I, Conqueror

Part 7 (Final)

by: SwordnQuil

Disclaimers: Xena, Gabrielle, and the rest of the known names belong to Pac Ren and everyone else who lays claim to them. I’m not doing this to make money.

Subtext: I believe that Xena and Gabrielle are lovers. There is erotica here.

Genre: As suggested by the title, this is a Xena the Conqueror piece. It is, however, a different Xena the Conqueror piece than most out there. What I have attempted to do is to write a Conqueror story as if it were written for X:WP instead of HTLJ. In addition, there’s a bit of Remember Nothing in here, only this time, it’s Gabrielle who has the memories while Xena does not. Confusing? Read on. J

Violence: Well, it’s the Conqueror. Are you gonna tell her not to fight?

Dedication: As always, I’d like to thank Mike for being such a great and supportive friend and beta reader. I love you, man! Thanks also go to Candace for once again beta reading fifty characters at a time, Elizabeth, and the rest of the Atlanta Xena crew. You guys ROCK! And a big thank you to list readers who put up with this being on their list every day.

Special thanks: Go out to a certain Lunatic whose question "Where are all the good Conqueror stories?" lifted my Muse to the challenge. And to Mary D, for her encouragement and requests for more! And, of course, every reader who has taken the time to drop me a line telling me how much you enjoy my attempts at story-telling. This story goes out to every one of you with heartfelt appreciation. You guys are the absolute best! Since my life has, for the moment, calmed back down, I will attempt to return each and every letter to everyone who took the time to send one to me. If you wish, you can reach me at SwordnQuil@aol.com .

Final P.S. With the completion of this story, I will begin writing Desert Storm once again, and then, when final rewrites to Redemption are completed, I will be starting on that sequel as well. Thanks to everyone for hanging in there. I hope you won’t be disappointed.

Last important bit: This story is completed. I am posting in sections to allow those who like it that way to have what they desire, but it is completed and will be going out a section a day until it is all up.


I, Conqueror

Reality resolved itself in slow motion and Xena blinked into the bright sunshine, tightening her hold on Gabrielle, whose knees buckled beneath her. "Where are we?"

Swallowing several times to clear the nausea in her belly, the bard looked around at the vast, empty field they were currently standing in the middle of. "I don’t know," she replied finally, grateful for the support of Xena’s warm, strong body behind her.

Xena tightened her grip again, causing Gabrielle to gasp in pain. "What do you mean, ‘you don’t know’? You sent us here."

"Well, technically, I sent us to a ‘when’. Not exactly a ‘where’. I think." I hope.

Spinning the smaller woman in her arms, the Conqueror grabbed Gabrielle’s shoulders and shook her. "Explain yourself, Amazon. Now."

"I will, I promise—Xena, hurting me isn’t going to do anything but make me pass out right now, so if you could just loosen up a little. . .." She sighed in relief as the harsh grip on her shoulders lessened just slightly. A cool wind blew across the field, bending back the golden grasses and causing her to break out into gooseflesh. She spied a small copse of trees to the west and gestured with her head. "Could we just . . .go over there for now?"

Looking in the indicated direction, the Conqueror’s eyes narrowed. Trees were where the Amazons felt most at home. "Why."

"Because it’s cold and I’m naked. I’d like to go somewhere where I’m not quite so . . .exposed."

Staring into the trees, Xena extended her senses, tasting, listening and smelling for danger. Though she was acutely wary, all seemed quiet. Releasing Gabrielle’s shoulders, she spun the woman again, and, taking her upper arm in a firm grip, her free hand on her chakram, she marched her captive toward the copse, eyes ever vigilant for danger.

Gabrielle questioned her choice as soon as they stepped within the leafy shelter of the small wood. The grove was seeded with bramble bushes which tore at her unprotected flesh. "Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea," she mumbled, pulling a thorn the size of her thumb out of her bare thigh.

After a final, and thorough, examination of the area, Xena released her healer and, sighing, pulled her cape from the epaulets on her shoulder-guards. "Lift your arms."

As Gabrielle did so, the Conqueror twirled the cape in the freshening breeze, then wrapped it around the bard’s body like a sheath, pinning it closed over her right breast with the bejeweled throat closure.

Because of their vast differences in height, the cape fell to below Gabrielle’s knees, but at least she was protected from the ire of the woods, and just a bit warmer in the bargain. She smiled her thanks, smoothing the silk against her body.

"Now talk, Amazon. No diversions. No games. The truth. Now."

"Alright . . . ."

"Now, Amazon. Where are we? Where is Alcmene?"

Gabrielle scratched at the back of her neck. "Well, you see, Alcmene isn’t exactly a ‘where’. It’s a ‘who’. A very pregnant ‘who’. At least I hope she is."

"Enough of this foolishness!"

"Xena, please. I’m not being foolish. It’s just . . .hard to explain. If you would just relax a moment and give me time to think . . . ." She looked deep into icy, glaring eyes. "Or not."

