The Right Thing

By SX Meagher

Part 7

The next morning, Hennessey woke up to a pair of cold feet pressing against her shins. Blinking slowly, she rolled onto her other side, and drew Townsend’s arm around her waist. "Nice," she murmured. "Feels good."

A warm face pressed against the back of her neck, and Townsend placed a kiss there. "Go to sleep, baby. It’s still early."

"Hug me tight," Hennessey murmured. "Don’t let go."

"I won’t. I promise I won’t," Townsend said, placing another kiss on her neck. "I’ll always hold you close."

* * *

The sunlight was streaming in the window when Hennessey woke again, and as she turned her head, she was greeted by Townsend – smiling warmly at her. "Hi. I thought you were gonna sleep all day, but I didn’t mind a bit. It’s so nice holding you this way that I wouldn’t care if we never got up."

"Oh, sure you would," Hennessey said, bounding out of bed. "Be right back." She made a mad dash for the bathroom, leaving a smiling Townsend to lie back down after rolling over to feel the warmth of the recently vacated spot. Expecting her partner to come back to bed for a more leisurely wake up, Townsend’s eyes narrowed when she heard the shower start. A few minutes later, Hennessey came out, rubbing her wet hair with a towel. "Shower felt great. You can use it now, if you want."

"I thought you might like to cuddle a little more," Townsend said, pouting.

"No. Once I’m awake, I’m ready to go. Besides, I have a lot of things on my agenda for today. It’s time to get rolling." She went to her small dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans and a bright red, fleece top. "Do you want to get in the shower, or can I have the bathroom again?"

"I’ll go," Townsend said, realizing that she wasn’t going to get her way.

* * *

Over breakfast, Hennessey gazed at her partner with a neutral smile and asked, "How are you going to go about finding a new sponsor?"

Shrugging, Townsend said, "I don’t really know. Sharon suggested somebody, but I don’t like him."


Giving her a perturbed look, Townsend said, "I’m new to this stuff, ya know. I thought your sponsor was supposed to be reliable!"

Hennessey reached across the table and lightly gripped the blonde’s hand. "Sponsors are struggling with the same disease that you are, Townsend. They’re human, too."

The younger woman dropped her head into her hands and rubbed her face roughly. "I know that," she said, her voice sounding old and tired. "But I depended on Sharon. She let me down." Not saying a word, Hennessey gazed at her partner until Townsend’s head lifted. "I … let you down, too," Townsend said, her voice beginning to shake. "God damn me, Hennessey, I was so sure I could do this."

"You can and you will," Hennessey said. "But you’ve got to get comfortable with the fact that it’s not ever a smooth road."

"But what do I do?"

"You find a new sponsor – as soon as possible. Then, you start all over again. You go back to step one and start fresh."

Townsend’s lower lip started to tremble, and she sniffed, "I have to give my chips back, don’t I?"

With a gentle smile, Hennessey nodded. "You’ll have to earn them again, baby."

"They mean so much to me," Townsend said, beginning to sob. "I keep my six-month chip in my pocket and rub it when I feel tempted."

"I’m so sorry, Townsend. You have no idea how sorry I am that you had a slip."

"I didn’t have a slip. I had a crash."

"No, you didn’t," Hennessey said with conviction. "You can get up and start over. Nothing is broken; there’s no lasting harm. It was a slip."

Townsend wiped at her eyes and said, "Can we get out of here? People are staring at me."

"Sure. I’ll pay the check. You wait outside."

A few moments later, Hennessey took Townsend’s hand and said, "How are you planning on getting back to school on Sunday?"

"I have a late night flight. Why?"

"’Cause I don’t think we should wait until then. I think we should go today."

"Huh? Why?"

"’Cause you need to find a new sponsor, and it would be great if you could get that taken care of before school starts on Monday. I think we should spend the weekend trying to get you settled."

"But my school’s closed for break," Townsend said.

