slow drive did not affect Megan’s extremely good mood. It had been so nice to have a normal morning for a change. That was the way she wanted to start every morning…feeling secure and very loved. She wondered if this was something everyone in love experienced. It was such a wonderful sensation, and one she would never willingly let go of.

Arriving at work, there was no more time for the warm thoughts. They were backed up on cases, and before she knew it, the morning had passed and it was lunchtime. Telling David they would finish the other cases after lunch, she shed her gloves and smock returning to her office in her scrubs.

Opening the door, all thoughts of the cases she had just finished left her mind. There in the middle of her desk was a slender glass vase containing a dozen long stem roses. They were a beautiful scarlet red. Walking over to her desk, she picked up the small envelope secured in their midst. Opening it, she read, "I love you," and it was signed simply, "Tony."

Holding the card tightly in her hand, she bent over to smell the sweet pleasant odor they emitted. I love you so much, Tony. Warm fuzzy thoughts began flowing through her mind intermingled with the image of her smiling partner.

Oh, she’d gotten flowers before. But none would ever hold the special meaning these did. Tony had never given her flowers before.

Megan sighed happily and sat down in her chair, her emotions still running rampant. Picking up the phone, she dialed her number.


Megan loved listening to the rich low tenor of her lover’s voice. Smiling into the phone, she said, "I love you. They’re so beautiful. You are so sweet," her words tumbling out in the order the thoughts left her mind.

"I love you, too," Tony said, smiling into the phone feeling a deep sense of satisfaction at the happiness she could hear in Megan’s voice. "I guess you like them."

"Like them? Are you kidding? I love them! They’re beautiful." Megan paused, momentarily at a loss for words.

The silence lengthened because a very pleased Tony was grinning into the phone. Breaking the short silence, she said, "No more beautiful than you."

Megan felt her heart flutter at the words. "Thank you, sweetie, but I better go now or I may decide to come home and I don’t think the boss would like that."


Megan laughed, and said, "See you when I get home."


Tony hung up the phone shaking her head. Sweetie? What was with that? She grudgingly admitted that it did sound kind of nice the way Megan said it. But she’d just die of embarrassment if Megan ever called her that in front of anyone.


Continued..Part 3 of 4

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