
See Chapter 1 for disclaimers.

Chapter 17


Gabrielle could feel the warmth getting stronger, moving towards her with some speed. Instinctively, she reached out to intercept whatever was coming at her, ecstatic to feel that it was her partner’s consciousness. It was battered and torn, but still held the heart of her lover intact.

Oh Gods, Xena, where have you been?

Xena drew her in, forever grateful to have found her. Hold me… just hold me.

Xena took in her partner’s comfort, the warmth seeping through her to soothe her cooling psyche. She was glad to find Gabrielle still intact, that her protection had worked after all. Unwittingly, having Gabrielle there stirred her preservation instincts, forcing her to act even when she felt the need to rest.

Time had no meaning at this point, each seeking comfort from the other and strengthening their bond. However, they were still being swamped by the erotically malevolent sensation, floating around them like some sort of primordial ooze.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *


"Ar, what are we going to do? The attack’s begun."

Ares watched the one-sided fight; a slaughter really. These people had no defence against armed men bent on destruction and death. While one side of him thoroughly enjoyed the mayhem, there was a small kernel that begged for the battle not to be so one sided. What? The God of War can’t have a conscience!

They watched from their hiding place, not knowing what to do. Any action on their part would probably draw attention to themselves, and ultimately lead to their deaths. They were mortal now and vulnerable.

Ares’s eyes sought out and found his target, watching the tall woman move from target to target, slaughtering with consummate ease. Armed with sword and Chakram, she cut and sliced through bodies for sport. Her laughter rang through the air, sending a chill down the god’s body.

This was no battle and there was no honour in this victory. He had to admit that his admiration for the woman slipped a notch at this negligent display of cowardice and evil. He took great pride in her need for a fair fight and overcoming the odds on her own terms.

"C’mon, let’s see if we can get closer to her. Maybe an opportunity will present itself."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *


Xena found a small group of people hiding behind an overturned wagon and moved in on her prey. Slowly, and with a great amount of enjoyment, she took them on one by one, intent on leaving the old man and young woman till last. She wanted to hear them beg for mercy before her metal sank into their flesh.

The man put up some resistance and she batted his pitchfork out of the way before lunging with her sword, feeling the slide of flesh along her blade. The blood flowed along the steel, covering her hand in crimson. The entity absorbed the hot liquid like a sea sponge, gathering strength from the kill.

Ghostly eyes turned to their next victim, approaching the middle-aged woman with deadly grace. The mother offered no resistance, a strangled cry escaping her bloody lips as a dagger cut her open. She looked down, moments from death, to see her organs spill to the ground, leaving a large cavity inside her.

A low chuckle escaped the warrior’s lips as she studied her handiwork. She stood in the ever-widening pool of blood, breathing deeply as if it were a delicately perfumed rose. To the entity, the smell of death was just that.

The old man cowered on the ground, his arm over his head in protection. Xena stood there and watched him, amused by his feeble action. "Old man," her voice was low and dangerous. He looked up into pale blue eyes, as cold as the nearby snow-covered mountain tops. He saw death in those eyes and closed his own as her sword came down on his head, leaving a bloody gash in its wake.

Now in control, the evil hacked and hacked, opening the wound even more, splintering bone to expose the organ underneath. The young woman watched in horror, her stomach losing its contents at the horrific sight. Those glacial eyes were now nearly devoid of colour.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Xena felt the sadness down to her soul. This was all her fault. In trying to outsmart Ares, she had outsmarted herself. Now she was left with the heinous acts unfolding in the outside world, the visions of the carnage taking place in her name playing over and over in her head. She would forever suffer in Hades for this, she knew it.

"Xena!" Gabrielle used a stern voice to distract her partner. "We have to do something. Listen, I will work with you in this. Whatever you need to do, do it now."

Xena watched in slow motion as her body stalked the lone figure lying in the dirt.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *


"Girl, come here." The voice was low and hypnotic, drawing the young woman to Xena like a lamb to the slaughter. She passed behind the blonde, her eyes skimming over the vibrant young body and thinking of other things besides destruction. A slow smile crossed those rose lips, spreading into a lascivious grin.

Xena led the young woman to a lone house, stepping inside and finding it empty. In the bedroom she approached the girl. "You want to live?" The quaking girl nodded. "Here’s your chance. This had better be good."

A lone tear trickled down the pale cheek as shaking fingers reached for the ties on her dress.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Nnnooooo!!!!" All Xena could see was her precious Gabrielle being taken by a mad woman. No, no mad woman - her. It was her. This poor slip of a girl, who had looked so much like her own bard, was going to a fate worse than death and she had to stop it.

"Then now is the time Xena. This is your body - claim it back! I will give you whatever you need to do it."

The warrior bent her mind to taking back what was hers, inch by precious inch. She fought her way through the darkness towards her conscious state, Gabrielle a step behind, lending her own strength to the cause. No, this will NOT happen. I will not allow it.

She felt herself hesitate as the young woman dropped her dress, shivering from the coolness of the room and the heated stare of those cold blue eyes. Xena could feel a bead of sweat break out on her forehead as a battle of wills took place for control of her body, ownership shifting as strength rose and fell.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


"What does she think she is doing?" Ares was puzzled as Xena dragged off the blonde into a nearby house.

"What do you think she is doing, Ar? Giving her cooking tips? Let’s go, this may be our chance."

Aphrodite and Ares snuck around the battle, entering the house from behind. The goddess picked up a large rock as she entered, hoping to get a chance to throw it before she fell. She nearly ran into her brother, who seemed too preoccupied with seeing the naked woman to notice that Xena was unaware of their presence.

The internal battle waged on, one side then the other gaining precious ground on the battlefield that was her body. Xena could sense the outside world and the impending danger.


Yeah, I see it Gabrielle. If I can hold still for just a few more seconds…

Before her courage failed her, Aphrodite used her rock, bringing it down on the warrior’s head from behind, knocking her unconscious.

"Quick before she wakes up. Find something to tie her up with." While Ares saw to securing Xena, Aphrodite collected the frightened girl and re-dressed her, sitting her down before she collapsed.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Xena grabbed her chance with both hands. As she slowly re-gained consciousness, her heart soared with the feeling of being free, to be in control of her actions once more. Aphrodite’s rock had severed the entity’s connection to her. All she had to do now was to convince her captors that she was back.

"Hey guys, am I ever glad to see you." They eyed her warily, looking for some trick to set her free. "It’s me, Xena."

"We are taking you to the Temple, so don’t fight it." Aphrodite studied her carefully.

"Good, I won’t. C’mon, Aphrodite, it’s really me. You want to talk to Gabrielle?"

You better talk to her. I don’t think she trusts me.

And what makes you think I’ll do any better? There was silence and a gentle tickling. You knew she was in love with me?

Yeah, I knew. I can’t blame her though. She has very good taste.

The young blonde blushed under the compliment. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.

I heard that conversation. I’m glad you feel that way. By the way, you have nothing to worry about either. He doesn’t stand a chance against you.

