I Will Always Love You
Marcella R. Wiggins

Continued from Part 1

That night, as Dyane prepared for bed, Sydney, who sleep had abandoned yet again, sat in her bedroom, her laptop opened.

"Gabrielle, are you all right?"

"I'm sorry, Xena."

"Sorry? What are you talking about?"

"I was trying to help and instead..."

"Gabrielle, you are a help to me. When will you realize that?"

"When I can confidently stand by your side and be an equal." Gabrielle explained, shyly looking away, not wanting to face her hero.

"But you are my equal, more so. Don't you know that you fight by my side whether we're together or not. Gabrielle, if it weren't for you I would have given in a long time ago. You are here, inside my heart and I carry you with me into every battle, using you strength and your love to maintain my focus. I can't do it with out you Gabrielle." The plea was evident in Xena's voice and she waited for a reply from her beloved.

Slowly, deliberately, Gabrielle turned to Xena and with cock head and sly smile she batted her long blond eyelashes and huskily replied, "You've got mail." "Huh?"

Sydney realized that her computer was talking. Hold on Xena, this won't take a minute.


To: ME@e-mail.com

From: Lucy

Good evening M.E. I hope this finds you well and happy. If you would allow, I need your shoulder to cry on yet again. I'm in love, plain and simple. I love her with every fiber of my being, and yet I am so totally afraid. TERRIFIED actually. The last time I announced I was in love my husband left me and he and my daughter were killed. I didn't think I was ever going to love again. I severed any desire to love and left everyone behind to insure that it would never happen again. And now... I've just spent the most wonderful day with a woman who is incapable of returning that love. She is in such pain, more so than I thought I was. She is full of revenge and nothing I do can penetrate that rage. M.E., how can I get through to her that I am unconditional and only want to be her friend?

Luv ya,


P.S. I'm going on sabbatical for a while so I won't be able to e-mail, but please be there when I get back. I'll have a lot of exciting things to share!


Sydney read and reread the e-mail. "...my husband left me and he and my daughter were killed"

"God, it can't be" Sydney thought to herself. "I love her with ever fiber of my being. Luv ya, Lucy" LUCY!!!

Sydney jumped up from the desk and began to pace, unconsciously rubbing her forehead in worry. "LUCY" she said again. Finally she returned to her laptop and began to type:


To: Lucy@dialogue.com

From: M.E.

God Lucy, I didn't know that you lost your child. I'm so sorry, I just don't have the words to express it. What was her name? She must have been pretty young. The pain you must feel and yet I admire your strength. How did it happen?

I'm here for you, ALWAYS!!



Sydney pushed the send button and the e-mail was gone. She quietly opened her bedroom door and tiptoed to Dyane's room, easing the door open ever so slightly so as to peek inside. Dyane was sitting at her computer, her fingers typing away at the keyboard. Sydney silently returned to her room, sat in front of her laptop and waited, "You got mail!"


To: ME@e-mail.com

From: Lucy

Just got your e-mail, thank you for being there, it means the world to me. Please feel free to write me while I'm gone, I'd hate to come back to an empty mailbox. (hint-hint)

My daughter's name was Lucy, and that's her name I use for my e-mails. She was adorable. Had the cutest little cherub face and very mischievous. People say she inherited that from me, which I proudly admit to. ;o) She is 10 years old, I mean she would have been 10 years old. I think of her every minute of the day, you know?

Even though my husband and I were divorced we still attended some of the same functions together. It was really a strange arrangement, a farce really, that we portrayed for the public and for Lucy. We were on our way to a political dinner for a friend when a drunk driver hit us. Only this very month have I been able to face that memory and my hero, my love was there for me, allowing me to grieve, something I had not been able to do since my child's death. I thought we had gotten closer today, but I guess I was wrong. The door that had been opened and inviting all day long was unceremoniously closed tonight without so much as a Good Night from her. Perhaps I read too much into it, I don't know. Oh well--

Thanks for listening.

Luv you, Lucy

P.S. Sorry about the downer, I'll do better next time I promise.


Sydney again sat dazed, reading and rereading Lucy's mail. It's Dyane, for God's sake, it's Dyane!! What the hell am I going to do now? Pacing like a trapped cougar, Sydney animated her dialogue with flaring hands as she walked from one end of the room to the next. Oh God Dyane, I love you, you just don't know how much I love you, but I can't, I can't give in to it. Not yet. There are too many unfinished nightmares I have to battle first. For me and for you. Focus, I have to stay focused now. It's too dangerous to let my guard down to allow you in. God, I hope you can understand, I hope you can wait.


To: Lucy@dialogue.com

From: M.E.

Hey Luce, never apologize for being yourself. You mail was not a downer, but a special insight to who you are and I appreciate the opportunity to see it. Your daughter sounds lovely and I can only imagine the sorrow of her loss.

And I am pleased to know that someone was there for you when you faced that loss. I know how important that is. Don't give up on her Lucy. With a little time and patience I think you will be surprised at the outcome and by waiting, will find the love you both are obviously searching for and so richly deserve. Promise me, promise you'll hold on to that love for her and wait for her. If she's half the person you think she can be, she will come around. Don't give up!!

Luv you too,


P.S. Have fun on sabbatical! I look forward to hearing all about it. :-)




Monday morning:

Yvonne looked up from her desk to see Dyane and Sydney entering the office. She immediately noticed that Dyane seems to be exuding a new confidence, a new zest for life. And it does not escape her that there is something different about the two, a new, comfortable air about them that almost has Sydney acting human.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Dyane inquired.

"Your usual Monday. You've got a 9 o'clock with the caterers--" As Yvonne went over Dyane's appointment book, Sydney stepped outside the office to make a call.

While dialing a number she glanced up to watch people walk by in the corridor. "Yeah, this is Sydney, where's that file I asked for?" As she talked something caught her eye. A man dressed in jeans, a heavy jacket and gloves, was loitering in the lobby. Sydney thought it a little odd in this warm weather and started to investigate further when a kid wearing kneepads and carrying a helmet distracted her.

"Are you, Sydney?" the kid asked.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Sign here", he directed and gave Sydney the envelope.

"Yeah they just brought it to me, thanks." Hanging up her phone, Sydney tore the envelope open and pulled out a very small stack of papers on Sr. Joseph Marie.

"Shit, another dead-end!" she cursed.

"Chris, is something wrong?"

Sydney walked back into the office, "Business as usual, right?" she quipped, "So, what were we talking about?"

"The fund raiser for the President's official library." Dyane answered.

"Oh, politics, yeah." Sydney smirked. Dyane chuckled warmly at her and then realized that Yvonne was watching her. Can she tell what I'm thinking?

"All right, Yvonne, I'll need you to attend some of these meetings with me and take notes. We have to be very detailed and leave nothing to chance, ok? There's a lot to be done before the party, not the least of which is, what will I wear?"

"That gown with the sequins is really nice." Sydney said off handily as she thumbed through the file. Dyane and Yvonne looked at her in surprise. "What?"

"I saw it when I was securing the perimeter," Sydney explained.

"Gosh Chris, I think you'd look fantastic in that dress!" Dyane's eyes gleamed with devilish amusement.

"Me? Now hold on just a damn minute." Dyane and Yvonne exchanged chortles while Sydney tried to stammer her way out of it, "I'm not going to this shindig and I sure ain't strapping on a straight jacket with sparkles all over it!"

"Yvonne, notice how the southern accent comes out when she's cornered?"

"You're right Dyane, we should be planning her coming out cotillion."

"Excuse me?" Sydney could feel her cheeks heat up as she fought to control her surprise.

"Well, I guess she's not completely southern yet. Sydney, don't worry, you're a little to old for that southern belle ritual."

"Humph, southern belle my ass" she sulked.

"Wait a minute, Sydney. What do you mean you won't be there? It's the social event of the year!! Not since Bill's acceptance speech on the steps of the old state house has there been such excitement. Everybody who's anybody will be there!"

"Dyane, I don't do socials, especially when everybody who's anybody will be there," Sydney fervently explained.

"But what was that about last night then? The theater is a very social function."

"That was about returning a favor for a ballgame and protecting my charge."

"What, what about protecting me at this then? I mean won't you have to "shadow" me?" There was almost a plea in her voice as Dyane struggled to hide her disappointment.

"I believe that we are very close to catching the stalker." Sydney hedged, "Besides, with Clinton there the place will be crawling with Secret Service. You couldn't be safer if you were in your mother's womb." The silence filled the office, suffocating the warmth out of the room.

"Yvonne, would you excuse us please?" As Yvonne left Dyane closed the door behind her.

"Chris, I understand that you don't care for these kinds of things and I respect that. But this is a very important function for me and, except for having my child, the single most exciting event in my life. I thought we were friends, good friends, and I would like for my best friend to share in this achievement."

Dyane's eyes crystallized with such sincerity that Sydney finally realizes what a jerk she was being, Damn-it, I deserve a swift kick in the butt for disappointing her like that.

"Damn, you play hardball. All right, I'll be there if it means that much to you." The radiant smile on Dyane's face told Sydney that it meant that much to her.

"It means so much more than you could know. Thank you Chris." came the much-relieved response.

"Now, back to business. I've got some people to talk to so I'll be down the hall for a little while. You stay put, understand?"

"Yes, ma'am." Dyane smiled playfully.

On her way out Sydney stops by Yvonne's desk to remind her to phone if anything occurs. But, just as she was about to leave that same man in the black jeans and coat suddenly materialized and when their eyes met, he bolted.

"Hey wait a minute!" Sydney yelled and started out after him. "Yvonne get security up here NOW!!" she demanded, running out of the office after him.

"Yvonne, what's all the shouting about?" A worried Dyane came running out of her office. But Yvonne was on the telephone; "I need you up here right away!"

"Yvonne?" Dyane could feel the intensity. "Sydney told me to call security and then she ran out of here like the place was on fire. That's all I know."

"I'd better see what's going on." She replied as calmly as she could.

"Dyane, I don't think--"

"Don't worry Yvonne, I'm sure it's nothing." Dyane called over her shoulder and hurried out of the office.

It was easy to track Sydney; all Dyane had to do was follow the commotion. Sydney had chased her subject through the corridors and down the stairs, cutting a path through patients, equipment and wheelchairs, all the while yelling "FBI, everyone get down!"