Gabrielle took in a deep breath. "The stone transported us into the past. I think it’s about thirty years ago, maybe thirty five. I can’t be too sure. We’re . . .well . . .I’m here to try and prevent Callisto from killing Alcmene."

The Conqueror’s eyes narrowed again. "Callisto? That’s not possible."

"Yes, Xena, it is possible. Remember, Callisto gave the Cronus Stone to you. That was after she had finished using it to murder Alcmene and change the tapestry of time."

"Explain." The command was sharp and brooked no argument.

Gabrielle breathed deeply again. "Callisto is . . .was . . .from another reality. A reality in which you, like she said, killed her family."

"How? How did I kill her family?"

"She’s from Cirra."

Xena’s eyes clouded as she sifted through her memories. The village name sounded familiar. Then she remembered. Once, on a raid, her men had accidentally set the town ablaze. She couldn’t recall any survivors and told Gabrielle as much.

"Maybe not in this reality, but where Callisto’s from, she survived. She blamed you for the death of her family and dedicated her life to hunting you down and killing you to make you pay for what you’d done."

"A very interesting tale, Amazon."

"It’s a true tale, Xena." Turning slightly, Gabrielle saw a fallen log and walked over to sit down. Her wound was throbbing and she felt weak and light-headed. She ran a hand over her brow, relieved to find it cool and dry. Then she looked back up at her impatient listener. "For whatever reason, instead of attacking you outright this time, she obtained the Cronus Stone, went back in time to where we are now, and killed Alcmene."

"And what purpose did this killing serve?"

"It changed the course of history."

Xena smiled slightly. "And how did it do that."

Gabrielle crossed her arms, hugging her body to try and ward off the coolness of the breeze. "Alcmene is a very beautiful woman. The bards say that Zeus was so enamored with her that he took the form of her husband and impregnated her. She bore a son who she named Hercules."

The Conqueror nodded. "Hercules. The same mythical demigod you used to regale my men in the healing tent." Her tone conveyed her disbelief.

"He’s not a myth. Or maybe he is, here. But I’m telling you, he did exist, before Callisto changed history by killing his mother."

"I’ll ask you again, Amazon. How did the death of one man, mythical beast slayer or not, supposedly change history?"

"There could be any number of ways, I suppose. But I only know of one for sure."

Xena raised an eyebrow. "And that was?"

A sudden rustling was heard in the treetops, and Xena looked up, her chakram already in her hand. A flock of birds set down to roost, and the Conqueror relaxed marginally, her weapon still at the ready. She stared down at the seated woman. "Your compatriots certainly seem in no great hurry to collect you, Amazon."

The young woman sighed, rubbing her arms to ward off the chill. "For the last time, Xena, I have no compatriots. It’s just me here, hoping against hope that I’ve done the right thing." She looked down, digging fitfully at a partially exposed root with her bare toe. "Anyway, getting back to your question. About four years or so ago, Hercules came upon a warlord who attempted to gain even more power by pitting him against his best friend and making off with the spoils." She looked up at the Conqueror, who, despite her demeanor, was listening intently. "It didn’t work. The warlord left, defeated."

Xena snorted. "Of course he did. With his tail between his legs while the enterprising duo was left to fight another day. That’s always the way these foolish tales end. With good yet again winning out over evil." Her eyes became diamond chips. "That doesn’t happen in reality, Amazon. Any reality."

Gabrielle decided that ignoring Xena’s snide remarks was the best strategy, for if she rose to the bait being dangled, Callisto would carve Alcmene in little pieces while she and the Conqueror will still arguing in the woods. "Some time passed and Hercules met the warlord again, though this time under much different circumstances. He found the warlord alone, after she," the bard took in a deep breath, "after she had been forced to run the gauntlet of her own army for saving a baby." White teeth were displayed as the bard pensively chewed at her lower lip. "The warlord was known as Xena: the Warrior Princess."

The world rushed crazily by as Gabrielle felt herself hauled to her feet by the front of her impromptu garment. Her face was so close to the Conqueror’s that she could smell the warm scent of Xena’s breath. "How do you know these things, Amazon? How!"

"You’ll have your answers if you put me down and let me finish the story."

Xena spun at a sound behind her, dropping the bard and unsheathing her sword. In the near distance, running as if for her very life, the Conqueror spied a very pregnant woman. The woman’s legs tangled in the remnants of her long peasant skirt and she tripped, disappearing from sight beneath the tall, swaying grasses. "Alcmene, I presume."

Gabrielle, who had never seen the woman before, could only hope and nod.

A split second later, a familiar form materialized as if from the very air, threw back her head, laughed, and, extending one thin arm, lit the grasses sheltering Alcmene aflame with a bolt that flew from her fingertips.

The bard rubbed at her chin. "Um . . .there’s something I forgot to mention about Callisto."

"So it would seem."

"She’s . . .a god now."

Feeling Callisto turn to glance her way, Xena drew behind the thick trunk of a sheltering tree, her silvered eyes narrow and thoughtful.