How are you feeling?

Better, now that I’m back in control. Let’s see if we can stop this madness.

Xena’s voice shifted to a familiar burr, bringing a smile to the young goddess’s face. "Hey there, we are back in control. Really. Xena wants to continue the charade so she can stop the army, OK?

"What do you want us to do?"

"Take the girl out of here and meet us on the far side of the clearing."

After their companions had left, Xena prepared herself for warlord mode.

Are you up to this?

Probably not, but we have to do this. I only hope that the army doesn’t turn on me. If they do, be prepared for a battle.

Do what you have to do, Xena. I trust you. What a feeling it was to have someone trust you implicitly. It bolstered her overtaxed emotions for the trial ahead. Whoever had said that loves makes you weak, had never truly been in love. It was the most amazing feeling in the world, lending power to her resolve to make things right.

She drew herself up, covering herself in an air of menace, swaggering out the door with a satisfied grin on her face. She found the horse wandering at the edge of the village and mounting it, trotted through the village square.

"Halt! Enough!" Xena’s bass voice echoed around the open space, bouncing off empty huts. Arms stopped in mid-swing, eyes flicking to their leader in question. The few remaining survivors looked over in despair at the one who held their lives in her large hands.

"This slaughter is over. Go home!" She waited, her reflexes on hair trigger in case someone reacted badly. An arrow came flying in her direction and she barely shifted out of the way, the arrowhead grazing her cheek. She looked over to the culprit and unsheathed her sword. The stallion pranced over to the far side of the square and she looked down at the man, giving him her best intimidating stare.

He stood his ground and lifted his sword, discarding the bow. Gabrielle, I’m sorry about this…

Her long leg lifted over the pommel and she slid to the ground gracefully. "You questioning my decision?" Her voice dropped an octave, already marking him a dead man.

"Yes, I am. We all want this done." He looked around for support, finding feet shifting nervously in the dust. They were awaiting the outcome of the fight before committing themselves to him.

"Well, I can see that I’m gonna have to change your mind." A sexy half-smile graced her lips, causing her opponent to step back. She showed no fear in this battle, only a quiet confidence that put doubt in the mind of her enemy.

Ares watched from the nearby scrub. This was the Xena he knew, the woman who fought her battles as only she could - with her superior skills and cunning intellect. Her worth came up a notch again, the past Xena from a candlemark ago already forgotten. He still had hope for his plan, seeing that she had re-gained control over the entity, now all he needed was his godhood.

Xena slowly circled her adversary, swinging her sword in tight arcs in a show of her skill. He shifted with her, trying to watch her body for any sudden movement. She feinted a couple of times but he remained firm, twitching in response but not acting.

Her smile broadened, having finally found a fighter who would give her a good fight. This was when she was at her best - a life and death struggle that tested her skills to the limit. She rarely had the chance to exercise those kinds of skills these days and looked forward to the contest.

Xena executed a few testing parries, gauging the competence of the other fighter. He deflected her sword with ease. This was no hick fighter; he had been a soldier. She shifted her shoulders and set her mind to winning this battle.

The other men surrounded the two of them, enclosing them in a tight circle of sweating bodies. The fight now became even more dangerous.


Aphrodite’s mind closed in on a plan. "You, girl, get your townspeople and head into the forest. Hide until they have left, you got me?" The woman put her hand on the goddess’s arm and looked warmly into those eyes, silently thanking her. "You’re welcome." She whispered.

"Ar, you go get those horses. I think we’re gonna need a quick getaway." She grabbed her bow and nocked an arrow, standing guard over Xena in case things deteriorated in the fight. Fervently, she hoped that her courage wouldn’t fail her this time.


Gabrielle stayed silent, letting her partner go about her business. What a different feeling she was getting from Xena. There was the excitement from the fight, but gone, for the moment, was the dark undercurrent that had been present for so long. They were free of it for now.

The two combatants circled one another in the small space, pushing and shoving from the spectators a serious distraction. Her opponent rushed her, trying to force her against the throng behind her, whom he hoped would shove her back and onto his sword. Her long legs unfolded and she pushed off, flipping herself over his head and releasing her battle cry in passing.

The wiry man was too busy watching her go over his head to see where his sword was going, ending up buried in one of his friends. Silence broke over the crowd, and they backed up to a suitable distance. She let out a low chuckle twirling her sword in her hand. "You changed your mind yet?" A low growl erupted from her attacker. "No?"

She began a serious counter-attack, swinging her weapon with grace and skill. He steadily backed up under her attack, deflecting each stroke with ever increasing lack of control. Pressing her advantage, she increased the strength and speed of her strokes, forcing him to back up to the limits of the ring.

Out of nowhere a dagger appeared in his other hand. Slashing at her mid-section, he inflicted a cut of his own. She backed up, giving him some space, and paced around looking at the sea of antagonistic faces. Angry blue eyes swivelled to their target. That’s it!

Her demeanour changed in a heartbeat. She headed straight for the man with the blade, batting it away like it was a stick. Her hand shot out, circling around his throat and lifting him. Muscle and tendon stood out in vivid relief as she held him suspended, her eyes scanning the muted crowd as they stared in awe.

She brought his face up close to her own and breathed, "I said no more killing." She paused. "Perhaps one more." With that final word, she snapped his neck, tossing his broken body to the dirt. Sword in hand, she faced down each and every one of those who witnessed her action. "Anyone else?"

The crowd dissipated, milling around in disbelief. There was a cry and everyone went on alert. "The villagers are gone!" "Find them!" She cried above the din, "I said, no more killing. Let them be!" But their blood was up and her voice was lost in all the noise.

"Xena!" At the mention of her name she looked up, seeing Aphrodite in the shadows beckoning her over. As she approached, the goddess pointed to the horses. She changed direction, lengthening her strides and flipping in mid-air to land on the horse’s back.

"Let’s go."

The small party moved quickly, leaving the chaos behind. Xena looked over her shoulder, seeing one of the soldiers pointing in her direction. She shifted her attention to the front, trying to get some distance between them and the army. It was now a race to the Temple.


Chapter 18

Gabrielle could feel a quiet depression settle over her partner. Xena, are you OK? For a moment she thought the older woman wouldn’t answer.


What’s wrong? There was a pause. Tell me.

I’m gonna lose you, aren’t I?

Lose me? What are you talking about?

Xena tried to order her thoughts, but all she could think about was the blackness of her heart. She felt the warmth surround her, infusing her with a love so pure she felt like crying.

Tell me. That familiar burr whispered softly in her brain.

How can you love me after what I did?

That wasn’t you, Xena. You know that.

But was it? I know I’m capable of dark things, Gabrielle. What if this thing inside me is just magnifying my own deep dark tendencies? I’m so afraid of losing you. Xena felt the warmth intensify, as if her lover had given her a squeeze.

Her partner was battling her conscience over what had happened. She knew in her heart that Xena was a good woman, and when in control of her darkness she was able to achieve great things. Could she still love her, knowing what resided in her?