Following her subject down to the basement of the hospital, Sydney arrived outside a door marked Morgue. "Shit, why is it always the Morgue?" she huffed. Drawing her weapon, she cautiously stood to the side as she opened the door. Crouching, she entered the small, dark, chrome room and caught her breath at the smell of formaldehyde. Scoping the room she came to the conclusion that there's only one place he could be. She made her way over to the refrigerated iceboxes and began to open them, one at a time. There are only four, but Sydney took her time, pulling the slab out and cautiously lifting the sheet off the cadaver. Not bothering to close them, she moved on to the next drawer. As she jerked the door open on the third box, her vision was shrouded by a puff of icy fog ballooning out. Sydney realized to late that the condensation was caused by the suspects' breath, for he was to quick for her and kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying across the room. He quickly climbed out of the icebox a<

Sydney bolted into the hallway where time suddenly slowed to a mere trickle as she turned to see Dyane approaching from one direction and the suspect turning to face her from the other. There was no time to think, to warn, to prevent the man from pulling his gun out just as Dyane was about to reach Sydney. "Nooooo!!" Sydney screamed, and leaping into the air as if she were diving for a tennis ball, she caught the full force of the bullet that was meant for Dyane. It slammed into her, throwing her against Dyane and they both crash to the floor. His gun still smoldering, the assassin approached cautiously, ready to shoot at the slightest movement.

Sydney lay motionless, but Dyane's shock began to wear off and she groaned in pain. "Don't move, bitch", the gunman demanded. But, though her eyes were large with fear, Dyane wrapped her arms around Sydney's unconscious body.

"Please, she' hurt." she meekly implored.

"Don't worry, you're about to die right along side of her," he replied with a growl.

Dyane became aware of a warm, sticky substance on her hand and when she looked, the realization that it was Sydney's blood running down her arm produced a kaleidoscope of emotion.

"OH GOD, not again, not again" she cried.

"I said shut up, whadda you stupid or something?" But the gunman's ranting fell on deaf ears for Dyane was beside herself with emotions she could not control. Hysterically crying, she forcefully rocked Sydney's limp body, reliving the horrors of her child's death. Though the killer did not know this, it wouldn't have mattered for he was use to such hysterics and in fact garnered some kind of perverse job satisfaction from it. His only regret was that he didn't have more time to explore this little waif of a woman. He could certainly show her a good time, but the job was almost botched and he needed to set the record straight. His patience spent, he grabbed Sydney's arm and drug her rag doll body off of Dyane.

"No! No please! Chris," she begs, reaching out for Sydney. Ignoring her plea, the murderer stepped over Sydney's body and leveled his gun at Dyane, and with an evil grin of anticipation on his face he cocked his gun.

"You--you're the one that broke into my house?" Dyane asked through her sobs.

"Yep, that was me." Raising his gun level with Dyane's head he smiled and said, "You know, I hated that about your cat. I like cats myself." Dyane tucked her head into her knees and repeated a prayer under her breath. "Sorry sweetheart, but I gotta earn my money. Ha, come to think of it, I should get a bonus just for offing that FBI bitch."

"I've got nothing but bad news for you."

Frozen momentarily by the words coming from behind him, the killer reeled around, firing as he turned, but it was in vain for Sydney pumped three rounds into his chest, ripping it open as they push him back. Dyane felt something warm ping her cheeks and she was startled to see the gunman moving toward her, his eyes bulging, his life seeping out as he fell with a loud thud beside her. The magnitude of this sight was too much for Dyane, whose screams came in short, rapid succession. Through her hysterics, she scrambled to get away from the body and backed herself against the wall, covering her head with her hands.

"Are you all right?"

Somewhere through her fervent sobbing, Dyane heard a familiar, comforting voice.

"Dyane, Dyane, are you all right?!!" She turned and saw Sydney laying on the floor, her concerned eyes staring at her. It was the greatest sight Dyane had ever seen. Her tear soaked eyes drank in the vision of her savior, still pointing her gun at the assailant.

"Oh God, Chris, you're alive!!" Dyane's voice elevated with excitement as she rushed over to her.

"Dyane, are you all right?" Sydney asked again.

"Am I all right?! Chris you're hurt!"

"Don't worry bout me kid, it's just a shoulder wound", came the fluid reply. But by the time Dyane reached her, Sydney was unconsious again.

When finally Security found them Sydney was laying unconscious in a frightened Dyane's lap.

"Ms. Hollingsworth, are you all right?" the Chief of Security asked.

"Help her, she's hurt!" Dyane demanded. The chief did as he was instructed and moved to Sydney, inspecting her wound.

Sydney regained consciousness long enough to hand the Chief her gun, "Listen, I need you to secure this for a little while and make sure someone stays with Dyane at all times, you got that?" she commanded.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of her, but what about--" but before he could finish his sentence Sydney fainted again.

Dyane immediately scooped her up in her arms again and cried, "Get a doctor, somebody get a doctor!!" That was the last thing Sydney heard as the cloud of unconsciousness engulfed her.


Chapter Six

Somewhere through the shrouded fog of comprehension Sydney heard voices but she couldn't grasp what they were saying.

"What do you mean she coded? She was shot in the shoulder, right?"

"Yes, the bullet lodged in her shoulder, but it's a particularly nasty type of bullet that explodes on impact, sending shrapnel in every direction, effectively chewing up its victim. A piece of that shrapnel embedded near her heart and she coded on us when we tried to remove it. The trauma of reviving her drove the shrapnel deeper in."

"Oh my God!" came the stunned response from Dyane's already tear stained heart.

"Dyane, that shrapnel is still in there. We couldn't risk having her code again so we'll just have to let her heal and regain her strength."

"What what can I do to help Ben?"

"She needs complete bed rest for a couple of weeks. Certainly no strenuous activity of any kind until we can remove that shrapnel. That's going to be particularly hard on such an athletic person as she is. But any kind of trauma or severe blow could cause that shrapnel to cut in deeper and sever a major artery." Ben stopped as he realized Dyane was crying. "I'm sorry, Dyane, I know she saved your life, I'm being very inconsiderate."

Ben could not know that he was breaking Dyane's heart. That she felt the pain of that bullet ripping through her love's body and knew it was all her fault. Because of her this happened and the weight of that guilt bare heavy on her soul.

"Are you all right?" Ben asked.

"What? Oh yes, thank you, Ben, I'm glad you were here to do the surgery."

"Glad I could help. She should sleep through the night so why don't you go home Dyane? That was quite an ordeal you went through and you need your rest too."

"Um, no, I'm fine, really. I'll just stay a while longer." Dyane asserted.

"Dyane, Henry told me that you have a broken rib. That can be serious if you don't take care of yourself."

Dyane forced a smile, "I'm impressed, Ben, you doctor's have a faster grapevine than the water cooler in administration. But please don't worry about me, I'm fine really. I'll go home in a little while, I promise."

Accepting her decision Ben closed the blinds and pulled the door shut, leaving Dyane alone in the ICU unit with her martyr, Sydney.

"Dyane?" came a hoarse whisper.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Dyane leaned in close, "Shh, go back to sleep Sydney" she encouraged with all the confidence she could muster.

Sydney groggily tried to form the words, "Um, um are you all right?" her mouth was so dried that the words stuck to her tongue. Dyane reached for the water and assisted Sydney in drinking.

"Yes, I'm fine. You saved me Sydney, you saved me." she said and set the canister on the table.

"And the gunman?"

"Sydney, please, go back to sleep," Dyane caressed Sydney's cheek, lovingly rubbing her forehead, "shh, sleep now." Sydney smiled up at her before surrendering to the heaviness that was pulling her down. Watching her hero sleep, Dyane allowed the tears to flow once more. "This is all my fault, my fault." The Harvard educated, President and CEO member of the Fortune 500 felt more like a child, insecure of her thoughts.

Twelve hours later

Sometime during the night, Sydney was vaguely aware of a nurse changing her IV and she thought that she heard Dyane's voice, but couldn't be sure if her dreams were overlapping reality. She preferred her dreams, for in her fantasies, she was lying beside Dyane, running her fingers though her lover's silky blond hair. Was this just a dream? It felt so real, the touch, the softness--

Batting the heaviness out of her eyelids, Sydney reluctantly fought to break the sedatives bonds. As her focus began to return she became aware of someone beside her. Dyane had fallen asleep, her head resting on Sydney's bed. "It was real" she whispered to herself, her fingers intertwined in Dyane's velvety hair. Smiling a sigh of relief that she was all right, Sydney relished the moment, the touch, and the satisfied murmurs from Dyane. If she had her way, she would stop time, and just lay there; wishing, dreaming, desiring, unfortunately though, a large, rotund man with an even larger voice, came barreling in, pulling her from her rivalry.

"What the hell are you doing in bed! Don't you know that HMO's only work when you're well?" Jim's boisterous teasing woke Dyane, who was momentarily startled by his bellowing and grabbed her ribs to offset the soreness. "Hi, I'm Jim James, Sydney's boss and moral compass."

"That's quite a job, Mr. James", Dyane lamely tried to joke as she smoothed her hair back, "I'm Dyane Hollingsworth, good to meet you."

"Ms. Hollingsworth, how's our patient doing?" Jim asked.

"She's ready to get the hell out of here so pull some strings and get me released will ya?" Sydney barked as she sat up in bed, swinging her legs over the side, but she wasn't prepared for the soreness in her chest or the throbbing in her shoulder.

"You're not going anywhere Christina Marie Sydney, not until the doctor says it's all right." Dyane's forceful manner succeeds in stopping Sydney. Fluffing her pillow, Dyane puts her hand on Sydney's shoulder and cajoles her to lay back down. "Back to bed with you young lady." Sydney smiled at her mothering while Jim observed their familiarities. Neither one of them noticed the concern on his face.

"Now that the stalker is dead you can take it easy," Dyane confidently stated.

"That's not how it works, Ms. Hollingsworth." Jim replied.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Dyane, that was a hired gunman. We still have to find out who paid him before he hires someone else. Any leads, Jim?" Sydney asked.

"None. Apparently he was brought in from out of state, but we can't tie him into any of our suspects."

"Now what's going on here?" Ben asked as he walked past the agent in the hallway and addressed everyone in the room.

"Doc, I want out of here, I've got a job to do." Again Sydney sat up in bed, throwing her legs over the side. As the surgeon was about to respond, Jim interceded.

"Sydney, you're off the case." Jim stated.

"What?" came the stunned reply from both Sydney and Dyane. "Jim, what are you talking about? I'm this close to catching the guy."

