The cool breeze outside felt nice, Xena mused, as she crossed the courtyard and entered the wide double doors of the barn. Inside, for a change, no one was being taunted and the large space was mostly filled with silence, broken by the occasional shifting hoof moving straw and the steady whispering crunch of hay being consumed.

Argo heard her approach, and lifted her head, gazing at her with benign interest, her jaws working steadily.

"Hey girl." Xena said softly, as she reached the mare's side, and put out a hand to scratch her ears. "Got yourself a nice feedbag there, huh? " She grinned as Argo snorted and nudged her belly, feeling the warmth of the mare's breath through her leathers. "Yeah, yeah... I know, I promised you a run. You ready?" The horse nudged her again. "Ok... ok... don't rub it in. Come on, then."

She slid the bridle over Argo's head, and fastened the buckles, easing the bit into the mare's still chewing jaws. "Bareback today, I think, girl - no sense in throwing all that gear on you." Argo whickered in apparent agreement, and willingly followed Xena to the door of the barn, nibbling on the warrior's dark hair along the way. "Hey, cut that out." She chided the horse, waiting until they'd both cleared the door before vaulting up on the mare's back and settling her knees firmly behind the warm golden shoulders.

"Come on." Xena remarked, tightening her knees, and urging the mare forward. They moved slowly out of the courtyard, and headed down a long path Xena knew went parallel to the river. And headed past a certain, familiar clearing, where she pulled Argo up from her fast canter. "Whoa, there, girl." She sat the mare's back quietly, just drinking in the setting sun that sent red spears across the grass and tinged the leaves, breathing in the pine scented air that on this cool evening also held a hint of sweet jasmine.

And lost herself for a long moment in her memories of that day, two years and more ago, when she'd buried her weapons, and stepped into this clearing in what was one of the lowest times of her life. Finding here a reason to keep going in what she had considered the most unlikely of places, the most unlikely of people. "Right place, right time, Argo." She sighed, patting the mare on her silken haired neck. "Let's go."

She rode the horse at a gallop down the river path, leaping the odd downed log, and sending small animals scurrying for cover into the underbrush. Then she took the mare through rolling fallow fields up to the road, and back around again to the village, leaning low over her golden back, and letting her powerful strides eat up the distance. Feeling her body move in perfect rhythm and balance with the fast moving mare, as a fierce grin spread over her face.

Then she was rounding the last bend in the road and almost to the first buildings in the village, and she slowed the now sweating Argo to an ambling canter. "Easy there." She murmured, stroking the damp neck. "Look at you breathing so hard. We gotta do this more often, old girl." Hearing a snort in response. "Did mother spoil you too? Bet she had pockets of carrots all the time, huh?" A whickered sneeze. Xena chuckled, and reined her to a walk as they entered the courtyard. The warrior gazed up at the twilight sky, and considered. "About the right time, Argo. Let me get you taken care of, then I have a visit to pay. "

Alain poked his head out of the door as she approached, and gave her a delighted grin. "Lo, Xena." He trotted out and gently grasped Argo's bridle, holding her still as Xena swung her leg over the mare's neck and slid down off her back.

"Hello there to you, Alain." The warrior grinned. "Thanks." And reached for the mare's reins, but stopped at the boy's shaking head. "Problem?"

"No... " Alain smiled sweetly at her. "I'll take care o' her, sokay?" He patted the mare's neck. "She likes me fine, I think." And indeed, Argo swung her big head around, and whuffled his face, blowing the straight blond hair back and out of his gray eyes.

Xena quirked a grin. "That, I'd appreciate very much, and so would she."

Alain nodded. "I'll slicker down, and walk her to cool, then." He started walking towards the little yard outside the barn, crooning encouragement to the mare, who kept up easily with his uneven stride.

Xena nodded to herself, then entered the barn, crossing to Argo's gear, and flipping open a compartment in the skirt of her saddle. "Time to keep that promise." She remarked to herself, removing a small bag, and tying the compartment shut again.

Crossing back to the door, and slipping outside, heading in the opposite direction from the inn. Towards the center of the town, past Gabrielle's family's house. Past the smith's forge. To a small cot she'd been sure to secure the location of this morning, a cot with a torch burning outside, and the flickering surety of firelight within. She paused in the almost darkness, stilling herself to quiet stealth as the door opened, and a blond, lanky figured trod out, anger in his posture. Lennat. She mused... and not happy. Metrus' probably giving him a hard time about going to the inn, I'll wager.

She waited until he passed her unknowing, and then slipped up to the door taking care to make no sound to alert the man she knew was inside. In the doorway, she paused. Unarmed, yeah... but who am I kidding? If I really wanted to find a direct way of taking care of this... problem... I'm capable of doing it with nothing but my hands. The thought sent a rolling chill up and down her, lifting her nape hairs and roughening her flesh with goosebumps. There's that old wolf again... she grinned to herself. No no... Xena... you gotta do it the diplomatic way. She took a breath, and settled herself, then paused. But a little wolf never hurt… and consciously let her darker side surface a little, feeling the tingle of edgy energy flow over her. Knowing it showed in her movements. In the cast of her face, and the glint in her eyes.

Metrus didn't look up until she was already in the room, and standing at his table. Just watching him. His face went pale, and he backed away, knocking the chair out from under himself, and stumbling away from her. Holding his hands carefully in front of him.

"Hello, Metrus." Her low voice rolled across the table at him. "Mind if I sit down?" She didn't wait for his response, but pulled out the chair across from his, and seated herself, slouching back in a relaxed pose, and waiting for him to collect his composure.

"I told you, no trouble." Metrus rasped, finally, blindly searching behind him for the chair, so as not to take his eyes of her. "I meant it."

"Relax." Xena drawled, propping her booted foot up on the chair next to her, and leaning her forearm on her knee. "I just wanna talk."

"Talk." Metrus stated flatly. "About what?" He slowly seated himself on the now righted chair, and carefully placed his arms on the table. "What do we have to talk about?"

Xena paused, and studied him. Must take after the father... she mused, because he's nothing like Lennat, and Lennat and Alain are close in looks. "Lennat's a good kid.' She remarked, watching his eyes grow hooded with wary suspicion.

"He's all right." Metrus allowed, gruffly. "What's it to you?" His eyes suddenly glinted. "You in the market? Thought you had someone to clean your boots." Regretting it when her eyes suddenly shone with cold fire. "All right... all right... never mind that." He leaned back, more comfortable now. She wants something. All right... I'm a businessman. "What is it you want, Xena?" Cut to the chase here.

"What do I want?" The warrior replied. "Dunno. Maybe I'm just in a curious mood." She leaned forward and propped her chin on one hand, studying him. "Why apprentice him, Metrus? He's no merchant."

The portly villager shrugged. "He's a body... he's blood… he's got to do something for a living. Call it charity on my part."

"Or free labor, considering you aren't teaching him anything." Xena countered, with a feral grin. "Tell me, Metrus, you hate the kid?"

Metrus' eyebrows contracted in a scowl. "You daft? He's my brother."

"And?" Xena shrugged. "What I've seen in this town... what does that matter?" She shook her head slowly at him. "I've seen more intolerance and hatred around here than in some warlord's armies."

The man glowered at her. "We like our traditions. We don't like people coming in and stepping all over them, Xena, especially not people like you."

"Like me?" The warrior repeated, leaning closer. "Like me how? What is it you find offensive, Metrus? That I'm taller than you are? That I can beat you up? What?"

He didn't answer the question, but he looked at her a long time. "What do you want?" He asked, his voice a trifle rough.

Xena leaned back again, and regarded him through half closed eyes. "What's your brother worth to you?"

His eyes glittered with perceived understanding. "You wanna buy him?" His face relaxed. "Not that I blame you any... he's a nice looking lad. And you…" His mouth quirked. "Well. He's under an apprentice contract to me... I'm not sure I want to sell him."

She moved so fast, he had no chance to breath, to think, to move. One moment she was sprawled in the chair across from him, the next, he was being lifted off his feet, out of his chair, and slammed against the wall so hard the timbers rattled.

Silence fell, punctuated by the rasping harshness of his breathing. Xena was still as carved stone, hands wrapped in his tunic, holding him off the ground with an ease he found chilling, blue eyes colder than winter boring into his. "Let's get the ground rules straight, Metrus." Her voice took on a growly pitch that sent shivers down his back. "We can talk about this civilly, and I can get what I want. Or I can rip your backbone out through your neck, and beat you to death with it. And get what I want. Your choice." Sternly willing her arms not to shake under the strain of lifting his overfed body and holding it there.