"Uh-huh. Like that would stop you if this were something you wanted to do," Hennessey said, giving her a wry smile. "You can buy us a hotel room."

"Damn, I know you’re serious when you let me pay for things," Townsend muttered.

"I’ve told you before, Townsend, I’ll never joke about your sobriety."

* * *

Even though the younger woman insisted that it wasn’t necessary, Hennessey urged her to call her mother and tell her of her change of plans. They agreed that Hennessey would drop Townsend off, and that Miranda would have someone come get the car when Hennessey returned to Cambridge.

Driving up the turnpike, Hennessey said, "Well, we’ve got a long drive ahead of us. How do you want to pass the time? I know," she said before Townsend could begin to answer, "let’s talk about what was going on in your head that made you want to drink."

"That sounds like fun," Townsend grumbled. "Are you always this lively on car trips?"

"Yep. Just my natural charm. Now, I know this is hard for you, but we haven’t really talked about it. It might help to get it off your chest."

"All right." Townsend curled up in the large, leather seat, tucking her feet under her body. Reclining her seatback, she faced her friend and stared at the side of her face for a long time. "I think better when I’m looking at something pretty," she explained when Hennessey gave her a puzzled look.

"Good answer," the brunette said.

Townsend fidgeted in her chair, then reclined it significantly. Contorting her body into a series of interesting positions, she finally sighed and said, "I don’t know if you’re the right person to talk to about this."

Hennessey gave her a puzzled look and said, "It’s all right if you don’t want to talk about it now, but you should talk about it with someone. Soon."

"I know, I know. I … uhm … think I need to talk to someone who isn’t so involved … ya know?"

"Of course I do," Hennessey said. "That’s why I want to make sure you have a sponsor. You need someone to talk to, honey."

"I get that; I really do. But … there’s something that’s been bothering me, Hennessey, and as much as I don’t want to talk about it, I think I have to."

"Go for it," Hennessey said. "I’m ready."

"You might be, but I’m not," Townsend grumbled.

"Come on, babe; if something’s bothering you, I want to know about it."

Townsend was staring at the ceiling, but she reached out and touched Hennessey’s shoulder. "Okay. Here goes. I’m feeling like shit because of the way I treated you the other night."

"The other night?"

"Yeah … when we almost … you know."

Hennessey turned her head and gave her partner a smile. "We’ll get there, honey. You showed the other night that you understand that it’s important to wait until we’re both ready."

"I did not," Townsend’s quiet voice muttered.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I didn’t stop because I understand that it’s important to wait. I stopped because I … felt that I’d tricked you into going as far as we did."

"Tricked me? Townsend, what in the hell are you talking about? How do you trick someone into … that?"

Smacking her forehead with her open palm, Townsend moaned, "Damn, Hennessey, sometimes you’re as naïve as a child. It’s incredibly easy to trick someone into going further than they want. I’ve been doing it for years!"

With deep hurt showing in her eyes, Hennessey spared a quick glance at her partner. "You did that … to me?"

"Yes, damn it, I did that to you."

"Fuck," the brunette muttered. "Fuck."

Neither woman said another word, the silence heavy and oppressive in the car. At the first exit, Hennessey pulled off and stopped the car as soon as she found a quiet spot. She rolled the window down and relaxed her seatback, leaning back and staring out the window for a while. "Tell me what happened that night," she finally said. "I want to know everything."

"It’s not that complex. You seemed receptive, and I decided to keep pushing you until I got what I wanted."

Turning to face her partner, Hennessey said, "That’s not what happened. You didn’t push me at all, as a matter of fact. To be honest, that was the first time that I didn’t feel like I had to be on guard."

"Oh, Hennessey," Townsend sighed, "that’s when you have to be more careful. A user like me makes you feel like it’s your idea, but it’s not. I manipulated you to get you there – it’s as simple as that."

"But … but why would you do that to me?" Hennessey asked, her voice breaking. "You know I didn’t want to go that far."