"Sydney, you've been hurt, and with that wound you would be an easy target and so would Dyane. For God's sake, turn it over to somebody else and let yourself heal." Dyane, who suddenly felt selfish, realized Jim's concerns but Sydney was fast becoming upset.

The doctor echoed Jim's plea; "He's right, Ms. Sydney. A gunshot wound is a serious concern. You need time to heal and gain strength back in that arm. And I've not had a chance to tell you about the repercussions from the shrapnel--"

"I appreciate you medical opinion doctor, but I've got to stay on this case and..." Sydney stopped in mid-sentence as Dyane stepped into her line of sight.

"Chris, I don't want you on the case anymore." She stated flatly, the color drained from her face.

"Look, don't worry about me kid, I'll do just fine."

"It's not you I'm worried about, it's me. You blew it Sydney; your incompetence almost got me killed." The look of shock on Sydney's face was too much for Dyane to bare, but she knew she had to do this. She turned away from the hurt in those pale green eyes and addressed Jim, "Mr. James, I want her off my case. I won't risk the lives of my patients and employees any longer. I should never have agreed to do this in the first place." The finality in her voice left all three dumbfounded.

With her shoulders arched and her head held high though it weighed as heavy as her heart, Dyane walked toward the door, but was stopped by the most heart wrenching whisper from Sydney, "Dyane?"

Closing her eyes to prevent the tears from escaping Dyane demanded, "See to it, Mr. James" and then she left the room.


Chapter Seven

In the luminous vapor of the dark, sparsely decorated room, Sydney's face was illuminated by the glow of her laptop. Propped up in her recliner, she impatiently waited for the Internet to connect. Finally the crackling noise stopped and the screen jumped a few times until finally that wonderful voice echoed what she longed to hear; "You've got mail!"

Unfortunately though, upon closer inspection, she realized it's just one of those annoying advertisements and the frustration became to much for her. "Damn-it!" she cursed, and threw the laptop to the side. I forgot I told you not to e-mail anyone, damn-it she cursed again. And I can't e-mail you without tipping my hand. I just have to lay low and let people think I'm off the case. Only then will I catch that ass-hole will I finally be able to tell you how I feel.

Sydney paced the room, unable to rest. She wondered over to the radio and tuned the channel, turning up the volume to hear the news. "It's a beautiful, cool summer's night here in Little Rock. The temperature is 58 degrees with an expected high today of only 82 degrees. It is now 4a.m. and coming up next is a special dedication from a listener who's missing someone very special. Sarah McLachlan's 'I Will Remember You' up next on B98.5."

I will remember you, will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by, weep not for the memories. Sydney closed her eyes, feeling the words deep inside her soul. I'm so tired but I can't sleep, standin' on the edge of something much too deep. It's funny how we feel so much but cannot say a word, though we are screaming inside, we can't be heard. She felt the sting of tears in her eyes but she brushed them away and walked back to her chair. And I will remember you. Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by, weep not for the memories.

Opening her laptop she blinked a tear away and began to type,

My Dearest Dyane,

I write this knowing that I will never mail it, but I must put my feelings down or I will explode. It's very hard for me to admit my feelings, even under the best of circumstances, but I need to say it out loud. I love you. I love you for all that you are and for all that you think I can be. I LOVE YOU!!

I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to lose. Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose. Rubbing her aching shoulder Sydney looked up at the radio, wondering if Sarah had some secret insight to her feelings. Once there was darkness, a deep and endless night, you gave me everything you had, oh you gave me your light, and I will remember you.

I know that you were only trying to protect me when you pushed me away. The doctor told me of my prognosis, but it means nothing, not with your life at stake. He also told me that even though you suffered the pain of broken bones, you would not leave my side. What courage you had, what strength and bravery for you to make such a sacrifice for me. For me! I won't let you down kid, I will be just as strong for you. I have to be for there's too much at stake.

I love you, Dyane if you only knew how many times I've wanted to say that to your face. I love you! You have to know that and hold on to that as I am holding on to you.

Chris aka M.E.


With her resolve in tact, Sydney took her arm out of the sling and tossed the brace on the table. Next she took her gun from its sheath and checked the magazine. Satisfied that it was fully loaded, she popped it back into the Sig. Removing the holster from the shoulder strap, she attached it to her belt over her right hip and then secured the gun in its holster. Picking up her jacket, she cast a final glance at the glowing computer and walked out of her apartment into the night.

Across town

Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by, weep not for the memories. And I will remember you will you remember me?

Dyane sat at her kitchen table, a portable phone in her hand and a radio on the cabinet playing the song that she had just requested.

Don't let your life pass you by, weep not for the memories.

The tears were streaming down her cheeks as Puzzles nuzzled her for attention. "I miss her too puss, but what else could I have done? Oh God I hope she's all right."


As she looked out across the mountainous terrain, Sydney felled her lungs with the fresh, sweet smelling scent of pine and cider, and inflated her soul with the sight of the beautiful, luscious green forest peeking out above the morning fog. She sat atop a cliff-hanging boulder, overlooking the magnificent rolling foothills of Hot Springs National Park. As she often did when troubled, Sydney came to the mountains to discern her problems and seek the solutions. For it was here that she and Emie would come to play, to escape the city bonds and revitalize their inter sanctum. And it was here that Sydney scattered the ashes of her beloved Emie, and here that Sydney has come now, seeking her blessings.

"Emie, it's been three years now but it still hurts like it was yesterday. But now..." she shifts her position on the boulder, "now I must let you go." Despite herself, her eyes well up with tears, "Em, you know I love you, I will always love you, but it's because of that love that I am able to move on, to love again. And I am. I'm in love, for only the second time in my life and I want to make a life with her Em."

Sydney wiped away the tears that have found their way down her cheek. This is silly she thought, trying to bolster her reasoning. She stood, preparing to leave, when an eagle screeching overhead distracted her. She watched as the bird circles, riding the wave of a thermal wind tunnel, until finally it perched on a tree limb right beside her. Amazing! she thought, and so beautiful! Sydney froze, fearing that if she moved the bird would be startled and fly away.

Suddenly the eagle flapped its wings vigorously and took to flight, swooping down straight for Sydney. Her first instinct was to move out of its way, but then Sydney realized the bird of prey was not after her, but a small field mouse scurrying across the rock. Watching this awesome bird as it snatched the mouse into its powerful claws, Sydney was awestruck at how easily the eagle lifted into the air and flew away with its prize.

But just as Sydney turned to leave the eagle returned, landing on the boulder. It released the rodent, which hurriedly scampered for cover least the eagle change its mind. But the bird doesn't give it a second glance as it watched Sydney instead. Sydney held her breath, not wanting anything to break the magic of the moment. But with a wink of its eye, the eagle once again takes to the sky and was gone.

Breathlessly Sydney rubbed her heart, allow the tears to freely flow down her cheeks. However it wasn't pain that caused her heart to beat faster, but the monumental love that flooded her senses. Thank you Emie, thank you. She knew, in her heart she knew that Emie had just sanctioned her new love.



"Sydney, where the hell have you been. I've been trying to call you for over a week. Are you all right?" Jim bellowed into his phone.

"I'm fine, Jim," Sydney replied into her cell phone. "But I need a favor."

"Nothing doing Sydney. I know that tone of yours. You're off the case, remember?"

"C'mon Jim. You know better than that. Now listen, I need you to put a tail on Greg Handle. He's the SVP of Finance at the hospital and he's carrying a big chip on his shoulders."

"Sydney, it's not your case anymore." Jim reminded her.

But she cut him off, "Jim, can you check the Senator's son's record again. You'll have to dig underneath all the bullshit, but I know we're overlooking something."

"As I was saying, you are off the case. I've got Ricky working it now."

"That wuss, he's only good for decoration!" Sydney scowled.

"Nevertheless, he's in charge." Jim stated.

Sydney shifted positions and began her argument, "Jim, I've never asked you for a single favor the entire time I've known you. But I'm asking you now. I can't do this without your help. She's in danger, Jim, and only you can help me save her."

"Sydney, don't do this, it's not fair. Besides, you're in just as much danger as she is if your heart explodes."

"That doesn't matter. I'm close, Jim, real close but there are just a few more pieces to the puzzle I have to find. You said yourself that we need to clean this up before Clinton arrives. That's this weekend, right?"

"All right, all right, you win. But I'm warning you, if you die on me so help me, I'll kill ya!"

"Ha, spoken like a true boss. Thanks Jim, I owe you one." Sydney said.

"You owe me a lot more than that, but who's counting?"

Sydney sighed a big smile of relief as she turned off her cell phone and pocketed it. Now it's time to go to work--


Dyane nodded at the guard assigned to protect her and greeted Yvonne.

"Good morning, Yvonne."

"Good morning." Yvonne looked up to see her boss forcing a smile that just doesn't quite make it. The bags under Dyane's eyes and the listless demeanor are evident that this woman had a bad night. "If you don't mind me saying so, Dyane, you look like hell. Are you all right?"

"Yvonne, have you---has there been...?"

"No, she hasn't called."

"Oh all right." Dyane dejectedly walked into her office, followed by Yvonne.

"Dyane, are you all right?" Yvonne asked again. The concern in her secretary's face was genuine and Dyane knew she could confide in her.

"Yvonne, I make high level decisions every day that denote the running of this hospital. I never question those decisions, I know it's for the good of all concerned, but..."

"But now?" Yvonne asked.

"Now I don't know. She saved my life, Yvonne, and yet I crucified her for it."

"Dyane, what else could you have done? In effect, you repaid a debt."

"A debt that I caused in the first place. Yvonne..."

"Why don't I call her surgeon, just to see how her recovery is going?"

"That's a good idea, thank you." The relief in Dyane's eyes was not lost on Yvonne. "What would I do without you?"

"Let's not find out shall we." Yvonne returned to her desk and Dyane tried to focus on the business at hand. She picked up a stack of papers, but found she couldn't concentrate. Frustrated, she went to the window and looked out at the busy city life.

Yvonne broke her reverie, "I'm sorry, Dyane, Dr. Nathaniel has not seen Sydney since he released her last week."

"Oh..., thank you Yvonne. Would you mind shutting the door on your way out?" Yvonne knew exactly what Dyane wanted and that was to be alone. On her way out she put Dyane's phone on send calls.

Again starring out the window at nothing in particular, Dyane murmurs to herself, "Oh Sydney, please be all right."