I know this is hard for you right now, but believe me when I say that I will never leave you. I have seen you at your very worst and I still love you.

But that woman could have been you. I nearly ra…

No! You listen to me. You stopped yourself before it happened. I know in my heart that you would never hurt me that way. You have a noble spirit, my love. Remember that. It’s that spirit that controls your darkness, and I will always be here to remind you of that.

Xena remained silent, not sure whether to believe her or not. She truly wanted to believe it all, but her guilt put up a strong fight.

Stop all this self-recrimination, Xena. Just think of your love for me and let it heal those wounds. We still have a way to go and we need to prepare.

Xena sighed deeply. All this arguing was getting her nowhere. She was just going to have to accept it all on faith. She pushed aside her own doubts, and set her mind towards one goal - living through this ordeal to grow old with her little blonde by her side.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Xena looked around the countryside, slowly thinning out as the air became colder. She spotted a small decorated stone on the roadside. Once passed, she noticed an immediate change in the darkness. It slowly throbbed to life again, pulsing in waves against them.

"Aphrodite." A platinum blonde head turned her way. "I think you’re gonna have to tie me up. Now."


"I just saw a small outcrop of rock on the roadside. I think it’s a Temple marker, because it’s starting to move in me again. Better not take any chances." She held out her hands, waiting for the goddess to secure them to the pommel. "I think it wants to go home." She looked to the deity in quiet understanding. "We’re at the crossroads, Aphrodite, the next day could well go one way or the other. While we’re in control, it has to go where we take it. Gabrielle and I will hold on as long as we can, but I feel it will try another grab for this body before we reach our objective."

"What now?"

"There’s a little light left. Push on for another candlemark, then make camp. If I’m still in control by then, I’ll let Gabrielle make a hot meal. I think we’re gonna need it."

Aphrodite nodded and was about to move away when a tired voice called back.

"If something happens to us..."


Gabrielle, I have to do this. "If something happens, can you keep an eye on my family for us?"

The young immortal nodded.

"Thank you. I… I’m sorry you got dragged into this. I know it’s been hard for you, but we’re both very proud of you."

A full grin graced Aphrodite’s ageless face, bringing out her dimples clearly. The smile extended to her eyes, glinting in the dying light. She was speechless.

"Yeah, well. As I said, just in case… Now, let’s get going. With some luck, it’ll be all over tomorrow."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

They pushed steadily on for a while longer, constantly checking behind them for the following army. Xena led the way so that Ares could keep her in his sights. The closer they got to the Temple, the lower Xena’s head hung, the weight of her burden getting heavier and more cumbersome.

"Here." Xena called a halt after finding a suitable camping site.

Each went about their business. Ares secured Xena to a tree while Aphrodite quickly scouted around for any signs of food for the pot. By the time she came back empty-handed, Ares had managed to get a fire going and a pot of water boiling.

The goddess crouched in front of the seated warrior. "Xena?"

Weary blue eyes looked up. "Yeah?"

"Is Gabby there?"

That soft burr that she had come to love answered her. "I’m here, Aphrodite."

"You up to making dinner?"

"Sure. What do you want me to do?"

"Xena, is it safe to untie you?"

"Better not. Gabrielle will have to instruct you."

Ooh boy, this ought to be good… Her cooking was even worse than her hunting.

"Aphrodite, go to our pack and pull out the sack with the dried vegetables. Put them in the boiling water."

The goddess went through the steps for making a vegetable broth, Gabrielle pointing out the various herbs and spices she used and following her instructions to the letter.

She gave a portion to the tall warrior. "Hey! That is really good!"

She tasted her handiwork and a smile crossed her face. "That is just so… so… tubular!" Her first cooked meal. It was just soooo cool. "You know, sometimes this mortal stuff isn’t so bad."

"When it works, yeah. Other times are just downright ugly." Like tomorrow. "I think to be on the safe side, it might be an idea to remove the Chakram from me." She looked to Ares. "Use a stick and lift it off. Don’t touch it, just in case."

He lifted the weapon carefully and hung it on an overhanging branch. He looked over to the tall woman, seeing a look of quiet acceptance at what was to come. He didn’t like seeing her this way, slowly dragging herself to her death without so much as a whimper. He wanted that fire that usually burned so brightly within her; that never-say-die attitude that drew him to her. He hunkered down in front of her and looked into those darkened eyes. "Why aren’t you fighting this, Xena?"

"I’m doing what I can, Ares."

"Oh come on! I saw you lift a man off the ground with one arm just a few candlemarks ago. Now look at you. Sitting there totally defeated."

"Yeah? Well, come inside, it’s a real laugh. It feels like you’re supporting an entire building on your shoulders, Ares. It tends to weigh you down a bit. So, if I look a bit worn out, I’m sorry it’s not up to your normal heroic standards."

"Ar. Leave her be. She has to keep focused and you’re not helping."

"Aphrodite, you and Ares get some sleep. Gabrielle and I will take shifts to keep awake."

"You don’t want us to keep guard?"

"If I break free, you’re not going to stop me, so get some sleep." Aphrodite felt nervous about the thought of Xena breaking free and running amok. The dark-haired woman could see her apprehension. "Hey, it’ll be fine. Tomorrow will be the end of it."

The goddess looked over and felt sad. Indeed, one way or another tomorrow will be the end, and the best outcome for the world was decidedly the worst outcome for these two women. This was a no-win situation. To save one meant giving up the other.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *



You want to talk?


Gabrielle could feel the coolness emanating from her partner, the entity once again pressing against them, constricting the tiny cocoon they had constructed around themselves. The pressure had been building steadily during the day since breaking free from it in the village. She knew the closer they got to the Temple, the more it would grow, testing their boundaries and looking for a way in.

Xena’s depression was steadily growing, being fed by the constant pressure of the entity. This time, it was looking to destroy her before taking her body, knowing that the other way left itself open to retaliation by her strong will. It would destroy all opposition before claiming the ultimate prize.

The night passed uneventfully, with neither woman getting much sleep. By morning, Xena had stopped talking altogether. Gabrielle knew that she had taken the brunt of the attack as the evil actively sought her out as the stronger of the two of them. She was struggling herself under the constant battering, and wondered how her partner stood up to it.

C’mon Xena, let’s get going. Not far to go.

Xena’s body responded, but not a word came from the woman herself. The Chakram rested at the warrior’s side, weighing like a lead weight, dragging her to the ground. Gabrielle kept talking, not expecting to get an answer, but it kept her own mind occupied and focused on getting them there.

The utter anger and rage that swirled around them was steadily growing with every step. All those sensations she had experienced in the village were now present all the time. Her innocence was shredded with the ever-present wash, and with it brought doubt. Doubt about Xena, about herself, about their love and their strength. It had latched onto her fears and attacked them, using a battering ram to knock down the wall she had put around herself.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


"Ar, Xena doesn’t look so good."

"Time’s running out."