"A... a... all right.' He wheezed, stammering. And gasped as she lifted him up, and swung around, to slam him back in his chair with a painful force. Tried to contain his unreasoning fear of her. Knowing what he had just felt was more than human. He watched her walk around the table, and settle back into her chair, putting both forearms on the surface, and interlacing her fingers.

"What's he worth to you?" She repeated her question in a flat tone.

He named the price of the contract, standard for an apprentice. No tacking on extras with her.

Now he could hear only the fire crackling, and the gentle night sounds outside the window, as he watched her study him with thoughtful eyes. Then a quicksilver flash of her movement, and a dull muffled chink of coins as a small bag landed in front of him. Swallowing hard, he reached out a tentative hand, and carefully opened the bag, spilling out the contents. It was his price and a trifle more. "Well, he's no use to me as an apprentice, you're right. No sense feeding him for free. I accept." He sighed in relief. "I'll allow I'll miss him, though."

Xena chuckled, and watched Metrus turn white at the sound. "He's not going anywhere, Metrus. I'm no slaver."

The man looked at her in confusion. "Why? I've accepted now, Xena - no going back, but then... I'm thinking you're not that type anyway. Why?"

The warrior leaned back, and shrugged. "Does it matter?" She let a slow smile inch across her face. "I could tell you I'm doing it to keep a promise to a friend, but you'd never believe that. So... let's just say... it's a whim of mine." She stood, and offered her arm to him. "Seal it."

He hesitated, fighting an unreasoning fear of her. Slowly he stood, and, finally forced himself to grasp her arm. Surprised at the warm softness of her skin, stretched over the supple tension of the muscles he could feel under his fingertips. Like velvet over steel, his mind supplied. "It's sealed." He said, furtively meeting her eyes. "Why leave him here, though?" His eyes suddenly widened. "That girl."

Xena smiled. "She's a nice kid, too." She didn't let his arm go. "And he'll make a good smith."

Metrus' jaw dropped. "Why… you…"

"Ahh... careful, Metrus." The warrior laughed. "I'm a cruel, ruthless warlord, remember? " She tightened her fingers, and saw his eyes start. "Just let them be, you got me?"

"There's bad blood between us, damn you." He hissed, anger darkening his face. "No, I won't have it. That damned... " His voice stopped as a jolt of pain went up his arm.

Xena's expression hardened, and her eyes glinted with anger now. "It stops here, Metrus. It's not Lennat's fault what happened. He's got a gift and he deserves the chance to grow into it." Her eyes suddenly widened. "It's all about choice, Metrus - we've all got the right to make the choice about how to live our lives... and that's why you all hate people like me so very much, isn't it? " She released his arm, but leaned forward and captured his eyes with her own. "You put your kids into boxes, Metrus... you never give them a chance to grow... if they show any signs of difference... you beat them back into the box, don't you?"

No answer. Metrus just stared at her. Finally... "Our traditions are the backbone of our lives, Xena. Take that away, and there'd be nothing left. You let those traditions be destroyed, and you have... a bunch of people. Not held together by anything. Is that what you want?"

The warrior sighed. "We have different viewpoints, Metrus. Just leave the kids alone."

The merchant gave her a stiff nod. "I'll stand by my bargain. But I don't like it. He'll not be welcome here if he goes to that... place."

Xena took a breath. "Make sure you tell him that, Metrus. So it's an honest choice." She said, softly. And turned on her heel, wanting out of that closed in place, away from that closed in mind. Out under the stars, where she looked up and breathed in the clean air with a sense of relief, and let the anger and the frustration drain out of her.

And found herself face to face with Lennat, who just stood, gazing at her with an unfathomable expression, his pale hair colorless in the rising moonlight.

"She said you had a magic." The boy whispered, his eyes glowing.

Xena snorted. "No magic, Lennat. I threatened him, then bought him off. No magic, no romantic notions, nothing. Just business. Now you keep your end of the bargain." She paused. "You heard?"

Lennat nodded. "Every word."

"That'll save time." Xena remarked. "What are you going to do?"

The boy smiled. "Become a smith. And marry Lila." He bit his lip. "Not necessarily in that order." And his face went serious. "And always... always... get down on my knees and thank the gods for you." He took a breath. "And you'll get every dinar of that back, I swear it."

Xena gazed at him, caught between embarrassment and grudging admiration. "Don't bother... it'll be nice to know a good smith in these parts." She gave him a quirky grin. "And it wasn't for you. So don't think I get these notions often."

Lennat smiled at her. "I know… Don't worry, you're reputation is safe with me."

"Well, all right then." Xena said, giving him a look. "So long as we understand each other." She clapped him on the shoulder, and started back towards the inn. "You have some people to see, I think. I'll leave you to it."

"Xena." He called after her, but softly.

"Yeah?" She answered, stopping and turning to look at him.

He walked over to her, and touched her arm. "Thank you." Very quietly. And with everything his soul was feeling showing in his gray eyes.

Xena took a breath to speak, intending to brush him off, but something in his voice stopped her. "You're welcome." She finally answered, lifting a hand and patting his shoulder. "Go on, now."

He nodded, and smiled. "Who first? Metrus, I think. Then... Tectdus... then... " His voice grew joyous "Lila." His bit his lip, then whirled and headed towards the lowly lit cot she'd come out of.

The warrior let out a deep sigh, and shook her head. Damn… what a mushball I'm getting to be. Musing on her recent sentimentality, she strolled across the market square, pausing in front of the smith's forge. Well, as long as I'm being a soft touch tonight, might as well go all the way. Right? Yeah right, Xena. She turned into the forge, and crossed through it to the tiny cot beyond, where a bright candlelight shone through the windows. She knocked lightly at the door, hearing the scrape of a chair being drawn back within, and heavy footsteps moving towards her.

"And who's at the door at this… oh. Xena, hello." Tectdus' rough voice gentled on seeing who his guest was. "Is there some wrong, did the piece break or... ?"

"No." The warrior said with a smile. "The work is just fine. Is Alain here?"

Tectdus cocked his head at her. "Aye." He drew out the word, obviously puzzled. "Is it the horse, then?"

"No." Xena said, again. "Relax, Tectdus. There's nothing wrong. I just had a feeling he'd like to see his old playmate tell some stories. And... I figured he'd get less grief if he went in with me."

The smith's jaw dropped slightly, but he smiled. "Ah... that's a kind thought. He was wanting to go, yes... but I... "

Xena nodded. "I know."

Tectdus grunted in response. "Alain!" He called. "Ye've got a visitor here."

"Me?" Came the boy's surprised voice, as he limped around the doorframe and spotted Xena's tall from. "Wow. Hi!" His eyes lit up.

"Hi yourself.' Xena drawled. "Wanna go listen to some good stories?"

Alain beamed, and glanced at Tectdus, who nodded solemnly. "Thanks, Da…" He chirped, and scuttled out the door to join the warrior. "Thanks... " he said to her, in a lower tone.

Mushball. She mocked herself. "Come on. " She turned, but then turned back to Tectdus. "Oh... yeah. Don't be surprised if you have another visitor tonight." With a twinkle in her eye that he could see.

He stared at her, puzzled, then saw her slight grin, and wondered. But before he could ask, she was gone, taking Alain in tow towards the inn. "And what was she up to, then?" He mused to himself. "She's a deep one, she is." He was about to close the door, when he heard footsteps in the forge lean to, and stuck his head back out. And stared at the tall, lean form whose hair reflected the moonlight. "Lennat?" And remembered the twinkle in those very blue eyes. Be damned… did she then?

"Master Tectdus... " Lennat said, crossing from the moonlight to the candlelight of his doorway. "I hear you're in need of an apprentice."

The smith just laughed, and shook his head. "Come in, lad." And shut the door behind them.

Xena led Alain across the courtyard, and towards the inn, chuckling quietly to herself. They were about to step through the door, when she spotted a familiar form coming out of the barn. "Johan," she called. "Over here."

"Ah, lass." The older man waved a hand at her, taking a better hold on a large package tucked under his other arm. "There you are." He strode over to them and handed Xena the package. "This is for you, and for Gabrielle, of course." He gave her an impish grin.

