Here in the midst

Of a lonely abyss

A single joy I find . . . . .

Your presence in my mind







As soon as Gabrielle was sure Xena was asleep, she searched the gloom of the cavern for a glimpse of Cat. Almost as though she could read minds, Cat caught her eye, and then wandered over, and sat down next to Gabrielle. "Gabrielle, before you say anything, I have a problem. It seems that our soon to be newlyweds have expressed a desire to remain behind, and monitor the rest of us. They are afraid that something bad could happen, and they haven't been joined yet. I agree with them. I know if there was ever a possibility that something like this would have separated Chrisanna and I, I would probably go crazy. Anyway, to get to the important stuff. Leaving them behind, means we have some weak spots in our ranks. I was wondering if you might like to join us. I can fill the spots with others from our larger group, but well, they don't know what you know about Ares, and of course, about Xena."

Cat caught Gabrielle's eye again, and winked at her. Blushing, Gabrielle threw her arms around Cat, and hugged her tightly. Whispering, with a catch in her voice, "I don't know how to thank you. You are probably one of the greatest people I have ever met. How did you know what I was going to ask you?" Cat smiled even broader, and winked again. "It's a knack Gabrielle. I always tell people, that I know everything, but the truth is it just comes to me. Besides, if it were my soulmate, who's future with me hung in the balance, I would be kicking some serious butt if they wouldn't let me come along. Actually, I'll be depending on you to help me lead this little expedition. Like I said, no one knows Ares or Xena, better than you do. I really believe that we can use the power of your strength, and your love to draw him to us."

Nodding her head, Gabrielle bent down, and kissed Xena's forehead, and then straightening up grabbed her staff, and the amulet that Cat was holding out to her. "It feels extremely strange when you first leave your body. Some people say it feels like you are being turned inside out. Not painful, just uncomfortable. Some of the herbs that KW prepared for us help to curb those feelings. I want you to stay as close to me as possible, since you've never done this before. Traveling through a mind, is not exactly like traveling down the road. The landscape is vastly different, and can be seriously unstable. We have to be careful about what we perceive is real, and what might actually be Xena's natural defenses. And you know as well as I do, that she has some formidable defenses. All that training and stuff she's put herself through. Tsk, Tsk. Anyway, any questions?"

Gabrielle looked away, almost too embarrassed to voice her thoughts. "Let me guess," Cat grinned widely, "You want to know if I love Xena." Gabrielle blushed, and looked at her boots, the wall, anywhere except Cat's eyes. "Ha, you are so easy Gabrielle. I do love Xena, but I am not in love with Xena. She is a friend, a sister, one of my children. I will keep my promise, and tell you everything I can about our association. I love her enough to protect her with my very life. And do anything I can to make her happy. That goes for you too, child. Don't ever forget that." Tears began to fall from both women's eyes. Hugging, they wiped away their tears, and joining the others, they went to their spots on the floor.

DaSis started a low humming. An unfamiliar, yet no less beautiful and mysterious tune. Slowly one by one each of the travelers joined in, matching her tones with complimentary ones of their own. Cat took up the song, and added words to it. Gabrielle was mesmerized by the sound. She hadn't realized that singing was another of Cat's many skills. They closed their eyes, as the chanting increased in volume. Each of the women monitoring them, watched closely for any signs of discomfort or distress. Cat reached for the hands of the two women on either side of her. One being Gabrielle, and the other Chrisanna.

A warmth started to emanate from the amulets draped over the women's necks. Gabrielle stole a peek at the artifact, and realized that it was actually beginning to glow. She started to feel a tingling sensation in her hands and feet, and from the top of her head. Suddenly she felt like her insides were being pulled out through her skin. With a small popping feeling, she felt herself kind of move away from her body. It didn't make any sense to her, but looking back, she could see her body along side the rest of the women's, and yet they were all sort of floating next to her and Cat. Cat tugged the chain of spirits, and one by one pulled them through Xena's body.

Following her instincts, Cat led the group through "tunnels", into Xena's mind's eye. It looked and felt like they were traveling through heavy water. There was no sensation of time, or of temperature, just a feeling almost like swimming. The "landscape" was a soft gray, but every so often, there was a flash of color as they passed. Cat told them that the flashes represented Xena's mind working even in her sleep.

They stopped at the threshold, and Cat addressed all of them. "For those of you who have never done this before, it is like traveling through a bad dream. Stay close. Do not be deceived by the familiar appearances of some that we might encounter. Remember only the members of our immediate group would be wearing the amulet. By opening the gateway, we are risking letting others follow in after us. They can't stay, and they can't hurt us. But they can annoy the daylights out of us, and slow us down. We can theoretically do battle with them as well. A lot of entities have reason to believe that they should harm Xena, or at least try. We can't let that happen."

Gabrielle stood close to Cat, and when she was done speaking, she asked some questions that had been nagging her since they first started talking about this trip. "Umm, I was wondering, will Xena remember any of this later. And how do we find Ares? I mean he's in the outside world isn't he?" Cat smiled at the interesting woman beside her. "Very good questions Gabrielle. Xena will be able to recall only bits and pieces of our passage here. It will seem like a dream, or a nightmare depending on how she looks at it. And as for Ares. He is uncontrollably drawn to Xena's psyche, and yours. Once we open the gate, it would be like sending up a signal, to come and find us. His whole being needs her, like the earth needs the rain. Be very careful. There is what looks like a rope of light encircling all of our waists. This is your lifeline. If it gets cut or damaged, you will not be able to return to your living body." Nodding her satisfaction at those answers, Gabrielle turned thoughtful eyes to the rest of the group.

