Violence Warning:
This story depicts scenes of violence and their aftermath. Some violence is depicted graphically.

Domestic Violence Warning:
This story has a reference to domestic violence. It is not graphic.

There is some of that too. If this is uncomfortable for you, you might consider skipping this one.

This story depicts sexual relations between two women who are in love. If that offends you there are plenty of other stories you might want to read. If you are under 18 or it is illegal where you live, please stop and read no further.

A special thanks to Lunacy for her help with beta reading, feedback, and most importantly encouragement and patience, without which this story would've never gotten off the ground, let alone finished.

Questions and comments are welcome.

İOctober 1998

THE AGENT - Part 3

By C Paradee

Megan had finished her preliminary examination of the victim some time before and had stayed unobtrusively in the background watching Tony work. She watched her move from interview to interview, sharing comments and observations with the other task force members. She was surprised at the comfortable interaction between Tony and Brian. Both obviously respected the other. Megan realized Tony was in her element and it was reflected in every action. She seemed to be aware of everyone and everything around her. This was an entirely different woman than the one she had come to know over the past several days. Her thoughts returned to their first night in the Flats. She wondered how this same woman who seems to be aware of everything around her, moving with confidence and ease around the area, could have been caught so unawares as to have allowed someone to approach her close enough to stab her in the back. Megan decided it must have been a fluke. But it still didn't make sense.

Dawn began to light the sky and Megan decided it was time to leave. She knew Tony was tiring because of the subtle changes she noticed in her face and movements. Megan knew even though she was healing very quickly, her injury still caused her some pain. She also knew Tony would try to ignore her body's limitations.

Walking over to her, she took her arm pulling her aside. "Come on. You've done enough. The police can take it from here."

"I can't leave in the middle of..." Tony began only to be interrupted by Megan. "I'm telling you your body has had enough. Come on, we'll go tell Brian we're leaving, besides you promised," she finished softly.

Tony knew she was pushing it. Her body had been complaining for some time now. Relenting, she said, "Yeah, I did. Ok, let's go."

Later that morning Tony sat drinking her coffee, her mood very despondent. She had known, ever since she picked up her car yesterday, that she had no reason not to start looking for a place of her own. Well, actually, I can think of a ton of reasons not to look. Megan hadn't said anything about it, but she didn't want her to think she was taking advantage of her either. Tony sighed. The last thing in the world she wanted to do was leave, but it was very important to her how Megan viewed her.

Megan entered the kitchen, and noticed Tony appeared very deep in thought. Megan smiled at Tony and said, "A penny for your thoughts," the old childhood adage floating out.

Tony looked up at Megan thinking, I really don't want to do this, but what choice do I have? "I thought maybe we could look at some places today."

At those words, Megan felt her heart constrict slowly and painfully, one word running through her mind, no... Turning away from Tony, her emotions in a turmoil, and knowing she had to say something, she forced herself to think. "I should go in and do the autopsy on the victim from last night. Couldn't we look next weekend," not waiting for an answer, she left the room.

When Megan abruptly left the room, Tony suspected she had upset her and that was the last thing she wanted to do. She also knew Megan hadn't planned on doing the autopsy until Monday. They had talked about that last night. A faint glimmer of hope flared in Tony's mind, maybe she doesn't want me to leave. Tony went to see where Megan had gone.
Megan left the kitchen and went to the bathroom, knowing how close she was to losing it. She can't leave, she just can't. I won't let her. The thin veneer of control crumbled when she realized there was nothing she could do to stop her.

Tony stood indecisively at the closed bathroom door, wondering if she should knock or just leave Megan alone. Following instincts that were screaming at her to knock, she did just that. "Megan?"

Shit, shit, shit, get a grip. You can't let her see you like this. Taking in a deep tremulous breath, to steady her voice, she managed, "I'll be out in a minute." Fighting to regain control, Megan washed her face with cold water and took another few minutes to decide what to do. Then with a determination born of desperation she decided to fight for what she wanted.

Tony was pacing back and forth in the living room when Megan entered the room. One look at Megan's face confirmed her worse fears. She had upset her. But, before she could say anything, Megan spoke, "Don't you like it here?"

Tony was startled by the simple question and thought of all the things she wanted to say, but couldn't and began haltingly, "Yeah...I like it here...a lot...but I thought...you know...well I didn't want..." she trailed off not sure how to continue. The glimmer of hope in her mind shined a little brighter and she willed Megan to ask her to stay. But it had to be Megan's decision.

Megan knew that she wanted Tony to stay more than she had ever wanted anything. But, she also realized Tony had to want to stay or...refusing to take the thought any further, she asked the hardest question she had ever asked, knowing the answer could devastate her, "Do you want to leave?"

"It's not what I want..."

"Oh yes it is what you want. It is your decision." Megan paused, and then took a colossal gamble she hoped she wouldn't live to regret. "If you want to leave, fine, I'll help you find a place." She turned around to leave the room.

Tony reached Megan in two swift strides, grabbing her by the arm, "Wait...please. I'm sorry. I didn't want you to think...I just thought...I didn't want to overstay my welcome," the words tumbling out of her mouth as chaotically as her thoughts.

Megan had turned around when Tony grabbed her arm. She said softly, "You never answered my question."

Tony looked at Megan, her eyes conveying more than she intended, and said, "I don't want to leave."
"Good, because I don't want you to either. So it's settled." Megan paused, and then added, "I need to go to the store. I'll be back in a little while." Megan wanted some time alone to assuage her raw feelings.

Tony had some thinking to do herself. While she hated the idea of moving, she had never expected such a strong reaction from Megan. If she didn't know better... Tony thought about the last week. How comfortable each was with the other. Both of them trying to anticipate the others' needs. She understood her need to be near Megan, but she thought about how Megan had more and more frequently found reasons to make contact, often placing her hand on her arm as she explained something. Her thoughts continued to go over the events of the past week, and Tony made a decision. We need to talk...soon. She knew what a chance she was taking. But the possible outcome seemed worth the risk. If she was wrong, and it cost her Megan's friendship, she'd never forgive herself.

Megan left and drove aimlessly around for a while. She knew how she felt about Tony. But could she feel the same way about her? The way Tony had looked at her was more than just friendship. Or was it just wishful thinking on her part? No, her mind disagreed, it was real. But what could she do about it? Tony had given no indication she might be interested...or had she? Megan remembered how all of a sudden Tony had insisted the couch was more comfortable for her than the recliner. She thought about how near her Tony sat on the couch and the way she placed her arm along the back of it, and the light contact when she sat back. She remembered the times she had looked up and thought she saw Tony avert her gaze. What should she do about it? For now, nothing. If she was wrong, she didn't think she could survive another encounter like this morning. Maybe I'll talk to David Monday. He might have some ideas.