"Now do you believe me?" Gabrielle asked, pressing herself flat behind the Conqueror.

"It will take a great deal more than that light show to make a believer out of me, Amazon." Xena’s body was tense as she cautiously peered around the trunk, watching intently as Callisto, laughing again, aimed another bolt at the now wildly running Alcmene. The bolt missed, but not by much.

If the Conqueror knew her second, and she did, Callisto was merely toying with the woman, having her sport before committing the act which would permanently end her enjoyment of the chase.

"Believer or not, we need to rescue her," Gabrielle whispered.

"And why is that," Xena returned, not taking her eyes off the action.

"Why?" Gabrielle repeated, stunned. "Xena, in case you didn’t notice, that woman is pregnant. And helpless against Callisto, god or not! She’s going to die!"

"Death happens, Amazon."

The bard gritted her teeth and gathered the cloak around her more tightly. "Not while I’m around to stop it."

Xena wrapped an arm around her before Gabrielle could even think to move away from the trees.

"Let me go!" she hissed.

"Be quiet," the Conqueror intoned, watching as the fleeing woman changed direction, now heading directly toward them as if drawn to their position.

Giggling delightedly, Callisto flicked out her finger and scorched the very tree Xena and Gabrielle were hiding behind.

"By the gods, that was close!" Gabrielle breathed, stepping back to allow Xena to get away from the smoking bark.

Turning from the tree, sword in hand, Xena bowed her head, her lips brushing Gabrielle’s ear. "Your friend is heading this way. When she enters the wood, grab her and run. I’ll deal with Callisto."

The bard clutched at Xena’s arms. "You can’t do that! Callisto’s a god! She’ll kill you too!"

One corner of the Conqueror’s mouth lifted in a wry smile. "Didn’t seem to stop you from wanting to do the very same thing a moment ago, did it."

Gabrielle scowled. "That’s different."

"We’ll discuss that later. Just do as I say."

"That’s not different," Gabrielle grumbled half under her breath as she pulled away from Xena. "Fine. Do you have any general direction in mind?"

Alcmene stumbled into the wood. Grabbing the nearly spent woman, the Conqueror thrust her into Gabrielle’s arms. "Just go!"

The bard clamped a hand over Alcmene’s mouth before the other woman had a chance to scream. "We’re here to help. I know you’re tired, but you need to run with me as fast as you can. We’ll get you to safety, I promise."

Alcmene’s eyes were wide with panic, but after a moment, she nodded.

Removing her hand from Alcmene’s mouth, Gabrielle smiled, and grabbed the other woman’s hand. "Great. Let’s go."

Xena waited until Gabrielle had left the wood, their guest in hand, then turned and stepped deliberately around the tree trunk and out into the brilliant sunshine. "Hello, Callisto," she purred, her sword tip resting against one broad shoulder.

The blonde goddess pulled up short, her dark eyes wide with shock. "Xena! Not that it isn’t a pleasant surprise, but what are you doing here?"

The Conqueror smiled. "I could ask you the same question, Callisto."

"Oh, a little of this, a little of that." Peering around Xena’s shoulder, she looked into the darkness of the wooded glen. "Where’s your beloved little bard brat? Somewhere safe, I trust?" Callisto smiled mockingly, tilting her head to one side. "I know how tethered through the nose she has you, poor dear."

Xena filed the apparent non-sequitor away for future reference and leveled the point of her sword at the hollow of Callisto’s neck.

Reaching up with disdain, Callisto merely flicked the blade away. "Oh, please. Surely you haven’t forgotten your little ambrosial gift to me already, have you, Xena? You can’t possibly think you could hurt me with that thing. Be a dear and put it away before someone gets hurt, won’t you?"

Xena’s mind was awash with confusion, knowing full well that she had never even seen ambrosia, and if she had, Callisto would be the last person to receive such a gift from her. Determined not to let that confusion show, she flipped the sword back to the blonde’s neck. "I thought, perhaps, a little sparring? For old times’ sake?"

Grinning, Callisto stepped back and withdrew her own sword. "Oh, why not. I never could resist a challenge, Xena. Especially not one from you. You always did bring out the worst in me."

She danced forward and their blades met, a waterfall of sparks raining down to skitter across the ground. They broke apart, then engaged again, their faces almost touching as their hilts locked and brute strength came into play.

The Conqueror was a bit taken aback when Callisto’s ambrosia-imbued strength matched hers, measure for measure, but she kept her grip locked tight against her adversary, determined not to yield.

Callisto giggled. "Oh Xena," she purred, licking her lips, "if I had known this was the way to get you grunting and straining, I would have stolen some ambrosia years ago!"

Shaking her head, Xena relaxed the slightest bit, and when Callisto responded, quickly broke the lock of their blades, dancing away from the goddess’ downstroke.

"Oh, very good, my sweet."

Xena trilled out her battle cry.

Callisto responded with a scream.