Cat reached out with her hands, and a massive gate of sorts appeared in front of them. Touching the gate, it shimmered some, and then fell away. She motioned for the group to follow her, and glided through the portal.

The other side revealed a sense of peace and wonderment. Children laughing and playing. One child in particular, running faster, and rough housing with the boys. Slowly she began to get older, and where the other girls were playing dress up, and dolls, she was out fishing, climbing trees, learning to handle a sword. Forever present in these scenes, were two other children, boys, but obviously related to the young girl. Gabrielle perceived that this must be some of Xena's childhood memories. For a moment she felt almost bad, that she had taken advantage of Cat's offer, and joined them on this quest. She felt as though she were secretly sneaking around, and spying on Xena's memories, anxious to answer so many of her questions, involving her mysterious Warrior Princess.

Shaking herself from her thoughts, she guilty stopped paying attention to the scenes passing by, and instead focused on Cat and the others. One scene caught her eye though, and she found herself uncontrollably drawn to it. It showed a young Xena, tagging after another girl, maybe ten years older than her. She had dark flowing hair, and eyes the color of a wild cat's. It was at that moment that she realized she was looking at Xena's first encounter with Cat. She became so absorbed with the scene, she didn't realize that the real Cat was standing next to her. Xena lied to me. She said she was already a warlord when she met Cat. Why?

"Gabrielle," Cat's voice came to her as though through water, "You have to stay with us. I don't want to lose you in here." Quietly she whispered only to Gabrielle, "I didn't let her follow me. I forced her to stay in Amphipolis, and grow up like a normal kid. I will forever regret that decision. She may have never become the Destroyer of Nations, if I had granted her that one wish. I never lost sight of her in my travels, but I was never able to regain the trust necessary to prevent her from her path of darkness. I . . . well, we need to go, but I promise I will finish the story when we are done here."

Gabrielle was presented with a whole new flood of questions, but she hurried to direct her attention to the quest, and to Cat. They quickly moved on, Cat using her considerable power and expertise to propel them rapidly through the memories. More and more scenes, some too horrible for words played out as they passed through Xena's consciousness. They witnessed the attacks from Cortese, and the subsequent evolution that Xena took, from child to killer.

Many scenes passed by that Cat consciously tried to divert the group from. Some instances so personal, that it was not acceptable to her to take them through them. Especially with Gabrielle in the group. They ventured through the birth of Solon, and the betrayals of her army. Her encounters with Hercules, and the eventual running of the Gauntlet. Gabrielle was delighted, and excited to catch a glimpse of her first meeting with Xena. She marveled at how young she was, and how innocent. She garnered no regrets however, but a small pain pierced her heart, when she thought about what she would have done if Xena had left her behind.

The others were equally as charmed, and appalled at what they saw as they moved towards their destination. So much pain, and so much sorrow. They gave a collective sigh, when they witnessed the first months of Xena and Gabrielle's association. And laughed collectively at some of the antics, that took place. Especially those that Gabrielle had been unaware of at the time. They were able to share the hidden glances, the blushes at the slightest touch, whether by accident, or by design. The special gifts, a favorite snack, or an evening in an inn, instead of on the ground. The major efforts that Xena went through to ensure Gabrielle's happiness. They even saw the earliest signs of Xena's awareness, when she first realized that she was in love with Gabrielle, and the despair she felt when she decided that Gabrielle could never love her back.

Gabrielle viewed all of this with love, despair, and a great sense of loss. She wished that she had been able to see more of these things when they were happening , and not so far after they had passed. She sought out Cat again, and was preparing to ask her a question, when a decidedly scary image of Xena blocked her progress. "Hey there, red. What brings you to this happy little show?" The image sneered at her. Trying to slip around her attacker, she managed to pass by, but was suddenly jerked backward. As though a rope were tied around her waist. Chrisanna and Lioness observed this, and signaled to the others to stop.

Shouting back to Gabrielle, the women began to turn, and hurry in her direction. "Don't let her cut that rope Gabrielle! Don't let her gain control of you!" Gabrielle was torn between trying to stop her attacker, and listening to what she had to say. She looked so much like Xena, but they was an evil present in her eyes, that could not possibly be the real woman she loved. Swinging her staff into position, she addressed the entity personally. "Let me pass, or I will make you sorry you stopped me in the first place." The intruder threw her head back and laughed heartily. "You and what army little girl? What'sa matter, don't you love me?" She sneered peevishly. That was enough for Gabrielle. Swinging back, she slammed the end of her staff into the intruder's jaw, and then spun around, and followed with a smash to the gut. The fake Xena began to waiver, and then stood straight with absolute fury in her eyes. Gabrielle stepped in, and with a volley of smashes to the legs and knees, knocked the intruder to the ground. Cat stepped forward, and grabbing the lifeline surrounding the beings waist, prepared to cut it loose. It screamed a blood-curdling scream, and then its features began to shift. Emerging from the disguise it wore as Xena, was a being so hideous, it physically made the group surrounding it ill.