Megan stopped at the grocery store picking up what they needed and returned home. The rest of the day passed relatively quietly with both women enjoying each others company, but spending a lot of the time preoccupied with their own thoughts. This was a day where minds warred with hearts, logic versus emotion, decisions were made and discarded, as the battle continued to find the answer to friendship or more, risk or status quo.

Megan entered her office, and saw some mail in her in-box. Sitting at her desk, she started going through the contents, stopping suddenly at the sight of an envelope from the outside lab they used. Ripping open the envelope she scanned the contents and shuddered. No wonder the victims had never fought back. The killer had used a drug in the paralytic class, which induced total paralysis of the muscles of the body, including those used for breathing in 30-60 seconds. The bruise marks and the broken neck were obviously just a ruse to throw off the police. This particular drug was used in the operating room for quick intubation of a patient. The reason the toxicology reports were negative was because the drug is composed of two naturally occurring chemicals in the body. What made this particular choice of drug so brutal was the fact that the victim was awake and conscious as they slowly suffocated, their muscles unable to respond to the commands of their brain. Megan shuddered again. What kind of monster were they dealing with?

Megan called Tony, explaining the lab findings, leaving it to her to contact Sgt. Davies. She still had to figure out how the drug was being administered. The usual route of administration was IV or IM. She was positive there had been no needle marks on the victim she had autopsied. She also wondered where the killer was getting the drug. It certainly was not one of the usual drugs on the street, but she mused, in the black market of drugs, money will buy you anything.

Megan changed into her scrubs to autopsy the victim from the night before. At least she knew what to look for now. She just had to figure out how it was being introduced into the body.

Tony called Brian quickly filling him in on the lab findings. He decided to put his officers out on the streets rounding up informers. He gave Tony the number to reach their database so she could check for any thefts of that particular drug in the last year.

Tony didn't really expect any results. This drug was so uncommon, it was unlikely the killer, who had proven quite clever so far, would be careless enough to leave such an obvious clue.

Megan began a slow and methodical examination of the body before proceeding with the autopsy. She checked every possible location for a needle entry point. She knew one of the favorites of junkies was between the fingers and toes. This were unlikely because Megan couldn't imagine any one standing still while someone injected a needle between their fingers. Oh course, there was the unlikely scenario that the victim had agreed thinking it was crack or heroin, which was making a big come back on the streets, but there was no evidence to support that. None of the toxicology screens had shown any drugs and a regular user always had residue in their system. Finding nothing, she thought of everything she knew about the drug. If it wasn't injected, what method could the killer have used? She guessed it could be made into an aerosol. It would be just as effective. She decided to take swabs from the mouth and pay special attention to the esophagus, trachea, and lungs during the autopsy, and take samples from them as well. Megan figured it was worth a shot.

Tony checked in with Brian periodically throughout the morning, relating her lack of success and getting updates on the informers they were interrogating. Most of the questioning was being done on the streets, except for the more uncooperative ones.

Her doctor's appointment was that afternoon and she figured she'd be back at work the next day. Thank God. She hated sitting around the apartment by herself. She laughed at herself realizing it was probably the first time she had ever looked forward to a doctor's appointment.
Ending her search unsuccessfully, her mind turned again to Megan. Tony was charting new territory and she knew it. In the past her actions had been determined by whatever she hoped to accomplish in the name of the job. So when it came to those *relationships* Tony had always held a part of herself back, knowing it was just a part to be played. It wasn't that she hadn't enjoyed herself, she had. She had just emotionally distanced herself. But this was different. This was real. She decided to talk to Megan that night. Not knowing what else to do, she decided to just lay her heart on the line and let Megan do as she chose with it. If she was wrong, it wouldn't matter anyway. Nothing would.

Megan was busy the entire day and never got a chance to talk to David. As it neared 5pm she began trying to finish up so she could get home. Now that it had slowed down, Tony was very much on her mind. She was preparing to leave, when the phone rang. Frowning, she picked it up and said, "Hello."

"This is Dr. Whitehouse. I need you to stay and autopsy a case on the way in now. Jerry went out, but you're on call."

"It can't wait until morning?" Megan asked wondering why it needed to be done right now. This was a very unusual request.

"If it could wait until morning, I wouldn't be telling you it needs done now," Dr. Whitehouse answered, angered at the questioning of his decision. The victim was a relative of a friend of a friend. He had been found dead and his friend had asked him if he could rush the autopsy.

Calling Tony, she told her she probably wouldn't be home much before 8pm. Tony told her she'd order pizza for dinner.

Later, when the phone rang, Tony got up to answer it. "Hello," she said, hoping it was Megan. A strange woman's voice answered her greeting.

"Hi, is Megan there?" Ashley was surprised to hear a unfamiliar voice answering Megan's phone.

"No. Would you like to leave a message?" Tony offered.

"Yes, this is her sister, Ashley. Who's this?"

"Tony. I'm a friend of hers. She had to work late." Tony recognized the name of the caller and knew this was Megan's favorite sibling.

"Ask her to give me a call," Ashley said.

"Sure," was the simple response.
After hanging up the phone, Ashley wondered who Tony was. She hadn't heard from Megan in over a week and that was very unusual. She mused, the last time she had talked to Megan was at dinner...wait...that was when she had mentioned an FBI agent she had been quite impressed with. A woman...I wonder? Ashley decided to have lunch with Megan in the very near future. Like tomorrow.

When Megan arrived home after she and Tony ate dinner, she returned the call to her sister. "Hi. What's up?"

"You," hearing Megan laugh she said, "I haven't heard from you lately and just wondered how you're doing."

"Ok. Just been kind of busy lately. You know how it is," Megan answered vaguely.

Ashley smiled at the answer. Yes, Megan was definitely up to something. "Want to have lunch tomorrow? We could go to that little Italian place right down from your office."

"Sounds good," Megan agreed, looking forward to seeing her sister.

"All right. Is 12:30 ok?"

"Yeah. See you then," Megan answered, anxious to get off the phone. It was already 8:30pm and she hadn't had hardly any time to spend with Tony.

Walking over the couch and sitting down, she looked at Tony and asked, "What did the Doctor say?"

"He said I can go back to work," Tony answered in her usual succinct manner.

"That's all?" Megan asked, looking at her with raised eyebrows. Megan knew it couldn't be quite that simple.

"Well, he did say light duty for awhile," Tony admitted.

"That's more like it," Megan said grinning at her. "So did you turn up anything on the drug search?"

"No," replied Tony absently. Her mind was not on work. She had spent all evening trying to decide how to approach Megan.

Noticing her distraction, Megan said, "What's wrong? Do you feel ok?"