"But I did," Townsend said, her voice taking on the hard tone that Hennessey hadn’t heard since summer. "I wanted to have sex with you, and when I saw the opportunity, I jumped at it."

"You don’t do that to someone you love," Hennessey said. "You just don’t."

"But I do love you," Townsend said. "I do, Hennessey."

The dark head shook slowly. "Love isn’t what you say. Love is what you do. Trying to trick me into having sex wasn’t a loving thing to do, Townsend. It wasn’t."

"I know that," the blonde said. "That’s why I stopped. I couldn’t go through with it. For the first time in my life, I couldn’t go through with it."

Hennessey paused, then wiped her eyes with the back of her sleeve. "Do you mean that?"

"Mean what?"

"That this was the first time in your entire life that you couldn’t go through with having sex?"

"Uhm … yeah, I guess I do," Townsend nodded, her shame nearly overwhelming her.

Suddenly, Hennessey’s tears stopped, and she turned to her partner and reached out to touch her cheek. "That’s a very, very good sign," she said softly. "Whenever you break a habit like that, it’s a good sign, Townsend. Don’t you see that?"

"No. All I see is that I treated you like I treated every piece of street trash I’ve ever fucked."

"That’s not true," Hennessey said, her voice sharp and low. "You stopped to think about my feelings and how it would affect me. I think you stopped to think about your feelings, too," she added. "I don’t think you wanted that on your conscience."

"I don’t have a conscience," Townsend muttered.

"You’re developing one," Hennessey said. "The only thing that stopped us from having sex was your conscience – not mine. My conscience and my self-control were gone, Townsend. But your conscience was on the job – watching out for me … and for us." She leaned over and wrapped her arms around her lover. "That was a loving act. A very loving act."

"But it sure as hell wasn’t my first instinct," Townsend groused.

"No, it wasn’t, but consciences are developed. They don’t spring to life fully formed. You’ll get there, Townsend. I know you will."

"Damn," the smaller woman sighed. "Sometimes I think this is too much for me to handle. I have to worry about drinking and doing drugs and smoking and sex; and now I’ve got to develop a conscience. I don’t know how I’ll have time to sleep."

Hennessey pulled back a little and looked into her eyes. "I know it’s a lot. And you’re right; it might be too much to handle all at once. Maybe there’s a way to simplify things a little bit."

"I’m ready to start having sex any time you are," Townsend said, a small smile twitching at her lips. "That would take care of one item."

"Wouldn’t that be nice?" Hennessey said, her voice taking on a wistful tone. "I wish it were that easy. You don’t know how much I wish that."

* * *

Hennessey had decided to be as agreeable as humanly possible, knowing that this was going to be a hard weekend for her partner. She not only didn’t say a word when Townsend directed her to a very opulent country inn, she kept her discomfort to herself when they were shown to their room. "Nice bed," she said, sitting on the edge of the queen-sized mattress. "Nice room, too," she added, looking around the beautifully appointed place.

"This is where my parents stayed when they had me committed here," Townsend said. "It’s the nicest place in the area."

"I would think so," Hennessey said, nodding agreeably. "So, what’s on the agenda?"

"Uhm … I think you’re the one with agenda," Townsend said. "We’d still be in Boston if I were running the show."

"Good point." Hennessey patted the bed, urging Townsend to join her. "I think you ought to give Sharon a call and talk to her at length about finding another sponsor. See if she has any suggestions for other people … maybe see why she thought the first guy she mentioned was tops on her list."

"Okay. She’s usually home on Saturdays. Then what?"

"Let’s see what comes of your discussion. Then we can decide what to do next. Oh. What time is your regular meeting?"

"I usually go to two on Saturday. I’ve missed the morning meeting, and the other one’s at 5:00."

"Cool. That gives us a lot of time to work with. You make your call. I’ll wait down in the lobby."