Cat paused for a moment, and considered her options. "Who sent you here?" she asked. The beast regarded her with a glare dripping with malice. "What's it to you? " Cat yanked the lifeline, and then answered her, "I don't think the question is about what it means to me, at this moment, I think it is more what it means to you." The beast growled an expletive at her nemesis, and then considered her answer. "Who do you think would be interested in sending me to stop you? Ares of course. He is present, and I am not the last of your deterrents. I was never meant to have any real power, just slow you down. Looks as though I have done my job. Now if you don't mind, I'll be on my way."

She stood, and prepared to return back into the dreamscapes, when to her horror, Cat finished her originally intended action. Cat pulled the lifeline taut, and then with a grin and a flash of steel, cut through the connection. The beast screamed violently, and then disappeared in a flash. Shocked by the calculated coldness with which she carried out her mission, Gabrielle stepped back, running into the rest of the group. She understood now that there was much more to this woman than she first perceived. And more than likely the rest of the group as well.

Cat motioned them to follow her to a space between the scenes that were slowly passing by. "I am concerned, that we are about to be set upon by a flood of these no good trouble makers. Please be aware, that they are not living souls. They are comprised of bits of energy, with a touch of evil added in. Some are given a consciousness, but most only know one thing. Killing. The difference between the two types, is the lifeline. The blatant killers have no lifeline. The ones with some intelligence, are tethered to a life back in the real world. If they are allowed to return, then the life they have tagged onto is forfeit. Enough of them get released, and chaos will ensue." She gave Gabrielle a side-glance when she finished this last statement. Much to her own relief, Gabrielle relaxed slightly, and stopped looking at her as though she had killed a child.

Cat floated forward a little bit, and then returned to the group. "Chrisanna, take a couple of others, and scout ahead of us, let me know what you see." Chrisanna motioned for KW and Saleria to follow her. Disappearing into the swirling scenes, their presence was only noted by their lifelines trailing behind.

Gabrielle busied herself watching the scenes pass by. She was delighted to see the giant she outwitted when she first followed Xena, and the moment when she rescued Xena from her home villagers. "Quite a bit of fun isn't it?" Cat spoke quietly next to her. Gabrielle jumped a little. "Yes, yes it is. It can be sad too. Some things I have seen, I wish I could do over again, and I know Xena would too." Cat nodded thoughtfully, "Me too. Anyway, did you understand what I was saying about our attackers? I noticed the shock on your face when I cut the lifeline on that first one. For all we know, that entity may have been using up the life of a child, or a person destined for greatness." Gabrielle contemplated Cat's words for a moment. "But what if the person they were connected to was evil, how would we know?"

Shifting nervously, Cat turned to face Gabrielle directly. "There in lies the crux of the matter. I can't be sure. But I would rather take the chance, then let an innocent lose their life, simply because Ares just can't leave you both alone." Gabrielle nodded her agreement. At least it was something to think about. She wasn't sure if she would be able to cut someone's line if it came down to it, but if she kept reminding herself that she was freeing someone else, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Shortly the three scouts returned to the group. "So far, just the passage of her memories," Chrisanna related to the waiting group, "we didn't notice anything else lurking out there, but that doesn't mean they aren't present. For all we know, they could come out of one of the memories, and then we've had it." Cat nodded her agreement, and then addressed the group. "Be on the lookout, people. I smell something evil on the wind."

They formed up, and then continued their journey. Gabrielle paid less attention to the scenes, and more to their immediate surroundings. They began to pass through the memory of King Sisyphus, when he kidnapped death, when Gabrielle noticed something wrong. "Cat, be ready, there are more dead soldiers in there, than when it happened the first time!" she shouted. The dead soldiers suddenly became aware of the intruders, and quickly raising their arms, came rushing out to meet the group.

KW was one of the first to clash with one of the soldiers. Strapped at her waist, was a pair of very large and formidable cooking knives. They had patterns of dragons delicately drawn on their handles. It reminded Gabrielle of the art of Chin. Drawing her knives, she began to slowly spin them above her head. As the first soldier approached her, she spun the knives one more time, and then with a downward chopping motion, cut through his lifeline. Disappearing in a flash, she continued her motions as more soldiers advanced on them.

The rest of the group drew their weapons, and jumped into the fray. Cat shouted directions at them, constantly reminding them to guard their lifelines. Gabrielle noted that most of their attackers were tethered with their own lines, therefore denoting some form of intelligence. There were some, that were not attached, and these she kept an especially wary eye on. Cat hadn't told her how to stop these, and for the most part, they seemed like mindless killing machines. She began a quick staff assault on the nearest one, and managed to get him on the ground. Being dead, and in the dreamscape, she knew he wouldn't be there for very long. Another came up behind her, and she slammed her staff backwards, and caught him in the gut.

She was beginning to feel overwhelmed, when suddenly both Cat and Chrisanna, back to back came drifting in next to her. Slashing in tandem, as though they had been doing this together all their lives, they began to separate the killer drones from their heads. One by one, they disappeared. Gabrielle shuddered at the method, but was content in the knowledge that they were not really beings anyway, at least not living ones. She continued stunning them with her staff, as the rest of the group dispatched the attackers with a practiced ease.