Dyane could not know that Sydney was in the hospital and in fact, very near by. Having lifted a pair of green scrubs from the linen cart, she made her way to the Environmental Services department. Casually walking into the women's locker room, she looked around to see if anyone else was there. Finding the small room empty, she quickly changed into the housekeeping scrubs and stashed her clothes in an empty locker on her way out. Helping herself to one of the unused cleaning carts, Sydney made her way to the elevators.

"Dyane?" Yvonne lightly tapped on her boss's door, "Dyane, I hate to disturb you but you have a 10 o'clock with the library planning committee. Did you want me to cancel that?" she asked.

"No, no, I'm on my way, thanks, Yvonne." Dyane pulled herself away from the window and picking up her calendar scheduler followed her secretary out to her desk.

Now dressed as a housekeeper and pushing a cleaning cart, Sydney loitered just outside the administrative offices. Dusting the pictures decoratively hanging in the hallway, her keen eyes searched every person passing by, looking for any clue that might present itself.

"Dyane. Dyane, you forgot your calendar." Yvonne called after her boss.

Turning to meet her, neither woman noticed the housekeeper intently staring at them. Thank God, she's all right. Poor thing looks like she hasn't slept in weeks though. Sydney sighed with relief.

Dyane continued on her way, followed closely by the guard and Sydney tucked her head down so as not to be recognized. As she was about follow them, Sydney recognized Greg walking down the hall.

"Look, I don't care what it takes, get me those figures damn-it. I won't be made the fool of in front of her highness again, got that?" His secretary did not dare respond, but instead nodded her head and hurried on her way. "Damn bitch, why didn't you leave when you had the chance?" he mumbled to himself. Greg was not paying attention to where he was going and ran into Sydney's cart.

"Damn-it!!" he spewed at her.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Handle, are you all right?" Sydney devilishly asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." He replied, not even bothering to look at Sydney.

"It's just that you seemed upset and I heard you--"

"What, you heard what?" He demanded, now looking directly at her.

"Something about somebody leaving, that's all it was." Sydney said.

"Humph. Go on with your duties and be more careful with that cart, understand?" Sydney noticed the sudden turn-around of a man she recognized as a fellow agent and she knew that he was the tail she had ask Jim to put on Greg.

"Yes sir, of course sir." she cowered and proceeded to push her cart down the hall. Greg cast one last snide look at her then shrugged the whole thing from his memory as he entered the administration offices. In the meantime, Sydney parked her cart around the corner and followed after Greg. The tail lingered in the hallway but Sydney followed Greg inside. She began dusting the receptionist desk so she could overhear Greg talking with Yvonne.

"I'm sorry, Greg, but Dyane is not here at the moment." Yvonne said.

"Out with that butch girlfriend of hers?" He sniped. Sydney could almost feel the anger rising in Yvonne; it was the same anger that stirred inside of her.

"For your information, she's in a meeting. In fact, she has meetings back to back today so you may have trouble catching her."

"For that damn library party right. Well what about the hospital? Doesn't that matter any more?"

Looking at him straight in the eyes, Yvonne sternly stated, "Greg, Dyane has succeeded in getting this hospital in such good shape that it could practically run itself. I'm sure a few hours spent planning this party won't interfere with business. In fact, it is such a prestigious affair that her participation will only serve to help this hospital's reputation."

Greg knew Yvonne's place in the structure of things to be such that it would behoove him to state what he was thinking, and for her part, Yvonne knew it too.

"Oh and Greg, that "girlfriend" you spoke of...", Yvonne whispered so that Greg had to lean in to hear her, "saved Dyane's life with no regards for her own. You should be so butch."

With nothing left to be said, Yvonne returned to her work and Greg left the office mumbling to himself. Sydney wanted to applaud but could only smile inside; You're a good egg, Yvonne. I'm glad Dyane has you for a friend.

Her heart skipped a beat as her cell phone interrupted her appreciation and she hurriedly walked across the hall before anyone could hear the ringing. Somewhat out of breath from the excitement she flipped open her phone and said, "Sydney."

"Sydney, this is Jim. I've got that info you wanted and it's a doozy!"

"What have you got, Jim?" The excitement began to rise inside her.

"Hey, you sound out of breath, are you all right?"

"For Pete's sake Jim, what did you find out?" Sydney was unaware that she was rubbing her chest, trying to relieve the pressure she felt on her heart. Somewhere deep in her subconscious, she knew the bullet fragment was slicing away at her life.

"Your hunch was right on. The kid's got a rap sheet and get this, it's for DWI's."

"Shit, I knew it!" Sydney exclaimed.

"You want us to pick him?" Jim asked.

"No, not yet. I wanna shake his daddy's tree first and see what falls out. Listen, put a trace on the kid's car. It's probably scrap metal by now, but maybe some of the parts are floating around. And I need you to get word to the good Senator, unofficially of course, that his son is a major suspect in the attempted murder of Dyane and we're close to making an arrest."

"Sydney, you know all hell will break lose?"

"I'm counting on it, and when the shit hits the fan I'll be right there to arrest that sniveling son of a bitch kid!? Just make sure there's plenty of security for Dyane and let me take care of the rest all right?"

"All right, but you be careful yourself." Jim warned.

"Yes, daddy."

"Ms. Sydney isn't it?" a voice behind her asked.

Sydney quickly put her cell phone away and turned around. "Dr. Vanderburg, fancy meeting you here."

"Oh, I'm always around. But I must say this is a new look for you? What happened? The intern job didn't work out?"

Sydney could feel her anger boiling. She didn't like this man and for all his pompous airs he still smelled like a rat. "Just the opposite. As an intern I feel it's my duty to experience as much of the healthcare profession as I can. Tomorrow I'll be doing open heart surgery." She gibed.

"Of course. Well good for you. Experience all you can, while you can." And as he walked off Sydney felt that was a strange statement to make, even for an asshole. She smiled to herself at the memory of Dyane's description of that asshole.

Returning her attention to the job at hand, Sydney retrieved her cart and made her way toward the hospitals chapel. "Sister, am I interrupting?" she asked.

"No, not at all. How can I help you?" Sister Teresa Joseph asked.

"Can you tell me where I'll find Sr. Joseph Marie?"

"Yes, she's just over there, lighting a candle." the nun replied.

"Thank you Sister." Sydney waited impatiently for Sr. Joseph Marie to finish her prayers and as she was about to leave, intercepted her.

"Sister, could I have a moment of your time?"

"Of course my child, how can I help you?" Sr. Joseph Marie asked.

"Sister, I'm Chris Sydney. We met the other day, remember?"

"Oh course, the FBI agent?" she replied.

"Yes, and I'm trying to catch the man who's after Dyane Hollingsworth."

"Oh dear, I heard about the attempt on her life right here in the hospital. Seems you're not safe anywhere these days."

"You're right but I'm doing everything I can to see that doesn't happen again." Sydeny responded.

"And how can I help, Agent Sydney?"

"I noticed in church a while back that you seem to know Senator Lonoke pretty well."

"Yes, for over ten years now. Oh dear, you don't think he's a suspect do you?"

"We're just doing a routine investigation. Tell me, has he ever mentioned Dyane in any way?"

"Only out of concern. He's never said anything derogatory against her."

"I'm sure. And what about his son, Webster? Have you ever heard him speak of Dyane?"

"No, not that I can recall. I don't think he even knows Dyane."

"Do you know if the boy has ever been in trouble with the law?" Sydney watched for her reaction, but there was none.

"No, not that I'm aware of. Webster is a good boy and does his parents proud. He's just finished his third year in college and will start interning next month."

"Do you know who he'll be interning with?"

"His godfather; Dr. Vanderburg."


Chapter Eight

In the luminous vapor of the dark, sparsely decorated room, lit only from the glow of a laptop, the shadow made his way through Sydney's apartment. Rifling through her papers he found nothing to satisfy his quest. Suddenly he was distracted by a man's voice saying, "You've got mail!"

"Hm, let's see what we have here." Greg set down by the laptop and opened Sydney's e-mail. "Dear M.E., thank you for the wonderful story called 'Revenge, Ares Style'. I look forward to reading your next story. Keep up the good work, we need more bards like you."

"What the hell is a bard?" Greg growled. "Hm, this looks interesting" he minimizes the e-mail and enlarges the draft mail still setting in the outgoing box.

"I love you, Dyane if you only knew how many times I've wanted to say that to your face I love you! You have to know that and hold on to that as I am holding on to you. Chris aka M.E."

"Sick!" he scowled. "Ahh, this will take care of things nicely." Greg looked around for a printer, "I guess I'll just have to send it to you, that would work better anyway", he schemed as he pressed the send button. "This should cause quite a stir, heh-heh."


Dyane sat starring out into space, unable to concentrate as the meeting grinds on.



"Dyane, I was wondering what type of music you'd like the orchestra to play during the reception?"

"Garth Brooks or maybe Bette Midler would be nice." The event coordinator looked at her with confusion,

"Well, they're uh, good I'm sure, but I was thinking more of classical music like Mozart."

"That's fine, whatever you think best. Now I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut the meeting short, I really need to leave. I'll have my secretary schedule another meeting. Thank you all for coming." Dyane hurried out the door leaving the rest to look after her in bewilderment.

"Yvonne, please cancel my next meeting and I don't want to be disturb, all right?" Without waiting on a reply, Dyane quickly dashed into her office and closed the door. Yvonne wondered what could be wrong but she knew better than to interfere.

Leaning against the closed door, Dyane shut her eyes and allowed the confined tears to find their freedom at last. Oh Chris, I miss you so. When will this end so I can tell you just how sorry I am to have hurt you so badly. Wiping away her tears she settled in at her desk and leaned back in her chair. You are my one true friend she said to herself as the tears began to flow again. How will you ever forgive me?

Taking several tissues from the box, she wiped her eyes and focused on the computer. "M.E.!" she cried as she realized there's an e-mail from her Internet friend, you have perfect timing my friend!

But even as she was about to read Sydney's e-mail she was interrupted by a knock at the door. Agitated that her solitude was being infringed upon, she called out, "I told you I don't want to be disturbed."

"Not even by Senator Lonoke?" Yvonne asked through the closed door.

"Oh, forgive me" Dyane said as she went to open the door, "I didn't realize how important it was. Please, come in, Bob."

Yvonne looked at her with an apologetic expression, "He insisted, Dyane" she whispered to her boss.

"It's all right, don't worry about it. Thanks, Yvonne."