"You don’t have to …"

"Sure I do. You and Sharon deserve privacy, honey. Come get me when you’re done."

* * *

Nearly a half hour later, Townsend flopped down on the settee, startling the contemplative Hennessey. "Damn! You really do make an entrance," the brunette said, patting her racing heart.

"Sorry. I’m frustrated. Sharon was no help at all."

"What happened?"

"Oh, she said she thought I should talk to Art before I made up my mind. She’s certain that he’s the right kind of guy for me – but I can’t stand him, honey. He irritates the shit out of me!"

"Hmm … I wonder why she’s so sure that he’s the right guy for you."

"I don’t know. I think she just doesn’t know anyone else."

"Do you have his number?"


"Why don’t you call him and talk to him. Maybe there’s a good reason that Sharon’s urging you to try him out."

Townsend rolled her eyes. "I knew that’s what you’d say, and I already did it. We’re meeting at three o’clock. He said that you should come, too."

"I love a woman who can read my mind," Hennessey said, smiling brightly.

"I can’t read your mind, Hennessey. You’re just totally predictable – and that’s not something you should be so damned proud of!"

* * *

When they walked into the quiet coffee shop, Townsend gave an unenthusiastic wave to a bearded, bespectacled, beret-wearing man who was sitting at a table in the back of the restaurant. When they approached, Townsend said, "Hi, Art. This is Hennessey. Hennessey – Art."

Hennessey extended her hand, and it was quickly enveloped in a large, muscular, callused hand. "Hi, Hennessey. Have a seat."

Hennessey spent a moment looking at Art, guessing he was in his mid to late forties. He looked quite a bit like a beatnik, or what Hennessey guessed a beatnik would look like from the pictures she’d seen of the Beat Generation writers of the fifties.

"Thanks for taking the time to talk to me, Art," Townsend said. "I’ve had a bad week, and I really need to get back on track."

He gave her a neutral look. "I don’t want to talk about anything too personal right now, Townsend. If we talk, and I decide I can work with you, then we’ll go into detail. But right now, I want to get to know you a little bit. I want to see how serious you are about staying sober."

Hennessey could see Townsend’s hackles start to rise, but she didn’t say a word. She knew there was nothing she could do to make this easier for Townsend, so she bided her time and sat back to observe.

"I’m very serious about staying sober," the blonde said, her face turning a shade darker. "I’ve been sober for nine months. Or … I had been," she admitted. "I guess now I should say that I’ve been sober for two days."

"Uh-huh," Art said, tossing his mostly gray ponytail over his shoulder. "I take it you had a slip."

"Yeah. A big one," Townsend admitted, staring at the table.

"All right," he said. Turning to Hennessey, he asked, "How do you fit in here?"

"I’m Townsend’s lover," she said.

"Lover, huh? How long have you two been together?"

"We met last June, and we’ve been … involved since August."

Art furrowed his brow, then said, "Math isn’t my thing, but doesn’t that mean you’ve been together ever since Townsend stopped … or tried to stop … drinking?"

"Yeah, it does. We were together when she stopped."

"Hennessey helped me stop," Townsend volunteered. "She’s the only good influence I’ve ever had in my life."

Art gave Townsend a half-smile and said, "I guess everyone deserves one in her life."

"Well, Hennessey’s mine," the young woman said, a note of defiance in her voice.

"Uh-huh. Tell me something about yourself, Hennessey."

"Well, I’m from South Carolina, and I’m in Boston going to school."

"Do you have much experience in dealing with alcoholics?" he asked.

With a pained look, she said, "Too much. Both of my parents are alcoholics. Neither has ever been in recovery."

"Uh-huh. How about your past relationships? What kind of people have you been with?"

Clearly irritated, Townsend interjected, "Is Hennessey the one looking for a sponsor?"

"No," Art said, his patient, laid-back demeanor obviously driving Townsend mad. "I just want to see the whole picture."