Back in the "real" world, Xena's body had begun to jerk, and shake during the encounter. As if she were consciously aware of what was happening in her mind. The watchers quickly kneeled next to her, and held her down, so she wouldn't injure herself. "What do you think she is seeing?" Hecate asked Quest. "I don't think it is so much what she is "seeing" as much as what she is "feeling". I would imagine that her mate is in some type of trouble, and she feels that, and wants to protect her. Cat will make sure she is okay though, so I think it will be all right." Nodding her agreement, the two continued to monitor the rest of the group.

Soon, all the attackers had been destroyed, and the group gathered to take stock, and make sure that everyone was okay. No damage had been done, and all their lifelines were intact. It became apparent that none of the soldiers had enough substance or power, to do any real damage. They were being used as a distraction.

Cat again called everyone together. Pursing her lips, she thought deeply for a moment before speaking. "Hmm, I believe, that for some reason Ares is trying to slow us down. I don't think he intends any real harm, but I can't figure out just what his plan is." She raised her eyes and scanned the group for any response. Gabrielle did her own deep thinking, and then a thought struck her. "Cat! Ares was sworn to leave Xena and me alone, for at least a year. Maybe he's thinking that if he does Xena or me any harm directly, that he will get in trouble with his family. So, he might be trying to hide the minion, and slow us down, until he is sure he won't get caught. I heard what they can do to him, and I bet he's pretty scared." Cat considered this, and agreed that she was probably right.

They all returned to the pathway of scenes, and continued on their journey. Each one being a little more wary of their surroundings. Gabrielle had been put up front with Cat, to keep track of anything unusual she might see. The scenes they were passing by were more and more a part of the times that she was already traveling with Xena. She was startled to see some of the memories during that time that didn't necessarily include her. She felt that Xena had never stopped thinking about her, but there were some things she had to do without Gabrielle. More than likely to protect her from either injury, or hurt feelings. She also began to see where Xena had tried to hide her real feelings, and to shield Gabrielle from her dark past.

They traveled quite far into her memories, when a sudden screeching noise stopped them all in their tracks. Descending on them from a height none of them could see, was a huge flock of harpies. Tails thrashing, with their claws extended, they were intent on doing some serious damage to the group. Each one of them was tethered to a lifeline, as dark and sinister as the very bottom level of Tartarus. Quickly the group formed a circle back to back with their weapons extended. Cat began shouting orders over the noise created by the "Sisters of Evil".

"Quickly, everyone lie down, as flat as you can. They are going to look for something to grab on to. Again, I don't think they can actually injure us, but I think they might try to separate us. Don't let them get close, or get a grip on you. It will take us forever to find you, and that is no joke!" Everyone chuckled nervously, but they stayed focused on the incoming threat.

The harpies approached fast and furious. They hovered for a moment, and then attacked with their full force. Each of the women that carried a knife or sword of some sort, reach out with their arms, and slashed at the lifelines that connected the swarm to the real world. There were screams of fury, and brilliant flashes of light as the closest ones were destroyed by the fighting women. More and more continued to descend on the group while they slashed and swung with their weapons.

Out of the corner of her eye, Gabrielle saw a much larger, and more unusual looking one approaching from the center of the fray. She had bigger wings, and a much longer and deadlier looking tail. The lifeline that connected her to her hosts was actually comprised of several lines combined into one. And instead of the sharp teeth, and ugly countenance that most of the harpies had, this one had a more human look to it. The beast hung back for a short time, and then started to circle on the fringes of the battle below. As if searching for one thing in particular. Gabrielle whispered to Cat next to her. "Look, Cat, look. She's searching for someone. Do you think it's me?"

Cat searched above for the creature that Gabrielle was referring to. Quickly she grabbed Chrisanna, and pulled her over, so the two of them partially covered Gabrielle. "I am not going to let that pig Ares take you away from us. He thinks he can lose us, if he removes our beacon. Well, kiss my big behind you ugly mugged daughter of a Bacchae!"

The creature spotted her target, and began to move in closer to Cat and Chrisanna, and what they thought was her goal. Both women reached with their weapons, and were met with a crushing blow from the beast's tail. "AAHHHHH! Careful people this one hurts, really bad." Cat shouted to the rest of the group.

While she and Chrisanna were preoccupied with trying to stop the attacks from the larger beast, the rest of the women were struggling to keep the harpies under control. With a holler, and whoop, KW and Saleria stood and started to spin back to back, weapons flashing in tandem. DaSis, was carrying a long handled weapon with a blade in the shape of lute. So sharp was the blade, that as she swung the weapon in an arc through the lifelines of the horde, you could almost hear the hum of music in its wake. By her side, was Ranger. She had chosen to bring a two-handed Claymore. A long heavy broad sword, requiring two hands to lift and hack. And hack she did. One after the other, the harpies disappeared.

Soon, only a handful were left, yet the problem of the strange creature still loomed above them. She was relentless in her attacks, never stopping the pounding she was giving the two women trying to protect Gabrielle. Quickly summing up the situation, Lioness, and KW, and Ranger left the others to the few harpies that were left, and approached the beast from all sides. "Hey you ugly critter you, pick on someone your own size!" shouted KW. The creature ignored her attempts at distraction, and continued to try and capture Gabrielle from her protectors.