Xena gave him an amused look as she took the package. "Mother send you to check up on us?" Her voice held a hint of annoyance, but she kept the smile on her face. "I could be insulted."

Johan clucked his tongue at her. "Now... she means only good, you know that." He smiled, and indicated the door with a jerk of his chin. "Going in, are you? And who's this?" With an inquiring look at the quiet Alain.

"Oh. Sorry." Xena replied. "Alain, this is Johan."

"Hi." The boy said, in almost a whisper.

"Hello, lad." The trader answered, with a grin. "There's cakes in the package." He gave the warrior a knowing look. "Your mother said to make sure you share."

Xena rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. "Make sure *I* share? Come on." She sighed, pulling open the door.

Inside was comfortably lit, and very busy. Xena, in the lead, felt eyes turn to her as soon as she cleared the doorway, and blithely ignored them, heading across the floor to her favored table, in the rear corner.

She spotted Gabrielle seated next to her mother, with a tense look on her face which eased when she lifted her eyes and met Xena's smiling gaze. The bard smiled in return, and even Hecuba, turning to see what had caused that reaction in her daughter gave the warrior a twitch of her lips.

Which, Xena mused, was nice, because the looks she was getting from the rest of the crowd could best be described as... hostile. Unfazed, she scanned the room, and returned most of the uglier stares with one of her own, summoning an air of edgy menace to the surface of her thoughts... knowing that it would also show in her manner. Glares suddenly dropped from her as their owners found other things to look at. Less dangerous things. Xena smirked, and guided her charges through the crowd to the empty table, and took the backmost seat herself, against the wall.

An inn worker cautiously approached, having gotten used to Xena after several days of exposure to her. The warrior raised an eyebrow at him, and shook her head. "Do I even have weapons on? Do I look like I'm going to start punching people?" She complained to Johan. "What IS it with me?"

Johan sat back, and regarded her seriously. She was seated in a casual posture, yes - with one booted foot braced against the table support, and her forearms resting on her knee. No armor, but the leathers she wore were dark, and outlined her sleekly muscular form in a way that left little to the imagination. Her dark hair was pulled back, letting the candlelight throw shadows across her sharply planed features. And then there were the eyes, picking up even this low light and reflecting it back in glints of pale fire. "Well, lass... ' He gave her a wry grin. "You're an eyeful, no lying." He glanced up at the server. "Ale for me, my lad. And for the lady here." He jerked his chin at Xena, getting a wryly raised eyebrow at the title. "What's your plate?"

The server looked nervously at Xena, then back at Johan. "Trencher stew"

Johan glanced over at Xena, who gave him a noncommittal shrug. "Bring three." She said. "And a small beer for him." Indicating Alain, who had been sitting very quietly in his chair, looking around with bright eyes.

"Now." Johan said, in a soft voice, as the server left. "Are ye going to tell me what happened? Or am I to go back to Cyrene empty handed?" He reached out and laid a hand on Xena's wrist. "I saw the marks on her face."

Xena took a deep breath, and told him. All of it, and watched the anger grow in his eyes, as it had in her own. Aware of the intently listening Alain, whose eyes grew round as he heard what his da had only whispered to their neighbor about.

"Dog." Johan hissed, when she was finished. "To hurt such as her… gods, Xena!"

Xena shook her head, and touched his hand for silence as she caught sight of Gabrielle headed their way. The warrior grinned as she watched the bard approach the table and lean her hands against it. "Hi Johan... Alain... " Gabrielle greeted them. "Hey." She added, looking into Xena's eyes. Losing herself in them for a long instant that filled her with a creeping warmth.

"Nice outfit." Xena drawled, letting her lips curl into a appreciative smile. "I always liked that color."

The bard was dressed in a pale green silken tunic, which contrasted nicely with her red gold hair, and was almost the color of her eyes. Matched by a silver necklace bearing a stone which did match them. "Thanks." She cheerfully answered. "Guess it's about time I got started. Did you... " she gave Xena a quiet smile. "have any special requests?"

Xena chuckled. Requesting she not tell any of mine just won't work, will it? Nope. "I like em all, Gabrielle. You know that."

The bard grinned. "I know." And watched the blue eyes across the table warm. "Wish me luck." She joked, and found her gaze suddenly captured again by Xena's, pulling her into their bond with an almost physical force.

"You don't need luck, my bard." Came the soft voice, which filled her ears and became, for a short moment, the only sound she heard. "You're that good. Now go show em."

Gabrielle nodded, and gave them all a little grin, then turned and headed to the front of the room, already planning what stories to start with, to break the ice in the room so that her more intense tales could make an impression.

She started with a light, funny tale of Cupid's arrows gone awry, which caught their attention, and focused them in on her, and the humor shook their disapproving facade into grudging acceptance of her. I gotta make them forget it's me here. I'm just a bard... I didn't come from Potadeia…

The classic story of Helen of Troy next... leaving out her personal viewpoint, she smiled inwardly. Now she was getting them caught up in it, and they were starting to pay more attention to the story than who was telling it. Great. A quick glance to the back of the room, where a smile met hers. Keep your mind on the story, now, Gabrielle… But her face returned the smile.

Xena let her gaze travel around the room, gathering in the rapt expressions of the village folks as they focused their attention on the bard. Watching their faces lose the hostility, and relax into absorbed interest as Gabrielle wove her tales around them. And every once in a while, the bard would glance back at her, for just a moment, just a swift exchange of warmth between them.

She let herself become absorbed in the tales, even when the next one Gabrielle brought forth was one of hers... only peripherally aware of the turning of heads, and the now interested and not so hostile stares turned her way. Sometimes... she mused thoughtfully. I hear her tell these stories, and it's really like they're about some other person... some of the stuff I hear her say... I can't really have done that... can I? It sounds so impossible.

Gabrielle finished that last story, and took a long drink of water, studying her audience. They were fully involved now, turning and whispering among themselves as she rested her throat, and covertly darting glances to the back of the room where Xena was leaning back against the wall, sipping her ale, and watching the crowd with hooded eyes.

Time for one more... Gabrielle decided, since the one she had in mind was a pretty long one. And she took a deep breath, and started in on a tale about an Amazon Queen, who tried to bring peace to her nation, against stiff opposition. . After the first few minutes, she dared to look towards the back table, and meet the astounded blue eyes and half grin that waited for her there. Gotcha. Her mind chuckled on a different plane than the one she was storytelling from. Ohh… I gotcha, my friend.

Xena listened, with a growing smile as Gabrielle wove the intricate story around her listeners, never letting on that the Amazon Queen she was teaching them to know was herself. Only she and Johan knew, since Johan had heard the original story at her mother's table that day in Amphipolis. He touched her arm, and met her eyes when she looked at him. She nodded, then shook her head.

And the crowd leaned closer and closer, as the peril became clearer, until she held them by the delicate grasp of her words, and led them to a rain tossed clearing, and a Centaur crossbow releasing towards a defenseless but brave heart.

Even Xena, who had excellent cause to know the answer to the question left hanging, found herself holding her breath. That's dumb, Xena. You know what happens next. You should... since it was your damn hand that caught that arrow.

And when Gabrielle continued, and played out the last second rescue, everyone in the room turned and looked at Xena for a long, still moment.

"How'd you do that?" Alain chirped softly, pulling on her hand. "That's true, yeh?"

Xena tore her eyes from Gabrielle's and ducked her head towards Alain. "Yeah. It's true."

"Wow." He breathed, turning his attention back towards Gabrielle.

She finished the story, and now the crowd was hers, and cheers rang out. Gabrielle spent a few minutes wandering around the room, talking to people, and answering a few questions about the stories.

Hecuba gave her a tight, proud smile as she came to stand by the table her mother was seated at. "Those were lovely stories, Gabrielle." The older woman said. "And you have a wonderful way of telling them."

The bard grinned, and knelt down by the table. "Thanks. I practice a lot." Her eyes lit quietly. "And I have an inspirational friend back there." Her eyes drifted across to Xena's, and her smile deepened, then she returned her gaze to Hecuba.

"That last story... " Hecuba said, lowering her voice. "Were you actually there, for that? Did you see the whole thing?"

Gabrielle tried really hard, but couldn't keep the smirk off her face. "Uhm… yeah. You could say that."