"Yeah, I feel fine. I need to talk to you about something." Tony paused nervously, once again wondering if she was doing the right thing, so much was at stake here, "Megan...I really care about you...a lot...more than a lot," clearing her throat which had suddenly become very dry, the thought ran through her mind, why don't you just tell her the truth, that you love her. "I love you," she finished expecting her whole world to come crashing down on her. She looked down at her hands, unable to meet Megan's eyes for fear of what she would see there.

As realization of what Tony was telling her sank into her mind, Megan's heart began beating erratically and realizing she had stopped breathing, she sucked in a breath. Barely able to comprehend the emotions surging through her, she tentatively placed her hand under Tony's chin urging the eyes up to meet hers. Megan focused the torrents of emotion coursing through her into her eyes and when the baby blues she had grown to love met hers, she said, "And I love you."

When Tony raised her head and her eyes met Megan's, she was caught up in the ever changing vortex of green and gold. She moved her hand to Megan's face, her thumb gently caressing her cheek and spoke, her voice husky with emotion. "How'd I ever get so lucky," she asked wonderingly, seeing the unmistakable love radiating out from the hazel orbs. She bent her head and tentatively brushed her lips across the soft, sensuous mouth she had wanted to taste for so long, ready to stop at any hesitation on Megan's part. She brought her lips down again, lingering, savoring the soft feel of the mouth beneath hers. Megan responded to the gentle kiss and time ceased to have meaning for the two women. Parting breathless, every nerve ending in her body alive, Megan looked into eyes dark with passion. Placing her hand against the back of Tony's neck, she guided her head down greeting the mouth with hers.

Hearing the phone ring, Megan's heart sank. She was on call, she had to answer it. "I have to get it," she said as she very reluctantly moved out of the warm embrace, her body protesting the loss of contact. Tony silently cursed the phone.


"Dr. Donnovan, this is Patrolman Reeves. We got a drive by. I was told to call you," said the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Where?" was the only thing Megan asked.

Megan wrote down the address, and told him she was on her way. Walking back over to Tony, she sat down next to her, and gently caressing Tony's face with her hand. "Don't go anywhere," she smiled, and said, "I'll be back."

Tony shivered at the inherent promise of those words. "Hurry," was the only thing she said, her lips seeking out Megan's for a fleeting kiss.

Megan was tired. Between the roller coaster ride of her emotions the last few days and her elation at finding out Tony's love mirrored her own, her mind was on overdrive. After getting the call, by the time she arrived, did her preliminary examination, and waited for the body to be removed it was after 11pm. Resenting the time lost with Tony, she pulled the car into her parking place, exited, and began walking quickly across the garage.

Approaching the elevator, she heard the whisper of a shoe on pavement behind her. Starting to turn, her arm was brutally twisted up behind her and a gloved hand covered her mouth. Struggling to free herself, and trying to ignore the pain in her arm, she drove her free elbow into the body behind her. Hearing a grunt when she connected, she immediately stomped her heel as hard as she could into the foot behind hers while simultaneously trying to turn into her attacker. When her heel connected, the arms holding her loosened slightly. Jerking free and allowing the momentum to carry her around, she faced her attacker. Megan felt a shiver of fear course through her when she saw the knife in his hand and a deadly dance began.

Suddenly, headlights illuminated the garage and her attacker bolted toward the exit. Megan shakily made her way to the elevator.

Tony had been watching TV waiting for Megan to return, or rather trying to watch TV, her mind refusing to concentrate on anything but a small beautiful blonde woman. Hearing the key in the lock, she began to rise looking around as Megan entered the apartment. Knowing instantly something was wrong, she covered the distance to the door in long strides, ignoring the complaints from her back at the quick movement.

Taking in the pale face and trembling body, she put her hands on Megan's shoulders and asked gently, "What wrong? " Megan looked up at Tony's worried face, and tears filled her eyes. Tony wrapped her arms around the small woman pulling her close, murmuring, "It's ok." Leading her over to the couch, Tony gently eased Megan down onto her lap, keeping her wrapped in a protective embrace while Megan fought for control. She began to speak haltingly, "There was a man in the garage..I didn't hear him..he grabbed me," she paused and took several deep steadying breaths before continuing. "I got loose...he had a knife...I was so afraid...," no longer able to stop the tears, she buried her face in Tony's shoulder.

Tony held her tightly, her voice soft and soothing, "It's ok, you're safe now," her tender actions at odds with her rolling emotions. Fighting to keep her anger at whoever had done this under control, she said, "No one can hurt you now, it's ok." Tony continued the soft cadence of soothing words until she felt Megan begin to relax.

Megan's tight, tension filled body slowly relaxed into the supportive, secure embrace, and the warm comforting voice. Some time later, after she gained control, she lifted her head from Tony's shoulder, saying, "I'm sorry...I guess I just lost it..." looking up at her with a tear streaked face.

Tony looked at Megan, and raised a hand, her thumb gently wiping away the tears, "You got nothing to be sorry for," she said huskily, her heart contracting painfully with the realization of just how much this woman meant to her. Offering the comfort of her contact, she continued to hold Megan, gently stroking her head.
Megan wrapped firmly in Tony's arms was content to stay right where she was, and overcome with exhaustion she fell asleep in the warm embrace. Tony sat quietly holding her, thinking about the attack trying to get her emotions under control. Later, her body complaining for sitting unmoving so long, she kissed Megan on the head and began waking her. Megan's eyes opened, and Tony smiled, saying, "Hey beautiful, how ‘bout going to bed?"

Megan looked up into the captivating deep blue eyes of the woman smiling at her and said, "Only if you come too."

"I intend to," Tony said quietly.

While they were getting ready for bed, the events in the parking garage came flooding over Megan. She sat down on the bed shaking. Tony moved onto the bed and wrapped her arms around Megan gently urging her down. Tony laid on her side her long arms around Megan's waist, pulling her close until Megan's back was tucked comfortably against her. She began murmuring to Megan over and over, "You're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you. It's ok," until she felt Megan once again relax into sleep. But sleep proved elusive for Tony and she never entered its realms until almost dawn.

Dwayne was furious. He had bided his time until Megan was on call. Then it was just a matter of listening to the police scanner. When he heard the homicide call go out, he had been filled with elation. He simply drove to her apartment, secreted himself in the garage and waited. He could not believe the bitch had escaped. Of all the rotten luck. He had waited so long. It was bad enough she fought like a hell cat. He sported a big ugly bruise on his foot to attest to that, but he'd have had her if that damn car hadn't pulled in. He knew he was going to have to lay low for a few days. She'd be on guard right now. Damn it anyway. He'd have to entertain himself some other way for a few days. No problem, some of his other activities had been neglected.