Soon the sounds of metal on metal overtook even wailing of the wind, which seemed to howl its approval of the combat taking place.

Xena ran toward Callisto, and, at the last second, flipped high above her head, forcing the goddess to turn and put her back to the trees. The Conqueror landed solidly, knees flexed, her blade ready to engage the enemy.

Grinning, Callisto waggled a finger in Xena’s direction. "As much as I’ve relished this little dance, my dear, I’ve allowed you to delay me long enough. I simply must dash. Business first, and all that." She pouted. "You’d think you could at least be happy for me, Xena. After all, I’m doing this for you."

"Oh you are, are you?"

"But of course, my darling! Without Hercules meddling in your affairs, all this will be yours!" She grinned. "And you’ll have me to thank for it." Dark eyes narrowed in challenge. "And what does your precious little Gabrielle have that could even begin to compete with that, hmm? All she offers is that scrawny little body of hers. While I, dear Xena, I offer you the world!"

While Callisto’s assertions weren’t making very much sense to a puzzled Conqueror, her words did serve to, at least in part, confirm some of the unbelievable stories Gabrielle had been telling her. Xena wondered anew if perhaps she hadn’t been right in her first assumption, that the two women were somehow in collusion with one another, working in tandem to instill some form of madness into her which would cause her downfall.

Shaking her head, she fought to regain her focus as Callisto stared at her, grinning wildly.

"So. Do I get a ‘thank you’ kiss?"

"Dream on, Callisto."

"I thought as much." The goddess flicked a bored finger, smirking as a bolt of blue light shot from it. "Just a little something to remember me by, darling."

Xena just managed to bring her sword up in time to deflect the blow. With blind luck, the Conqueror’s weapon sent the bolt back to its originator, blowing Callisto off her feet and knocking her into the very tree she had scorched earlier. The goddess slumped to the ground, unconscious, her leather smoking around the charred hole that was already starting to heal near her navel.

With steps borne of caution, Xena made her way to Callisto, prodding the fallen woman with the tip of her boot. When there was no reaction, Xena raised an eyebrow. "I’m gonna to have to remember that little trick."

Toeing Callisto once more for good measure, and nodding in satisfaction, Xena sheathed her sword and set off into the woods, keen eyes already scanning the leaf-strewn ground for signs of the two fleeing women.


When Alcmene stumbled for the third time in as many minutes, Gabrielle pulled the winded woman to a stop, looking at her with concern. "Are you alright?"

Alcmene leaned over, hands on her knees, trying desperately to get some air back into her straining lungs. "I . . .think so. Just give me a . . .minute . . .to get my . . .breath back." A bolt of pain shot through her middle. "Ow!"

"What is it? Are you alright?"

The pain receded. Then came again, doubled in its intensity. "I’m . . .ow! . . .not sure. I think the baby’s wanting out."

Gabrielle spun Alcmene around. "Are you sure?!"

"Well . . .I’ve never had a baby before . . .but that’s sure what it feels like."

The bard ran a hand through her hair. "Ok, ok. Um . . .we’ll just have to find a place for you to rest."

"That sounds—by the gods this kid has a tough kick!—really great right about now."

Nodding, the bard looked around. In the desperate flight, she’d led them down from the meadow and into a more rocky area bisected by a long ravine whose rocky walls towered menacingly over their heads. A narrow entrance was just visible to her, and she pointed, directing Alcmene’s gaze that way. "I doubt it’ll be very comfortable in there, but at least we’ll be out of the wind."

Gathering up her tattered skirt, Alcmene started forward. "What are we waiting for then? Let’s go!"

Shaking her head in bemusement, the bard broke into a quick trot so as to not be left behind.


"There," Gabrielle said, lowering Alcmene behind a natural rock barrier which would protect her from the bright sun shining down from overhead, its heat magnified within the natural bowl-effect of the ravine. "It’s not exactly a luxury suite in Athens’ best Inn, but it’s the best we’re gonna get on short notice."

Alcmene smiled, and the bard could readily see the woman’s soon-to-be son in the open expression. "It’s a grand place, um, . . . .I’m afraid I don’t know your name."

"It’s Gabrielle," the younger woman replied, reaching down to clasp Alcmene’s hand. "Pleased to meet you."

"Not half as pleased as I am," Alcmene replied, returning the clasp. "I was sure my baby would never see life with that woman chasing after me. Do you have any idea who she was?"

"Her name is Callisto. Not a very nice person."

Alcmene laughed. "You can say that again. Those things she did . . .is she a god? Why does she want to hurt me? I’m sure I haven’t done anything to offend her. I’ve never seen her before today."

"It’s not you. Not really. It’s her. She’s a very angry, very bitter woman."

"Well, your friend is very brave, staying behind like that to fight her so that I could get away. I hope she can find us. I’d like to thank her."

"She’ll be here." I hope. Oh, Xena, please be careful.

"You have a lot of faith in her."

"She’s worth it."