"I'm sorry to disturb you like this but it's rather important I speak with you." The Senator said and sat down. Dyane set on the corner of her desk across from him.

"How can I help, Bob?" she asked.

"It's your friend, Sydney, snooping around causing all sorts of trouble."

"Sydney, what does she have to do with anything?"

"I learned through my contacts at the Bureau that she is trying to implicate my son in a plot to kill you." he stated.

"Webster? I don't believe it. Why would he want to kill me?"

"Exactly. Now Dyane, we've been friends a long time and I know you to be a fair and honest woman. You can see how ridiculous this is so I would appreciate it if you would call her off."

"But you don't understand, Bob. Sydney is on medical leave and has been since she was shot trying to protect me. She couldn't possibly be behind this."

"You mean you haven't seen or heard from her since the shooting?" The Senator was surprised at this revelation and frankly did not believe it.

"Not a word since I had her taken off the case. To tell you the truth, I'm the last person she wants to be around, I'm afraid."

"It's not that I don't believe you, Dyane, it's just that my contact is certain that it was Sydney behind all this. If you see her..."

"As I told you Bob, I've not heard from her, but I would not presume to tell her how to do her job." There was a slight protective edge to Dyane's voice and Bob knew it would be futile to continue this strategy.

"Thank you, Dyane, for your help. I'll just have to handle this a different way." he stated as he stood to leave.

"What do you mean by that, Bob?"

"Oh nothing at all. Well, I must be going. I'm sorry to have disturbed you, Dyane. I'll see you in church on Sunday."

As the Senator left Dyane felt a cold chill run up her spin. But it was quickly replaced by the realization that Sydney was still on the case. She was still trying to protect her, but how and where is she then? Why hasn't she contacted me? Then another realization came to light; she must be in danger! Oh Sydney, be careful, please be careful. If anything were to happened to you--

Dyane sat back down at her computer and picked up her phone. "Yvonne, would you please get Leonard James, the Director of the FBI for me? Thanks." As she hung up the phone she noticed the e-mail. I forgot all about poor M.E.

"Dyane, I have Mr. James on line one." Yvonne announced over the telephone intercom.

"Thanks, Yvonne." Dyane replied and picked up the phone, "Mr. James, I need to talk to you about Sydney."

"How can I help you, Ms. Hollingsworth?" came the response.

"May I come to your office and discuss this in person." she asked.

"Certainly, my time is your time."

"Thank you Mr. James, you're very kind." Dyane hung up the phone and turned her attention back to her e-mail. I'll just print this out and read it later she thought and while it printed it she gathered her purse and car keys and finally grabbed the print-out on her way out the door.


"Cliff, just the man I was looking for!" Greg breathlessly said as he ran up to Dr. Vanderburg.

"Greg, what on earth is your hurry?"

"I need to show you something very important. Would you come with me?" Greg asked.

"I'm sorry, Greg, I'm due in a meeting, can't this wait?" Cliff had no time for his antics.

"Oh, uh, yeah sure, but it's imperative I show you this right after the meeting, all right?"

"What is so important that you can't just tell me about it."

"It's an e-mail, but it's not like any e-mail you've ever gotten."

"Oh hell, Greg, just tell me what's in it."

"I--I can't. Just meet me in Dyane's office after the meeting. This is so big that you won't believe me without seeing it for yourself. Trust me, this will blow your mind all right."

"It'd better, that's all I've got to say." Cliff admonished and left for his meeting.

"Trust me!" Greg called after him, this will totally blow you mind! As Greg walked away he paid no attention to the housekeeper loitering nearby.

What could be so big that Greg would fly off the handle like that? Sydney wondered. She debated whether to tail Cliff or follow Greg but it was Greg himself that made up her mind for her.

"Dyane, where are you off to in such a hurry?" Greg asked after sidestepping to avoid running into her.

"Oh, Greg. I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." she said.

"Oh that's fine, do you have a moment to talk?" But he knew she wouldn't have by the way she was rushing out of there.

"Can you give me about an hour, I, uh, have an appointment downtown I'm late for."

"No problem. Listen, I left something in your office earlier, would you mind if I got it?"

"Sure, that's fine. Just help yourself. Thanks, Greg." And with that Dyane hurried down the hall. And thank you Dyane! Greg mumbled to himself.

Sydney watched to make sure that the agent assigned to Dyane was keeping up with her before turning her attention back to Greg. In her line of work Sydney had learned to smell a rat a mile away and Greg was no exception. Following him into the administrative offices she noticed that Yvonne was not at her desk. Greg nonchalantly walked into Dyane's office. Sydney listened at the door as Greg boldly sat at the computer.

"Ha! There it is!" he said out loud. "My Dearest Dyane," he reads aloud, "I write this knowing that I will never mail it, but I must put my feelings down or I will explode."

"Something's gonna explode all right when this shit hits the fan! Ha-ha. If this doesn't get that bitch out of here nothing will!"

Sydney's rage was barely controllable, "And what about this bitch!!!" she growled at Greg.


"Mr. James, thank you so much for agreeing to see me on such short notice." Dyane accepted his handshake.

"Glad to help. Now what's this about Sydney?"

"I know she's still on the case, but I haven't heard from her. I was hoping you had?"

"I'm sorry Ms. Hollingsworth, but you yourself took her off the case." Dyane stood up and walked to the office door. "If you'll excuse us please" she said to her guard and closed the door giving her the privacy she needed to speak freely.

"Now Mr. James, if we could cut the bull as it were and get to the truth. Senator Lonoke told me that Sydney has ordered an investigation on his son. What does she think she'll find?"

Jim hesitated for a moment, then looked at Dyane and said, "She thinks the Senator's son was the one who hit your car, killing your family." Blunt though he was, Dyane appreciated his straightforwardness.

"And is he?" she asked.

"We are still investigating that possibility."

"And you think he's behind the stalking?"

"We think his father is, Ms. Hollingsworth, are you all right?"

Dyane was stunned by the revelation that someone she knew, who attended the same church and showed such concern at the funeral could be trying to kill her.

"I'm..., I'm fine. Please, where is Chris? Is she all right?"

Jim could sense the concern in Dyane's voice, "She's fine, stubborn as all get out, but she's all right."

Smiling a sigh of relief Dyane asked, "Please, would it be possible to speak with her?"

"I'm sorry, she's not reachable at the moment. By that I mean I can't call her, I have to wait for her to call in, but I'll be happy to convey a message." Jim did not enjoy lying to her but felt it best for all concerned.

"Tell her..., tell her, no, never mind" she said quietly and then added, "Thank you Mr. James, for your time, I guess I'd better let you get back to work." Dyane stood to leave but Jim touched her arm,

"Ms. Hollingsworth, if it's any consolation, she knows." Dyane looked up into the most understanding eyes she had ever seen. Do you know? Does it matter? Without a word she embraced Jim and then left.


"Listen you mealy-mouth son-of-a-bitch!! If you ever, ever pull another stunt like this, so help me God, I'll personally ride your butt out on a rail. You got that?!!" Sydney's tall, muscular stature was enhanced even more by her overwhelming anger and Greg cowered in fear of her.

"I don't...I don't know what you're talking about." He muttered helplessly.

With a crimson face flushed with anger she stated in a low, threatening tone,

"First, I'll have you arrested for breaking and entering my apartment. Then I'll have my buddies downtown lose the paperwork so that you'll rot in jail until I have the IRS go over you transactions with a fine tooth comb. It doesn't matter whether they find anything or not because we'll hold you on fraud until hell freezes over. And while I'm at it, I'll let it slip to the guys that you are available and..."

"All right, I get it, I get it. What do you want from me?" he was almost in tears and if Sydney wasn't so angry she would actually be enjoying herself,

"I want you gone. You hear me, GONE! Right now, this very second."

"But I can't just up and leave without some sort of explanation. What about my wife, my family?" The bile anger in the pit of Sydney's stomach was rising again as she seized Greg by the arm and yanked him to the desk, pushing him into the chair, she said,

"Who in the hell do you think you're talking to? I know everything there is to know about your miserable life. You're wife left you last year and took the kids, and you haven't bothered to see them since." Grabbing a pen and some paper she slammed them down in front of him and said, "Here damn-it, write you resignation and keep it short and sweet!"

Greg's trembling hands scratched out a credible resignation and handed it to Sydney. "But what will I do now?" he whimpered.

"Now? Now you pack you bags and find another state to infest. And if you even think about telling anybody so help me God, I'll--"

"I won't, I swear!"

"Good" she said and took out her cell phone, "Hey Bill, yeah, this is Sydney, could you come in here? Thanks." Sydney no sooner hung up than a man walked through the door. "I don't think you two have been properly introduced. Mr. Handle, this is FBI Agent Bill Brooks. He's been tailing you for some time now. Bill, Mr. Handle will be leaving our fair state and I want to make sure nothing happens to him on the way out. Put a choker on him, no communication whatsoever got that?" Bill nodded his head. Sydney turned back to Greg and handed him an envelope, "now drop this on Yvonne's desk and get the fuck out of here!"

Greg scurried around the desk in such a hurry that he slammed his knee into the corner of it. Not daring to stop, he limped out of the office, closely followed by Agent Brooks. "That's gotta hurt" Sydney chuckled and walked over to Dyane's computer. She hit the delete button on the e-mail and for good measure, she deleted the trash as well. Don't worry kid, that asshole won't bother you again. She walked over to the window and watched as Greg scampered down the sidewalk toward his car. Chuckling to herself, she thought, one down, several to go. Again she rubbed her chest, but this time she knew what was generating the necessity. Just a little more time, that's all I ask.

"Ms. Sydney, you seem to be everywhere today." Cliff stood in the doorway of Dyane's office.

Turning around, she refocused, "Dr. Vanderburg, we meet again."

"Actually I was to meet Greg here for something important."

"Oh, haven't you heard, Greg resign all of a sudden and didn't leave a forwarding address." Sydney smirked.

"He resigned, that was certainly unexpected."

"Yeah, something about another job out of state. Must be a good one for him to up and quite like that."

"Well then, I guess he doesn't need to talk with me anymore," Cliff said.

"No, but I do, have you got a minute?"

"Apparently. What do you need?"

"It's about a rumor I heard."

"A rumor?"

"Yeah, about the Senator's son." Sydney answered as she watched his face for a reaction.

"We have more than one Senator in this state, which one are you referring to?" Oh, you are good, you prick, but not that good. "Senator Lonoke's son, Webster."

