~ All Our Tomorrows ~
J M Dragon
Part Fifteen
© February 2001
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Thirty

“I can’t see how moving her to the mainland will be a help.” Doctor Angela Cristal answered angrily. What gave the police the right to interfere with one of her patients, especially one as injured as the foreigner was.

“Doctor, the woman is dangerous we haven’t the necessary facilities to ensure she does not endanger others!” Captain Artillius smoothly retorted. This doctor was admirable in her sentiment but the woman in the bed two metres away did not deserve this treatment.

“How can you say that, she is unable to move? Her injuries are so severe! It would take the will of the devil himself to achieve anything dangerous!” The doctor looked towards the bed, the woman appeared to be sleeping.

“Perhaps at the moment she is not but who’s to say in a couple of days she might be capable. I’m sorry doctor but I’ve called for the necessary services to be here by the morning, she will be moved!” Captain Artillius replied his voice harsh brooking no argument.

“Captain, the woman is ill not only physically but mentally too, she surely wasn’t in her right mind at the time of the alleged crime.” Doctor Cristal murmured, knowing she was losing the battle to care for the woman.

“Oh, I’d agree big time that she is a mental case, although I hope it will be proven that she was sane enough to know what she was doing. There are a couple of bodies in the morgue right now that can testify to her atrocities, another one on its way.” The Captain had hoped that the detective from New York would turn up alive and well, but that wasn’t to be. They had found his body in a disused building several miles outside of town. Someone had seen a vehicle being driven by a foreigner around the area earlier, duly informing the authorities.

It was a small close-knit community after all. The island was shocked at the events that had transpired at Villa Xianthos. Miss Xianthos was a well-respected resident. Instrumental in the last few years for helping to bring the island up to date with current technology, to the extent that she had financed a small information technology school. She knew the meaning of keeping up to date, also that not everyone enjoyed the travelling away from home that often happened, decimating families and communities on the smaller Greek islands.

“Perhaps if we were to allow your officers to keep a check on the room as you are now, then we could be sure that the move would not be detrimental to her.” Doctor Cristal sighed as she realised that the man had a valid point.

“I don’t have the manpower to keep a constant vigil over her. The mainland does and will do so adequately, I’m sorry Doctor but she will be moved.” Captain Artillius stated clearly turning to walk away.

“I’ll have her ready for the journey Captain, however I must remind you if anything happens to her, it’s on your head.” The Doctor stated equally clearly.

Artillius smiled at her briefly inclining his head acknowledging the responsibility as he made for the door.

Doctor Cristal watched the Police Captain leave the room shaking her head. Her thoughts mixed as she considered what she had to do to prepare her patient for the journey. There was a very good chance that she would die! Who the hell seemed to care about that? Not the Captain, and certainly no one on the island and who had seen the event anyway? The woman, having been condemned without a trial, which surely was not right! No matter what they had done, that was to her the unfair part, what if she was innocent?

Giving another heavy sigh she checked her patient once more, then turned to leave the room, unable to see the bright eyes of her patient open suddenly with a glint buried within that couldn’t be deciphered.

* * * * * * * * * *

Constance paced the floor of the lounge as she waited for Clare to bring in the coffee after their dinner. It had been a rather romantic affair, several courses even the chilling champagne on ice.

It had been difficult to resist Clare’s charms her insistence of a solitary glass of wine, caused Constance to consider that she and Clare hadn’t as yet addressed the problems that had occurred when Clare had left her. Her mind told her that it was over. So, why bring it up? Her heart told her that she must clear up the old issues before they could ever hope to achieve a solid lasting relationship.

There was no better time than now!

The door to the room opened Clare walking in with a tray laden with freshly brewed coffee and chocolates to accompany the beverage.

“Want to get the liqueurs Constance? We can add them to the coffee that will finish off the meal don’t you think?” Clare smiled as she deposited the tray on the coffee table. Sinking into the sofa waiting for Constance to retrieve the liqueurs from the drinks cabinet three feet away from her.

Constance sucked in a shaky breath, ‘my god what if Clare didn’t love her when she revealed the truth Hell she hadn’t exactly been responsible had she, to have her boss and Rita save her from the gutter, how embarrassing could that be?’