"How much longer?" He pointed to the spire, just visible through the low cloud.

"Should only be a candlemark more, I think."

In the silence, they could hear a far-off noise of men moving fast.

"C’mon." Ares kicked his horse and sent them off into a canter. He picked up Xena’s horse’s reins and pulled her along, the woman not responding to him.

The sun had been visible for the ride but as they approached the Temple, dark clouds rolled in and covered the area in shadow.

It knows. What is this thing?

Ares had to physically lift the tall woman off the horse and carry her to the front door.

"Sis, check around back and see if there’s a way in." The goddess nodded and disappeared.

He placed Xena on the steps and studied the heavy door. He ran his hands around the edges looking for a latch but could find nothing. He heard a whirr and an arrow embedded itself in the door, not a hand’s width away from skewering his fingers. He looked around and found a handful of men coming at him, the scouts from the army.

He unsheathed his sword and looked at the fallen warrior. He would get no help from her. He was on his own.

Two men rushed him at once, working in concert to get past his defences. As a god, he had no fear in battle, but mortality had its risks now. They tested his skill, giving him a chance to use his impressive array of moves, but still he was the God of War, and no human was going to take his life, especially today.

Another arrow flew by, nicking his arm. He looked down in shock, feeling pain for the first time, his muscles tensing in reaction. His opponents took the opportunity to go on the offensive, swinging their swords at him in rapid-fire succession, pushing his defences to the limit. Sweat broke out on his brow as he settled down into a comfortable rhythm, deflecting strike after strike aimed at his head.

Aphrodite searched around the back of the Temple. She had found a back entrance but it was barricaded and would need a lot of work to get through it. She made her way back to the front entrance and saw the fight going on. She fletched an arrow and shot at the bowyer shooting at Ares, hitting him in the leg.

She looked over to the steps and saw her brother in deep trouble. He had engaged two fighters and a third was sneaking up from behind. Without thought, she nocked another arrow and fired, hitting the soldier squarely in the back. As he fell, she bowed her head, a tear rolling silently down her cheek.

Ares glanced behind him, seeing the dead man. He pushed away his two opponents and looked for his sister, seeing her kneeling in the dirt. Gods, ‘Ditie! Why did you have to do that? He knew this would devastate her. Despite all their arguing and banter, he was very protective of her innocence in death. After all, she was the Goddess of Love.

Ares narrowed his focus, determination now spurring on his actions. He increased his speed and strength, driving his enemies back, giving him the chance to launch his own attack. He swirled his sword in a figure eight, spreading a metallic net in front of himself before thrusting his sword methodically at his victims, forcing them to defend.

One went down, falling over broken stonework and the God of War quickly despatched him, burying his sword in his gut. He felt the steel slide in as skin and flesh gave way under the smooth, pointed steel. A familiar stirring erupted within him and he drew his weapon out, watching dark blood drip off the end.

His dark eyes turned to his other adversary, a slow smile spreading across his bearded face. Confidence flowed through him as he slowly pushed his opponent back until he met the wall. With a quick feint, he extended his arm, sending his sword deep into his enemy’s chest.

"’Ditie, over here! Aphrodite! Sis, get you butt over here!"

She slowly responded to his call, her emotions still in turmoil. What have I done? She felt the utter desolation of having taken a life. She had never really understood that carrying a weapon could come at a price. She looked up into deep brown eyes, seeing understanding and sympathy there.

"Thank you, sis." He reached up and palmed her cheek.

She managed a small smile in return, but only felt marginally better. Put it away for later, ‘Ditie, now is not the time.

The call of the Chakram spurred the warrior’s body into action. She stood, slowly walking to the entrance and activating a hidden switch to open the door. It slowly swung open, a smell of death released into the air after centuries of being locked away.

The two gods looked over from their conversation, seeing that the warrior had moved and was entering the Temple. At that moment, the courtyard filled with the remaining men who had followed them. "Inside, now!" Ares grabbed his sister and shoved her through the door, slamming it shut behind them as a volley of arrows embedded themselves in the thick wood. He found a large plank of wood and slid it in place, barricading the door. They were trapped.


Chapter 19


Aphrodite looked around this building that had held so much fear for her kind. This was the Temple of the Chakram. As old as time itself, and it held two powers, diametrically opposite and both as equally destructive, and yet together so perfectly balanced. She approached the altar reverently, gingerly stepping over the strewn bones of dead warriors who had come to claim the prize.

In the silence of the ageless stone, she studied the table. A geometrical design had been imprinted on the top, a circle divided in two by a curved centre line. Both were identical, one dark and one light, but facing in opposite directions so that they fit into a perfect whole. In each sector was a round indentation. She looked to the Chakram sitting on Xena’s hip and knew what belonged there. But both recesses were empty. Without the Chakram of Light, returning the Chakram of Darkness here was not going to save these women. There was only one other option.

Ares wandered around the room, eventually finding the canister his father wanted him to destroy recessed in the far wall. There was nothing fancy about the jar, a plan ceramic piece just sitting there, looking like it held oil or perhaps herbs, but he knew it held far more. At this point it held life and death.

He turned to face the two women standing in the hall, contemplating his next move. Aphrodite was engrossed with the altar and Xena was standing passively near the far wall. All he had ever wanted was this woman, his right arm in the mortal world, claiming land in the name of the God of War. Was he prepared to risk all in the hope of gaining everything?

Aphrodite looked up at her brother, seeing him deep in thought. She glanced to the far wall behind him and saw the canister. "Ar, what are you doing?"

"Just thinking, sis."

"What are you waiting for?"

"I don’t know what you’re talking about."

"Yes, you do. Destroy the jar, bro. You know you have to."

"Why should I? She’s mine, ‘Ditie."

She sighed. Once her brother got something into his head… "Zeus is going to be so pissed at you if you don’t."

"But with her by my side, who cares?"

"Err, one problem, bro. You’re gonna need your powers and, d’uh, he has them."

"Oh." Damn, she was right. He would be stuck as a mortal. Could he control her as a mortal? Probably not. "And you’re happy about losing blondie then?"

She bristled at his refusal to call Gabrielle by her name. "Of course not, but this is the way it’s gotta be. Respect their wishes." It was breaking her heart, but this was one of those mortal ugly times that Xena talked about. You guys can have it because it’s too much heartache.

There was a heavy banging on the solid door. "C’mon Ar. Do it now, before it’s too late."

The tall god sauntered over to the warrior and looked her in the eye. There seemed to be no sign of life within those pale blue depths, only an emptiness. He studied her long form, taking in her muscular sleekness, and sighed in regret. His hand lifted and caressed her face, unable to stop the tender emotion from showing through. What a waste!

The outer door was starting to splinter under the fierce attack from the battering ram. "Now, Ares!" Aphrodite could wait no longer. He seemed to be ignoring her. She shot the jar out with an arrow, watching as faint wisps of smoke swirled around and dissipated from the shards of pottery.