Alcmene nodded at the conviction in her young savior’s voice, then gasped as she felt something decidedly strange. "Gabrielle?"

Turning her head from the entrance, the bard noted the unusual expression on the other woman’s face. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"I . . .I, um, think my water just broke."

Gabrielle squatted quickly. "Please tell me you’re kidding."

"Well, unless a spring suddenly opened up underneath me, I’m not kidding."

"Oh, boy."

Suddenly, a slight shuffle was heard from the entrance to the ravine. Gabrielle jumped to her feet. "Xena!" she cried out in relief.

The Conqueror nodded, eyeing the place the Amazon had chosen, impressed despite herself.

"Go to your friend, Gabrielle. I’ll be ok here."

The bard bent down, placing a warm hand on Alcmene’s arm. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. The pain seems to have disappeared for the moment, and I think it’s best if I just tried to relax. The worst is yet to come, right?"

Smiling in empathy, Gabrielle gently squeezed Alcmene’s arm, and when the young woman nodded, rose back to her feet and stepped around the rock shelter, walking to meet Xena halfway between the shelter and the entrance.

"Interesting choice," the Conqueror commented.

"Well, I figured it was easily defensible." Hand to the back of her neck, Gabrielle looked around. "Or it would be, if Callisto wasn’t a god." She gazed back at Xena. "Speaking of which, where is she?"

"Taken care of. For now. And the woman?"


"For now."

Gabrielle tensed at the warning tone in Xena’s voice. "What do you mean?"

"Callisto told me some interesting things while we were . . .engaged."

"Interesting, huh?"

"Very interesting."

"Would you mind sharing?"

Xena’s face hardened. "That would be a job better left to you, Amazon. What, exactly, happened when your ‘Warrior Princess’ met Hercules."

"Well, you . . .she . . .Xena joined forces with Hercules and Iolaus to defeat Darfus’ attack against a nearby village. Xena killed Darfus, but Ares raised him from the dead and made him more powerful than before."

"But they managed to kill him again."


Xena nodded. "And then?"

Gabrielle looked at the dirt under her feet. "Well, you . . .she . . .was always pretty quiet about what happened after, but she did say that he unchained her heart." She looked up again, her eyes blazing, intense. "Xena, Hercules made you see that you didn’t need to walk in the darkness any longer. He showed you that it was okay to be good; to help others instead of hurting them. You thanked him and left to make your own path in this world. A path of goodness. You call it ‘The Greater Good’."

"That Xena never existed, Amazon. Except in your fevered imagination."

"You’re wrong, Xena. That person does exist." She lifted her hand, placing her fingers on the warm flesh of the Conqueror’s chest. "Right here. In your heart. All you have to do is let her out."

Teeth bared, Xena grabbed Gabrielle’s wrist in a harsh grip and pulled the younger woman’s hand away. "It appears Ares was right."

Gabrielle refused to let the pain show. "About what?"

"You are my enemy. Because if what you say is true, and this Hercules is allowed to be born, I will lose my throne. I’ll lose everything I’ve spent my life fighting to gain."

"Xena, it’s not like that . . . ."

"Who rules Greece in your reality, Amazon?"

"Well, no one, but . . . ."

"Exactly. You’ve come to take Greece from me." Flinging Gabrielle away, Xena reached down and removed a dagger from her boot. "That’s not going to happen."

Gabrielle jumped back to her feet, watching in horror as the Conqueror moved unerringly toward Alcmene’s resting place, her knife hand swinging with every step she took.

Looking around desperately, the bard stooped down and grabbed a rock that fit comfortably in her hand. Straightening and drawing back her arm, she prayed to Artemis for true aim, and let fly the rock, watching as it sped toward its intended target.

Who turned at the last possible second, and caught the rock with her free hand, her angry strength crushing it to dust as she stared at Gabrielle with murderous intent. After a moment, however, Xena opened her hand, let the dust fall to the ground, and turned back toward her primary goal.

"Xena! Don’t!!"

Then came a bolt of blue fire which hit the target Gabrielle missed, sending the knife spinning away to shatter against one of the ravine’s rocky walls. With the bolt came an enraged scream which echoed off the walls and caused both women to stop and turn toward the source of the sound.

"Isn’t that just like you, Xe-na. Kicking a woman when she’s down, then walking away without a second glance." Callisto grinned. "You honestly didn’t think I was going to let you get away with that little slight to me, did you?"

The Conqueror stood ramrod straight and said nothing, her empty hands clenching and unclenching with the effort to contain her anger.

Callisto turned her head slightly. "Well hello, Gabrielle! I just knew you had to be around here somewhere, sniffing up Xena’s skirts. I believe you’re holding something of mine?"

"Forget it, Callisto," the bard snarled.

"Wish I could, dear. But the truth is, I can never forget the look on my mother’s face as her dress caught on fire and took the rest of her with it. Every time I close my eyes, I can hear her screaming. Begging for someone to help her." The goddess rubbed her chin with the back of her hand as her eyes gained their focus once again. "So be a dear and bring me Zeus’ little whore, would you?"