"And what rumor have you heard?"

"Just that he is about to be arrested for attempted murder." That got him, he's turning purple, ha! "Juicy rumor, isn't it?"

"Ms. Sydney, I'll thank you to keep your rumors to yourself. I know for a fact he had nothing to do with the attempt on Dyane's life."

"Why, Dr. Vanderburg, I didn't realize you were so close to him." Sydney snidely remarked.

"Of course I'm close to him! That's my godson you're talking about and I won't have you besmirching his good name!" The elevation in Cliffs voice was betraying his confidence and Sydney seized the opportunity to drive the nail home,

"So I guess you would do anything to protect his 'good' name?'"

"Damn straight and it would behoove you to remember that too, young lady!" And with that Cliff stormed out of the office, leaving Sydney with a smile on her face. Oh, I'll remember it all right she thought and followed him out of the hospital.


"Hey Y, have you heard any juicy gossip lately?" Yvonne was greeted outside of administration by the public relations coordinator.

"You usually know before I do Marie, you tell me."

"Nothing. Slow as Christmas."

"Just remember Christmas has a way of picking up speed the closer it gets until you're snowed under by it." They both laugh at this.

"You are so right Yvonne. See you later."


Yvonne walked into her office and noticed the envelope from Greg. "What's this?" The envelope was not addressed so Yvonne opened it and pulled out the note. "Dyane, I quit effective immediately. It's a family matter and I must leave the state to take care of it. Greg." Yvonne's laughter echoed throughout the office.

"Yvonne, I'm back, any earth shattering news I need to know about?" Dyane asked.

"Well, let's see. The caterer called about the champagne for the party. Senator Lonoke called asking if you would meet him for dinner tonight, Greg quit, and oh yeah, your three o'clock canceled. That's about all there was." Yvonne suppressed the desire to grin.

"Hm, I just talked with the Senator and now he wants to have dinner? I wonder what else he has to say?"

"I don't know but he asked if you would meet him at Romano's at 6 for cocktails."

"Oh well, why not. Call and confirm, will you?" Dyane stopped as she realized what was next on the list.

"Greg quit!! Why?!" Yvonne handed her the note and after reading it Dyane said, "Well this just doesn't make since. What could possibly be so important that he would leave like that?" Yvonne shook her head. "Yvonne, please try to reach him on his cell phone and let me know the minute you have him." Yvonne picked up her phone to dial as Dyane stated, "This day just keeps getting stranger and stranger!" As Dyane walked into her office she didn't hear Yvonne humming the theme to the Twilight Zone.


"Hello, this is Senator Lonoke."

"Yeah Bob, it's me, Cliff. I was wondering if we could get together tonight? I need to discuss something with you."

"Have you heard something more on Webster?" the Senator asked hopefully.

"Yeah, but I need more details. Can we meet?"

"Sure, I'm having cocktails with Dyane this evening to work on her a little more about this FBI agent that's giving me hell. I know Dyane knows more than she's telling."

"Perfect, why don't I meet you and we can both ply her with our charm?"

"Great, meet us at Romano's at 6. I'll see you then."

"See you then, Bob."

Sydney watched as Cliff put away his cell phone and climbed into his car. She took out her own phone and called Jim. "Yeah, it's me. Listen, I'm not sure what, but I've got a hunch that something is going down and I think it's tonight. Has Ricky reported in yet on Dyane?"

"Hold on, let me call him." Jim put Sydney on hold as he dialed Ricky, "Where are you?"

"I'm right outside Ms. Hollingsworth's office." Ricky replied.

"Great, hold on while I conference you with Sydney."

Jim fidgeted with the phone and finally conference all three of them together. "Ricky, yeah this is Sydney. Anything special on your end?"

"Well, I was just going to report in about something odd. Seems Senator Lonoke made a date with Ms. Hollingsworth for tonight."

"What's that about, do you know?" Sydney questioned.

"No and apparently, neither does she. But they're meeting at Romano's at 6 tonight."

"Okay, here's what I need, Jim put a mic on Dyane and get some surveillance on Romano's ASAP." Sydney directed.

"Sydney, the report came in on Webster's car. You want to check it out?" Jim asked.

"Absolutely, but first I want to make sure our main goal tonight is to keep Dyane safe, right?" Sydney over anxiously demanded.

"Don't worry, I've got her covered." Ricky volunteered. That's what I'm afraid of, Sydney thought.

"Listen Jim, can you get somebody on Dr. Vanderburg?" she asked.

"Vanderburg too? How does he fit in the loop?" Jim asked.

"Well for one thing, he's the kids godfather and has very strong feelings for him."

"All right, I'll take care of it. And I'll see you tonight."

"You're going on stakeout, Jim? I don't think your desk will fit in the car." Sydney smiled to herself as she counted, 1, 2, 3...

"Listen you #$@%^!@*, I'm just as good as any of you #$@%^!@*."

Laughing, Sydney held the phone from her ear, wondering how Ricky is perceiving this. "All right, all right, I'll see you tonight" she screamed through the phone and hung up. God love him, what a character.


Chapter Nine

"You want me to wear this to meet with the Senator?"

Jim watched as Ricky fit Dyane with a wireless microphone. "It's just a precaution, Dyane. We have reason to believe that the Senator knows more than he's telling. But don't worry, we'll be right outside in the van and we'll hear everything. If it gets to hairy just say the word and we'll be on him in a shot."

"Jim, you said we?" Dyane hoped her hopefulness didn't give her away.

"Yes, Dyane, Sydney will be there." But Dyane's excitement was quickly replaced by concern.

"Why isn't she here now. She's not in any danger, is she?"

"No more than usual." Jim quipped but changed tactics when he realized this did not assuage her concerns. "Look Dyane, Sydney is following a lead on the Senator's son. But she'll be back for the stakeout, of that I'm sure. And remember this is just a fact-finding mission. There shouldn't be any trouble tonight. Now, you ready?"

"As I'll ever be I guess." Dyane put on a brave front.

"Good. Ricky will drive you to the restaurant and wait outside in his car. Like I said though, if you feel uncomfortable just say the word and we'll end it." Jim instructed her. 


Jim and another agent sat in an amorphous van, strategically parked a half-block from the restaurant. Opening the back doors to the van, Sydney suddenly popped her head in and yelled "BOO!"

After jumping several inches, Jim quipped, "Hardy-har-har."

Positioning herself in a chair, Sydney placed the headphones over her ears. "Did I miss anything?" she asked and Jim shook his head no. Sydney listened as Dyane coughed. "She's nervous," Sydney stated.

Dyane hesitated at the restaurant entrance, "Chris, Chris, I know you can hear me. Please forgive me. I am so sorry that I was harsh with you in the hospital."

I know kid, it's okay. Sydney wished with all her heart that she could speak to Dyane but knew that it would have to wait. There'll be time for us later.

"Ok, here I go, wish me luck." Dyane put on her cheerful persona and entered the restaurant.

"Dyane, thank you so much for agreeing to meet me here." The Senator extended his hand to which Dyane accepted. "How could I not, after our chat earlier." She hung her sweater on the coat rack and took a seat.

"And I felt that the conversation was incomplete." He replied, but before he could say anything else the hostess appeared and escorted them to a table.

"Would you care for a cocktail before dinner?" the waitress asked.


"I'm not really much of a drinker. I'll just have a Diet Coke, thank you."

"Come on Dyane, don't make me drink alone." Bob encouraged.

"Oh, all right, Bob. How about a Martini?"

"And for the gentleman?"

"I'll have the same and keep them coming."

"Is it that bad, Bob?"

"It's very serious, Dyane. My son could go to jail for something he didn't do."

"But, if they don't have any evidence how can they possibly accuse Webster?" she asked.

"I don't know. No one at the bureau is talking except to say that your friend is behind the accusations."

In the van parked outside Jim asked, "That reminds me Sydney, what did you find out about the kid's car?"

"It was a red convertible BMW. Found what's left of it at a scrap heap up north. The VIN numbers had been removed of course, but they left one fatal clue." Sydney explained as she strived to hear Dyane's conversation.

Jim sat waiting, "Well, are you gonna tell me or not?"

Sydney grinned at him and replied "College boy had a little insignificant bumper sticker permit that tagged him like a cadaver." She was pretty proud of herself and Jim knew she deserved to be.

"I told you, Bob, I've not heard from my friend since she was shot saving my life." Dyane hoped that he would accept her reasoning.

"But, Dyane, I feel there's something you're not telling me. Perhaps you don't realize the gravity of this accusation."

"Of course I realize. Please don't think me insensitive, Bob. Tell me what I can do to help?" That's good Dyane, bring him out, get him to talk. Sydney silently sent mental instructions to Dyane.

"May I join you?" Cliff arrived at their table.

"Cliff, please do." Bob stood and pulled up a chair for him.

"Cliff! What the hell is he doing there? I smell a set-up! Jesus H..."

"Sydney, just settle down, we can salvage this." Jim reasoned with her and it produced the effect he wanted.

"You're right Jim. Okay everybody, on your toes, you got that!" Sydney nervously demanded.

"Cliff, what are you drinking?" Bob asked, motioning for a waiter.

"I'll have a Manhattan." Cliff replied.

"Very good sir" the waiter said and took Cliff's order to the bartender.

"Dyane, I invited myself along when I heard that Bob was meeting you here. I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to talk to you about Webster. He's my godson you know and I am very concern about these threats of him being arrested."

"Why Cliff, I didn't realize that Webster was your godson. You never told me." Dyane responded.

"Didn't I? He's the son I never had so his welfare is very important to me."

"I can well imagine. I felt the same way about my daughter." Dyane stated.

The waiter brought their drinks but placed them with the wrong person. "Here, I believe this is yours Dyane" Cliff handed her drink to her while Bob takes the other one.

Bob and Cliff immediately sip from their drinks, but Dyane did not.

Cliff raised his glass, "A toast then, to the safety of our children." Bob and Dyane looked at him in shock, "I apologize, that was in very poor taste." Cliff admitted.

"Don't worry about it, Cliff. I understand your concerns." Dyane raised her glass and the three sipped from their drinks.

"That's damn peculiar!" Sydney swore out loud.

"How so?" Jim asked.

"That ass hole knows that Dyane's daughter is dead, he's setting her up for something, I know he is."

"Dyane, you know my son would never harm you or your family. He's a good boy, and would never harm a fly."