In a heartbeat, the King of the Gods appeared, his presence filling the oppressive stillness of the room. Moments later Athena, Artemis and Apollo followed, taking up residence around the large chamber. Zeus took in Aphrodite’s position next to the canister and found his son over near Xena. His brow creased in disappointment.

He moved over to Aphrodite, "Well done, daughter." In a moment he restored her godhood, her form covered in stardust as the power flowed through her once more. All the niggling aches and pains from outdoor living disappeared and she felt revitalized.

While she was happy to be the Goddess of Love once again, she spared a moment to contemplate the last few days. It had been an adventure where she had lived like she had never lived before, experiencing a roller coaster of emotions that she would not have had as a god. For that alone, she would be forever grateful to these two women, who guided and protected her in her moment of mortality.

Zeus moved over to his son. "Ares." The young god couldn’t look his father in the eye, knowing he had let him down. "My son, until you show unselfishness again, you will remain…" With a wave of his hand, Ares was gone. "… there!" They would be looking for a new God of War.

Aphrodite’s eyes widened at the harsh punishment meted out by Zeus. Her brother had done some stupid things all in the name of love, and now he was going to pay.

"Artemis, please see to the army outside." The Huntress left, sweeping away the splintered door, sending energy bolts out the building towards the scattering fighters.

"Now, let’s do this." The remaining gods moved around their victim in preparation.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Xena no longer responded to the young woman’s gentle entreaties as the evil swelled and rolled over her like a tidal wave. Gabrielle knew she now had to take an active part. She had stood idly by while Xena controlled the defence of her own soul, but this was no longer possible and it was now up to her.

I warned you, Xena. I’m coming to get you and I’m pissed! She let the anger grow in her to feed her emotions and give fire to her actions. She was angry with Xena for taking the chakram, she was angry with the evil for reducing her partner to this state, she was angry with herself for not stepping in sooner and, above all, she was angry with Ares for starting all this trouble in the first place.

Darkness bombarded her from all sides, trying to break through to her to claim one more soul in its victory. She could feel the misery and desolation she had felt before through Xena, and it battered her defences with great force. The older woman had taken the brunt of this attack and she knew she wouldn’t have lasted long against such a prolonged assault by herself. She now understood only too well the huge heart and great determination that lived within her lover. Xena was by far stronger physically and mentally than she was, but Gabrielle also knew that she was vulnerable in matters of the heart.

She thought for a moment on how she could get Xena back. Her enemy used strong weapons – violence, death, misery and the glorification of war – pushing Xena’s basic instincts into overdrive. Well, there was one primal instinct that Gabrielle could claim as her own - that basic animal drive that there was no substitute for, and she had had a couple of years’ practice at it.

She had once told Xena that she was emotionally unable to fight, but her partner had replied that there were times when there was only you, so you do it. She was right. This is one of those times. Now Gabrielle, take that fire and go and get her!

She rallied her courage and mentally pushed her way through the gathering dark, looking for her one goal. If taking back her lover meant debasing herself, then so be it. Her sensibilities were well worth the sacrifice to gain back the other half of her soul.

The power within was making a final push to totally possess the older woman. She had been steadily losing ground since the journey began, despite the reprieve to ditch the army. Here, in the Temple, was where this evil was at home; this was where it was strongest and it was taking Xena along with it.

Gabrielle applied herself to the task at hand, bringing forth an image of both of them into Xena’s brain. Using her body as a tool, Gabrielle was going to seduce her partner in the basest of ways. This was unfamiliar territory for her, but she had anger, guile, imagination, and finally love, on her side and she was going to use everything she possessed to win this particular battle. To her, there was only one outcome - to win at all costs.

Slowly she rotated her hips in a gentle sway, beginning a dance of seduction in front of the seated woman, but Xena’s eyes were vacant, apparently not interested in what she was offering. She could see that just being there was not going to be enough; she had to physically take back what was hers. Wasn’t getting Xena back worth the sacrifice?

She mentally closed her eyes, drawing explicit images from her memory, feeding off them to get lost in the raw feelings her lover could instil in her. Eliminating the overwhelming emotion she felt, Gabrielle concentrated on the sheer intensity of the passion this woman could draw from her, where her body would crave her touch and accept nothing less than all she had to give.

She became more animated, hips gyrating in a slow rhythm as pieces of clothing were slowly and sensuously removed. Her own hands roamed over her skin, teasing the woman in front of her by driving herself close to the point of completion and then blatantly inviting her to look. Xena didn’t move, but continued to sit as the blonde moved closer to the chair. Gabrielle could feel her partner’s heated stare run down her body, stopping several times to take in what she was offering.

Gabrielle sat herself in the older woman’s lap, unable to stop herself from touching what she so desperately wanted, bringing the dark head in for a long, passionate kiss. She aggressively sought out and captured Xena’s tongue, pouring into it all the want and desire she held inside for this woman. The ramrod posture slowly relaxed and Xena’s hands came up and roamed over the naked body that was sitting on top of her and grinding herself into her lap.

Gabrielle continued her possession of her lover’s mouth, not giving the invading presence a chance to regain control. Her hands moved in slow circles, each pass becoming more demanding as her passion rose. Clips, buckles and ties gave way under her agile fingers, eager to seek the skin underneath. Lips and tongue burned a path down her partner and back up again, claiming territory as she went.

She returned to Xena’s mouth, concentrating her efforts there, and she could feel the older woman slowly respond to her heated advances, firm fingers kneading her skin until it was almost painful. But her aggression was suddenly ripped away from her when the older woman violently took the initiative.

Kisses became nips, and nips became bites, as Xena’s superior strength and sexual drive increased. Gabrielle knew this was not her Xena, the one who lived so deep within her; this was the Chakram’s work, using her partner as a vessel to punish her for her impudence in trying to take away what it had claimed. It was now full-scale war and her partner’s body and soul was the prize.

Gabrielle relaxed and tried to feel the pleasure her lover was so aggressively giving her. She closed her eyes and brought forth images of those times together that had brought her great joy, to ride out the pain and look for the pleasure in such an act.

Her Xena would never have treated her this way – with such cruelty and disdain – she knew that implicitly. The cornerstone of their relationship was love and affection, not sexual promiscuity and violence. There had been moments when they abandoned themselves to lustful endeavour, but even then they never lost sight of the genuine, all encompassing love that held their relationship together.

At a moment of hesitation, Gabrielle pounced, pushing over the chair they were both sitting on. Lying on top of the taller woman, she took what was hers, actively seeking out those points that would bring Xena great pleasure. She drove her libido up without preamble and with great vigour, drawing out cries from the woman underneath her. She gave everything that she was – her body, her soul, her very life – in the pursuit of what she knew she owned. She is mine and you cannot have her!

For a moment in her mind she heard a deep chuckle, its resonance setting her on edge. She repeated herself, SHE IS MINE!