Lioness decided that if the creature could do damage to them, then they could probably do damage to it. Pulling out a crossbow from her bag, she took careful aim, and fired her first arrow at the creature. With a howl, she began to thrash, and covered one of her eyes. Slipping between her claws, were the beginnings of a stream of fluid and gore. Lioness had struck her mark. Acting quickly, she pulled out another arrow, and taking aim again, she fired, trying to compensate for the thrashing of the beast's head. Again the arrow found its mark, and effectively blinded the angry beast.

Taking advantage of the beast's distraction, the other's slipped in, and grabbing Cat, Chrisanna, and Gabrielle, quickly dragged them out of range of the enraged animal. Then the six grouped together, and using their strength and their weapons, cut all but three of the lifelines that tethered the beast. This greatly weakened the creature, and left it lying on the ground blinded and helpless.

Gabrielle stood, and shaking off the stiffness and encroaching aches she had acquired from the encounter, she slowly approached the creature, with the intentions of questioning it. "Gabrielle, don't get so close, it might be able to still hurt you." Cat choked out. DaSis and Ranger joined her, with the intention of protecting her should the beast try anything.

"Why are you trying to kidnap me? Where were you going to take me?" she asked. In a surprisingly human voice, the beast replied, "I was created to capture you, and deliver you to my Lord Ares, God of War. He felt that if he could take you away from the others, then they would have to leave, causing their mission to fail. He would then have time to hide the minion, so that no one could ever find it. Once he had complete possession of Xena, then he planned to kill you, and have her resume her place at his side."

Gabrielle pursed her lips, and thought about this creature, and her close appearance of humanity. "Why are you so different than the rest of the attackers we have experienced so far? You seem so human." The animal sighed deeply, and regarding Gabrielle with her sightless face, smiled a slight grin. "In each of our lives there are sins that we must pay for. Some are small, and we pay with our love, money, food, or time. Others are much larger. And we end up paying for them with our lives, or our happiness. I committed a grievous crime against Lord Ares, and this was his way of making me pay, and possibly giving me another chance. I am not normally as you see me. I was a great warrior in Ares' army of destruction. He had charged me with the responsibility of ending your life, and thereby ruining the life of your soulmate Xena. I had ample opportunity to do so, and yet when the time finally arrived, I was unable to follow through. No one has the right to ruin what you two have. I would never be so lucky as you, but I couldn't end your life, because of what I didn't have."

She shuddered, as a wave of pain washed over her. "Ares was greatly angered, and as punishment, turned me into the beast you see before you. The combined life forces prevented me from fighting against his wishes. I welcome death now. Please, cut the other lines, so that I may suffer no more." Knowing that Gabrielle could not send the creature to Tartarus, Lioness stepped forward, and prepared to sever the connection. "Wait!" Gabrielle raised her hand to stop the warrior. Startled by the ring of authority in Gabrielle's voice, Lioness jumped back, leaving the lines intact.

Walking around the beast, Gabrielle seemed to be in deep thought. "If we can give you something for the pain, do you think you could travel?" she asked. The creature closed her sightless eyes, and contemplated Gabrielle's question. "I believe I can, but I will need someone to guide me." Gabrielle nodded absently, an idea clearly forming in her mind.

Drawing Cat aside, she whispered her intentions, "I can't decide which is worse, just ending her existence now, or trying to gain her assistance, and then rewarding her with oblivion later." Cat considered this for a moment. "What do you have in mind?" She looked over Gabrielle's shoulder at the warrior/beast. "I want to give her a chance. I think I can make it mutually beneficial to both of us. There are going to be a powerful individual that's going to owe me a favor or two. Maybe I can push him into setting her free. After all of this, she should have a chance at least to get into the Elysian fields, instead of Tartarus. Maybe if he gave her back her life, she might be able to make amends. . . . .Like Xena."

Cat pondered this for a moment, and then turned to Gabrielle, "If anyone can collect from the God of War, I guess it would have to be you. I'm game to try anyway. Let's gather up our guest, and get moving we are beginning to fall behind. It will time soon, to return to our bodies. They can only be sustained for so long." Shooting Cat a fearful glance, Gabrielle spun on her heels, and dashed to the beast's side.

Stepping close, much to the collective concern of the rest of the group, Gabrielle spoke her intent to the creature. "I never thought to ask," she said, "but what is your name?" The creature rumbled, a form of clearing her throat, and replied, "My name is Alethera. I am the second daughter of the warrior Alariana, former Queen of the Northern Amazons. Before she was banished." Gabrielle gasped. "I know that story. She did nothing wrong, but fall in love with someone from an opposing army. Rather than trying to form an alliance, the Amazons took offence, and chose to banish her. She embraced the philosophies of her new love, and clashed with her sisters in battle. She was killed by the woman she had given her right of caste to." With wide eyes, Gabrielle looked more closely at her guest. "If I am not mistaken, it was your sister who killed her."

Alethera bowed her head in sorrow. "Yes, and in a rage of my own at the death of my mother at my sister's hand, I cruelly murdered my sister. The Amazons were forced to banish me, for killing their new queen. They had originally sentenced me to death, but Ares interfered, and bargained for my life. Told them he would take me off their hands, and punish me for my crime, in his own way. He wasn't kidding." Gabrielle nodded with sympathy, and great knowledge of Ares' ways. She and Xena had seen many punishments at his hands over the past several moons. Too many times to count.

