Chapter Four

Walking into the investigative headquarters on Penn Circle, Logan felt the long night take hold of her body.  After waking up from the dream she’d had of Diane and subsequently shattering the bathroom mirror, she had started a pot of coffee and gone into her office to review the evidence from her current case.  Now at 7 am, she was regretting her decision to stay awake.  Placing her backpack beside her desk, she looked up to find Lieutenant Beaudry standing beside her.  “Lieutenant.  What brings you out into the trenches this morning?”

Raising a brow at Logan’s obvious bad mood, Lieutenant Beaudry motioned her into his office.  Walking behind his desk, he sat and waited until Logan closed the door and sat in one of the hard government-issue chairs in front of him.  Looking into her hard, cold eyes, he cleared his throat, “So how is the investigation going, and what happened to your hand?”

Releasing an audible smirk, Logan stared back into the unrevealing eyes of her Lieutenant.  “How do you expect it to be going Lieutenant?  It seems as if my hands have been tied.  I’m not allowed to disturb the prestigious Langston Family, even though we both know someone in their organization holds the answers to at least some of our questions.”  Looking down at the bandage wrapped around her knuckles, Logan hesitated.  “Umm, as for my hand, I cut it last night on some glass.”  Raising a brow at her Lieutenant, she added sarcastically.  “It’s nothing work related, so don’t worry about it.”

The Lieutenant held Logan’s stare as he took a deep breath, choosing to ignore her last comment.  “Look Logan, I’m only following orders too.  Until further notice, the Langston’s are off limits.  You’ll just have to find some other way.”

Logan abruptly stood and walked towards the door.  As her hand turned the knob, she looked back over towards her Lieutenant.  “I guess it does pay to have friends in high places, doesn’t it Lieutenant?  One thing is for sure though; cooperation or not, I’m going to break this case.  Let’s just hope that when I do it doesn’t blow up in your superiors faces.”

The Lieutenant watched as the blinds crashed against the slamming door, and rubbed the pain that had begun to pulse behind his temples.  Picking up the phone, he punched in the phone number he knew from memory; one he knew didn’t exist in any interoffice Rolodex.  On the third ring, the call was answered by a gruff voice.  “Yeah, it’s me.  Tell your boss I just talked with McGregor and she has nothing.  Something has to be done about this and soon.  This is getting out of hand.”


Madison woke to the early morning sun shining through her window.  She listened as the birds chirped outside, singing happily as the sun burnt off the cool morning dew.  Sliding out of the warm bed, she padded to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee, thankful that she had remembered to set the automatic timer the night before.  Femur trotted in behind her and whined as he looked hungrily at his master.  “What?  You think I live to feed you, little one?”  Scratching his head, she leaned down, gave him a quick kiss and then reached into the cabinet for his food.  Madison listened and watched as Femur devoured his breakfast in a few massive gulps and then trotted to the laundry room, through the pet door and outside. 

Walking to the foyer, she unlocked the door and suddenly remembered the strange feeling of being followed she’d had the previous night, but quickly discounted it as a reaction resulting from her encounter with the unusual officer.  Opening the door, she retrieved the newspaper from the front porch and walked back into the kitchen.  Taking a large mouthful of the warm coffee, she almost choked when she spread out the paper to find a picture of Officer Logan McGregor on the front page.  Those eyes, those incredible blue eyes stared back at her from the page, and for a moment Madison thought those firm, full lips were going to speak.  Jesus, Madi, get a grip.  She’s a cop for god’s sake.  Tossing the paper aside, Madison went to the bathroom to shower.  Stepping under the warm spray of the water, she was surprised to find her skin tingling from the gentle caress.  Knowing the photograph of Logan McGregor had awakened her senses, she hurriedly shampooed her hair and bathed, trying to push the face into the far reaches of her mind.

An hour later, she was walking into Mercy Hospital, ready to start a fresh day.  Entering her office on the fifth floor, she greeted her secretary and gathered her messages.  Just as she was closing the door, Susan called out to her.  “Doctor?  An Officer McGregor came by earlier this morning and said she would like to speak with you sometime this morning.  I told her you were in surgery for most of the morning but that she could call again this afternoon to check your schedule.”