She increased her assault on the older woman’s body, claiming every corner and sweeping away the darkness with her own brand of fire. C’mon Xena, I know you’re in there. Come to me…

Gabrielle was everywhere, her lips, her tongue, her fingers, her heart, all demanding everything that Xena was. A harsh, strangled moan escaped those perfect lips, crying out her release to the surrounding darkness. The evil faltered under the flood of emotion this woman let flow over her partner. Selfless love, pure as the day it was conceived, bathed the warrior in an ethereal light, and it was blinding to the darkness.

Harsh fingers on her back began to lose their strength, dropping to the floor in defeat. Gabrielle steadied and slowed her assault, easing back to gentle caresses, awaiting the return of her one true love. Once she had Xena’s attention, she pulled back slightly, looking into clearing blue pools.

"I love you, Xena. Remember what we had. It was so beautiful, and it could be again. Just take my hand, sweetheart. Come with me and leave this all behind."

Gabrielle stood, ignoring her nakedness, and extended her hand for Xena to take. She saw her hesitate as the entity tried one last grasp for her partner’s spirit. She grabbed her chin, bringing her warrior’s vision directly to her eyes and she poured all the love and tenderness she could muster into one look.

"Let’s end this and go home. We have a family who needs us."

Hesitantly, a shaking hand raised up to meet her own. She pulled her up and into an intimate embrace, to reinforce the tentative bridge she had built to her partner’s soul.

"C’mon, I want a warm bed and you in that gladiator costume of yours… and perhaps two or three days without interruption."

Oh, yeah… That thought came through clear as a bell. Oh, yeah…


* * * * * * * * * *

Xena moved to the table, seemingly oblivious to the movement around her, and placed the Chakram on the altar. The circle glowed and a second Chakram appeared, seated in the opposing recess. The supernatural glow from the two discs lit up the room, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. The glow faded, leaving in its wake a second Chakram, identical to its twin, the azure gems glinting in the dying light.

The malevolent heaviness in the air did not dissipate with the arrival of the second Chakram, leaving the gods no choice but to destroy it before it reached its full potential for destruction. Zeus watched Xena, a ghostly aura emanating from her pale blue eyes. He had hoped that it wouldn’t come to this, but the second Chakram had not returned the balance. It was now too late.

Circled around Xena, the small group of gods made preparations to destroy the two women who had given their best to get the Chakram here. Sparks began to fly from figure to figure as the intensity grew, circling around the lone figure in the middle like a giant chakram of its own.

Their attention was riveted to the tall woman, who stood leaning over the altar, lifting the Chakram of Darkness up in one large fist. Her free hand slowly came up, resting on the stone surface. Vibrant blue eyes opened and cleared, looking to Zeus in sad understanding. He watched the hand move and hover over the Chakram of Light, twitching lightly as it slowly descended to a hair’s breath away from the metal ring.

In a voice hoarse with strain, Xena looked to Aphrodite, "If we don’t survive, tell Marina I’m so sorry."

Xena’s voice changed slightly as Gabrielle spoke, "We have both agreed to this. It has to end here. Watch over her, please."

Xena’s hand opened and grabbed the ring and then held both Chakrams aloft. A few moments passed silently before long strings of electrical discharge ran along the new weapon, arcing through the body holding it and encircling its opposite.

The room pulsed with energy, even greater than that of those immortals who were witnessing the exchange. With shaking hands, Xena brought the two circles together. To those present, for a moment it looked as if there were two people within the Chakrams’ field. Xena and Gabrielle acted as one to bring together the ultimate good and evil in a desperate attempt to end the danger once and for all.

The two women stood, one within the other, bathed in their eternal love and awaiting the end of their lives. They were secure in the knowledge that even this evil could not separate them; that they would truly live on after their mortal bodies had given out.

Zeus motioned the other gods to step back and wait. The two Chakrams lifted from Xena’s hands, suspended in the dusty air by its own power. The two discs twisted and turned around one another in a ritual dance for domination. The weapons spun together, gathering momentum until they were just a blur.

Not a sound could be heard in this ancient place, save the whirring of the spinning circles, as attention was focused on the outcome of this sudden turn of events. Zeus kept his power at the ready in case things turned nasty, hoping that it would not be needed. These two women had surpassed his greatest expectations and it gave him great hope for the survival of humanity.


Chapter 20


A ghostly scream echoed around the walls, a high-pitched cry that pierced the thin air, making those present cringe at the intensity. A dark vapour bled from the warrior’s orifices, blending overhead into a small cloud floating silently overhead. Within the cycle of a breath, it had found its next victim, moving swiftly through the air to gain access the way it had escaped.

Everyone was focused on the spinning Chakrams and did not notice the subtle movement from one body to another, driven out and forced to seek refuge in another host. Its connection to the Chakram was now broken and it was free to roam as it wanted, picking and choosing hosts at will.


Two spirits resided in the large body of the woman holding the Chakrams, one wrapped around the other in a loving embrace, awaiting the outcome of their existence. By mutual consent, whatever befell them, they would accept… together. This was how is was and how it would be till the end of time.

They both felt at peace as they watched Xena extend her hand towards the spinning object, unafraid. Long, slender fingers closed in the blink of an eye, grabbing the circle out of thin air. Nothing happened… despite all the signs and portents. They had survived.

Xena brought the Chakram down to her eyes. It had changed. Gone were the azure gems that were liberally scattered over its surface. The new Chakram now had a bar through the middle, giving it the shape of the ancient Chinese symbol of yin and yang, Light and Dark, two halves of one whole. A little like us. They both studied it through blue eyes, thinking the same thought. How appropriate.

The gods watched in fascination as a legend was born. The two Chakrams, long separated by the mists of time, were now one and heralding a new era of human history. In the background stood Aphrodite, unwilling to participate in the destruction of her friends, a silent witness to the decree of Zeus.

She felt strange, feeling an anger she had never experienced before. It was a simmering anger that seemed to expand with every passing moment. She felt herself helpless as she directed her rage towards her father, the god who had sent her brother away without so much as a goodbye.

Xena looked over Zeus’s shoulder to the young goddess, gracing her with a smile. The joy of the moment evaporated at the look on the young immortal’s face. The ghostly glow alerted her and she barely had the chance to pull Zeus out of the way before a ball of godly fire skimmed over them.

The other deities stared in disbelief. Their younger sister attacking the King of the Gods was unthinkable.

"It’s not Aphrodite! Take cover!" Xena knew that look only too well. It had resided in her long enough for her to recognize its source. "The entity has escaped." She looked to Zeus her eyes expressing the sad news she was loathe to utter.

His heart broke. She was the baby of the family and, though sometimes a bit scatterbrained, had always been a joy to him. Destroying Xena was one thing, but destroying one of their own was another. He sighed deeply and spoke. "She must be stopped at all costs. Do what you must."

Xena’s hand came up, resting on his arm, eyes meeting in a common bond - the loss of family and friend. Xena could feel Gabrielle shudder inside, echoing her own feelings for the young goddess. There had to be a way to salvage this situation. She looked around the Temple, desperately looking for a solution to this impossible predicament.