Hecuba was about to press her further, but a movement caught both of their attention, and they turned to see Lila and Lennat enter the inn, with an excited air about them. "Huh... " Gabrielle mused. "Wonder what's up with them?"

Xena was watching closely across the room, when she spotted the Lila's purposeful move towards the table where her mother and sister were talking. Lennat trailed after her, a big grin on his face. Ahh… The warrior chuckled to herself. Here comes my reward for all this tedious manipulation. She fastened her eyes on Gabrielle's face, and waited.

Saw Lila's flushed cheeks, and her glances at Lennat, who seated himself at the table, and made shy explanations, using his hands to illustrate. Lila dropped her hand onto his shoulder and gazed down at him in adoration. Then he reached up, and clasped the hand, and looked up into her eyes, and then said something that made her blush.

Something that made Hecuba clap her hands to her cheeks in delight. And brought Gabrielle up standing, first to hug Lila, then to lean her hands on the table, and slowly turn her head and meet Xena's waiting eyes.

Xena felt a smile crossing her face unbidden, as she absorbed the indescribable look of adoring gratitude she saw in the bard's misty green eyes. It warmed her all over. That... just made it worth all the effort… that look in her eyes... I'd do... gods... anything for that. For her. And she examined that unexpected thought carefully, and found it for the truth. Gods… I have fallen hard, haven't I. And just laughed at herself.

She watched Gabrielle hug Lila again, and then make a comment, turn, and walk towards Xena's table, putting off the eager hands which reached out to stop her passage. Until she got to the table. "It seems we've had a very active night." She commented, her gaze locked on Xena's face. "Lennat and Tectdus have come to an apprentice agreement, and he's asked Lila to marry him."

"Well, that's good news." Xena drawled, giving the bard an lazy grin. "Did she say yes?"

Gabrielle just smiled at her.

Johan rose, and extended a hand across the table towards Alain. "Come lad, let's go get some more beer, eh?"

"OK" Alain responded brightly, glancing from Gabrielle to Xena and back. "I'm thirsty." He stood up, taking Johan's hand, and followed him towards the front of the inn, where small clusters of villagers were standing around, talking.

"He's subtle." Gabrielle grinned, as she walked around the table, and crouched down next to Xena's chair, laying a steadying hand on the warrior's thigh. For a moment, she silently studied the taller woman's face. Then... "Thank you, " said in a gentle voice.

Xena lifted the hand that was resting on the chair arm and let her fingertips brush the bard's cheek. "Glad it all worked out." Came the casually offhand answer. "I didn't really do much," she added, with a slight shrug.

"No." Gabrielle responded, gazing up at her with startling intensity. "No... don't you say that…Xena... you just changed their lives... in a way that means a lot to them." She paused, and reached up, entwining her fingers with Xena's. "And more than a lot to me."

Their eyes met, and for a moment the room receded, leaving them isolated in each other. "I don't know how I'm going to repay you for this one." Gabrielle half joked, then fell silent as Xena's hand touched her lips, stilling them.

"Oh no, my bard... " Xena's voice softened and deepened. "Freely given, you know that. Between you and me, there's no talk of owing or payment, not now, or ever."

Gabrielle closed her eyes, and smiled, and let her lips brush the warrior's fingers softly. "I know that."

Xena let out a breath. "Nice stories, by the way. Loved the last one." Her eyes twinkled. "That was a surprise... didn't know you finished it."

"I took your idea…do you think anyone figured it out?" The bard asked, with a light laugh. "It worked pretty well... did you see their faces when I told them about the arrow?"

"Uh... yeah." Xena responded with a wry grin. "I saw all their faces, because they all turned around to look." She gave the fingers still interwoven with hers a squeeze. "Good job, Gabrielle. I think you touched them."

Gabrielle gave her a little nod. "Yeah... I think I did…it felt really good." Her voice broke a little, and she cleared her throat with a grimace. "I think I'm going to pay for that, though... ow. I usually try to use my breathing when I have to talk like that, but... " she winced slightly, as her hand brushed her ribcage. "Still a little sore, I guess."

"Oh... I think I can put together something for that." Xena chuckled. "You liked that mint and honey mixture the other day, I seem to remember." More seriously. "And I'll put another wrap on those ribs.' She laid a warm hand on the bard's side.

"Mmm... " The bard agreed. "Ok... it's a deal. Let me go talk to mother and Lila a minute... in fact, come on, I think Lila wanted to talk to you anyway." Her eyes sparkled. "Promise not to make a face if she hugs you?"

A sharply raised eyebrow in response. "I'll see what I can do." Her tone was gently mocking, but she stood up, lifting Gabrielle up with her by way of their still linked hands. "Come on."

They walked over to where Gabrielle had left her family, Xena getting wary, but not quite hostile looks as they crossed the floor. That was an improvement, she noted to herself, laying a casual forearm on Gabrielle's shoulder as they slowed to a halt beside their table. "I hear congratulations are in order." She drawled, giving Lila a quirky grin.

The dark haired girl smiled back at her thoughtfully. Lila had been watching Gabrielle out of the corner of her eye since her sister walked to the back of the room - after she'd told her very welcome, and very good news and seen the look Gabrielle had given the warrior. She'll find a way, wasn't that what her sister had said?

Lila inwardly shook her head. Gabrielle had never had a single doubt... and here she was, betrothed to Lennat, and he to be a smith. It was magic... she mused... just like Lennat had said, when he'd walked into their home, and gravely, courteously, bent his knee humbly and asked her father for her. So romantic... Lila sighed.

Her father had gruffly refused to dowry her... and Lennat's response had been perfect... perfect! Nothing but her shift, sir... he'd said, and priceless in that and Herodotus' had slowly ducked his head in agreement. Never had she felt a moment so sweet, and now she gazed at the person who had, through means beyond her understanding, given her that moment.

Expecting nothing in return given the hostility that surrounded her, held off by the shield of her remotely cool gaze which now swept them all.

Impulsively, Lila moved around the edge of the table, and threw her arms around her, hoping as she did so that she wasn't about to get knocked clear across the room. Half expecting to, really, tensing for it... only to have an amused Xena fold her long arms around her, and return the gesture.

It was nothing like she had expected, Lila later thought. It was like being a child, and having someone ever so much bigger, and ever so much stronger hold you in their arms. It was that kind of feeling, traveling on a rush of warmth that just flowed over her, until the warrior gave her back a little pat, and released her. "I know what you did." Lila managed to whisper, before they moved apart. "I'll never forget that."

Got a half grin in response, and a light shrug. "Anytime." Xena replied, exchanging a brief, knowing look with Gabrielle. "See you in a bit." She added, giving them all a nod, and heading towards the back stairs, sliding through the crowd with sinuous ease, and moving up the stairs in a flash of dark leather and a ripple of muscular shoulders. Aware, surely, of the roomful of eyes watching her.

It was nothing obvious, Lila mused then, that marked the attachment between her sister and Xena. It was the little things, though - the way Gabrielle's eyes followed her almost unconsciously, and the slight twitch of her lips when their glances crossed, and the casual touches between them that seemed completely normal between two close friends, until you noticed that Xena allowed no one else, no matter how friendly she was to them., to take any hint of similar liberties with her person. Or until you noticed how closely they stood to each other, in marked contrast to the distance they both maintained with everyone else. They had no boundaries between them, and Lila, newly recognizing that in her own relationship with Lennat, grinned to herself. Gods. .I can't believe it... they're in love with each other, just like we are. She glanced at Gabrielle's face, seeing the gentle glow in her mist green eyes. Zeus... is that what I look like when I look at Lennat?

"Lila, we have a lot of planning to do," remarked the visibly pleased Hecuba. She looked up at Gabrielle, who was leaning against the table. "Gabrielle... you will stay for the wedding... ?" A hopeful look in her faded eyes, against which her daughter had no defense.

"You have to... " Lila grasped her arm eagerly. "You have to be my maid of honor... please, Gabrielle, say yes."

The bard regarded them with a quizzical smile. And just when did I graduate from being someone who got told what to do into someone who is politely asked? Feeling the sudden respect seem out of place, in people she had come to expect much less from. "Of course I'll stay, Lila. Would I miss your wedding?"