She stood up straighter, and then explained to Alethera her plan. Alethera was doubtful, but willing to try. She had nothing to lose but her life, and she would welcome that as an alternative. The group regathered, and then headed out, following the directions of their new "friend".


The group stopped to rest, and go over their plans. While Gabrielle engaged Ares in a verbal battle, Cat and Chrisanna would seek out the minion, and reclaim that part of Xena's soul that had been stolen. The rest would provide protection for the three women in the event that Ares had anything planned. One could never be too careful around Ares. He should have been entitled the God of Stupid Childish Behavior.

Although there was no real concept of time where they were traveling, it felt like they had been gone for days. Gabrielle was beginning to tire out, and grew concerned at the tugging feeling, and the sense of loss she was experiencing. "Cat? Why am I starting to feel this way? Like I am being pulled back the way we came?" she asked, alarmed. "Gabrielle, we have to reach Ares soon, and complete our goal. Our spirits our beginning to seek out the solace of our bodies. They want to return to the outside. We have to fight it, or Xena will be lost." Gabrielle jumped up, with a new determination to meet their goal. She would not let Ares win this one. They could see now what the intent of his diversionary tactics was. If he slowed them down long enough, they would be forced to return, and then it would be too late.

The group moved on more quickly now. Any new attacks were quickly dispelled by the presence of Alethera. The scenes of Xena's memories continued to roll by, and Gabrielle was beginning to see a pattern repeat itself. Consulting Cat and the rest of the group, they began to see Ares temple, and then the temple of Dayhok repeat itself several times. "Gabrielle," Alethera interrupted their thoughts, "Watch the patterns. When the two temples overlap, jump. It will repeat itself several times. Remember, when they appear together, jump."

The women formed a line, and began to watch the pattern flow by. They counted six passes, before they began to repeat. The fifth frame, was the one they wanted. Cat counted out loud, and then the group jumped. Most of them landed on their feet, a couple landed a little harder on their rear ends, but everyone managed to make it through. Alethera joined them on the next pass.

While they stood there and watched, the two temples phased each other out. Slowly they separated into their individual forms. It was at this moment, that the group decided to select Ares' temple. As they prepared to enter the temple, Gabrielle stopped them. "What's wrong?" Cat asked. "If I know Ares, he is probably trying to trick us again. My guess is that he is in Dayhok's temple, and the minion is in his temple. When the time comes, I believe we should split up, and you, Chrisanna and your team go into Ares' temple. I will go with my team, and Alethera into Dayhok's temple."

Realizing how hard this might be for Gabrielle, Cat placed her hands on Gabrielle's shoulders. "Are you sure you can go back there? We can find another way to deal with him Gabrielle." Gabrielle seemed to consider this. "No Cat, I have to face him myself. He has interfered in our lives for far too long. I have to be the one to stop him." Cat solemnly nodded her head in understanding. She could feel Gabrielle's conviction, and knew that no matter how hard she might try, she would be unable to sway her decision to battle Ares for her lover's soul.

As the next phase approached, Alethera called to Gabrielle. "Yes, Alethera? What is it?" Gabrielle inquired. "Gabrielle, I may have intended you harm, but I see now why I chose to disobey Ares the first time. You are definitely a danger to him, and his petty, childish wants and ways. It would honor me, to provide you with protection during your battle. I may not be able to see, but this form he has given me, has its own advantages. Please allow me at least this much in repayment for your kindness." Gabrielle assured her that her assistance would be much appreciated.

On the count of three, the two groups made their assault on the two temples. A loud clap of thunder was heard, and the rumblings of an earthquake rolled through both structures. Gabrielle quickly regained her balance, and moved behind the nearest pillars, to see if she could observe Ares position. A rather large volcano backed Dayhok's temple if she remembered correctly. Of course I remember. I died in the heart of that volcano. But, I don't see any sign of the Lava River. Maybe because this is in Xena's mind, the details may be missing. Or could it be?…..Could Xena's subconscious be protecting me even now?

Not taking the time to mull over these thoughts, she gestured for her team to follow her. Slowly they crept forward listening for any signs of their quarry. Soon they heard his voice talking to someone at the altar. Gabrielle held up her hand for silence. Quietly she moved up to a point where she had a clear view. She was at once shocked and surprised to see whom Ares was talking with, or shouting at, depending on your interpretation. Standing not three feet away from Ares, were at least three of his siblings. Apparently they had come with the intention of first forcing him to fix the mess he had made yet again. Judging by the volume of his whine, he was going to be punished by the collective group.

Aphrodite was very noticeably in charge. She turned to where the group was hidden, and bid them forward to join their little group. "Hey there Gabs. How's it hangin' honey? Looks like my bro here didn't get the hint the first time. What say you step up here, and let him have it. He deserves it you know. He was told to leave you two alone, but apparently he didn't get the idea." Gabrielle started to move forward, when Alethera stopped her with a hiss. "Gabrielle. That is not Aphrodite. Nor are the rest of them his family members. Those are decoys. Do not approach him, or he will take control of you."