When Megan woke up she found herself held in place by long arms wrapped around her waist. Relishing the contact, she thought, I could get used to this. Shifting onto her back, she looked at the beautiful woman sleeping next to her, and marveled at her luck. Taking her hand she trailed it down one of the strong arms holding her. Sighing, as she noticed the early light of day advancing through the window, and gently disengaged herself, knowing she had to get ready for work. Leaning over, she kissed Tony on the cheek and left the room.

She started the coffee and went to take a shower. Walking back into the bedroom, she began rummaging quietly through the closet, looking for something to wear. She took her clothes into the other bedroom not wanting to wake Tony.

When Tony woke up the first thing she realized was Megan was gone. Noticing the rich smell of coffee brewing, she got up and walked out into the kitchen. She saw Megan looking in the refrigerator.

Not wanting to startle her, Tony cleared her throat before saying, "Morning."

Megan closed the refrigerator, and turned toward Tony. Smiling, she walked over and standing on her tiptoes brushed her lips across the tall woman's, before answering back in kind.

Looking her over carefully, Tony asked, "How ya feeling?"

"Better." Feeling a little embarrassed about her loss of control the night before, she said, " I'm sorry about last night."

Tony looked at Megan, an unreadable expression on her face and said quietly, "Don't be."

Megan was surprised by the intensity of Tony's expression. She knew she didn't have much time before she had to leave for work so sitting down at the table, she decided to tell Tony what was really bothering her about the attack the night before.

You know...I've been thinking," Megan paused, "I've had the feeling lately that someone's been watching me. I know that sounds crazy, but I've felt really uneasy a couple of times in the garage...you know how the back of your neck prickles...but when I looked, there was never anyone there. I guess what I mean is...I'm not sure this was a random...attack," Megan finished voicing the thought that filled her with fear.

Tony, who had taken the seat opposite her, listened in silence as Megan spoke. Reaching across the table for Megan's hands, she held them in hers and asked, "Why didn't you ever say anything?"

"I just thought it was my overactive imagination. Since I never saw anyone..." she trailed off.
"Have you ever felt that way any place besides the parking garage?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Can you remember anything at all about the guy that attacked you?"

Megan thought, "Well, he was about as tall as you. Kind of medium build, but he had a ski mask on so I couldn't see his face. I don't remember anything else."

"That's ok," Tony reassured her before continuing, "is anyone mad at you for anything?"

Megan looked at the concern on Tony's face and answered, "No...well except for work."

"What do you mean? What about work?" Tony asked, becoming tense.
"Well...Jerry - he's another pathologist, and Dwayne - his assistant...they don't like me much...ever since I got promoted last year. I think maybe Dwayne might even really hate me, but he would never hurt me," she answered.

"Megan, I want to take you to work and pick you up until we find out what's going on," Tony said hoping Megan wouldn't turn her down. She knew the small woman's will matched her own.

Megan was relieved at the offer and said, "Thanks, I'd like that."

After quickly showering and dressing, Tony returned to the kitchen, and quickly finished a cup of coffee. "Ya ready?" Megan nodded affirmatively, and they departed for the parking garage.


Megan studied Tony while she followed the directions she gave her. The car was like a natural extension of her as she expertly maneuvered the Buick around the other cars on the interbelt. Megan silently acknowledged that she did drive a little fast though.

"Would you mind showing me around at work and introducing me to the people you work with?" Tony asked glancing over at Megan.

"Sure," Megan asked puzzled until she realized Tony was acting on her earlier words. Tony parked the car and they entered the small nondescript building. Tony took in the surroundings carefully. She was quite anxious to meet the people Megan worked with. The idea that one of them might be responsible for the attack on her enraged Tony and she felt the familiar heat begin to rage through her blood. Megan glanced over at Tony and stopped. The woman walking beside her bore little resemblance to the woman she loved. Tony's entire essence oozed of danger, from the hardened planes of her face to the clenched chin. Her body moved with barely controlled tension. Megan involuntarily shuddered when the hooded eyes turned her way and she saw a glacial coldness she had never before witnessed.

Tony noticing the reaction she had caused in Megan, briefly let the warmth cross her countenance, and quirked a small smile. She gently squeezed Megan's shoulder reassuringly, before once again assuming the intimidating appearance.

Megan took Tony to her office first, and put her purse in the desk drawer and locked it. She then led her to the autopsy suite. David walked up, pleased to see Megan but surprised to see Tony. "Hi you guys," he said smiling until he took in the expression on Tony's face and, unnerved, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Tony motioned for Megan and David to go Megan's office. All three entered, and she closed the door. Tony explained what had happened in the garage the night before and asked David if he thought any of their co-workers could be involved.
David answered, "I'd like to think not, but I wouldn't put anything past Dwayne. The looks he gives Megan when she isn't looking are so full of hatred it's actually scary." Turning to Megan, he asked, "Are you ok?"

Megan looked up surprised at the revelation from David. Nodding her head to him. She remembered the one time she had seen the look of pure hatred Dwayne had given her. But she'd thought that was just an isolated incident. Thinking about it she shuddered.

Tony didn't miss Megan's reaction. Walking over to her, she put her hand gently on her shoulder and asked, "Have you ever noticed this?" Megan looked up and her and said, "Yeah, once."

"Thanks David," Tony said, pausing and then adding, "I think it's time I met Dwayne."

Dwayne hadn't seen Megan and Tony come in. He had been in the supply room. Tony simply leaned against the wall in a corner of the suite to observe, as David and Megan began to plan their work. Not noticing Tony, Dwayne glared at Megan. He still couldn't believe the bitch had gotten away. Before he had a chance to turn back to his work, a tall, very angry, barely controlled woman was standing in front of him. He was unnerved by the cold look of fury on her face. "You gotta a problem with the Doc?" she growled. Realizing this was the FBI woman he had stabbed, and fleetingly wondering how she could be up and around already, he said, "Fuck you. It's none of your business." Dwayne remembered how easily he had gotten the best of this woman once before. When she didn't respond, he said, "Now get out of my face bitch," his courage intensifying by her inactivity.

Tony was simply trying the to control the urge to break this lowlife piece of shit into a thousand pieces. She was also aware of her new limitations due to her back wound. Finally, gaining some semblance of control, she grabbed his scrub top and pulled him to within inches of her face. "If I ever hear of you giving her a hard time, I'll break every bone in your body, and it won't be under the auspices of the FBI. It'll just be you and me. Got it," she growled ominously pushing him away from her. For the first time in his life, Dwayne's face paled as he felt the sharp pang of fear in his belly, and realized she meant every word she said. Tony knew her message had been received and turning away from him, she headed over to where Megan and David were standing.

Watching the incident, David whispered to Megan, "Remind me never to get on her bad side." Megan whispered back, "Tell me about it."