"I don’t mind talking about this," Hennessey said. "Townsend is my first lover. She’s … the first person I’ve ever even kissed."

This revelation didn’t seem to surprise Art, but then, nothing did. "So, a girl from an alcoholic home chooses an alcoholic to partner with. That’s a first."

"Look," Hennessey said, "I know it looks like I’m following the usual pattern, but I’ve spent a lot of time in Al-Anon, and I’ve gotten back into it recently. I’m working with a sponsor now, and I think I can maintain my boundaries."

"Everyone thinks that, Hennessey. Not many can, but everyone thinks she can."

"I’m sure that’s true," the brunette admitted.

"Now let’s talk about you," Art said, turning to Townsend. "I’ve seen you at a lot of meetings, and I bet you’ve heard the warning about not getting involved with anyone during your first year of sobriety. What makes you think you’re exempt?"

"I’m not exempt," she snapped. "Hennessey and I knew each other while I was still drinking. It was a natural evolution. I didn’t get involved with her after I stopped – it was concurrent."

"That doesn’t make it right, and that doesn’t make it good for you," Art said bluntly.

"Yes, it does," Townsend insisted. "I could never stay sober without Hennessey!"

The older man was quiet for a moment. Then he looked from one woman to the other. "I rest my case."

"No! That’s ridiculous! Hennessey supports me; she’s always there for me, and she always urges me to do the right thing!"

"Uh-huh. That would be fine if Hennessey were your sponsor. But she’s not. She’s your lover. And if you two break up – and you probably will – your sobriety goes with her. Does anything about that seem intelligent?"

"No," Hennessey answered, surprising Townsend.

"Hennessey! How could you say that?" Townsend burst into tears, sobbing so loudly that the other patrons stared at her.

The larger woman put her arm around her partner and murmured into her ear, "Art’s right, Townsend. We shouldn’t have gotten involved when we did. I blame myself for that. I knew better – but I couldn’t resist."

"So you regret being with me?" the blonde sobbed.

"No, no, not in the least. But we can’t act like this is an ideal situation. It’s not. I’m only trying to be honest, Townsend. We have to be honest."

"Do you love me?" Townsend asked, her voice shaking.

"Yes, of course I do. I always will," Hennessey promised. "But that doesn’t mean that everything will be smooth and easy. It’s going to be hard for us – and harder for you to stay sober."

Townsend buried her face against Hennessey’s shoulder and cried quietly while Art spoke. "You two have set this up in a pretty shitty way, but that doesn’t mean you’re doomed to failure. You do have to know, though, that you’ve made it much harder for yourselves – in every way."

"I know that," Hennessey said.

Art looked at the still-sobbing blonde and said, "Look, I’ve made every mistake there is to make. I was a heroin addict, a drunk and a chronic dope smoker. It took me years to get all of my addictions in order, but I finally did. I was a tough case, and I like to work with tough cases. I think Townsend qualifies," he said, smiling. "Hennessey, why don’t you go for a walk? I want to talk to Townsend for a while."

"Okay," she said, prying her lover’s fingers from her shirt. "Where should I meet you?"

Art cocked his head and looked at her for a moment. "Why don’t you come to the meeting with us? It’s at the VFW hall right down the street. It starts at 5:00."

"Okay, I’ll see you then." She leaned in and gave Townsend a kiss on the cheek. "I’ll see you soon, sweetheart. Stay strong."

* * *

When Hennessey arrived at the meeting, she was saddened to see that Townsend had been crying again. From the looks of her swollen eyes and mottled face, it appeared that she hadn’t stopped in the last hour. Sitting down next to her, Hennessey slipped an arm around her shoulders. "Tough day, huh?"

"Yeah. Very tough. But I feel better now that you’re here."

"I do, too."