Stunned, Gabrielle turned slightly never letting Ares out of her sight, and asked her what she should do. "Let me approach him. I don't think he senses my presence yet. Have the others circle around on either side of him. You will need their help should he attack." Alethera carefully worked her way forward into Ares' view, with Gabrielle close behind her. The fake Aphrodite's eyes flashed a crimson color, when it realized that their trick had been found out. Slowly shimmering into a new form, Gabrielle was shocked to find herself face to face with Callisto. This can't be possible. Ares must be trying to scare me. I know Xena killed her with the Hynde's blood dagger. Next thing I know, he'll change her into Hope. Probably thinks I won't hurt her. Guess again!

Ares addressed Alethera as she moved slowly forward. "So, failed again did you? And why did that irritating little wench let you go. I mean what's a warrior without her sight. Huh, if I were you I would have cut the line myself. And speaking of the blond bitch, where is the little darling. I have someone here that's very anxious to speak with her."

Gabrielle stepped out from behind her protector. "Ares! I'm right here! And don't waste your time bringing people like Callisto or Hope out to fight your battles. I am not of afraid of them, and I am definitely not afraid of you. After all, Hope went to her death with me, and Xena ended Callisto's existence. Any disguise you are using with your slaves will not deter me from fighting them. Just give it up now, and this can be over."

Ares laughed nervously as he stepped off the altar, and approached Gabrielle. "You and what army Red? You have no power over me or my soldiers." Gabrielle mustered up a sneer on her face, and turned to look around her. "Me and my army you self-important pig." Slowly one by one each of the women of her group came forward from behind the pillars. Not only did her own group step forward, but so did the other group. Cat had a squirming little beast, sort of a cross between a lizard and a piglet, tied with rope, and secured under her arm. On the altar next to Ares, the air began to shimmer, and standing there before the assembled group was the real Aphrodite, along with Artemis, and Athena.

Ares visibly began to tremble. "You . . .You . . . can't do this to me! It's just not fair. There are too many of you . . . . . .yecchh, women. Stop this instant, or I will vaporize all of you." The three sisters stepped forward, but Gabrielle raised her hand to stop them. A little startled at her boldness, they collectively bowed their heads in deference to the petite red-blond warrior. Moving so that she stood right in front of Ares, she swung her staff up in front of her in a defensive manner. "If you expect to get out of this without paying for your crime, you are sorely mistaken. You already know that I abhor violence, but I do have another way for you to pay."

Turning slightly to face the assembled Goddesses, and her companions, she swallowed, before beginning her list of demands. "First, I want you to return Alethera to earth, to live out her days. I don't want you to restore her sight, however." All present gasped, and looked at her as though she had lost her mind. "Don't look at me as though I am so cruel. In order to atone for her previous crimes in Ares' army she must learn to live with her blindness, and therefore not return to her previous life as a warrior. Alethera has already agreed to this approach. I will discuss possibilities for her future with the rest of you when we return to real time." They all nodded their heads in agreement at the great power this small woman before them projected across the room.

Addressing the Goddesses, and to a lesser extent Ares, she was very direct in her approach. "I would like to ask all of you, if you could speak with Zeus, and request that he see that Ares is held to his promise to leave us alone. Starting right now, this minute. I am sick of his intrusions into our lives. If it doesn't stop, then I will seek out the rest of the Hynde's blood myself, and take matters into my own hands." Aphrodite stepped forward to answer for her family. "You betcha Gabs. Daddy-o already backed that promise up, and says that if he does bother you, he'll banish him, and take his powers for five whole years. No problem in this department, you can bet on it." Ares grimaced as though he had been punched in the gut.

"Finally," Gabrielle continued, "Please direct Cat and I to Xena's soul. I have grown weary of this little gathering, and am anxious to complete our Quest. I know we have very little time left, because I keep feeling this urge to travel back. And we aren't done yet. I can't leave until I have Xena back." Ares shrugged his shoulders with a very smug "sounds like a personal problem to me" attitude. Athena his sister, and the "Goddess" of War, used the back of her battle-ax to smack him upside his head. Several people in the group burst into a fit of giggles, at the way the sisters treated him.

The three Goddesses stepped forward, and with spoken promises, and reassurances, the other members of the group were returned to real time, and then they transported Cat and Gabrielle to the place of Xena's "soul". It was very dark and rather frightening in this place. An overwhelming feeling of anxiety and despair settled over the two women. Gabrielle whispered to Cat, "If I didn't know what I know, I think I would have to kill myself. No wonder Xena has been feeling so terrible. Let's get this over with, and get back. I miss her." Cat nodded, and taking the minion she still held tightly bound, suspended him over the affected area, and then squeezed him, until he started to whimper. "Give it up you little worm, or I'll cut it out of you."

He started to shiver, and cry like a small kitten. Gabrielle reached for him, taking him into her arms. "Let me Cat. He's terrified of you, and might die of fright before we get it back." Cuddling the ugly little creature in her arms, she whispered quiet little comforting words to him, until her calming voice settled him down. "Please little minion, Ares made you take Xena's love for me away, and it wasn't right for him to make you do that. I promise, no one will hurt you. As soon as we are done here, you can go home. Will you do that for me? Will you give me Xena's soul?" The small creature began to purr, almost like a real kitten. He snuggled deep into Gabrielle's grasp, and then rolled over onto his back. Suspend from his neck on a beautiful golden chain was a locket made of pure crystal. Inside pulsed a light brighter than 100 suns. He nodded his head, indicating to Gabrielle that she should remove the locket from his neck.