Madison stopped- mid-stride when she heard Susan mention the officer’s name, wondering what the mysterious woman could possibly want to talk with her about.  Remembering those deep blue eyes staring into her soul from the morning paper, a warm rush swept over her body.  As she turned abruptly back to her secretary, her voice revealed her anxiety.  “Tell Officer McGregor that I won’t have any time today.  Maybe she can schedule something for the end of next week.” 

Quickly closing the door, Madison dropped the messages on her desk and walked to the window, staring out at the skyline of downtown Pittsburgh.  What could she possibly want from me?  Madison gathered her thoughts, and sitting down at the desk found it hard to concentrate on reading her messages.  Finally giving up, she headed towards the door mumbling to herself, “Probably just wants to harass me some more.  Well, Officer McGregor, this time we’ll do it on my terms.”  Swinging the door open, Madison practically stormed across the reception area calling back over her shoulder to Susan, “I’ll be in the OR most of the morning.  If that Officer Whoever calls back, tell her I’m not available.”


It took Logan most of the morning and her subsequent trip to The Strip district, to get her anger under control.  She knew the Lieutenant wasn’t being forthright with his information, but there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.  She decided the best chance she would have of gaining any headway would be to start from the beginning again.  She parked her car in a no parking zone and tossed the Police placard on the dash.  Unfolding her long frame from the car and walking towards the entrance to the bar, she noticed the glaring looks cast her way.  Shaking her head, she knew these people were no different than most she encountered.  They detested the police, yet never hesitated to call when trouble headed their way.

Pulling open the door to the bar, she walked inside, out of the bright sunlight.  After taking a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the dark interior, she sauntered over to the bar and took a seat at the end, trying to be as discreet as possible.  Waiting patiently as the bartender completed mixing a drink for another patron at the other end, Logan took the time to look around the dingy establishment.  Years of rowdy patrons, full of energy and booze had taken its toll on the furnishings.  Cigarette burns were evident on the tables and floor as was a permanent stickiness to the floor. 

As she thought about the murders over the past five weeks, Logan wondered about the last thoughts of the victims.  Had they known their attacker?  Was he or she a regular patron of the establishments?  Her mental questions were interrupted by the bartender’s voice.  “What can I get you?”

Logan turned to face the bartender and as she asked in a low, casual voice to speak with the manager, she noticed his body tense and take on an unconscious stance of defensiveness.  “I’m the manager.  What is it that you want?”

Placing her card on the bar, she slid it towards him.  “I’m Detective Logan McGregor and I’m re…” 

Her words were cut off by the impatient reply from the manager.  “Look, Detective, I’ve already given my statement to you people several times.  Why don’t you go back to your squad room and look it up.”  The manager tossed the card back towards Logan and turned, walking back towards the other end of the bar.

Logan’s eyes became dark and hooded as she struggled to contain her increasing anger.  Taking a deep breath, she glared at the retreating figure and elevated her voice just enough to gain the attention of other patrons.  “Fine.  Then it looks like I’ll just have to come back tonight and start interviewing your patrons.” 

She smiled when the manager stopped and turned back towards her, glaring.  “I’m investigating a murder.  You may not think it’s all that important but the families of those victims, and many others in this community, do.”  Waiting, she watched as he retraced his steps and returned.  “All I’m asking for is ten minutes of your time.  If that’s too much to ask for from your busy schedule, then I’ll be back tonight.”  Looking up from her notepad, Logan once again met the manager’s eyes.  “So, what’s it going to be Mr. Vanguard, do you talk to me or do I talk to your patrons later tonight?”

Logan waited as Mr. Vanguard called over another employee and then motioned her to his office.  Twenty minutes later, she exited the bar, no more enlightened than when she had entered.  Walking swiftly down the sidewalk, she entered the next bar and what she was sure would be another confrontation with yet another manager.


Madison trudged into the physicians’ locker room, weary from a long morning in surgery.  Sliding the surgical cap from her head, her hair fell from beneath the cap and flowed across her shoulders.  She looked up just in time to see Logan McGregor’s eyes darken, a primal hunger cascading down her face.  Irritated by the intrusion, Madison stepped quickly across the room to her locker.  “I thought I had my secretary tell you I wasn’t available this afternoon, Officer McGregor.”