Both were unaware Tony's keen ears had picked up the whispered comments, and she made a mental note to talk to Megan later. "Could I talk to you in the office for a minute?" Megan answered, "Sure," wondering what Tony wanted.

Entering the office, Tony turned around and pushed the button, engaging the door lock. Walking over to Megan, she bent her head down and very softly kissed the smaller woman. It was a light, fleeting, quick kiss but it conveyed a depth of feeling that was both an affirmation and a promise. Megan gave her a hug and as Tony turned to leave, she said, "If he gives you any trouble at all, call me."

Tony arrived at the station and went looking for Brian. Filling him in on the attack against Megan, she also voiced some of her concerns. She thought it rather unusual to have two knife attacks within just over a week, even though they were in different parts of town. Guns were the weapon of choice on the streets and two attacks, with assailants of a similar build was a little too much of a coincidence in Tony's mind.

"I hear ya. I'll check it out," Brian answered, before asking, "How's your back?"

"Not bad," Tony answered. "Anything turn up with the informants?"

"No. Seems to be a dead end, but we'll keep trying. There's not much else to go on. We've got all the interview files in the conference room if ya wanna check ‘em out."

"Ok," Tony replied, turning to make her way across the squad room. Entering the room, she picked up the phone and called Mike Braxton. "Mike, it's Tony," she said.

"Where in the hell have you been? No one has seen you or heard from you in a week. Did you ever think about calling in?" he ranted angrily.

Tony listened rolling her eyes at the tirade. "Seems to me, if I remember right, that you told me to keep you informed of any developments," she said, unable to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.

"There was a new victim Saturday," Mike said, "wouldn't you consider that a development?"

"I am calling you now to give you an update. Besides, I figured you could read that in the paper. There have been no developments in the progress of the case. In other words, there is still literally no evidence linking the perpetrator to the victim," Tony explained patiently. "But if you want me to call you if the killer strikes again, I'll be most happy to oblige. I'm sure you won't mind being called in the middle of the night, right?" Tony finished, smirking to herself.

"I don't think that will be necessary," Mike backed down, "just keep me informed if anything does come up."

"Will do," Tony answered before hanging up the phone. Turning to look at the wall where the crime scene photos were posted she compared the photos of the newest victim to the other photos looking for any differences. All of a sudden Tony felt like she'd been punched in the chest. What had eluded her about the pictures on her first day on the job just about staggered her now. All the victims bore a strong resemblance to Megan.
Could the attack be related? No, it didn't make sense. The victims had no marks on them except for bruising around the neck. No knife had been used. But could the killer have used a knife to force the victims to do what he wanted? Tony shook her head frustrated. Too many questions. Not enough answers. Tony now had a very personal stake in this case. Picking up the files containing the interviews with the informants, she began to read.

Once Megan and David finished up their cases, it was close to lunch time and Megan remembered she had a date with her sister. Getting her purse out of the drawer, she turned to David and said, "I'm going to lunch with my sister. I may be gone a little longer than usual. Could you keep an eye on things here." The unspoken question of course, was would he cover for her if it was necessary.

David smiled over at her and said, "Of course."

Megan arrived at the restaurant and greeted her sister. Once they sat down and ordered, Ashley asked, "So what have you been up to?"

Megan quickly related the events of the night before. She found she was able to think about it a little more objectively today, and left off the part about how, in her mind, she lost it afterwards.

Ashley was very upset, "Are you ok? I mean, really ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was pretty scary though."

"Pretty scary? I'd have been terrified. Do you want to stay with us for a while. You know we've got room and we'd love to have you."

"No," Megan paused, trying to decide how much to tell her sister. "I've got someone staying with me. I'll be fine."

"Is it the woman who answered the phone when I called...Tony?"

"Yeah," Megan smiled at her sister. "She's really fantastic. I think you'd like her."

Ashley looked at her sister and thought, uh huh. "Is this that FBI agent you told me about?"

"Yeah," Megan couldn't stop the smile that overtook her face just thinking about Tony.

Ashley looked at Megan and decided she was going to have to do some pumping here. Her sister was not offering much information. "You really like her don't you?"

Megan looked at her sister. She was her friend and confident, both when they were children and now as adults. Taking a deep breath, and hoping her sister would understand, she looked straight into Ashley's eyes and said, "I love her."

Even though Ashley had suspected as much, she was surprised at the intensity of Megan's revelation. Reaching over the table, and taking her sister's hand, she replied, "That's wonderful. I'm so glad you found someone. I'm really happy for you."

Once again, Megan's face lit up with a beautiful smile, "Thanks. That means a lot to me."

Ashley and Megan finished their lunch, the conversation dominated by Megan telling her sister all about her wonderful new love.

"I'd really like to meet her. Do you think you could arrange that?" Ashley teased when they were getting ready to leave.

Slapping her sister playfully on the arm, Megan said, "Of course. Let me know next time you have any free time. It's your schedule we'll have to work around, you know."

Ashley, deciding to make sure that was real soon, said, "I'll let you know," and looking at Megan, she continued, "you be careful."

"I will. See ya later."

When Megan returned to her office, David was lounging in the guest chair. "So, what's your sister up to?"

"Oh, you know, same oh," Megan responded.

David hadn't really had a chance to talk to Megan and he was very concerned about the attack on her. "Are you sure you're all right?" David asked, his face etched with worry.

"I'm ok, really," Megan answered smiling at her friend. "Besides Tony's going to be escorting me back and forth to work for awhile."

Taking in the dreamy look on her face, he said, "She's pretty special, isn't she?"

"She's more than special. She's...," Megan paused hunting for words that could describe Tony and coming up blank. "I love her," she said instead, surprised at how the words just popped out of her mouth.

David was around the desk in an instant. Putting his arms around Megan he hugged her. "That's great. I knew it, I just knew it."

Megan looked at him surprised. "What do you mean, you knew it?"
David started chuckling, as he said, "If it wasn't for the fact that you give it away every time you talk about her, there was dinner Friday night." At the questioning look on Megan's face, he continued, "Every time you mention her name your whole face lights up Megan. I watched you both at dinner Friday night and it was pretty obvious, no matter how hard you both tried to hide it. Does she know?"

"Oh yeah." Megan knew that silly grin was on her face again. She just couldn't stop it. "But I really didn't think it was that obvious," she said, a little embarrassed that she could be read so easily.

"I'm your friend, remember. I make it a point to notice things," David said letting Megan out of the bear hug he had wrapped her in. "I'm soooo happy for you," he said, grinning at her.

Megan smiled back and said, "Thanks."

Tony arrived about 15 minutes before Megan's quitting time. Parking the car, she walked to the door and entered. Going to Megan's office, she stopped in the doorway when she saw David and Megan chatting. "I'm a little early. I can wait outside."