Unable to move away from the spot she seemed glued to, she turned suddenly with a weak smile as she shook her head. “Clare, I’m sorry but there aren’t any liqueurs in the cabinet. In fact there isn’t any alcohol in the house except what you bought today.”

Clare looked up into anguished brown velvety eyes, a look of puzzlement passed over her face as she gazed intently at Constance.

Constance starred equally as intently back at her lover hoping she would understand without having to go through the agony of the confession.

“Oh I know, you didn’t get time to replace anything and you ran out. I told you that you get pre-occupied with work, that’s okay I’ll go out tomorrow and fill up again.”


“No? Why not?” Clare was now intrigued but at the same time the pain behind the words did hit her squarely something was wrong.

“Clare sit…oh sorry you are sitting.” Constance gave a small rueful smile at her own stupidity.

The nervous tension emanating from her lover scared Clare, as she held out her hand. “How about YOU sit here beside me, tell me all about what’s bothering you. I promise not to interrupt, I’m sure everything will be okay, please Constance trust me?”

“I trust you with my life Clare, you would be surprised at how my life hangs in the balance without you.” Constance walked unsteadily over to sit rigidly beside her lover, or maybe ex-lover when all this was over.

“I won’t bite.” Clare smiled lovingly at the pensive woman at her side.

Constance laughed hollowly at the light comment sighing heavily.

“It’s like this Clare, when you left well…well….” Constance looked down at her well-manicured nails contemplating how to put her new life back into the hands of this woman, was she strong enough to survive if Clare rejected her when all was revealed?

“I love you Constance nothing is that bad, trust me! Please, tell me what’s bothering you?” Clare’s voice was warm, loving and something in the intonation made Constance relax and begin her tale of woe.

“Clare when you left me I fell apart….”

* * * * * * * * *

“Grace, have you told Colin about the little scare we’ve had here with the baby?” Jace asked, as she sat on the lounger next to her taking in the beauty of the deep blue sea and the picturesque bay that gave off a very relaxing peaceful ambience. Remarkably considering their traumatic days here on Xianspiros.

Grace gave a sheepish grin as she shook her head. “No, thought it might wait until I was home, I can explain it to him properly then, he could see that I was okay. Rather than have him worry until I arrived home, you know how it is?”

Jace mused that one for a few seconds, grinning infectiously at her friend. “Yeah I know how that one goes. I’m married to someone who I swear has taken a course in just those situations.”

Grace laughed gazing over the tranquil setting, her thoughts strayed momentarily to George Spiros and his help when she had been sure her time had come to leave this life.

“Keep hold of my hand.” George demanded of the half unconscious woman, who if he hadn’t acted as quickly as he had would be lying broken and dead at the bottom of the hillside.

“I’m trying.” Grace whispered half-heartedly, and felt the strong warm hand grasp hers as if it would never let go. That created a surge of energy within her own body as she tried to focus on the task ahead.

“Good, that’s good. Now please I will not hurt you come this way towards me.” George commanded gently his tone one of concern not aggression.

“I…I will.” Grace took tentative steps towards the voice, the pain in her abdomen making it virtually impossible to do more than take tiny steps. She was losing the baby, which was the bottom line here, there was nothing she could do about it now.

“Yes you will! Or I am not a Spiros. No woman has ever denied me her company. You will not be the first.” George spoke softly, Grace could hear the sincerity in his voice also the banter, she was no longer afraid; perhaps this could save her baby. What did she have to lose?

Several small tentative steps later Grace was hauled gently over the railing settling onto the balcony floor, her breathing was ragged the pain acute but she was alive. Looking up into the rugged but handsome features of the man who saved her she asked a question with her eyes.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that, it’s what anyone would do!” George was a little embarrassed at the regard.

“You were sent to kill me…” Grace sucked in a breath as a sharp pain seared her.

“Are you alright?” George bent down touching her forehead in concern.

“Yes, well that is no. I think I’m losing the baby.” Grace stated matter-of-factly yet inside she was crying at the situation.

George looked around saying quietly. “Have you called the police?”

Grace looked up with eyes clouded in pain as she nodded at his question.

“Good! I would have done so on your behalf had you not.” The Greek said softly, stood up and pulled out his gun.

Grace shivered involuntarily at the action wondering why he had saved her if all he wanted to do now was kill her.