Hecuba stood, and gave Gabrielle a pat on the arm. "I enjoyed listening to you, daughter." Her eyes searched her face with sudden sharpness. "You look tired, and no wonder after that performance. Go get some rest."

"I will." Gabrielle promised. "I'll see you tomorrow." She added, giving all three of them hugs, and heading up to their room.

Xena was just pouring hot water over the fragrant herbs when she pushed the door open, and that released a wonderful scent into the room, which Gabrielle breathed in with a sigh of appreciation.

"Gods, that smells fantastic." The bard commented, waiting for the warrior to finish pouring and put the waterpot down before she slid in, and wrapped her arms around the taller woman, and tightened her arms with all the strength she had.

"Hey... " Xena laughed, "What's that for?"

"Nothing... . everything... " Her voice cracked. "…just because."

"Oh." Xena replied, softly, drawing her even closer, until they could feel each other along the entire length of their bodies. "Better?"

"Uh huh." Came the mumbled response. "If we could figure out a way to bottle this feeling... we could retire to some palace, y'know?"

Xena gave the bard an affectionate look. "All the dinars in the world can't buy this, Gabrielle." Oh... and it's worth every single one of them, too. "But you need to get this down your throat, or you'll regret it tomorrow."

Reluctantly, the bard loosened her grasp, and took a seat at the table, cradling the mug Xena had prepared in her hands. "Mm... ok. At least this tastes good." She shot Xena a sly grin. "And speaking of which, I noticed you didn't touch your dinner." Giving Xena an accusing glance.

"Nope." The warrior confirmed. "Gave a bit of it to Ares, here... " She gestured at the sleeping puppy. "He seemed to like it, but I took a taste... " she winced. "Pretty bad. " Then her lips curled up. "However…"

"Yeah?" Gabrielle prompted, cocking her head.

A short gesture to a package resting on the end of the table. "That might prove more edible."

With a grin, the bard pulled the wrapped shape over to her, and neatly undid the wrappings, chuckling when she saw the contents. "Oh yeah." She readily agreed, removing a large pastry and handing it to Xena. "Dinner. Eat up." Then taking one for herself, and settling back in the chair with a pleased expression.

"Well... " Xena mumbled around a mouthful. Oh gods... that's good... better hide the rest of that package or I'll be in deep trouble here. . "It sure beats that stew."

"Uh huh." Gabrielle agreed, alternating bites with sips of her tea. "Here." Handing Xena a second pastry, and taking one for herself. Giving the warrior a stern glance when she hesitated. "Look, I happen to know you had exactly one bite of a meat roll for lunch, and most of your breakfast went to that little eating machine on paws down there." She noted the quirky grin on Xena's face that usually meant she'd won an argument. "And if I don't' watch out for you, who will?"

Xena just grinned, and munched on the second cake. She's right. Besides, I can't resist these damn things and she knows it. She dusted her fingers off when she'd finished, then cocked an eyebrow at the bard. "Let me take care of those ribs, OK?"

Gabrielle nodded, and stood, slipping off her tunic and draping it over the chair and shrugging into a loose sleep shirt which she left unbuttoned, then turning to face Xena as she removed a small jar of oil from her kit and opened it.

"Damn." The warrior sighed, gently rubbing the warming oil over the bruises that contrasted starkly against the bard's tanned skin. "That must ache."

Gabrielle smiled at her. "Not when you're doing that." She commented, and got a lazily raised eyebrow in response.

"Oh really?" Came the playful query.

"Yeah, really." The bard answered, stepping closer and letting her hands drift lightly over Xena's fabric clad form.

"Imagine that... " On the heels of a deep chuckle that Gabrielle could feel now through her fingertips.

"Yeah, you know…." Her mumbled answer was effectively silenced by Xena's lips. "Never mind…" she added on an uneven breath and went back for more. Felt herself lifted as easily as a child, and then she was curled together with Xena on the soft down comforter that covered the bed, letting her hands free to explore.

Gabrielle slowly let herself inch into consciousness, moving from sleep into the warm security of Xena's embrace with a sense of luxurious pleasure. Mmm… no wonder I haven't minded waking up lately. Who would mind waking up to this? Not me... uh uh… nope... happy bard. She kept her eyes closed, and just floated for a while. So... Lila's getting married. Her mind sleepily mused. That's so cool... wonder how long it will be before I'm an aunt? She grinned inwardly. Probably not too long… Lila's always wanted kids. Then her good humor faded. Damn... I want to stay for her wedding... . .but... I'm not sure I can... I'll have to go in that house and face him again... and I don't think I …"

An involuntary shudder passed through her, and she felt Xena's arms tighten instantly, bringing them closer together. Gabrielle opened her eyes, and met the warrior's very wide awake gaze "Hey... " she said, blinking. "Been awake long?' she asked, with a teasing grin.

Xena nodded, and grinned back. "Yeah." She chuckled. "Awake and indulging myself in a shameful bout of pure laziness, as a matter of fact."

"Oh." The bard responded, "You could have woke me up... I wouldn't have minded."

Xena shrugged. "Nah… you were pretty deep... but what was that last shiver? I know you were awake for that." Her eyes sharpened, and examined Gabrielle's face intently.

Gabrielle dropped her gaze and focused instead on Xena's collarbone, letting her fingers idly trace it's prominent path from shoulder to shoulder. "I promised Lila I'd stay for the wedding." She sighed. And watched as the thick muscles on either side of Xena's neck moved in a light shrug.

"I kind of assumed that, Gabrielle. So what's the problem?" Xena's voice rumbled into her ears.

The bard was quiet for a long time, trying to find a way to express what she was feeling. Finally, she glanced up at the patiently waiting Xena. "Whenever I think of… seeing him... or talking to him... Xena I... " she swallowed. "I can't." She buried her face in Xena's shoulder. "I get this... horrible, sick feeling when I think about it."

Xena let out a breath as her brows drew inward in thought. "Are... are you afraid he's going to hurt you again?" She asked, tentatively, feeling her way.

Long silence. "I'm... no... I don't know what I'm afraid of, Xena. I'm just scared." She finally whispered. "I just want to hide from him."

"You stood up to him before." Xena said, slowly, mind racing.

"Yeah, I know... " Came the response. "But now... I feel like I used to when I was little... maybe when he... I don't know... it brought it all back… Xena, I promised I'd be Lila's maid of honor... and I don't' know if I can do that." She started to shiver. "Ssssorry." She stammered, "Didn't mean to dump this on you. You've already moved a mountain to get them this far."

Xena stroked her hair gently. "Gabrielle, you're not dumping anything on me. If you have a problem… well, it's my problem too. Got that?"

"Yeah." A barely heard muffled response.

"Do you want me to go there... to the house... with you?" The warrior asked

Gabrielle lifted her head, and shook it. "No... no... Xena... he hates you... he'd... "

Xena caught the bard's face in her hands, and looked into her eyes. "He'd do what, Gabrielle? What would he do, to me?" Intent stare. "To me, Gabrielle... remember who I am, OK?"

Mist green eyes blinked at her in confusion. A child's nightmares warred with her adult logic as stark memories of a tall, threatening figure looming over her began to cascade into her mind. "He's... so strong... and…he'll make you... he'll hurt you… I can't... "

"No." Xena's voice was strongly compelling. "Gabrielle… listen to me. Listen... " She repeated. "You were just a child then… you're seeing him through a child's eyes right now." A pause. "He can't hurt me, Gabrielle... you know that. You know me." Slowly, sense was returning to the bard's gaze. "And I will not... will NOT let him hurt you. Do you hear me?"

For an instant, the eyes that looked back at her were those of a frightened young girl, then Gabrielle took a deep breath, closed and reopened her eyelids, seemingly with a great effort, and swallowed hard. "I hear you…" she responded quietly. "Gods. I'm sorry... "

"Stop apologizing." Xena replied. "It's not your fault, Gabrielle." Feeling her heart begin to settle back into it's normal rhythm from the painful racing she'd been experiencing. "It's going to be all right. I promise you... "

Gabrielle let out a long sigh. "Thanks." She replied, laying her head back down on Xena's shoulder, and wrapping her arm around the warrior again. "I'm sorry... whoops... I mean... I didn't even ask you if you wanted to stick around for this wedding thing… " she hesitated, then went on. "You can... take off... if you want to."

Xena snorted. "And miss a great party where everyone there can't stand me? Not on your life, bard of mine. You're stuck with me here, and you're just going to have to live with it."