The darkness of the building lit up with the energy balls flying around. Huge, orange flames hit the crumbling stone, setting recessed torches alight. Flickering flame cast shadows across the floor, lighting the godly battle in an eerie half-light, dotted with the glow of fiery missiles.

The Love Goddess stood unprotected, mockingly presenting herself as a target in defiance of their power. Her energy slowly depleted, each ball taking longer than its previous one to make. The entity felt a weakness it had never experienced before, its dark energy diluting in the goddess’s body. She swayed with the loss of power, waiting moments for the parasite to recharge her. The attack momentarily halted at Zeus’s order.

Xena stood up, Chakram in hand, and threw it through her long fingers, flicking the weapon at the point of release and allowing it to hit the far wall. The silence was broken by the sound of the ricocheting disc, bouncing from wall to wall, slowly moving closer to the blonde goddess and forcing her to step back.

The weapon continued to dance around her, spinning a metal web in a circle, moving in tighter and tighter until she had nowhere to move.

Arcing lightning bolts held the young goddess imprisoned. Zeus held her there, bending his will and full power to keep her still. Xena extended her hand, capturing the spinning weapon out of the air without conscious thought.

Aphrodite stood immobile within the energy field, thin tendrils of light flickering and twisting like a large net, her pale eyes watching the other gods circling around her prison. The young goddess paced around her cage, throwing a few testing fireballs but finding no weakness in the barrier.

Xena approached the lightning field and stared at her opponent, seeing an answering glow for a moment before fading back to her friend. Aphrodite swayed and staggered for a moment before gathering her equilibrium.

"Let me go! NOW!" The voice smouldered with menace, its timbre not recognisable as Aphrodite’s.

Xena didn’t answer but continued to watch the Goddess of Love. "Let me in."

Are you nuts??? Gabrielle screamed so loud her head rang. Xena gave the tall god a tiny wink and stood waiting for him to allow her to enter.

What do you think you’re doing? We just got rid of that thing.

Gabrielle, trust me on this. Please, just do it for me.

Xena, so help me, don’t make me come after you again.

Everything will be alright. I have a plan.

You and your plans.

Yeah, yeah. Argue with me later.

Taking a deep breath, she entered, feeling the energy crackle over her skin as she passed effortlessly through the electrical barrier.

Aphrodite paced around like a caged lion. "I don’t understand."

"No, I suppose you don’t."

The loss of energy was causing pain to the evil residing within the blonde. It could not understand why this was happening. No being had been able to resist it, save perhaps the human facing it now.

It had desired to use this immortal body, but now that appeared impossible. Somehow, it was poison to it and uninhabitable. Its only other choice was to return to its former host. Not ideal, not with the dual spirits inhabiting it, but not impossible either. In time, it would win. It always did.

Wisps of darkness drifted between the two bodies, moving silently into its former environment.

Gabrielle, come here into my embrace.

Not now, Xena.

Yes now, Gabrielle. Think of when we took the Chakram of Light. Look for that special moment when our love was everything. It filled our every thought and left us breathless. Do you remember?

How could she forget? It was, as Xena had said, breathtaking. It was the culmination of everything they had meant to each other, settling over them like a warm blanket of eternal love. Gabrielle could feel that sensation again, washing over her. She let herself drown in the feeling, happy to die in the arms of the one who would always be there for her.

Xena could feel those glorious feelings flow from her little blonde, letting it feed her own warmth. She curled herself around Gabrielle, letting it all combine into one large pool of pure sensation. She let the barrier down, allowing the darkness to roll in and consume them.

The entity relished the thought of feeding on two new souls, one the blackness of pitch, not prepared for the weapon there to meet it. It screeched in pain at the touch of such light, purer than its twin, and tried to withdraw. This body was now poison as well.

Xena reached out to capture the hate, the anger and the evil and bring it into her embrace, holding tightly as it vainly struggled against their strength. It had been all so easy and she had not seen it. Now this simple truth would set them all free.

The ancient evil desperately sought out Xena’s basic drives, looking for leverage to release itself, only to be met by a small blonde who blocked its path. She is mine… whispered wherever it roamed, … just as I am hers.

The darkness slowly faded, losing precious strength until it was a mere shadow of itself, replaced by the blinding light of selfless love.

The two of them had been content just to rest in each other’s arms, but the outside world was awaiting the outcome of the battle. Xena extended her senses, feeling only a gentle thrumming from the entity, now lifeless and immobile within both of them. Let’s go home…

Xena looked to Zeus and broke out into a smile. "It’s over." He was not convinced, however. "What do you want me to do? Backflips?"

Xena stepped over and helped Aphrodite up off the floor.

"Wha… What happened?"

"The evil tried to have you for lunch."

"Ewwww. This is sooo gross." She busily brushed her hands on her pants, trying to get the evil off herself in mock disgust.

"Yeah, tell me about it."

The young goddess placed her hand on the warrior’s forearm in concern. "Sorry."

"No, don’t be. I was the logical target."

Xena’s voice changed as Gabrielle spoke. She looked into those blue eyes, and spoke to her ageless smitten friend. "We’re both here, Aphrodite. It’s dead."

The Goddess of Love looked over to her father, silently pleading him to let them out. "I believe them. Gabrielle could only speak when Xena was in control."

He withdrew his power, the other gods standing in readiness at any sign of trouble. Zeus established a larger barrier around the Temple. No one was leaving until he was sure it was dead. He watched the tall warrior carefully, but a look of enquiry crossed his face. He was dying to know what had happened but was waiting patiently for Xena to tell him.

Oh, please, just tell him and get it over with!

You have no sense of adventure, Gabrielle.

Not with the King of the Gods ready to incinerate us, Xena. Play nice…

"It was love." Zeus’s eyes widened. "That’s why it couldn’t stay in Aphrodite. After all, she is the embodiment of love. When it came into me, Gabrielle and I were ready."

"I don’t understand."

"It wasn’t the Chakram of Light as such that drove it out. At the point that the light entered my body, Gabrielle and I felt something so… sooo…" Xena couldn’t find the words, but the quiet glow in her eyes and the gentle smile told Zeus everything. "I could see that in Aphrodite it was weak. She was losing strength rapidly and swaying on her feet. It was just a matter of presenting it with another option."

"That was a pretty big risk."

"Perhaps, but one worth taking." Xena removed the Chakram from her belt, looking at it for a moment before presenting it to Zeus. She had no claim to this weapon and waited for him to take it back.

"No, you keep it. This is now your legacy, Xena." He could see the quizzical look from the tall woman. "You and Gabrielle have shown great courage and sacrifice in saving the world. This is now your destiny, Defender of Mankind."

"Oh, no, no, no, no…"

"Xena, you can fight it all you like, but the Fates have foreseen this. You, your bard and your descendents are bound to the Chakram. There is a prophecy that goes with this weapon. It’s not well known and very old, but in essence it states that whosoever can unite Light and Dark will be bound to defend and protect it. For if it is lost to those not of the Defender’s blood, then the world will be plunged into chaos until the Chakram is restored to those of the rightful bloodline. So, it’s yours whether you like it or not." He couldn’t help but smile at the flustered look on the warrior’s face.