A gunshot rung out as he fired into the clear blue skies then replaced the gun in his pocket.

“Why?” Grace whispered.

“Why? Because I cannot take your unborn child’s life.” He stated simply.

“But you didn’t know that when you saved me.” Grace questioned him.

“True, but perhaps I do want it all to end this way. I’m more a lover than a fighter, certainly no murderer of innocent people. My sister was right!” George answered quietly his thoughts obviously miles away.

“Thank you.” Grace replied, what else did you say?

George turned a bright smile to her; Grace could quite see how many women would be interested romantically with him, yes a lover definitely.

“No! Thank you, now I must go. Please stay quiet, perhaps the little one will welcome the rest.” George Spiros knelt down briefly touching the small bulge that represented Grace’s child.

“Where are you going?” Grace asked, unsure what was really happening around her it was happening so fast.

“Where? A good question one I will find out soon enough. Please rest, the police will be here soon then all will be well.” He walked quickly away towards the broken down door out of her view.

That had been the last time she had seen him, would ever see him aliveIt brought a tear of sadness to her as she looked over the water.

“Grace are you okay? Are you having pains? Is it the baby?” Jace asked anxiously as she saw the single tear fall.

Looking up surprised that Jace had noticed the slight weakness. “I’m fine Jace, actually the doctor Constantia insisted I see yesterday said the baby was just giving me a taste of my own medicine. I’ll have to remember that in the future won’t I?”

Jace smiled warmly at her friend. “So, why the tear?”

“I was just thinking how fragile life was. How suddenly an event can change how we perceive something, changing our whole outlook on life.” Grace whispered preoccupied with her thoughts.

Considering what her friend had said they sat in quiet reflection before Jace answered her. “Yes, I agree my friend. Lisa’s abduction was another milestone in my life that has made me review how I see things once again. You know, I never thought something could strengthen how I felt about Catherine. But Grace it just brought it home to me with so much clarity that she’s the only one that I want to spend my life with, however good or bad it happens to be. Just knowing she’s going to be there is worth every minute of sorrow that comes our way, I hope deep down that she feels exactly the same.”

Grace turned surprised brown speculative eyes in her direction at the words. “You have any doubts?”

Moving out of her lounger, Jace walked over to the balcony leaning against the railing with the light cool breeze blowing back her blonde hair. Her shoulders slumped a little as she considered her answer to the woman in the room with her. Grace knew her very well, as she did Catherine too.

“At one time Grace, yes I did. Nothing I did was good enough she always wanted to be that much stronger take all the pain and hurt on her shoulders. This time Grace, this time Catherine needed me! It was as if she’d finally found her path to the light, and she wanted me to walk along it with her. I just hope when things settle down she will still want me alongside her, even on the dark paths as well.”

“Jace, I want to tell you something about Catherine that over the years I’ve seen. A purely personal view, but I think reasonably accurate.” Grace pulled at her bottom lip in concentration.

“Go ahead.” The blonde turned to stare at her friend as she began an assessment of the woman she loved.

“When I first met Catherine she was the most sullen, morose woman I’ve ever come across, beautiful but cold. She would drink heavily to forget her pain, never spoke to people for weeks at a time, not even Colin or I. She’d eventually surface, sometimes wanting to pick a fight for the sheer hell of it. Colin steered clear, but I wanted to know what had happened to make someone this angry at the world. A year after I went to live at Destiny she challenged me to a drinking session, it was unusual so how could I say no. I found out about Adam and Lukas, it was a break through. Over the next couple of years she related something about her original background, not everything, as you know, but snippets here and there. She was a child inside a very complex woman, who needed to find someone who could and would love her unconditionally. Who could break down the barriers with unconditional love making it so painless she would want to keep them down.” Grace sat quietly for a moment her eyes far away on memories that gave her a sad, although not unhappy expression.

“You gave her that Grace.” Jace whispered as she heard the raw emotion in the words.

Grace glanced up sharply at the comment, laughed quietly. Shaking her head as she continued.