Turning in her seat on the vinyl couch, Logan watched as Madison retrieved a bag of toiletries from her locker.  “I’m sorry Doctor, but I didn’t feel that this could wait until the end of next week.  Surely you could spare me ten minutes of your time?”

Sighing audibly, Madison pulled a towel from her locker before turning to face Logan.  “Alright Officer, I’ll give you ten minutes and you’re buying the coffee, but first I’m taking a shower.”  Turning, Madison shoved the door leading to the showers open with her shoulder, and escaped, if only for a few minutes, from the imposing officer.

Logan sat watching the door swing shut wondering how she had managed to irritate the doctor today.  Just the site of me irritates her.  Shrugging, Logan stood and walked to the window looking out at the parking lot below.  “It seems like the high and mighty doctors around here didn’t get a great view of the skyline.”

“Pardon me?” 

Logan jerked around to see that someone else, obviously a doctor, had silently entered the room.  “Ahhh, sorry, I was just talking to myself.”

The woman’s lips curled in a small smile as she continued her path to the row of lockers on the far wall.  “Well if I were you, I’d be careful what I said about doctor’s around here.  You are in the physicians’ locker room, you know.”

Logan could feel the heat rising in her face and knew that the other woman had overheard her statement.  Adequately chastised, she returned to her place on the couch and began reading over her notes.  A few moments later, she was pulled from her thoughts as the woman’s voice broke through her concentration.  “I’m sorry, were you talking to me?”

Making a show of looking around the room, the other woman’s eyes finally settled on Logan’s.  “Well, I don’t see anyone else in the room and I try not to talk to myself – aloud anyway.”  Seeing Logan’s obvious unease, she smiled and waved her hand in the air, dismissing her latest remark.  “I said, I haven’t seen you around here before.  Are you new on staff?”

Seeing the woman’s eyes devour her body in one long, lingering look, Logan crossed her arms over her chest, irritated by the outward display of lust.  “No.  I’m waiting for someone.”

Smiling at her ability to perturb the woman so easily, the doctor retrieved her toiletries out of the locker and was about to press through the door to the showers, when Madison came from the other side almost knocking her off balance.  “Damn, Madi, what’s the rush?”

Madison’s eyes swept from Angela to Logan, and then back again to Angela.  “Sorry, I’m in a hurry.”  Glancing at Logan on her way to the locker she tried to keep some semblance of control in her voice.  “Are you ready to go?”

Shocked by the revelation that the tall dark woman was waiting for Madison, Angela’s well-known antagonistic side took over.  “Well, Madi, I was wondering if some other more enticing, woman had lured you away from me.”  Once again canvassing Logan’s tall, lean frame with her eyes, Angela smiled.  “You should have simply told me it was someone tall, dark and gorgeous.  I would have understood - really.”

Madison’s eyes pinned Angela with a glaring look.  “Give it a rest Angela.”  Cutting a look towards Logan, Madison barked, “Let’s get out of here.” and then began walking swiftly through the swinging door.

Logan watched silently as Madison shoved the door open and stormed from the room, and then looked back at Angela, a smirk spread wide across her face.  “Well, I guess I’m the unlucky one today.  Have fun but be careful, she can really be a tiger when she wants to be, especially in bed.”

Logan swallowed hard, her brain suddenly overloaded with visions she couldn’t allow inside her head.  She was about to rebut Angela’s wrongful assumption, but then suddenly remembered Madison’s hasty retreat from the room.  Knowing she would be on the elevator and gone in a matter of seconds, Logan dismissed the idea and bolted through the door in search of the incensed doctor.

Catching up with Madison at the elevator, Logan quietly stood by the doctor’s side silently awaiting the doors to open, their unease almost palpable.  When at last the elevator doors opened, the women stepped towards the door simultaneously.  Their arms bumped together, and both women drew away, the unexpected contact startling both.  Logan recovered first, stepped back and allowed Madison to enter the elevator, her arm tingling from the brief touch from this mysterious woman.  Logan followed and stood on the opposite side of the car, placing as many people as possible between them, hoping she could regain her composure by the time they reached the basement.


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