She smiled in wonder, and then slowly so as not to startle him, she removed the locket. Searching for a catch, she found a small thin bracket along the side. Slowly she brought the crystal to her lips, closing her eyes so as not to blind herself with its brightness. Placing a tender kiss on its surface, she released the catch.

Suddenly the area was filled with the brilliance of those 100 suns. The two friends were engulfed in waves of light and love. The impact of the release threw Cat and Gabrielle back through Xena's mind's eye with the force of an arrow as it is released from its bow. Each body jerked and jumped with the power of their strong owner's spirits returning to inhabit them.

Both women remained unconscious for a short period of time after their spirits returned to their bodies. The rest of the group had returned with less fanfare, but unscathed nonetheless. A low buzz of conversation permeated the warm chamber, as each woman became accustomed to their surroundings, and regained their "land" legs. Chrisanna sat up, and after shaking her head to clear it, leaned over to brush back the dark gray locks that covered her lover's brow. On the other side of Cat she noticed how truly beautiful and content Gabrielle looked, even in her unconscious state. Her cheeks were glowing with a healthy rose color, and a small smile crossed her lips.

Glancing to the center of the circle, Chrisanna noticed that Xena had begun to stir. For a moment she seemed to wrestle with an unseen foe, and then a small smile, mirroring that of her soulmate's crossed her lips as well. Suddenly Xena sat straight up from her position on the floor, and without even opening her eyes, began to search frantically for something, or someone. Chrisanna knowing that she was approaching dangerous territory reached for the warrior, and with a soothing note to her voice led her to the object of her search. Placing her hands on Xena's shoulders, she guided her to the place that Gabrielle was resting. With an audible sigh, and the return of that almost comical sweet smile that graced her lips, Xena curled up next to her love, and drew her into her embrace.

Several moments passed, and not a sound was made in the cavern. All at once, the collected group heaved a sigh of relief. It had become apparent to all present that their efforts had not gone wasted, and that their journey had been a success.

Cat sat up, and rubbing her bleary eyes, yawned and stretched. "What's all the commotion about?" Chrisanna crawled over, and gave her lover an affectionate squeeze. "We were successful you goofball! It's time to get some real rest, so we can celebrate tomorrow. I think we should all beat it, and leave these two alone." The rest murmured their agreement, and then in ones and twos, they gathered their things, and went back to their own camps to get some much-needed rest.

Some time later, in the darkest hours of the night, The bard and her warrior began to stir. Xena opened her eyes first, and rolling over, began to lightly stroke Gabrielle's cheek with her fingertips. First one and then the other brilliant green eyes appeared, twinkling with love, happiness, and relief all rolled into one. "Hey . . .," Gabrielle breathed softly. "Hey yourself." Xena whispered back. "Where is everyone? Are they okay?" Gabrielle worried out loud. Xena raised her head, and looked around them in the gloomy darkness. "I vaguely remember hearing someone saying that they were all going back to camp to sleep before the party tomorrow. I'm sure if they are as tired as we are, they probably need it." Xena replied.

Gabrielle considered this for a moment, and then agreed with her lover's observation. "What about you?" she asked. "What about me?" said Xena. Gabrielle cupped her face between, and looked directly into Xena's eyes. "How are you feeling my love? Better?" Xena smiled broadly, and then carefully moving so she was hovering just above her mate, leaned in for a deep and passionate kiss. "I . . . feel . . .absolutely . . .marvelous. I feel complete, whole, together. I . . . .feel like I am in love, and loved at the same time. I . . .missed you very much. You have no idea how scared I was that I wouldn't . . ." A small hand covered her larger hand, and a pair of soft lips pressed lightly against her own. "Shhhh love, don't say it. Everything is fine now. We took care of the problem. I don't think we'll have any more trouble from Ares, unless he is really as stupid as we think he is."

Xena looked at her love with a whole new respect. Gabrielle was indeed much stronger and formidable in her own way than she originally thought. She wasn't certain what all the members of the quest had been through, but she knew that Gabrielle played a major part in vanquishing Ares, and recovering the missing part of Xena's soul. She gathered her mate into her arms, and held her closely, mourning for her near loss, and reveling over the return of her love to her soul.

"A dinar for your thoughts." Gabrielle whispered quietly. Xena smiled at her, rubbing her face in the soft golden hair, and absorbing its scent. "I was wondering when I might hear the story of your adventure, but I want to wait until tomorrow. Give you some time to put your thoughts into words. And . . .I was thanking . . . . .ok, I was thanking whoever might be listening for bringing you back to me. I don't think I could live without you in my life. There wouldn't be any point in to my life if you weren't a part of it." She looked down at her hands, the blankets, the floor. "I know I have said that many times before, but I mean it. I just can't imagine life without you."

Gabrielle sighed deeply, and then focusing her gaze on her beloved, she gently pulled her closer for a deep and passionate kiss. Startling her love with the intensity of their contact, she could see Xena blushing deeply, and could feel the heat from her skin. "Any questions about how much I need you, Warrior Princess?" she giggled quietly. Returning the kiss, Xena left her answer unsaid, as she fanned the heat of the flames that seemed to be forming between them.

Continued...Part 5 (conclusion)

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