“No, no not me Jace. It was going to be six years after I met her that someone would come into her life and light that beacon of hope within her heart. She’s my friend Jace, I’ll love her as a friend forever no matter what she says or does. Even things I don’t particularly care for, but at the end of it all she’s worth going that extra mile for. When you came into her life Jace, she was frightened of removing the barriers; afraid you might go away. You did, and all she wanted to do was allow you home again, that home was in her heart you were the other half of her soul, always will be. I think the child in Catherine has finally grown up Jace, she’s now a whole woman, admittedly complex always will be but she’s going to want you on her journey forever, never ever doubt that.” Grace spoke quietly but the raw emotion behind every word brought a lump in Jace’s throat.

“You’ve tried to explain this to me before Grace, this time I understand completely. Thank you for allowing me the chance to have her in my life.” Jace said sincerely, for she knew that had it not been for Grace’s tolerance of Catherine’s obnoxious behaviour in the early days the chances of them ever meeting in this life would have been slim, not impossible, but slim.

Grace chuckled as she blinked away the weakening sun. “You’re welcome Jace. Okay, when are we all going to get together again as a family?”

Laughing happily at the thought of the family all being together, “Oh soon I hope, as soon as you can travel.”

“Well, my dear Mrs. Warriorson how about making those plans to travel tomorrow? Sarah gets home later today, once I’ve shown Constantia and Lukas how to make a decent pot of tea we can leave.”

Jace giggled. “Grace that could be months or never with those two, look how they were in the kitchen yesterday!”

Grace stroked her chin. “Yeah, well okay another lesson today then.” Laughing the two friends looked over the sea considering how lucky they were to have so much to look forward to in the future, indeed it was a miracle they had a future.

* * * * * * * * * *

Chapter Thirty-one

Catherine looked at the various shop windows of souvenirs as she strolled along with Lisa in the airport in Athens. They had moved out of the first class lounge to have a break while they waited for the flight from the Far East and the other members of the family to join them.

It was going to be good to see Jake and Elena she had missed them. Although Lisa was looking good considering the ordeal, she’d been through. It was hard not to consider occasionally that at any moment, the child might crack then all the pain and anger over the situation would come tumbling out. Catherine wasn’t sure she could handle it on her own even with Jace she knew that they might struggle. With her partner she felt like she could tackle anything the world had to offer as long as it was together. Okay, perhaps they might need medical help as well!

“Catherine, when are the others coming?” Lisa tugged on Catherine’s hand to draw her attention to her question.

Catherine smiled from her advantage point. Yes, her daughter hadn’t lost any of her spunk that was a certainty.

Glancing at her watch she calculated when they would arrive. “About an hour Lisa, then we will be heading to my Aunt’s home to meet up with Jace and Grace. We can have that holiday, what do you say?”

Lisa grinned her small frame shook with the happiness Catherine could feel emanate from her. “Yeah! Can we stay for a long, long time? Please Catherine!”

Catherine could not help it she picked up the child hugging her tight; Lisa placed her frail arms around her neck. Effectively creasing the silk blouse, she wore also dishevelling her hair. But it didn’t matter; the sheer fact she could do this to Lisa was a miracle she wasn’t ever going to take for granted again.

“Well, let’s see what Jace says first shall we, after all it will be a surprise for your Mom won’t it. I haven’t told her we are coming yet.” Catherine whispered in Lisa’s ear and heard the giggle from the child.

“She’ll let us stay for a long, long time if you are there with us.” Lisa stated matter-of-factly, Catherine then gave her  a fiercer hug if that was possible without crushing the child.
“You might well be right Lisa. So, let’s go find something to buy shall we?” Catherine slowly dropped the child to the ground, kissed the top of her head as they headed off along the corridor in search of things to buy.

* * * * * * * * * *

James Thompson sat quietly in the corner of the hotel lounge with a large vodka on the rocks, starring into space. His thoughts on Kelsey, who he’d, had to identify only a few short hours earlier.

It hadn’t been a pleasant sight he’d felt sick to his stomach as soon as he could had left the mortuary hailing a taxi that had taken him to the harbour, where he’d spent several minutes in tears. He hadn’t particularly cared that much for the detective, they hadn’t had time to get to know each other well enough. At the same time he hadn’t deserved to be brutally murdered and mutilated was the only word he could think of to cover the damage the gunshots had inflicted on his body.