"You knew about this and you put us through all that?"

"I did not discover this news until my son had already put events into motion. I wasn’t sure if you were the ones of the prophecy. I had to make sure we could stop you if we had to. Your actions in battle should tell you this was meant to happen."

He could see the gathering storm clouds on the woman’s face and even though he was a god, he did not want to be around if she decided to try out her new weapon.

"Now, how about we help Gabrielle back into her body, eh?"

"Aphrodite? Please bring back Gabrielle’s body." The young goddess did as she was asked and seconds later the still figure of the blonde appeared, just as it had been left days before. A frown crossed that immortal brow as she studied the young girl’s body. She closed her eyes for a moment and opened them in surprise, discovering something she had not foreseen.

Zeus drew power into the air to start the process of separating the two souls and sending them spinning back to their rightful places. For a moment, there was resistance as the two were loathe to break apart, but reluctantly the spirits bowed to the greater power and returned to where they belonged.

With the wave of an imperious hand, the pale green orb of Gabrielle descended, absorbing through skin and muscle to take up residence in the young woman’s chest. Xena knelt down beside her partner, tenderly holding a hand, awaiting the arrival of her little blonde. My bard… he he. You go, Gabrielle!

Pale lashes slowly moved, revealing the pale green eyes underneath. Deep breaths slowly expanded a chest that had been still for way too long. A lost, slightly hoarse voice called out, "Xena?"

"I’m here, Gabrielle. Right where you left me." Her partner’s eyes tracked to her, softening with love. "Hey."


"Let me help you up." She gently guided her to her feet, placing a supporting arm around her as trembling legs gave little support. Gabrielle looked up into the tall woman’s face, seeing lines of exhaustion and stress embedded there. They stood together for a moment, still not believing that it was all over and they had come through it, while not unscathed, relatively intact.

Both bore the internal scars from their ordeal, touched by the darkness that would forever be with them, but tempered by the great joy and uplifting optimism the Chakram of Light had given them. Balanced, like the Chakram that Xena now wore on her hip.

Zeus approached, thoughtful, and asked, "Xena, even with Gabrielle’s help, how were you able to hold out so long against the power of the Chakram?"

A smile touched Xena’s lips before she raised her right hand. In the palm rested a flap of leather, covering her palm and fingers. In illustration, she grabbed the Chakram, showing those present that in fact the disc had not touched her skin, the leather acting as a barrier to any contact.

Zeus let out a belly laugh that echoed around the Temple, causing the other gods to look around in alarm, then confusion. No one had ever been witness to the King of the Gods in full-fledged amusement. His laughter was infectious and others joined in, perhaps from relief that the immediate danger was past more than anything else.

He finally regained his dignity and asked, "How did you know?"

"I didn’t. I just knew not to trust your son."

"Well done." He chuckled once more. "Well done, indeed." His laughter bounced off the walls as his image slowly dissipated.

Xena looked around for Gabrielle, noticing that she had been dragged off to a quiet corner by Aphrodite. She watched anxiously as her partner became agitated at something the goddess said to her, and awaited her return to find out what that was.

Xena’s emotions were in turmoil. She had come so close to losing it all - her life, her sanity, her beloved Gabrielle and her very soul. She watched the object of her affection approach. "What was that all about?" She was curious as to what the goddess had said that upset her.

"Er, nothing. I’ll tell you later when it’s quiet." Xena’s emotions went on alert. If her partner was waiting for a quiet moment, then the news was not going to be good. "Did you know it was a trap?"

"Well, knowing Ares, there would have been some price to pay for whatever he offered. I just took precautions, that’s all."

"But Xena, why all this charade?"

"Because, Gabrielle, if it wasn’t me, he would have found someone else to use for his scheme. The Chakram in anyone else’s hands would have been disastrous; it was only a matter of time. Remember, there were those other men on the island, and they would have eventually found it."

"I may not have touched it, but it still had a strong hold on me. If it weren’t for you there with me, I would have been lost. You saved me, Gabrielle, and I am eternally grateful." She placed a series of tiny kisses on the open palm. "But it was foolish what you did. If one of us had died, the other…" Xena physically shuddered at the thought of Gabrielle suffering the same fate as her, had they failed.

Gabrielle grabbed her partner’s hand, turning it over to look at the piece of leather. Somehow it looked familiar. "Oh no, you didn’t."

"Well, I had no choice, Gabrielle. It was that or cut up my own leathers."

"But the gladiator outfit, Xena. Why did it have to be that?"

"It’s alright. You might like the improvement."

"I will? Where did you take it from?"

"You’ll just have to wait and see." With that, Xena gave her a saucy wink.

Aphrodite approached the two women, her breasts now unrestrained and bouncing around in her pink diaphanous gown. "So are you two ready to go home?"

"Yeah, I think so." Xena took a moment to gather her thoughts. "Thank you. You have been a good friend." She could see the young goddess preen under the compliment.

Gabrielle reached over and pulled Aphrodite into a warm hug, Xena watching in amusement at the young goddess’s surprise before she accepted and returned the familiarity with some of her own. What a lonely life it must be to be a god, Xena mused. Surrounded only by family, with no friends or confidants. Perhaps…

"Ok, you two, off you go now." With a wave of her hand, Aphrodite sent them off in a shimmer.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *




They materialized in a bedroom. This was not the home that Xena knew. She looked around to find a fire burning brightly in the hearth, a large tub nearby filled with hot water, food and drink on a table that would last them a few days and a large, overstuffed bed in the far corner. Xena glanced over at Gabrielle, who seemed as perplexed as she was. She was about to call out, when a disembodied voice hovering overhead spoke, "Enjoy."

"What is going on here?"

"One good turn deserves another, Xena."

"Aphrodite, please…"

"Now let’s see if I got this right, ‘C’mon, I want a warm bed and you in that gladiator costume of yours… and perhaps two or three days without interruption’." Xena’s bag materialised on the bed.

"How did you know that?"

"Hey, I got my connections. I keep track of my favourite gals, Xena."

Xena could feel the blush rise up her cheeks. That particular statement came at a very vulnerable moment for both of them. And one she had been ashamed of. Gabrielle saw Xena’s head dip. She grabbed her partner’s chin and forced eye contact. "It was not your fault, do you hear me? Let it be."

"I’m so sorry. Despite everything, it was still me. I could have really hurt you."

"But you didn’t, so there must have been a kernel of you in there protecting me, even then. I am not blaming you for this, so you shouldn’t either. Let’s go forward from here."

"That’s my girl, Gabby. Now just give me a call when you’re ready to go home. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do." Aphrodite’s laughter rang around the room, fading away as the deity finally left them alone.

Xena opened her bag and found the folded leather, shaking it out to show Gabrielle the hole. She raised a suggestive eyebrow, "Shall we?"





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