"You’ll have to go through me first, Callisto," Gabrielle warned.

The goddess beamed. "I was hoping you’d say that!"

A lick of fire shot from Callisto’s fingertip, but the bard was prepared and dropped to the ground, rolling to avoid the blow.

Missing its target, the bolt struck the rock shelter, and Alcmene screamed as the boulders exploded, littering her body with jagged pieces of debris.

Stopping her desperate roll, Gabrielle reversed direction and dove behind the shelter, covering the cowering woman’s body with her own as the air continued to rain rocks down over her.

Callisto’s laughter echoed again as she turned her head. "And here’s a little something to pay you back for being such a naughty girl, Xena."

Another bolt flew.

The Conqueror just managed to deflect it with the chakram that appeared in her hand.

Blue fire flicked again, and Xena deflected the bolt back to its owner, only to have Callisto dart out of the way. "Oh, Xena. You didn’t think I’d fall for the same trick twice, did you?"

Xena shrugged minutely. "It was worth a shot."

"True. It’s good to know some things never change, my darling. Always striving for the upper hand. Even in hopeless situations, like this one."

Both women released their weapons at the same time. Xena’s chakram impacted directly with Callisto’s energy bolt, and both combatants ducked as their own weapons ricocheted back on a direct path toward their heads.

The chakram hit the closest wall, showering sparks and loosening some small stones to roll to the floor below, before rebounding and heading back to its owner.

Callisto’s bolt hit the wall very near the entrance to the ravine, exploding the rockface and making the entire wall rumble threateningly.

Behind the much reduced rock shelter, Alcmene pushed Gabrielle off of her. "The baby’s coming!" she screamed, clawing at her hair in pain. "The baby’s coming!"

As Gabrielle scrambled over to try and help, Callisto laughed. "Did you hear that, Xena? Your destiny is being birthed before your very eyes. How many people can say that?" She grinned, raising her arms. "Last chance, Xena. You know what Hercules will do if he’s allowed to be born. Let me kill him, and the world will be yours!"

"And have to live knowing I’m beholden to you for my crown? Not a chance, Callisto."

The goddess shrugged. "Have it your way, then. I’ll just have to rule it without you."

She clenched her right hand tightly, then opened it to show a glowing, white ball which crackled, sending out fat sparks. "Goodbye, dear Xena. I wish I could say it’s been fun, but it hasn’t. Remember me fondly to Hades when you see him, won’t you?"

Thrusting out her hand, Callisto threw the energy ball.

Xena held her chakram in front of her, and when the blow hit, the power of it blew her off her feet, the chakram slipping from her hand as she flew the length of the ravine. She collided with the far wall and slumped to the ground, barely conscious.

"And now, for my prize. Come out, come out wherever you are, Alcmene. Time to face the music, my dear."

Gabrielle squatted next to the laboring woman, paralyzed with indecision. She desperately wanted to go to Xena, who lay unmoving against the ravine wall, blood streaming down her face, her eyes dazed and glassy.

Her absolute devotion to the greater good, however, stayed her steps, and as Callisto came closer, she rose to her feet and grabbed the chakram which had landed on what remained of the rock wall sheltering Alcmene. Her face was stony; her eyes, chips of jade shining with determination.

Callisto stopped, and smiled. "Well, well, well, if it isn’t brave little Gabrielle making a stand against the big, bad goddess." She cocked her head. "Put Xena’s toy away before you hurt yourself with it, hmmm?"

"You won’t win, Callisto."

"And just how do you intend on stopping me, dear?"

Behind her, Alcmene screamed in agony and Gabrielle turned, watching as the tendons in the woman’s neck stood out with the force of her pushing.

The bard turned back. "I’ll give up my life to see that Hercules has a chance to be born."

Callisto nodded. "And that’s exactly what I’ll take from you." She held out an arm, then dropped it suddenly, a slow smile blooming over her face. "No, killing you this way would be too easy." Reaching back, she pulled her sword and twirled it once. "I think I’d rather do this the old fashioned way. And this way, you and your dear dead husband can bear matching death wounds."

With a piercing shriek, Callisto attacked. Gabrielle defended herself, using the chakram to ward off the sword strikes that seemed to be coming from all directions at once.

Her arm burned in agony as the tip of Callisto’s sword traced a line across her flesh and, Alcmene’s pain filled cries pushing her on, the bard redoubled her efforts, deflecting stroke after stroke as she looked for a way to penetrate the goddess’ own defenses.

"Gabrielle! Help me! Please!" Alcmene wailed as her insides turned to flame with the strength of her contractions.

Gabrielle was weakening, and she knew it. Her heart was torn in too many directions and Callisto’s ambrosia-induced strength was becoming overwhelming. Gritting her teeth, her muscles bulging and straining with effort, she continued to deflect the blows until a lucky shot knocked the chakram from her hand.

"Game over, Gabrielle."