"I know that Bob, but it's not up to me." Dyane apologetically replied.

"No, it's that damn FBI agent. She's behind this, making up lies and accusing the wrong people. Damn her, she's just trying to make a name for herself in the bureau."

"Bob, I know you're upset, and with good reason. But Chris isn't like that at all. And remember she risked her own life to save mine. How could someone that unselfish have a vendetta against a young man she doesn't even know?" Dyane began to feel flushed and loosened her collar, taking another sip of her drink.

"It's not him she's after, Dyane. It's me. I have powerful allies and could make her cushy job hell if I wanted to." Bob lambasted.

"And let's not forget that with you out of the way, Bob, it could pave the way for some of her Chicago friends to move in." Cliff said in earnest but it produced laughter from Dyane.

"I'm sorry, Cliff, but that is just so ludicrous," she giggled.

Sydney noticed that Dyane's laughter lasted a little longer than necessary. "Something's not right" she said.

"Please, Dyane, I am only trying to find out what's behind the investigation," Cliff explained.

"What's behind it what?" For some reason that she could not fathom, Dyane couldn't seem to concentrate.

"Dyane, are you all right my dear?" Bob asked.

"Just tired I guess. It's been a long day." Dyane halfheartedly replied.

"That's it, get her out of there!" Sydney demanded, but Jim held her back.

"Sydney, I know how you feel but we've got to play it out and see what happens." Sydney looked angrily at him, but against her better judgment, she bowed to his decision.

"Dyane, let me take you home, you're not well." Bob offered.

"Perhaps you're right, Bob, thank you." But as she tried to stand, Dyane grabbed a hold of the table, her head spinning. "Oh, I think I stood up too fast." she said, sitting back down.

"You sit tight and let me take care of the tab," Bob instructed and pulled out his wallet, standing to find the waiter.

As Bob finishes paying the cashier Cliff joined him. "Cliff, I don't think this is going to work."

"Of course it will work. Look at her, she's barely conscious." Dyane's head was fast becoming too heavy to hold up and try as she might; she could not make her legs work right. "Look, we tried, didn't we, but then her nightmares started triggering memories." Cliff explained.

"And if you had just let it be, she wouldn't have brought in the FBI. Now we've got this Sydney person about to blow everything wide open." Bob grumbled.

"What else could we do? If she remembers what she saw at the crash site it will put your boy in the electric chair. Is that what you want?"

"Shit, Cliff, you know it's not. But after the mess that hired hit man of yours caused, I'm afraid it will blow up in our face."

"Trust me Bob, we won't be caught, not if you stick to the plan. Now..." Cliff waved to a blond sitting at the bar, who immediately joined them, "...now this is Becky, I want you two to go and have a good time and let me take care of the rest. Oh here, don't forget your sweater." Cliff took Dyane's sweater from the coat rack and put it across the blonde's shoulders. "Perfect!" he exclaimed as he examined her from the back.

"What the hell is going on? I can't hear anything!!" Sydney was barely able to keep control of her rising trepidation.

"Look, there she is." Jim indicated the man and woman walking out of the restaurant.

With a sigh of relief, Sydney ripped off her headphones and tapped the driver on the shoulder, "Get ready to move." They watched as Bob helps the impostor into his car.

Meanwhile, Cliff returned to Dyane, who is barely coherent. Without saying a word, he half carried, half dragged Dyane toward the door. He helped her into his car and as he walked around to the driver's side he noticed the van pulling away. Smiling at his own cleverness, he confidently climbed in beside Dyane and started the car. "I don't feel well" Dyane mumbled.

"Just a little bit longer, Dyane" Cliff cooed.

"Something doesn't feel right." Sydney said and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Don't worry, Sydney, it looks like he really is taking her home." Jim encouraged.

"But where is Cliff?" Jim and Sydney exchange looks as Jim tapped the driver who instantly begins to slow down. However Sydney didn't wait for him to stop, but jumped out the back of the van and literally hits the road running. "Be careful Sydney!" Jim called after her, but she's already gone.

Running the short distance to her car, Sydney jumped in and revved the engine. With one singular thought in mind, she turned her car toward Cliff's house.

"Here we are, Dyane, won't be long now." Cliff opened her door and pulled Dyane out of the car. Carrying her into his home, he immediately took her downstairs to his den. A large, dark room with antiques that decoratively enhance the ambiance of a different time, a different period. Seventeenth century swords hung above the sofa and a family crest and shield hung predominately over the antique roll-top desk.

"This is my private study. You should be comfortable here." Cliff laid Dyane on the sofa and went to the liquor cabinet. Fixing himself a drink, he picked up the telephone and made a call. "Yeah, I've got her, get over here. It won't be long before they figure out what we're up to."

Meekly Dyane asked, "Are you going to kill me?"

"I would never do that. I mean how would it look? No, my dear, nothing so perverse as that."

"Then," Dyane tried to lift her head but the dizziness was to much for her, "then what am I doing here?" she asked, lying as still as she can until the dizzy spell lifted.

"It's really quite simple, you're going on a very long trip my dear Dyane." Cliff gulped his drink and sat the glass down. Opening a drawer, he took a syringe and vial out and plunged the needle into the vial. "You know I'm really quite a good doctor." Setting the bottle down he walked over to the sofa. "Still, it has been a while since I've given a shot to someone."

"No, please don't..."

But Dyane's pleas are ignored as Cliff knelt beside her and rolled up her sleeve. "Just a little prick and then you'll feel much better."

"Why Cliff?"

"Because, your memory is coming back, Dyane. If you had just let it lie buried inside you there would be no need for any of this. But now the FBI have gotten to close and we can't have that."

"But I don't remember, not everything." Heavy hands were pulling Dyane down into a dark abyss, causing her eyes to roll back into her head and her mouth to go dry. "Wha...?"

"It's all right, my dear. It's just the drug. Don't fight it." Cliff extracted the syringe and rubbed her arm, "Soon you'll be on a plane to Singapore. A lovely country, you'll like it there. Especially with the gentlemen I've arranged to meet you at the airport."

"If she's going anywhere, it'll be with me." Cliff turned to see Sydney standing in the doorway, her gun pointed at his heart.

"Perfect, I was hoping you'd figure it out and come charging to the rescue." Cliff moved towards the head of the sofa as Sydney entered the room.

"Get away from her, you bastard!" she demanded. Never taking her eyes off of Cliff she noticed the flinch that indicated someone else has entered the room. Recognizing the sound of a gun cocking, she trilled around in time to shoot the intruder before he could finish squeezing the trigger. Even before his face hit the floor, Sydney turned back to Cliff who was waiting with a sword in his hands. He sliced at her gun hand, causing her to drop it. Then he prodded the sword at her, effectively moving her back away from her weapon.

"Ever used one of these? They can be quite effective albeit messy." Cliff kicked Sydney's gun under the sofa.

"Look, you're trapped. My backup will be here any second. Give yourself up before it goes to far." She tried to persuade him but her advice fell on deaf ears.

"I'll see you in hell first!" he yelled and thrust his sword at her.

"Then it'll be a full house!" she sneered and grabbed for the other sword in time to deflect Cliff's thrust.

"Very good, my dear, I knew you would make a worthy opponent." The Cheshire grin on his face only served to inflame Sydney more.

"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!" Sydney exclaimed and lunged for him. Her sword missed its target while his sliced into her right arm, turning it red with her blood. Without missing a beat she smiled at him, "Perfect" she said. Cliff was completely baffled by her reaction. "What, don't you watch TV?" she snidely asked, taking advantage of his confusion by elbowing him in the head, causing him to stumble backwards.

With a twist of her body she lunged her sword into Cliff's shoulder causing him to drop his and grab the laceration that began to bleed profusely. He swung wildly at her with his good arm and the impact sent a jolt through her heart. Turning away from him she grabbed her chest at the pain that was fast making it difficult to breathe. Cliff charged at her from behind, picking his weapon up as he did.

Sydney had just enough time to twirl her sword around so that it sliced through Cliff's stomach and his momentum propelled him toward it. She turned around to look into his dying eyes and she said, "Tell Hades I said hello." And with that she removed her sword from his abdomen and Cliff fell to the floor, dead. "It's amazing what you can pick up from TV."


"She's going to be all right, Agent Sydney. It was an especially strong sedative but she's out of danger. We'll just monitor her and let her sleep it off. Don't worry, she'll be good as new tomorrow." Sydney was standing beside Dyane's hospital bed as the doctor explained her condition.

"Thank you, doctor" she replied.

"But what about you? You should get some rest yourself. That wound on your arm needs a chance to heal and those fragments near your heart..."

Looking up at him for the first time Sydney said, "Doc, if it was gonna kill me it would have done it by now. No, I'm not budging until I'm sure she's all right."

"Have it your way, but I assure you, she will sleep through the night." Dr. Harvey replied.

"Thanks Doc, but I'll be all right here."

Yvonne entered the ICU as Ben was leaving. "Maybe you can talk some sense into her?" he said.

Yvonne shrugged, "I'll try, but after what these two have been through, it's not likely I'll get anywhere."

"May I come in?" Yvonne asked Sydney who acknowledged her. "Dr. Harvey tells me that she's going to be all right."

"Yeah, thank God."

"Sydney, is there anything I can get for you. I'd be happy to go to your home and get some things. If you're really intending to stay all night you might as well be comfortable."

"Thanks, Yvonne, but there's nothing I need. Well, now that you mentioned it, I need my laptop." Sydney pulled out the keys to her apartment.

"Your laptop. Is that all?"

"Uh-huh. Do you mind?"

"No, not at all. I'll be back in a little while." Yvonne assured.

"Thanks Y, you're the best." Sydney genuinely complimented her, then returned to Dyane's side.

Alone again with her beloved Dyane, Sydney talked to her as if she were awake, "Well kid, here's another fine mess you've gotten me into." Smiling down at her, Sydney fought to control her emotions, "Wasn't to long ago that you held my hand as I laid there in that bed. I wish you would wake up and tell me everything's all right." Waiting, as if her wish would be heard, Sydney watched Dyane, who lay motionless, chained down by the drug controlling her body.

Sydney sat for a very long time, watching, waiting, and praying, until finally Yvonne returning with her computer pulled her from her introspection. "I also brought you a hamburger and fries in case you get hungry." She placed them on the bedside table along with Sydney's keys.

"Thanks, Yvonne, Dyane is so lucky to have you for a friend." Yvonne could see that Sydney's compliment was genuine.