He had been around long enough to know that evil people were in the world, but when you came face to face with the horror of such a person. What terrible things they were capable of, he felt that he was as naive as he’d been as a teenager setting off on the brink of life’s education.

As he had wandered aimlessly around the harbour taking in the tranquillity and peaceful setting, his mind had settled down, he could think coherently again. Watching the gulls swooping down into the sea some of them coming up with the captured prey that they would feast upon, he considered how some people were gulls. Then others were the prey, innocent prey usually, going about their normal day today routine, until suddenly they are captured within events and situations that lay claim to the rest of their lives. For some it might be the last thing they ever experience, for others it might be the memories that haunt them, or experiences that shape how they live their future life.

That had been the case with Paul’s death it had changed his life forever, bringing new people and situations into his life that made him want to consider living again. One person could touch your life however fleetingly changing it drastically, as his had done.

Once again he was faced with a tragedy, although it didn’t have the impact that Paul’s death had, events had occurred that had brought new people into his life again he was changing once more. This time perhaps wholly back into the land of the living rather than living only a half-life.

As he looked at the horizon he smiled weakly as he turned to walk the mile back to his hotel to a long much-needed shower, it was time to go home!

Now having booked on the ferry to the mainland that evening, he sat drinking one of his favourite drinks, vodka on the rocks. He’d called Jace who was going to be here shortly to have an early dinner with him and say goodbye. He was pleased, at least she and the others in the villa hadn’t been hurt or at least not too badly anyway.

As his thoughts wandered once again he was brought out of his preoccupation by a throat clearing at his side. Glancing up he was suddenly caught off balance as he starred into the brown serious eyes of Demitri Artillius.

“Captain? I’m sorry I didn’t see you there.” James quickly replied as he struggled to get out of his seat.

“No, that is okay Mr. Thompson, I didn’t want to disturb you but I heard that you were leaving this evening.” The Captain replied seriously, as he waved over the waiter, speaking rapidly in Greek, seating himself opposite James.

“Yes, I’m sorry did you need me to stay longer? I thought that now that detective Kelsey was found and identified, I could go home, later if you need me back I will arrange to return.” James unsure of why the man was here, not that he minded at all, he liked the Captain, if he was honest more than liked him.

“That is un-necessary as you say, we may need you later as a witness but that will be for the lawyers and courts, not my jurisdiction. I just wanted to thank you for your help also offer my condolences on the death of your friend.” The Captain spoke rapidly again as the waiter left him an iced tea placing another tall drink in front of James.

“He wasn’t exactly a friend, more a working colleague.” James looked down at the fresh drink picking up his original one drinking the contents until the glass was empty.

“Isn’t it rather strange to have a work colleague as a detective in your particular profession?” The man picked up his iced tea, sipped it waiting for the answer to his question.

“Well, it was more in his line than mine, research for a friend shall we say.” James smiled as he considered how much he should reveal.

“Then perhaps one day you might let me know what type of research, for the moment it can wait. Would you care to have dinner with me as this is your last evening?” Demitri Artillius asked in a tone that gave nothing away as to his reason behind the offer.

James wanted so much to say yes. Oh god he wanted that so much, but he’d promised to have dinner with Jace, it was far too late to break that dinner date she would be here shortly.

“I’m sorry I can’t.” James finally managed to utter.

Demitri Artillius smiled wryly as he sipped again from his beverage. “Okay, I understand.”

James had been watching the man; the words did not go with his body language no way! He wasn’t good at publicity issues without reason.

“You do? What exactly do you understand?”

Clearing his throat once again he answered quietly. “I can understand that you would prefer to put all this behind you not be involved with anyone that could bring it back to you.”

James shook his head slowly picked up the fresh drink took a deep draught of it causing him to choke slightly as the liquid slid down his throat sending a burning sensation with it.

“No! No please don’t think that it isn’t true.” James placed a hand on the Captain’s trying to reinforce the exclamation.

Demitri glanced down at the hand that was placed on his, he then swung his gaze up suddenly capturing James’ distressed expression.

“I’m glad. How could I convince you that a return visit in happier times might be a good idea, if that were so?”

James felt as if he’d been handed an unexpected gift as he smiled warmly at the man, he removed his hand reluctantly they both went silent for a short time.