Gabrielle stood, chin lifted, staring Callisto straight in the eye as the goddess raised her sword for the final blow.

And then, with an almost mystic sense she’d developed over the years, she dropped flat to the ground as an airborne body flew directly over her and slammed, boots first, into Callisto’s stomach, sending the other woman flying across the ravine and to her own meeting with a rocky wall.

Xena landed, stooped, and grabbed her chakram, which she then flung at the barrier which had already been weakened by its meeting with Callisto’s bolt.

Thunder rumbled through the narrow ravine as the wall began to collapse, sending huge boulders toppling toward the ground at immense speeds.

Looking up, Callisto screamed.

Catching her weapon, Xena turned and pulled Gabrielle up from the ground. "Run!" she shouted to be heard over the din of the approaching rockslide.

"Not without Alcmene!"

"Run!" The Conqueror shouted again, giving the bard a healthy shove in the right direction.

The boulders began to close in, and Xena ran behind Gabrielle, who stopped, and turned. "You can’t just leave her there, Xena. She’s an innocent woman. Please. You have to help her."

Shoving Gabrielle once again, the Conqueror darted to her right, bent low, and scooped Alcmene up in her strong arms. The laboring woman squirmed in her arms, almost causing Xena to lose her balance and fall victim to the oncoming rocks. "Stay still, or I’ll kill you myself."

The threat was an empty one, however, as Xena regained her balance and just managed to step out of the path of destruction.

Like a flooded river, the boulders continued past, rumbling across the ravine floor until they met the far wall, where they crashed, were shattered, and lay still.

Then all was quiet, save for the dust that fell like rain, and the sounds of Alcmene’s urgent panting.

"Bring her over here!" Gabrielle pointed to a relatively level space of ground.

Xena walked her burden over to the area indicated, and laid her on the ground, before quickly turning away and scanning the area for Callisto’s presence.

Gabrielle quickly went to her knees, clasping Alcmene’s hand and wincing at the strength of the other woman’s ferocious grip.

"Oh gods . . . .it’s coming . . .please . . .please . . .help me."

"Alright," the bard crooned, "it’s alright. Here, open your legs and let me see, ok?" Kneeling in between Alcmene’s cocked legs, she saw the head beginning to crown. "You’re doing great, Alcmene. I can just see the head. You’re doing fine."

"Can I push?"

"Yes. Give it all you’ve got. A great big push. Now."

As Alcmene bore down with all her might, Gabrielle slipped her hands under the head as it came forward, quickly followed by the rest of the body.

Alcmene screamed out her relief and Gabrielle laughed, holding the squirming infant in her hands. "It’s a boy!"

"Is he . . .is he alright?"

Confirmation was heard in the form of a loud, indignant wail.

"Oh, thank the gods."

At the sound of the infant’s cry, the Conqueror spun, staring down at the tiny, squalling body in Gabrielle’s hands. Her hand slowly went to her chakram and she took it from its hook on her leathers, her intense gaze focused on nothing but the child. The child who would take away everything that she was, everything she’d fought for, everything she’d gained. The sounds, scents and sights of many a bloody battle raced behind her eyes, her body responding to war’s seductive call.

The baby wailed again, shaking his fists, and Xena blinked, coming back into herself. He looked up at her with large, unblinking eyes as she remembered other times, other infants. The one she saved, causing her to walk the Gauntlet of her own army’s men. Her own son, Solon, placed in the strong, capable arms of the Centaurs as the son of their hero, Borias; only to be killed by the Amazons in their war with the Centaurs; a war that only ended with Velasca’s death and the decimation of the Amazons as a race.

She’d never allowed herself to mourn the loss of so tiny and so precious a life, knowing that to do so would only distract her from her ultimate focus: the conquest of Greece.

She allowed her gaze to move from infant to mother. Alcmene stared at her, her expression unsettled. Why should I allow your son to live when I let mine die without even a tear to mark his passing? Does the child of Zeus deserve more of a right to live than the child of a monster?

The Conqueror looked back at the tiny innocent held so tenderly in the arms of his deliverer. Will you be my ending? Or truly my beginning? If I lose all that I am, what is there to be gained?

She fingered the chakram absently, callused thumb playing over the razor-sharp edge, wondering why such a simple decision had become suddenly so hard.

Gabrielle eyed the Conqueror warily, unable to read the display of emotions in the chiseled face. "Xena?"

Xena slowly raised her gaze to meet deep green eyes looking calmly back at her. So many emotions in those beautiful eyes. So many. What do you see when you look at me, Amazon? Do you see the person I am? Or do you see the person you think I could become.

"Who are you?" she asked finally. And, more importantly, who am I?

"I’m Gabrielle. A woman who loves you."

"You . . .love me?"

Nothing but absolute devotion shone from Gabrielle’s face. "Yes. And I always will."

"The greatest weakness."

Gabrielle shook her head. "No. The greatest strength Your greatest strength."

The Conqueror shook her head once, as if to negate the words, and, raising her weapon, stepped forward, her jaw tightly clenched, teeth gleaming white in the dusty air.