The bard gazed at her, and a small grin surfaced. "Can I interest you in a picnic?"

Xena stared at her in bewilderment. "Excuse me?"

Gabrielle looked down, and then back up. "I'd like… to go out to the clearing where the raiders found us... and just remember that day. And I'd like to do it with you. So... can I interest you in a picnic?"

"Oh." Came the response. "Sure… I'd love to."

They looked at each other, and smiled. "We'd better get moving... " Xena sighed, prodding herself. "When is this wedding, by the way?"

"Uhhhh…" The bard scowled. "Oh... three days from now. At the harvest moon."

"That's auspicious." Xena chuckled. "Lila wants kids, huh?"

Lila dropped by after they'd dressed and gotten something to eat, which Xena acquired from a market vendor after examining what was being cooked in the inn kitchen. "Just don't go there." Was her muttered comment to Gabrielle, as she came back in through the window and surprised the bard with a pair of the meat rolls she had been eating the previous day.

"What about you?" Gabrielle asked, tapping a foot and scowling.

"Ate mine already." Xena replied, with a grin. "Brought this back for Ares." She added, sitting down cross legged on the floor and giving the anxious puppy a handful of raw meat scraps. "Roo!" he yodeled in approval, and started chewing enthusiastically.

Xena chuckled, watching him for a moment, then looked up at Gabrielle. "What?" she asked, seeing the intent look on the bard's face.

"Nothing." Gabrielle responded, sitting down at the table, and finishing her meat rolls with no further comment, idly watching Xena play with Ares.

Lila's knock came shortly after, and she popped in, her face more than usually animated. "Good morning!" she grinned at them.

Got grins in response. "I guess it must be." Xena drawled, from her relaxed position stretched out on the floor next to the puppy.

"Sit down." Gabrielle waved her to a chair, then went back to scribbling on a scroll in front of her. "How's the planning?"

Lila seated herself, and sighed. "Well, it's ok... father was livid that I asked you to be my maid of honor." The two sisters exchanged looks. "Mother finally got him calmed down, though." She glanced at Xena "I didn't have the guts to ask him…"

The warrior raised an eyebrow at her. "Doesn't matter…" she answered seriously. "If Gabrielle's going, I'll be there. "

"He'll... " Lila paused, and cocked her head at Xena. "Well, he'll have a fit, but there really isn't much he can do to you, is there…?" She mused. "I want you there." She finished, giving the warrior a bold look.

Xena studied her in some amusement. That's a change… she muttered to herself. Keeping an eye on Gabrielle, who had gone quiet, and momentarily stopped writing. As Xena watched, she visibly collected herself, and taking a deep breath, continued to write. The warrior felt a sudden rush of sympathy for her. "Thanks for the invite." She said to Lila.

Gabrielle tried to let what Lila was saying roll over her, and not listen. She took a breath and continued to set down her thoughts about their last adventure, using the words to keep her uneasy fear at bay. As she wrestled with her descriptive terms, she suddenly felt a warm feeling wash over her. Turning her head, she saw Xena's blue eyes fastened on her, and realized where the warmth was coming from. Wow… her mind diverted itself. That really does work…Awesome...

"Anyway," Lila was saying. "You need to get something proper... don't give me that look, Bree... this is a wedding, remember? Proper to wear… mother says she'll go with you to the dressmakers this morning." She paused. "We have a few of your old dresses... but they're going to have to be altered." With a twinkle.

Gabrielle let out a little sigh. Damn... I hate getting fitted for dresses. She knows that…I bet Xena's smirking at me. She peeked. Yep… "Stop that smirking." She warned, and gave Lila an evil look. "Only for you, Lila…I want you to know that."

The dark haired girl grinned. "I knew I could count on you."

The bard suddenly got a quirky grin. "Hey…" she turned around and gave Xena a mischievous look. "We can take you along for company."

Got both eyebrows raised on that one. "And make the dressmaker so nervous she pokes you in a dozen places with stay tacks?" Came the reply. "Probably not a good idea."

"Please?" The bard said, with a tilt of her head. Seeing the slight movement of Xena's mouth that meant she was going to cave in. "If you're there... I probably won't get lectured."

Now the movement became a full fledged grin. "Oh, all right." Xena answered wryly. "Come on then... let's get going." She rose to her feet in one smooth motion, dusting herself off, and walking towards the door. Gabrielle and Lila exchanged looks, and followed.

Hecuba was… surprised by the addition to her shopping expedition, but she refrained from commenting, and just gave Xena a brisk nod. "Let's go then." She said. "Lila, you need to see about the... "

"I know." Lila sighed, and gave them a wave. "I'll see you all later."

They walked on in silence for a few minutes, then Hecuba indicated the fabric folded over her left arm. "I picked two that I seem to remember you liking."

Gabrielle studied the choices, and sighed inwardly. She hadn't really liked either... but then, none of the others would have been much better. "I'm surprised you saved any of them." She commented, with a slight chuckle.

"Never does to throw things out." Her mother replied. "We always thought…" here she stopped speaking, and gave Gabrielle a sideways look. "I always hoped you'd come back." She finished, glancing off in the distance.

The bard sighed. "I know... " she answered, and felt a ghost's brush of fingertips against her back that settled her slightly. "I miss you and Lila... but... " She gave Hecuba a smile. "I really ... love... the life that I have... " And the person who shares it "and the things that I'm seeing and doing... ." And that was said just as much to the silent form strolling next to her as it was to her mother. "I'm really happy."

Hecuba pursed her lips, and gave her daughter a wry smile. "I can see that, Gabrielle." And now her gaze took in both of them. "I don't understand a lot of what your life is like, but... it does my heart good to see the joy that you have in it." She took a breath. "Here we are." She commented, as they reached the door to the small cot in front of them. "Did you have a preference…" Holding out the fabric to Gabrielle.

The bard hesitated, studying the two colors. Then a low voice tickled her ear. "The gray one." Came Xena's advice, too low for even Hecuba to have caught.

"Mmm…this one I think." Gabrielle answered, picking up the deep gray dress in favor of the lavender. "Probably have to alter it less. It was pretty tight on me before I left." And remembered the last time she's worn it... the harvest dance, when Agtes had pulled her out behind the big barn, and Perdicus had found them. They'd fought… Gabrielle grimaced when she remembered the beating gentle Perdicus had taken in her behalf. She hadn't worn the dress since... but it had looked nice, back then, and maybe it was time.

Hecuba nodded in agreement. "That's true." She said, and pushed the door open, motioning for them to precede her.

The dressmaker, a fussy little woman with ginger colored hair and sad blue eyes ran a course of non stop chatter the minute they walked in, though she did stop and blink for several long seconds at Xena, who gave her a look, and settled comfortably on a small bench at the back of the room. "Oh my." Was her comment. "Aren't you a big girl?" Which got a laugh from Gabrielle, and a sardonic snort from the warrior.

Gabrielle was still chuckling over that as she slid the dress over her head, and settled the folds around her, raising an eyebrow at the fit.

"Tch tch... " the dressmaker scolded, gathering in the excess material. "We'll have to take this in, we will, and this bit here as well."

The bard glanced at herself unenthusiastically in the mirror, and tried to think of other things while the two women poked and fussed over the fabric, finally getting it arranged to their satisfaction. Well... not bad. she mused with a inward sigh as she examined the result in the mirror... The gray of the dress contrasted nicely with red gold of her hair, at least, and the low cut neckline was… ok, but…She sighed, and glanced up into the mirror again, and this time caught in the reflection Xena's delighted grin, and the appreciative look in her sparkling blue eyes.

And felt a smile and a blush coming on, that she had absolutely no control over. Fortunately, her mother and the dressmaker were still too busy with pins to notice. Shyly, she looked up and met Xena's eyes, and felt her mood brighten as she absorbed the admiration in that glance. "That's fine." she said to the expectantly waiting dressmaker. "Looks great."

Hecuba nodded. "That'll do." She pronounced, and helped her daughter to carefully remove the garment without scattering the bone tacks all over the cot. "There now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Giving her daughter an appraising look as she fastened her tunic.

"No." Gabrielle answered, with a little laugh. "Not bad at all." Changes my whole attitude about that dress, for one thing. She reflected, with a grin. .