David and Megan both got up, each taking one of Tony's arms and leading her further into the office. Tony was so shocked, she allowed herself to be led into the office, before getting her voice back. She asked, "What's going on?" one eyebrow raised so high it was lost under the cover of her bangs.

David closed the door, turned around, wrapped his arms around Tony and gave her a big hug. "I'm glad you two figured it out," he said, releasing a very stunned Tony before she had a chance to protest. "See you two later," he said, leaving the office grinning.

"What was that all about?" Tony asked, still surprised by the show of affection from David.

"Oh, he's just happy for us." Megan smiles, reaching up giving Tony a quick kiss. Even though the contact had been brief, Tony felt a warmth spread throughout her body. Looking down at Megan, she asked, "You ready?"

"Yeah, let’s go," she answered, anxious to leave work and spend time with Tony.

On the drive home, Tony suggested, "Want to stop and get something to eat?" Seeing the affirmative nod from Megan, she continued, "What sounds good?"

"How about Diana's?" Megan said, smiling over at her and placing her hand on Tony's thigh. Covering Megan's hand with her own, she said, "Ok, lead on." They rode along in comfortable silence, broken occasionally by directions being given.

When they finished dinner, Tony asked, "Ready to go home?" Realizing instantaneously that the word had taken on a new meaning for her. She had a home to go to. A real home. A home with Megan.

Megan took in the surprised look on Tony's face and watched her eyes turned inward. Wondering what was going through her mind, she asked, "What are you thinking?"

Tony looked at Megan and smiled, "It's just that I...," wondering how to explain. It was such a simple word. But for Tony it was so much more. "It's been a long time since I've had a place to call home." Noticing Megan's puzzled look, she continued, "Before I came here, I always worked undercover. I was never in one place long enough to really have a home," she finished, shrugging her shoulders.

Megan captured the blue eyes with her own, and with deep conviction said, "You do now." A smile lit up Tony's face.

Tony flipped through the channels on the radio, looking for something she knew. Unwittingly stopping on Cleveland's most popular station, and recognizing an oldie, her voice smoothly joined the country music diva's in her rendition of ‘The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia.'

Megan felt her mouth fall open. She wasn't sure what surprised her more. Tony's captivating voice or the fact that she was belting out a *country* song in perfect harmony with the artist.

When the song ended, Tony felt Megan's eyes on her and, quirking a smile, said, "What?"

"That was beautiful Tony, but I just never figured you for country."
Grinning at Megan, she said, "My assignments have exposed me to all kinds of music." Indicating the console, she said, "Take a look." Inside the console, Megan found a variety of soft rock, jazz, classical, easy listening, country and a few she didn't recognize. "I see what you mean."

Arriving home, both women changed into something more comfortable and joined each other in the living room. Turning on the TV to watch the news had developed into a routine for them over the short time they had lived together. That didn't change today. Tony put her arm around Megan urging her closer. Megan complied and captured Tony's mouth with her own for a kiss which quickly lengthened and the news soon ceased to have any importance.

Megan stood up and reached down for Tony's hand urging her up. Walking in front of her leading her to the bedroom, Megan turned to face her once they entered the room. Placing her hands on Tony's face, looking into her eyes, she said, "Kiss me Tony."

Tony desire spiraled with Megan's words. Placing her hands behind Megan's head, she lowered her lips to meet the warm moist mouth. The gentle meeting of lips became more urgent, and the kiss deepened. Tony raised her head, and looking at Megan said, "I want you so much," pulling her into a hug.

Megan relaxed against her relishing the sensations coursing through her body. Taking one of her hands, she lightly ran the back of her fingers over Tony's breast. Feeling her shiver, Megan said, her voice deep with desire, "These clothes gotta go." Tony kissed the top of her head saying, "Yeah," reluctant to release her hold on the gorgeous woman who fit so comfortably against her.

Megan pulled Tony's head down and met her lips while lightly caressing one of Tony's breasts through the thin shirt. Tony moved her hands down Megan's back, cupping her buttocks pulling her closer. Their kiss deepened and became an exploration. Tongue meeting tongue, thrusting, vying, and urgent.

Ending the kiss breathless, Tony began unbuttoning her shirt but was stopped by Megan's hand on top of her's. "No, let me," Megan said in a quiet but commanding voice. Tony felt a jolt to her core at Megan's words. Dropping her hands, she watched Megan begin unbuttoning her shirt.

Slowing unbuttoning her partner's shirt, Megan looked up at Tony and ran her tongue over her top lip. Tony shuddered and wondered how long she was going to be able to stand there before her knees gave out. Pulling the now unbuttoned shirt open, she eased it over Tony's shoulders letting it fall to the floor. Reaching her arms around behind Tony she unhooked her bra, pulling it forward over Tony's arms and letting it fall. Megan sucked in her breath at the sight of the firm full breasts. She was unable to resist running her tongue lightly over the erect nipples.

Tony moaned at the attention from Megan. Raising her arms to pull Megan into an embrace, Megan danced out of her way and said, "Wait...I'm not done.. You do want me to undress you don't you?" while running a finger lightly on the inside of the waistband of Tony's pants.

Tony's breath quickened and she shivered. "Yes, please...hurry." Megan unbuttoned Tony's pants, pulling them down along with her underwear, letting Tony step out of them. Looking at the naked woman standing before her, Megan said, "You are so beautiful." Running her fingertips lightly down Tony's abdomen, she grazed the dark curls with her hand, her breath quickening with desire for the woman standing before her.

Tony took a deep breath trying to steady herself. Looking into Megan's eyes, she purred seductively, "It's my turn, woman." Megan thought she'd melt at the sound of Tony's sexy voice.

Taking hold of the bottom of Megan's top, she pulled it up over Megan's arms and head. Leaning down she placed a warm moist kiss between Megan's breasts as her hands reached around to unfasten her bra. Drawing it forward, she let it fall to the floor. Placing her hands on the breasts in front of her, she gently needed them lightly rolling the nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Megan gasped at the sensations flowing through her. "Please..."
Tony saw the passion in Megan's eyes matched her own and she dropped her hands to Megan's shorts quickly removing them with her underwear. When Megan stepped out of them, Tony appreciatively took in the sight before her, lowering her gaze from Megan's face to the full breasts, down to the light curly hair, and the wonderfully shaped firm legs. She husked, "I want to make love to you Megan."

Megan leaned against Tony, unable to support her own weight anymore. "Yes..now..please." Tony made her way to the bed, never letting go of Megan, pulling her down with her. Positioning herself over Megan, she moved between her legs, before lowing herself against Megan. Feeling Megan's wetness against her excited her even more and Tony knew she was close to the edge. She began placing soft wet kisses along Megan's face and neck. Taking Megan's earlobe into her mouth, she nibbled on it her warm breath sending shivers down Megan's back.