“You wouldn’t change your mind about dinner I suppose?” Demitri asked him as he placed his hands around the iced tea.

“I’m really sorry Captain….” He was stopped from answering.

“My name is Demitri Artillius, James Thompson.”

“Then I’m sorry Demitri, but my friend Jace Warriorson kindly invited me for dinner she’s due anytime now. Perhaps you could join us instead?” James crossed his fingers under the table as he asked.

“That would be rather rude of me as your friend has invited you to dinner not me. I should be going on my way.” Demitri stood up, James followed suit as they both faced each other, both of the same height and build.

“Jace wouldn’t mind I’m sure!” James said surprised when another voiced joined in.

“What wouldn’t I mind James?” Jace asked, curious as her name was mentioned who came round the table to hug her friend, kissed his cheek then smiled at the Police Captain holding out her hand in a friendly gesture.

“Jace? Why Jace I was saying you wouldn’t mind if Demitri joined us for dinner, would you?” James spoke quickly as he hugged Jace then turned back to the police officer.

Jace hadn’t lost the significance of the use of the Police Captain’s first name, or how James had said the name.

“No, of course I wouldn’t by all means join us Captain.” Jace smiled as she settled down in the chairwatched the two men look at each other. Her matchmaking instincts now in control, James deserved to find happiness and why not have some good come out of the tragedy “I would be honoured to join you for dinner, but let me please be the host? It is after all my country.” Demitri spoke to them both but his eyes never left James’s face as he made the offer.

Jace did not say anything; she was quietly taking in the exchange that was passing between the two men. It was good to see; hey, she had some gossip for Catherine. Not that Catherine was the gossiping type, or claimed not to be anyway, but James was family! She’d want to know what was happening in the family.

James grinned as if a schoolboy, turning to Jace, “okay with you Jace?”

“No problem with me, happy to be taken to dinner by two handsome men. Anyway James, you could always invite the Captain to dinner in our country one day, a fair exchange wouldn’t you both agree?” Jace smiled, indicating the seat next to her for James to sit down.

“Mrs. Warriorson perhaps you might call me Demitri, Captain is rather informal, after all I have invited you to dinner.” The man said with a chuckle as he sat opposite them, requesting the waiter again to order more drinks.

“Thank you Demitri, you had better call me Jace. As much as I love having the title, I’m afraid it’s far too formal for me. My wife is the formal part of the partnership.” Jace laconically replied startled at the next words from Demitri.

“Your wife?” James was stunned into speechlessness looking apologetically towards Jace, as Demitri asked.

Jace laughed at the surprise on the Captain’s face, not to mention the stunned look on James. “Well, yeah my wife, she’s the more formal or should I say formidable one of the partnership. Isn’t that so James?”

James quietly agreed, surprised once again when Demitri laughed at the expression. “I know what you mean by that my deceased partner Raoul always said I had that trait in the partnership too.”

James swallowed hard, as he had been given the information he had suspected. “Yeah, Paul was in our partnership too.”

Demitri Artillius picked up his glass raising it for a toast, “To our loves of the past, present and for some of us the future.”

James and Jace raised their glasses acknowledge the toast, Jace smiled inwardly as she silently added. ‘To Catherine, you are the love of my past, present and future, forever!’

“So Demitri, where do you plan to take us to dinner?” Jace asked as they happily discussed what they would prefer to eat.

* * * * * * * * * *

Catherine placed a gentle hand on the cheek of Lisa, who was sleeping soundly next to an exhausted Jake, who peered up at her with one eye shut the other closed, forcing himself to look at her.

“I’ll take care of her Catherine.” Jake whispered then shut his eyes as he too finally fell asleep but with an arm around his sister.

Catherine didn’t answer as a lump developed in her throat he was asleep before she could clear it.

The reunion of the children had been very emotional even Jake had cried as he’d swung Lisa up and around in a clear demonstration of his love for the girl. He’d even said that he loved her too that had brought a delighted smile to the face of his sister who had then kissed him several times on the cheek. Jake had finally relinquished his hold on her to get away from the interested stares he was receiving from others in the area, not to mention Catherine who was grinning happily.