"That will look very nice." Hecuba turned and glanced back at Xena "Don't you think so?"

Xena's lips twitched into a grin. "Very nice." she agreed solemnly, as she stood up and sauntered over to where Gabrielle was standing, sparing an amused look at the dressmaker, who scurried out of her way nervously.

Hecuba joined the small woman at the workbench, and the two traded mutters, leaving Xena and Gabrielle to stand quietly together and wait.

"Y'know... " Xena drawled, in a low voice. "Lila's going to be pretty upset with you."

Gabrielle's brows creased, and she turned to stare at her partner. "What?" she whispered, darting a quick look towards her mother.

"Yeah... it's not nice for the maid of honor to outshine the bride. Bad taste." Came the teasing reply.

"Oh, come on, Xena." The bard snorted, giving her a backhanded blow to the midsection. "Give me a break."

Xena paused, and studied her for a long moment. "Give yourself a break, Gabrielle. I don't toss compliments around lightly. You look beautiful in that dress."

Gabrielle took a breath to answer, then took another, then finally just closed her mouth and stared at the floor, with, she knew, the stupidest grin ever on her face.

Xena chuckled, and tousled her hair.

"Well, we're done here." Hecuba said, with a sigh, and moved towards them. "Gabrielle, are you all right?"

"Fine, fine, thanks. Yeah." The bard said, nodding at her. "Let's go."

Once outside, Hecuba dusted her hands off, and nodded briskly. "That's done. Now I have some other things to take care of…" she fell silent, as all three spotted Herodotus headed in their direction.

Gabrielle felt her stomach twist into a familiar knot, seeing the twitching anger on his face. Her heart started pounding, in an unreasoning reaction that left her legs shaking and her breath coming short. Gods… her mind screamed, on the edge of panic.

And then two things happened at the same time. A hand dropped onto her shoulder, and brought with it a sense of security that started nibbling away at her panic. Then her eyes, fastened on her father's face, saw something unbelievable there. Fear. For a few stunned seconds, she just blinked at him. What... could he be afraid of? What's he…

"Come." Herodotus grunted, from several paces away, gesturing to Hecuba with a short angry motion. But his eyes shifted away from them, and he didn't look back as they walked back across the square, his hand clenched around Hecuba's upper arm.

"You all right?" Xena murmured, gazing at her face in some concern.

"Yeah." The bard responded, a bit rattled. "I am… what on earth made him look like that, though?" She followed Xena's gentle tug towards the square. "I've never seen... what... did you see what he was looking at?"

Xena hesitated, then shrugged. "Me." Probably a good thing she didn't get a good look at my face, either. I'm sure it wasn't very nice.

"You?" Gabrielle responded thoughtfully, feeling her fear fade back. Xena. Of course he was afraid of her. Wasn't everyone? Why would her father be an exception…

"Yeah." Xena confirmed. "Listen, I'm going to go check on Argo. Did you want to get some... " she grinned. "picnic supplies?"

"Absolutely." The bard responded with a twinkle in her eyes. "I'll meet you back at the barn." She headed off towards the market area, making a short list in her head of things to get.

It didn't take long, just three stops, and she had what she wanted, all packed neatly in a bundle tucked under her arm. One thing about spending every day for two years with someone... she mused. You certainly learned what they liked and disliked… and hers and Xena's tastes were startlingly alike, really. Which, she considered wryly, was a good thing, or mealtimes could have gotten ugly.

She rounded the last building at the edge of the square, headed for the barn. And stopped, seeing what was in front of her. Agtes, and his friends. Smiling.

"Well... well… what do we have here? It's little Bree." Agtes smirked.

"Hello, Agtes." Gabrielle answered, quietly. Now what? Gods… But Agtes wasn't her father... and she'd been accosted by worse on her travels. No panic now... just a simmering anger that she could feel building. "Excuse me." She said, moving past him.

"Oh... not so fast." Agtes laughed, and caught her arm. "Haven't seen you in a while, Bree… I hear you've been gallivanting around with that ex warlord... friend… of yours. " He moved closer to her. "Does she keep you... happy... Bree?" His friends laughed.

Gabrielle considered and discarded a number of different options before deciding on a response. "Very." She drawled, giving him an unexpected smile. "Now, excuse me." Enjoying his stunned look as she dodged past him, and continued walking.

"Hey... " he growled, and lunged after her, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her around to face him.

The bard let her momentum take her all the way around and then slammed him in the jaw with her elbow, feeling the shock of connection, and seeing his head snap back. He staggered back, blinking, and she followed it up with a kick to his groin, which took him down with a sharp gasp.

Silence fell, as the remaining boys looked at her. She looked back, and dusted herself off. "Now, I'm gonna say it again. Excuse me." She walked past them, then stopped, and turned. "Don't you have anything better to do than bother people? Get a job." And kept walking, with a shake of her head. "Jerks."

She pushed open the door to the barn, and paused, hearing low voices inside. Then her name was called, and she moved into the dimly lit building, spotting Xena next to Argo in conversation with Lila.

"What's wrong? " she asked, seeing Lila's tear streaked face, and the grim expression on Xena's.

"Oh… Bree... " Lila gasped, reaching out a hand to her. "It's mother... he…"

Xena took the package from the bard, putting it aside. "Looks like he took some frustration out on your mother, Gabrielle." The warrior explained, with quiet anger.

"She's hurt, Bree... and he won't let the healer in there." Lila moaned, almost falling into Gabrielle's arms.

Xena walked purposefully over to Argo's saddlebags, and removed a small package. "You two stay here." she said in a no nonsense voice.

"Wait a minute, Xena…" Gabrielle protested sharply. "No way... I"m going with you."

The warrior spun and walked up to Gabrielle, capturing her eyes in an intense stare. "No, Gabrielle. I mean it. It's going to be more than stressful enough without you being there." Give in to me, just this once, Gabrielle I don't have time to convince you ... please…"Trust me, OK??" Feeling the sting those words still held for her, in this place.

Gabrielle hesitated, ashamed of the feeling of relief that was pouring over her. But that request she had to honor. "OK. But be careful, please?" she whispered, unwinding one hand from Lila's frantic embrace, and entwining her fingers with Xena's.

Felt a squeeze of her fingers. "Don't worry." Came the response. "I'll be in and out of there before you know it. You take care of Lila, here. I think she could use a drink of water."

And then Xena was gone, and she was helping Lila to a seat in the straw. "Hang on, let me get you a drink." She watched Lila take a long sip from the dipper she handed her. "Now... exactly what happened?"

Gravel crunched under Xena's boots as she moved up the path towards Gabrielle's family homestead. Ahead, she could hear arguing voices, and as she came around the bend in the path, she saw Herodotus yelling at a shorter, lightly built man. At the sight of him, she felt a wave of emotion erupt from somewhere very dark, very deep inside her. It took more effort than she'd anticipated to push that back down, before he could look up and see what she knew damn well was showing in her face.

"I said, get out of here." Herodotus snarled, giving the man a push.

"Let me at least just…" The man protested, lifting both hands in supplication. "Herodotus, please... "

They both looked up at approaching footsteps, and spotted Xena coming towards them. The healer blinked in surprise. "Goodness." He muttered, not sure of what to make of her.

"Damn." Herodotus growled. "Get out of here." He yelled at the approaching warrior.

Who didn't slacken pace a bit, and kept coming, up the stairs and onto the porch, and right up to them. "Get out of my way." Xena ordered. "Or I'll put you out of my way."

For a split second, she thought... she wished… she wanted Herodotus to try and stop her. Oh... she wanted it... because then she could give in to her desperate craving to beat him into the earth. One fingertip on her would do it... come on, Herodotus. .give me a reason that I can justify to your daughter... please…come on ... you know you want to. Hit me. Just once. That's all. "I said, MOVE." Her voice deepened to a growl, and she could feel the seething anger below her surface coming close... so, so very close to taking her over.

But he wasn't stupid. "I'll have the law on you, Xena." Was his cold answer, as he stiffly moved out of her way.

Xena stepped closer to him, a violent, feral look in her eyes. "Get out of here." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Or I'll make you regret every single mark you ever put on any of them."

"That's none of your business." Herodotus sneered quietly. "The law's on my side, you arrogant piece of trash, and you can't do a damn thing to me."