With a groan of pain, she brought the chakram down.

And severed the cord still tethering the infant to his mother.

Reaching down, she ripped a piece of fabric from Alcmene’s tattered skirt and quickly tied off the stump of the cord before stepping back once again, powerful emotions finally freed from the prison where she’d kept them locked tightly for so many dark and dangerous years.

The emotions overwhelmed her and brought the mighty Conqueror to her knees, her chakram falling from her hand to land on the dusty ground.

Gabrielle quickly handed Hercules off to his mother, then rushed to kneel before her soulmate. "Xena?" she asked again, quietly.

Xena’s head slowly lifted. In her eyes, a lost, broken soul cried out for comfort, and this Gabrielle gave without reservation, pulling Xena into a tight embrace and resting the taller woman’s head on her shoulder. "I’m here, Xena. I’ll always be here. Always."

After a moment, Xena pulled away. The smile she mustered was tiny, but it managed to reach her tear-sparkling eyes. "Thank you, Gabrielle," she whispered hoarsely.

The bard sobbed at the sound of her name, and reached up, gently guiding Xena’s lips to hers in a kiss of absolution, of devotion, of deep and utter love.

And the world went black once again.


When Gabrielle regained consciousness, it was to the sensation of warm, soft lips still pressing against her own. Lips whose taste was finer than the best Grecian wine, attached to a face that was more beautiful than any Olympian goddess, and a body that was just as stunning, and just as. . .naked?

The bard kept her eyes tightly shut, her hands continuing their unknowing trek down Xena’s smooth-muscled back. Yup. Naked.

Large hands roaming with sensual grace down her own body convinced Gabrielle that she was in a similar state of undress.

And laying on her back.

Partially covered by a thick, soft fur.

Her eyes popped open, huge with shock as her mind finally caught up to her raging hormones.

Loathe to break the passionate kiss, but helpless to do anything else, Gabrielle pushed Xena away and scrambled up from the bedroll, her entire body turning in circles as she scanned the wooded clearing she suddenly found herself in.

High above her head, birds twittered cheerfully, courting in the leafy canopy that sheltered the sun dappled grove. Off to her left, Argo threw her head and whinnied a cheerful, if grass-strewn, greeting her way. Behind her, a well-laid campfire burned its last, the fragrant smoke tickling her nostrils pleasantly.

She looked back down to see Xena, half on the bedroll, looking back up at her, an expression of tolerant amusement covering her face. "Was it something I said?" the low voice rumbled.

Gabrielle blushed a brilliant pink, and she shook her head, still unable to believe she was seeing what she thought she was seeing. "Um . . .no."

The warrior nodded slowly, her face creasing into a half smile. Gabrielle’s breath caught in her throat as the love shining from Xena’s so-pale eyes caused her heart to skip several beats.

Slowly lowering herself to her knees, Gabrielle reached out a shaking hand. Xena grasped the hand immediately, bringing it to her lips and brushing a gentle kiss against the bard’s palm. "Are you alright?" she murmured, using her free hand to tenderly cup Gabrielle’s cheek, trying to read the emotions flashing through the vibrant eyes.

"I . . .not sure. I think so. It’s just . . . ." She took in a deep breath, then let it out slowly. "I love you, Xena."

The smile she received made her heart soar. "I love you too, Gabrielle."

"Say it again."

"I love you?"

"Well, that too. But I really meant my name. Say my name again?"

Xena’s eyebrow hid beneath her bangs, but she complied. "Gabrielle."

And suddenly found her arms full of warm, laughing, and crying bard. "By the gods, it’s good to be home!"

Xena allowed herself to be bowled over by her young lover, not understanding in the least what had just happened, but happy that, whatever it was, Gabrielle was warm, and safe, and whole in her arms.

As fervent lips melded to hers, the Warrior Princess stopped thinking of anything at all, and simply surrendered to the boundless love that enveloped her, heart and soul.

And somewhere, high above, the Fates continued their spinning, reweaving a world that had been torn asunder by hatred, and mended by the strongest force of all.


The End


And there you have it folks. My first, and last, Conqueror story. Thanks to everyone who took time out to drop me a line. Brightened my day most definitely, and put a big grin on my face. J

This was going to be the last story I wrote, aside from the promised conclusion to Desert Storm. I’m not a big fan of Season Five, and I really didn’t have it in me to write scenes of Gabrielle and Xena, in whatever incarnations they might be in, treating each other with tenderness and love. But thanks to a few very kind and perceptive people, I’ve decided not to let ‘them’ win. I’ll keep on writing my vision of these wonderful characters as long as there are stories in my head and readers who enjoy seeing what the Muse comes up with. And, for now, I’ll keep on watching, hoping against hope that this show can, Phoenix-like, once again be something I’m proud to be addicted to.

Now, onto Desert Storm, and then, Redemption: The Sequel.

Until next time, thanks again, and battle on!



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