Elena had been more vocal screaming her delight at seeing both Lisa and Catherine, it was plain to see that Lisa was the favourite, after all they played for hours together, Catherine had reasoned ruefully. As Faith let go of the toddler’s hand, she waddled surprisingly quickly towards them. Elena lifting up her arms to Lisa, then Catherine as Lisa immediately picked up her sister then dropped her unceremoniously as the baby’s weight was too much for her. Two sets of tearful eyes had looked at Catherine for different reasons. She kissed Lisa on the cheek swung her up on her left side, Elena was then deftly retrieved from the floor and placed on her right side. Quite the only way to deal with these two girls, she was sure that Elena now weighed more than Lisa. They would have to feed up their eldest daughter; she was certain that in Greece there would be plenty of dishes to solve that problem.

Faith had just cried and cried Catherine had to wipe her own hand several times across her slightly damp eyes, to stem the flow that seemed to want to create a waterfall down her cheeks. The joy of the reunion was only marginally marred by the fact that Jace wasn’t here, but soon very soon she would be.

The charter aircraft that was flying them to the island was now little more than two hours away. Although Catherine herself was weary, she knew that until she was in Jace’s arms she wouldn’t be home, and therefore couldn’t rest properly until that happened.

Faith gently spoke into the quiet cabin. “Catherine, why don’t you sleep for a short time you look exhausted.”

“I am exhausted Faith, but I want to keep watch over my family. Just to see them all together, do you understand?” Catherine stated softly, her voiced filled with the awe of the situation as she scanned the sleeping tousled heads of Lisa and Jake. Then to Elena who was next to Faith sleeping peacefully, the edge of her favourite blanket stuck in her mouth as a comforter.

“That’s understandable, but they would want you to rest too Catherine.” Faith practically pointed out.

“How about you rest now, when we get to the Island I’ll see what I can do on that score.” Catherine answered absently, her mind drifting to the wonderful thought of her partner who was waiting for her.

Faith smiled there was no point saying more, the woman wouldn’t sleep, never did unless Jace was there with her. Grace had once explained that to her, recently she had seen it for herself.

“Wake me if you need me Catherine, please?”

“I will, thanks Faith.” Catherine sat sideways on one of the seats keeping her silent but satisfying lookout over ALL of her children.

                                                                     * * * * * * * * * *

Demitri Artillius had dropped off James Thompson at the jetty to board the ferry back to the mainland. Then he had taken Jace Warriorson back to the villa, watched as she mounted the steps as the door opened to allow her inside. Driving away, his thoughts filled with the man that had just left his life and the final words they’d exchanged.

“You have a safe journey James to Athens, and your onward journey home to America.” Demitri held out a hand to shake the American’s.

James grasped the hand held out to him, as he would have a lifeline, for some reason it felt like that to him. “I will Demitri thank you for dinner and your help.”

“I meant what I said earlier if ever you venture this way again James, perhaps we can spend some time together, happier times.” Demitri said his words with a hopeful element in them.

James shuffled his feet as he looked down at them, suddenly feeling gauche totally without confidence. “I’d like that.” He finally responded.

Demitri chuckled as he saw the confidence that the man usually portrayed disappear into shyness.

“So would I, I hope it will be sooner rather than later.”

James didn’t hesitate this time. “It will, would you consider spending some time with me in my country?” There it was out the invitation he’d wanted to give on their first dinner engagement.

The ferry was under final loading Demitri held James’ hand a little longer, probably longer than he should if he wanted to keep his intentions secret. But what the hell if the man didn’t know he was interested why would he come back thousands of miles to see him.

“I think that’s a good idea one I’d love to accept.” Demitri smiled finally relinquishing James’ hand as he helped him with his bag.

James turned waved to Jace who was seated in the police vehicle, Demitri having insisted that he would take her home. They had said their goodbyes for the moment after all they would definitely meet again.

“Goodbye James Thompson, until we meet again.” Demitri smiled warmly at him, as James headed for the entrance to the ferry.

“Goodbye Demitri Artillius, until we meet again.” He entered the dark recess’s of the ferry for the first leg of the journey home.

So, that had been that. Something in his heart told him that it wasn’t the end, only the beginning. Smiling he answered his phone that had begun to ring.

“Artillius.” he barked out, all other thoughts shifted to the back burner as he listened to the message.

“Captain we have a problem!”

Continued in Part 16

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