Megan hands caressed Tony's breasts, gently rolling the nipples between her thumbs and fingers. She captured Tony's mouth with her own in a passion filled kiss. Separating, she murmured, "Take me Tony...now."

The words were an aphrodisiac to Tony and she repositioned herself, straddling Megan's leg with her own. Megan felt Tony's wet center against her and knew her desire matched her own. Kissing her way down Megan's body, Tony stopped at a breast her tongue lightly circling the erect nipple, while drawing a finger between the warm wet opening below. Megan gasped at the sensation, and felt herself close to release when Tony looked at her and sucked her essence off of the wet finger. Megan moaned, "I want you in me." Tony slowly placed two fingers into Megan her movements matching the rhythm that Megan set. Her mouth administered to Megan's other breast while her fingers moved rhythmically. As the thrusting became more urgent, Tony found herself nearing the edge from the movement of Megan's leg against her center. With her thumb she began lightly stroking Megan's swollen nub. Feeling Megan near release, she quickened her pace until she felt the waves of release overtake Megan, her own following at the sound of Megan crying out her name.

Tony woke to the soft light of day entering the bedroom. Looking at the woman sprawled across her almost took her breath away. She is so beautiful...how did I ever get so lucky? She smiled as the memories of the past night filtered through her mind. For the first time in her adult life, she was happy. And it was all because of this wonderful small woman who had given her the gift of love.

Knowing they both had to go to work, she began softly calling Megan's name running her hand through her hair. When she didn't respond, Tony decided to try another tactic. She began ticking the smaller woman. Megan woke very quickly and decided to return the favor. Ending their play, both left the confines of the bed, deciding they had better take showers separately or they'd never get to work.
Megan went to take a shower and Tony made her way to the kitchen to start the coffee. Looking at the clock, she saw it was already 8am. Well, that still left an hour before Megan was due in. Tony's hours were whatever she chose. Deciding she was hungry, she opened the refrigerator. Grabbing some juice and a couple of bananas, she made short work of them. Hearing the bathroom door open, she made her way down the hall.

Megan stepped out into the hall after donning a robe, and felt her breath catch in her throat as her new lover padded down the hall naked. Even though she appreciated the sight, she did have to go to work. "Uh Tony," she began.


"Do you have to go wandering around the house naked?" unable to take her eyes off the tall, muscular woman moving so gracefully toward her.

"Sorry," she said, lowering her head and giving Megan a quick kiss. She was unable to stop a teasing comment, "Naked's not good?"

Complaining, "You are so bad," Megan had trouble maintaining a serious expression.
"Laughing, Tony said, "I gotta take a shower, we're running behind."

Tony smiled when her keen ears picked up Megan muttered comment, "I wonder why?"

After parking the car, Tony walked Megan to her office. She looked around for Dwayne, but didn't see him. "Did Dwayne cause you any problems yesterday?"

"No. I don't even think I saw him after you left." Megan had noticed a subtle change come over Tony when they exited the car, but it was nothing like what she had witnessed yesterday.

After Tony left, Megan went to join David in the autopsy suite and they started on the cases for the day. Neither saw Dwayne when he entered the room, or the look of pure rage directed at Megan.

Dwayne was furious. He still couldn't believe that bitch he had stabbed, had had the nerve to face him down. No woman does that to him and gets away with it. He'd take care of her, but first he'd see to Megan. Dwayne had forgotten about how intimidated he'd been by Tony.

"Hey Brian, anything turn up?" Tony asked figuring he'd know what she meant.

"Well that depends. If you're talking about the Shadow case, no. If you're talking about assaults with a knife, yes," Brian responded.

Tony's whole demeanor subtly changed. "Well?"she asked with a raised eyebrow.
Brian knew she wasn't going to like what he had to say, but she needed to know. "Since I'm in homicide and the leader of this task force, I haven't been able to keep abreast of what's going on elsewhere in the city." Seeing Tony's impatient look, he continued, "Seems there's a rapist operating on the near west side. A knife seems to be his weapon of choice. However, he hasn't actually stabbed anyone, so it may be entirely unrelated."

Brian was not really surprised to see no visible reaction. She had to be the most controlled person he had ever met. Tony's mind was actually racing ahead. While the chance of either her or Megan's attack being related to each other were slim, she could not ignore the possibility either. She knew her attack could not have been related to a rapist. Rapists did not slash and run, but Megan's attack had been different. Coincidences tended to bother Tony, and she still felt there were too many similarities in the two attacks. There really wasn't much she could do about it though.

"What's on the agenda today?" she asked, quickly shifting gears.

"We got a few more informants to interview. The guys are out rounding them up now. Want to sit in on the interviews?"

Giving Brian an appreciative grin, Tony knew she'd finally made the inner team. She preferred to work alone, but this was the locals' case and trust was important. The stakes had become too high.

Megan had finished her cases and was in her office doing the preliminary reports. She was hoping to get something from the lab today, but figured it would be at least tomorrow before they had a chance to process the samples. She looked up as someone rapped lightly on the door frame. Looking up, she saw Mark standing there. "Hi."

"Hi. I just thought I'd stop by and see if you have anything you could release on the latest victim. The news has been kind of slow lately."

"No. I still can't release any information on the latest victim. The police might be able to tell you more than I can," Megan said, smiling at Mark.

"I don't suppose you'd want to go to lunch?" Mark asked hopefully, continuing, "I stopped by yesterday, but you were already at lunch."

"I think I'll pass this time. Maybe some other time." Megan had began to feel quite comfortable with her life, and she didn't feel the need to be bothered with things she really didn't want to do.

"Ok, see ya later."

As the fax machine came to life, Megan walked over to see what was being transmitted. Noticing the familiar Lab's letterhead, her mind began racing with anticipation. She pulled the paper from the tray. Yes...the drug had been ingested orally. They were obviously dealing with someone who had a good knowledge of drugs.

Brian smiled to himself and shook his head. Since Tony had begun assisting with the interviewing, things were moving along very quickly. She simply intimidated the hell out of whoever they were interviewing and the punks quickly spilled their guts about anything and everything just to get out of the same room with her. While they had no further leads on the Shadow case, they now had tips on 1 armed robbery, 2 new drug dealers, and 4 convenience store robberies. The woman was amazing.

Tony walked into the autopsy suite and looked around. She had already gone to Megan's office, but she wasn't there. Seeing David, she walked over to him, "Hi. Know where Megan's at?" she asked. David looked at Tony and smiled, "Yes. She got summoned to our fearless leader's office. She should be back soon. She's been gone for a half hour already."

"David, has Dwayne been a problem?"

"Not that I've noticed. He mostly seems to avoid us both, which is fine with me. I really don't like the guy," David said.