"No, I'm the lucky one. I've had a lot of bosses but Dyane is special." Yvonne picked up Dyane's hand, "She doesn't trample people on her way up and she doesn't forget those who have helped her up that ladder." She patted her boss’s hand and then laid it back down. "Guess I'd better get home and feed my other boss. If there's anything you need, Sydney, or if Dyane..."

"I'll call you, Yvonne, I promise." Sydney positioned herself beside Dyane as Yvonne turned to leave. "Yvonne?"


"Thank you" Yvonne smiled at her, knowing how hard it was for her to say that and she whole-heartedly appreciated the sentiment.

Alone again with Dyane, Sydney straightened her blankets and made sure that Dyane was comfortable before she sat up her laptop. Now Xena, where were we?

"But you are my equal, more so. Don't you know that you fight by my side whether we're together or not. Gabrielle, if it weren't for you I would have given up a long time ago. You are here, inside my heart and I carry you with me into every battle, using you strength and your love to maintain my focus. I can't do it with out you Gabrielle." The plea was evident in Xena's voice and she waited for a reply.

Slowly, deliberately, Gabrielle turned to Xena and with cock head and sly smile she batted her long blond eyelashes and huskily replied, "Damn straight you can't do it without me."

"Why you..." But before Xena can scold her, Gabrielle stood on tiptoe and placed a soft, tender kiss on her cheek. "Now I know you can do better than that, Gabrielle." Xena mischievously coerced.

"Not until I hear those three magic words" Gabrielle enjoyed baiting her tall, ravishing warrior.

"I love you" Sydney looked up at Dyane, "I will always love you!"

The End. Whew, that was a long one. Hitting the save button, Sydney got on line to check her e-mail. During the next few hours Sydney caught up with her e-mails and fussed over Dyane. Well looky here, the e-mail I wrote to you. She enlarged the mail, I guess I'd better trash this one too before it causes more problems.

But before she could erase it, Dyane stirred in her sleep and Sydney immediately jumped to her side, setting her laptop down on the bedside table. Taking Dyane's tiny hand in hers, Sydney soothed her restless friend. She held her hand well into the night until exhaustion took over and she slumped back in her chair, falling asleep almost instantly.

"Chris?" Dyane whispered her mouth dry from the sedative. She reached for the water canister on the table, "Emmm" she slurred and gulped the water. Setting the cup down she looked around, trying to shake off the fuzzy cobwebs still in her head. She saw Chris asleep in the chair. "Oh!" she sighed with relief, "what a wonderful sight to wake up to. Chris, Chris are you awake?" she asked, but Chris did not respond. "Poor thing must be exhausted." Yawning, Dyane knew just how she felt. The glare of the computer attracted her attention and she turned to see what it was.

"It's very hard for me to admit my feelings, even under the best of circumstances, but I need to say it out loud. I love you. I love you for all that you are and for all that you think I can be. I LOVE YOU!!"

"I love you, Dyane if you only knew how many times I've wanted to say that to your face, I love you! You have to know that and hold on to that as I am holding on to you. Chris aka M.E."

"You're M.E? Is it true? My Chris is M.E. I can't believe it!" I LOVE YOU, DYANE her head reeled as she looked at Chris and repeated the words I LOVE YOU TOO! Now crying tears of ecstasy Dyane laid back down, the grogginess overtaking her once again.

"I love you too, Chris" she muttered as she nestled into a warm, inviting sleep, "Thank you Jesus."

"What Dyane, did you say something?" excitedly Sydney rushed to her bed but found that Dyane was still asleep. "That's okay kid, you just sleep all you want. I'll be here when you wake up." Adjusting her blankets, Sydney took her laptop and sat back down again. "Uh, forgot about this" she murmured to herself and hit the delete button on the e-mail. Better leave well enough alone she thought.

Eventually night turned into day and Sydney finally left Dyane's bedside to relieve herself. As she came back into the ICU unit she noticed the morning sun rising through the window.

"Poor kid, it's your big day and all of America will be watching you tonight but not if you sleep right through it. Come on Dyane, you've just got to be okay." Sydney took her hand and kissed it affectionately, exhausted tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm okay, Sydney, please don't cry." Sydney looked up ecstatically to see a smiling Dyane looking back at her.

"Oh thank God!!" Sydney exclaimed, "I thought I'd never see that smile again." Beside herself with relief, Sydney kissed Dyane on the forehead. "You gave me quite a scare, kid."

"I'm sorry, Sydney, really I am."

"Sorry? For what?"

"For dragging you into this and almost getting you killed. Oh God! If anything had happened to you..."

"But nothing happened, Dyane, I'm fine."

"What about Cliff?"

"Later, right now you need to concentrate on getting better." Sydney nursed.

"Please, I want to know." Giving in to those big blue eyes, Sydney summarized the events of the presiding night, leaving out the more grisly details. Dyane gasped as Sydney told her of Cliff's demise.

"And Bob?"

"He's in a jail cell next to his son. It was Webster that hit you that night, Dyane. We've got a full confession out of him."

"Why, Chris? Why did they want to kill me, I didn't see who it was. I couldn't claim it was Webster if my life depended on it."

"But your life did depend on it, Dyane, and they couldn't take that chance."

Suddenly a warm wonderful thought surfaced in Dyane's mind. "Chris, I read..." But before she could finish, Yvonne entered.

"Dyane, you're awake, thank God!"

"Yvonne, are you all right?" Dyane asked.

Yvonne looked at her puzzled, "Of course I'm all right, but what about you?"

Sitting up in bed, the cobwebs finally clearing so that she stretched out the kinks, Dyane yawned and explained, "Nothing like a good night's sleep before the day of the big event. "Tell me what's going on with the ball tonight."

As Yvonne gave the details of the last minute arrangements Sydney walked over to the window and peered out. Thank you God she prayed, for bringing her back to me.



"Thanks to the singularly heroic efforts of Dyane Hollingsworth, we have raised over $50,000 for President Bill Clinton's official library." The audience enthusiastically applauded Dyane as she walked to the stage. "Thank you, Governor Huckabee, but this is the natural state and I was just doing what comes naturally." As the audience laughed in response, Dyane winked at Sydney, who sat at her table, beaming with pride.

Finally the speeches and toasts were over, the mingling commenced, and the orchestra began to play as couples gathered the dance floor. Sydney watched Dyane worked the crowd, introducing President Clinton to old and new friends, the very essence of grace and style exuding from within her. This is her moment Sydney thought, her time to shine. And she was more than content to watch the woman she loved more than life itself take center stage.

But as far as Dyane was concerned, she wanted the hoopla to end so that she could finally be alone with the one she loved. They had not had a moment’s peace since the day they met and Dyane was determined to confess to Chris her true feelings and tonight was the night. The subtle glances she cast Sydney's way always brought back the satisfaction that Sydney was watching her, smiling with pride. This went on for a little while until Dyane looked over to find that Sydney was not at their table. Slightly concerned, Dyane scanned the room trying to find her but to no avail.

"Yvonne, have you seen Sydney?" Dyane asked her secretary, who was sat at their table with her husband.

"I'm sorry, Dyane, we've only just arrived. Perhaps she's getting a drink."

"Who needs a drink?" Sydney asked as she returned to the table.

"Oh, we thought maybe you had gone for a drink."

"No, not me." She responded with a Cheshire grin.

"Chris, what are you grinning about?" Dyane could not help but smile back at her.

"Could I see you for a moment, Dyane?"

"Of course, Chris." Dyane was bewildered as to what Sydney would need to see her about, but she was certainly more than willing to oblige. And for her part, Sydney just winked at Yvonne and led Dyane away.

"Chris, what is it, what's the matter?" Dyane asked, a worried look forming on her face.

"Just come in here will ya?" Sydney led the way into a linen closet just off of the ball room floor.

"Well this is cozy," Dyane smirked.

"Dyane, I know that this evening is very special to you…"

"Only because you're sharing it, Chris," Dyane interrupted.

"Shh, behave now, I'm trying to tell you something."

"I already know, Chris, I love you too."

"How did you know?" At last it dawned on her. "You read that e-mail didn't you?"

Dyane beamed, nodding her head, "Yes, M.E., I did."

"All right, Ms. Smarty Pants, do you know what I'm going to say next?"

"Well, I have to admit, I don't."

"Good, it would have ruined my surprise if you knew that…" Sydney deliberately left off the rest of the sentence.

"What Chris? What is it!!" The excitement was building up inside her for she knew this was going to be big. The twinkle in Sydney's eyes and the contagious smile that kaleidoscope across her beloved’s face were obvious indications that Sydney was going to answer all her prayers!

Slowly, deliberately, Sydney reached into her blazer pocket and pulled out an envelope, which she handed to Dyane. Looking at her with questioning eyes, Dyane nervously pulled out two plane tickets. After another curious look at Sydney, Dyane examined them closer and suddenly her eyes welled up with excitement.

"We're…, we're going to New Zealand!!" the child inside her bubbled forth.

"That's right, kid, pack your bags for the adventure of a lifetime. Oh, and I know somebody who knows somebody who will give us an exclusive tour of the Xena set. Might even get to meet Xena and Gabrielle, er, I mean Lucy and Renee."

"OH, Chris!!!" came the gleeful cry, and Dyane flung herself into Chris's waiting arms as they embraced willingly for the first time. But the spell was quickly broken when without warning Dyane's stepped back, her face forlorn.

"What is it, Dyane?"

"I--I can't, we can't go." She stammered.

Lifting her chin up, Sydney soothed those worried blue eyes with tenderness, "First I'll have the surgery, then we'll go. Deal?" Her sly grin gave way to a full-blown smile and Dyane jumped into her arms again.

"I love you!!!" was all she could get out before Sydney embraced her tightly and planted a tantalizingly deep kiss on her soon to be lover. The kiss was long and sweet and slowly it dissolved into a soft embrace. Time stood still for them as Sydney and Dyane, arm in arm, waltz to the strains of the violins playing My One True Friend. Dyane's tear filled eyes looked lovingly up at her beloved, who was smiling down at her. "Yeah, I requested they play it." Sydney admitted. But Dyane already knew it, for it was perfect and she embraced Sydney with all her soul and the two passionately dance, silently vowing to love, honor and cherish, until death do them part.

Oblivious to everything now, the two lovers would never know that Yvonne positioned herself in front of the linen closet and guarded their privacy as the music played on.

~The End!, er Beginning!~

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