The wolf surfaced, and Xena let it. Saw his eyes widen when he realized the change. "Ohh….you're so, so wrong." A low, cruel chuckle escaped her. "Gabrielle is my business... and by the name of Ares, you pig of a man... if you ever, ever... " Her voice glided over the words like a snake over grass. "So much as touch her ever again, I will…oh, yes... I will put you in so much agony that you'll only wish I'd killed you."

Then she pushed the door open, and went inside the dimly lit cot. Stopping within, and standing in total stillness and silence for a very long moment, to let the fire in her guts subside, and the trembling in body stop. It had been... so close. So very close. Finally, she took a deep breath, and continued through the cot, listening closely.

Small whimpering sounds led her into the kitchen, where she stopped, and just stood there for a moment. Then, with a shake of her dark head, she crossed the floor, and knelt by Hecuba's side. "Easy... easy... " she said softly, as the woman curled tighter into a ball. "It's all right... take it easy."

She reached down, and grasped the woman's shoulders, and gently turned her on her back, meeting the pain filled eyes. "It's ok... " Watching as the look of blank horror faded slightly, and a hint of recognition flared. "yeah, that's right... you know me… relax, I won't hurt you."

"Mmmy arm." Hecuba gasped, keeping her eyes fastened on the half shadowed face above her.

"I see." Xena said, eyes moving rapidly, hands unfolding the items in her kit. "Ok... I need to set that." Her glance darted to Hecuba's face. "I'm going to block that out with a pressure point, OK?"

A frightened nod. "OK" Xena said, and pressed two fingers into the joint of her neck and shoulder, and hearing the sharp gasp. "Ok... it's all right." She laid a hand on the woman's shoulder. "Don't look."

As she grasped her elbow with one strong hand, and her wrist with the other, and rotated the fractured arm back into line. Feeling the bone grate together into proper alignment, and wincing at the sudden paleness of the older woman's face. "Ok... almost done." Xena splinted and wrapped the limb with tight linen bandages, and tucked them into place before she released the pressure point.

A moan from Hecuba as the pain returned, but not nearly as sharply as before. "It hurts, I know."

"Better." Hecuba gasped. "Oh gods... how did you know... "

Xena patted her shoulder. "Lila came and got me." She set one arm behind the woman's shoulders. "Hang on." Lifting her knees with the other arm, she stood up, and carried the woman through the kitchen and back into the sleeping area, laying her down on a pallet near the door. "There you go." She said, dropping to a crouch next to the older woman. "That's going to hurt all night, but by tomorrow night, it should start to be a little better."

Hecuba stared at her. "I don't understand you."

Xena sighed. "Common problem."

"Does Gabrielle know?" Was the weak response.

The warrior nodded.

"Don't let her come here." Hecuba warned, her eyelids fluttering, as she tried to keep awake.

"Let me worry about Gabrielle." Xena responded, laying one hand on her shoulder. "You just rest."

The older woman's eyes closed, and she nodded faintly. "She's in good hands."

Xena smiled wryly to herself, and studied her hands. Lots of people would disagree, Hecuba. Your husband, for one And after just how close I came to cold blooded murder on your porch, maybe I would disagree too... Sighing, she rose to her feet, and moved quietly to the door, crossing through the living area. No sign of Herodotus, she mused. Maybe he was going to get the bailiff. That would prove interesting.

Silently, she opened the front door, and slipped out, heading back up the path.

Herodotus strode from his porch, headed towards the center of the village, seeking the bailiff. Not as if that damn idiot will do anything, but... he mused to himself. As he passed the barn door, though soft voices wafted out. Voices he recognized, and he pulled to a halt, and stood there, thinking, for a very long minute.

Then he smiled, and entered the barn door.

Lila gasped when she recognized the tall form outlined in the doorway, and her hand gripped Gabrielle's with a desperate intensity. "Gods... " she whispered.

The bard took a shaky breath, and stood, putting herself between Lila and her father. Her heart started pounding, despite her attempts to calm it. I can do this. I can handle this. Xena said so. Her mind repeated endlessly. I can. And now her heart listened, and slowed it's runaway pace, and she looked at him with tense expectation

"Now, now... Bree." Herodotus said, in a calming voice, holding out his hands to show their emptiness. "Don't get hasty, girl. Is it so awful for a father to want to talk to his daughter?"

Gabrielle studied his face in silence. "Didn't you do enough talking the other night?" She finally asked, in a quiet voice. Gods... what do I do here… this isn't what I expected. I... I'm not sure I can fight against this... "What more do you have to say?"

Her father shook his grizzled head solemnly. "That was before I realized just how grown up you've become, Gabrielle." His use of her full name did not go unnoticed by the bard. "You and I… have some things to discuss. I'm not asking for much - just sit down and talk to me, in the inn. You can do that, right? What harm did talking ever do?"

What harm indeed, Gabrielle felt the thought worm it's way into her consciousness. I'm a talker right... he just wants to talk. I know…I know I shouldn't do this... but… "All right." She replied, feeling Lila's fingernails dig hard into her arm.

"Don't." Lila muttered, giving her a desperate look. "Bree…"

"I have to." The bard answered, in a hoarse voice. "I can't… Lila, I have to. Just let me go." And felt Lila's hand drop away from her, as she stepped forward. Towards him. "Let's go." Watching him turn and walk ahead of her, until they were both out of the door, then he dropped back to walk at her side.

They were silent across the small yard, and silent as he reached out and held the door open for her, giving her a gentle nod of the head to proceed. Their eyes met, and he let his lips form into a little smile, that touched her memories like a red hot poker. Memories of herself, a tiny child, near the fireplace in winter... and he... telling her stories. The picture filled her mind, and closed her throat, and she felt the sting of unshed tears in her eyes. I'd forgotten that. Her memories whispered to her. Oh father….

Herodotus led her to a table, and pulled a chair out for her, waiting for her to sit down before he took the chair opposite. "There, this isn't so hard, right?"

"No." Gabrielle responded, keeping her eyes on her hands, which she folded on the table in front of her. I'm not a child anymore. And... despite what good memories I have of him... that doesn't change the bad things. Right? "Just what do you want from me?" Came the softly spoken question, as she lifted her eyes and met his.

Herodotus gave a little shrug, and played with an irregularity in the wood's surface. "I know…that you're very angry, Gabrielle, at the way I called you back here, and what happened the other day. I won't apologize for that... it would be pointless. I meant what I did, and I did it... because I feel that you really belong here, with us. Do you understand that?"

Gabrielle gazed at him. "I understand what you want. Do you understand that I don't want that?"

"Well... " he gave a little laugh. "You've made that pretty obvious, haven't you? " He cocked his head at her. "But I made a big mistake, Gabrielle - I treated you like a child, and you're not a child anymore. You're a strong, brave woman, aren't you?"

The bard thought about that. "I'm not the same person who left here, if that's what you mean. "

Herodotus nodded. "Exactly... and that's why I need to talk to you... because, you see, Gabrielle, Lila's leaving now. She'll go on to her own life... and that… poses a problem."

"Why?" Came the simple question.

Her father studied his hands. "Because I have a problem, Gabrielle. As I'm sure you realize. I can't… control what I do. You know that, right? That I never really meant to hurt anyone... it just happens, and I can't stop it."

Was it true? The bard's mind agonized over the thought.

"So, now that Lila is leaving, I have a problem... because it's just me and your mother... and your mother and I... well, we fight."

"Like you just did?" Gabrielle didn't even recognize her own voice.

He nodded slowly. "Lila could never stop me... but you can, Bree. You know you can." He reached out and touched her chin, and she was far too stunned to stop him. "Yes… you are my daughter... aren't you? " He gazed into her eyes. "You can make things better for your mother, Gabrielle - don't you owe her that, at least?"

Gabrielle felt her mind go very still. Did she owe her family this? Because she knew, whatever else, what he had said was true. But there was another truth that bound her as tightly as her bond of blood to this man, and that woman. And breaking that… Gabrielle felt something close to shattering in the delicate balance she was trying so hard to maintain.

"I'll have to think about it." It came out as a tense, bitten off sentence.

"All right, Bree." He said, gently. "You think…and... Bree... I'd like to... hear some of your stories, all right?"

A short nod for an answer, and he patted her hand, and stood up to leave, letting his hand rest momentarily on her head. "You're a good daughter." Giving her a fond smile, then walking to and out the door.

Continued...Part 4

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