"I know exactly what you mean," Tony said. Seeing Megan enter the room, Tony's smile quickly disappeared when she saw the expression on her partner's face. "What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you on the way home. I need to get out of here," Megan said in a very controlled voice. "David, I'll see you tomorrow," as she turned and walked out with Tony, her tense body belying her calm voice.

Tony pulled out into traffic, and then asked, the concern evident in her voice, "What's the matter?"

"He is such a jerk. I can't believe it," Megan said, trying to control her anger. "Would you believe he wants to go public with the results of the GCMS test. That'll tip our hand. We can't let that get out yet. All he's worried about is his public image. After all HIS office discovered it. Look how good that would sound in the newspapers." Megan paused, still angry. "He is such an arrogant, egotistical, condescending..."

"Bastard," Tony filled in for her when she ran out of words. "I'll talk to him. I'm quite sure I can convince him that wouldn't be a good idea," Tony reassured Megan. Inwardly, she was angry. Who did this idiot think he was anyway? He dumps the case on Megan and then when she discovers the method of death, he wants to go to the papers without regard to their case simply to bask in the glory. I'm going to enjoy explaining some things to him. "I'll talk to him tomorrow, ok?"

"He can be really stubborn. I don't know if he'll listen," Megan said looking over at Tony. Her partner smiled grimly, "Don't worry, he'll listen." After seeing the look on Tony's face, Megan believed her.

They decided to stop at Bally's on the way home. "Now remember, don't overdo it," Megan cautioned. Tony rolled her eyes, "I'm fine, really."

They both moved to the stationary bikes and began to warm up. "How often have you been coming here?" Tony asked. "Used to be 3 or 4 times a week." Grinning over at her companion, she added, "I've been a little negligent lately. Can't imagine why."

Tony smirked over at her and said, "Oh, really. Guess I'll have to work on that then." As they slowly increased their speed, Tony couldn't keep her eyes off Megan. Watching the supple muscles rippling in her partner's legs and thighs and her fair face flushed with exertion, Tony slowed down, distracted.

"Tony...you're staring," Megan teased, not minding the attention at all. Tony just grinned and winked at her. God, I love when she does that. She is so sexy. Pay attention Megan. You're supposed to be working out. Yeah right like I could really pay attention with her sitting over there grinning at me and those long perfect legs and...

"Uh Megan...come back," Tony smirked at her. Megan colored slightly, when she realized she was doing the same thing she teased Tony about. "Let's go do the machines. I'm warmed up enough." More than enough, actually.

They took turns on the machines, and Tony was pleased to find out that even though her back placed some limitations on her, overall her body was quite well tuned considering the events of the last week. If she pushed it, she should be back to full form very soon. Finishing the leg weight lifts, Tony said, "Want to go do a few laps before we leave?" Megan nodded.

Megan set a leisurely pace enjoying the workout. After several laps, Tony picked up the pace. "This isn't too fast, is it?"

"No. But I think I've tormented my body enough. What about you?" Megan answered knowing her partner was pushing things just a little.

"What ever you want to do," answered Tony, not willing to admit that she'd had enough. Megan smiled to herself. She was finding it easier to read subtle changes in her partner and knew Tony's ego would never allow her to admit what she considered a weakness, so she said, "Ok, lets go."

"I get the shower first," Megan said when they entered the apartment. Tony watched her walk toward the bathroom. Grinning wolfishly, she thought, I think not. She quickly but quietly closed the distance between them and walked in the bathroom right behind the smaller woman. Tony placed her arms around her whispering in her ear, "Sure ya don't want some company?" and started nibbling on Megan's ear. Megan started at the sudden contact, before quickly relaxing against Tony and said, "I think I could be convinced." Tony began placing soft moist kisses along her neck, and moved her hands up under Megan's tank top, lightly caressing the soft skin. Megan felt like all her nerve endings had come alive. Still leaning against Tony, she said, "If you don't stop, we'll never get a shower." Tony smiled, moving her hands to Megan's waist, letting her gain her balance. Her mouth moved to Megan's ear, and her voice dropped seductively, "are ya convinced yet?" Megan turned around and answered her with a kiss.


Dwayne knew he needed to calm down. He was finding it harder and harder to control his rage. Everything was going wrong. He had not been able to uncover even one clue as to his wife's whereabouts. And Megan, the bitch, had been riding back and forth to work with that crazy FBI agent. He had stayed away from her at work, not because he was afraid of the tall woman, but to cause any attention on him to abate. He left the house deciding to take out his frustration in other ways.

Tony walked with Megan to her office and then asked her where Dr. Whitehouse's office was. Megan directed her, knowing it was better if she did not go with her. Tony walked along the short hallway turning left at the end. Seeing the office, she walked in and told the secretary she was there to see Dr. Whitehouse.

"Do you have an appointment?"

Tony pulled out her FBI identification and said, "I really don't think I need one. This will only take a few minutes." The secretary turned away and entered Dr. Whitehouse's office.

After a couple of minutes, she returned and said, "He can't see you right now. He suggested you make an appointment. He has an opening for next Friday, a week from tomorrow, at 10am."

Tony waited until the secretary sat down, then walked past her to the doctor's office. Ignoring the flustered woman who was insisting she couldn't go in there, Tony did just that. Stalking over to the desk, she stopped in front of it and growled, "I need to talk to you now," folding her arms and glaring at him.

"You have no jurisdiction here and I am asking you to leave. When you have properly scheduled an appointment, I'll be happy to see you," replied Dr. Whitehouse, who was very intimidated, but being an elected official, figured he was the one in charge here.

Tony thought quickly. She knew he was within his rights to ask her to leave. She also knew she had a message she had to get across. "Fine, I'll set up an appointment. But don't be surprised when you see the article in the paper tomorrow about how the most junior pathologist on your staff discovered the method the Shadow killer is using on the first victim she autopsied. Since that happened to be the third victim..." she left the sentence hanging, knowing he would understand her point.

"You can't threaten me," he retorted.

"I'm not. It's a matter of public record that you did the first two autopsies."

"What do you want?" he said, knowing he had underestimated this woman.

"I don't want the discovery of the drug to be released yet. That will damage our case more than help it at this point."

"I've already scheduled a press conference for tomorrow."

"Well, I guess you'll just have to cancel it, or...find something else to talk about," Tony advised him.

Dr. Whitehouse knew he was beaten. If he went ahead with the press conference, he had no doubt the FBI agent would release a contradictory statement, and her story would be backed up by facts. That could prove to be very embarrassing. "Ok, I see your point. I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt the case," he lied.

Tony smiled to herself, and said, "Thanks for your cooperation," before leaving the office. She stopped by to see Megan and told her there would be no press release.

Continued...Part 4 (Conclusion)

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