The meeting began and eventually it was Townsend’s turn to talk. "Hi, I’m Townsend, and I’m an alcoholic," she began, her voice quieter and less confident than normal. "I had nine months of sobriety, but I had a major slip this week." Her shoulders began to shake, and Hennessey put her arm around her again to encourage her to continue. "I feel like shit about it ¾ and about myself," she added. "I was so sure that I had a handle on all of this … but I don’t." She sniffed and wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands, until another woman reached over with some tissues. "Thanks," she said. "I thought I’d brought enough, but I underestimated how many tears I had stored up."

Hennessey gave her a gentle squeeze, and she lifted her hand to cover her lover’s. "Uhm … I’ve been thinking about what made me slip, and I think it was the same old thing." She looked up at the crowd, each of whom was listening intently. "I felt invisible." She said this quietly, so quietly that Hennessey could barely hear her, but several heads in the room nodded in understanding.

"My mother is pretty prominent in her field, and the headmaster of my school asked her to speak at my graduation in May." She bit her lower lip and continued. "For the first time in my life, I’d started to feel good about something that I’d accomplished. I’ve always been proud of myself for getting kicked out of school, but this year, being sober has allowed me to genuinely put myself into my schoolwork – and it’s felt wonderful," she admitted, a ghost of a smile on her lips. "It’s something that I did for myself – only myself." She took in and let out a massive breath. "Having my mother come to the school will make my graduation about her. I’ll disappear," she said in a mere whisper. Her shoulders started to shake, and Hennessey held onto her tightly. "I felt myself disappearing the other night, and no one … no one understood," she choked out. "I felt so alone, so scared … I couldn’t bear feeling that lonely. So, I did what I always do. I went to a bar and let a bunch of creeps buy me drinks. The guys are vermin, and they only want me because I’ll let ‘em do what they want – but they’re consistent. They know what I want, and they’ll give it to me as long as I give ‘em what they want. It’s a fucking sick bargain, but I can count on it – no matter what." Her whole body shook, then she leaned back against Hennessey, muttering, "That’s it."

* * *

Late that night, the pair lay in bed, Townsend curled up against Hennessey’s larger body. "It’s been a hell of a week, hasn’t it?" the blonde asked.

"Yeah, it has. I know you and I might see things differently, but I don’t think it’s been a bad week, Townsend. I think it’s shown us some of the pitfalls we’re gonna have to be on the lookout for. I think it’s been helpful in many ways."

"Uhm … we haven’t talked about the night I … got drunk," Townsend said.

"No, we haven’t talked about it much. Do you want to?"

"No, not really ¾ but there is one thing I want you to know. Nothing happened with those guys, Hennessey. I was just stringing them along so they’d buy me drinks."

"It’s all right. I know you weren’t in your right mind. You fell back into your old habits – I know that’s not how you want to live any more."

"Do you believe me?" the blonde asked softly.

"Sure, I believe that you didn’t have to put out to get what you needed. But if I’m gonna be completely honest, I believe you would have done whatever you needed to do to get your fix that night. Let’s face reality, honey."

"I don’t … I don’t want to be like that anymore, baby, I don’t. I want to be yours alone."

"I know you do. I believe that you do."

Townsend snuggled up tight and whispered, "Thanks for believing in me."

"I do believe in you, and I always will," Hennessey said. "But I know how many things you’re trying to change. You’ve got a laundry list here, honey, and most people would be overwhelmed by it. I admire how much effort you’re putting in."


"You know," Hennessey said, "you’d have a full time job just coming to terms with how you feel about your mom, much less all of the other things you’re doing."

"Aw, she doesn’t affect me much. She annoys me more than anything."

"Uhm … Townsend, didn’t I hear you tell the group that you started drinking again because of how she made you feel? That’s a little more than annoying!"

"It’s not a big deal, Hennessey. I don’t care for her enough to let her get to me very often."

"I know you’ve been in therapy since you could walk, but it doesn’t sound like you’ve spent much time talking about your mother," Hennessey said. "What’s up with that?"

"Oh, I’ve been in therapy forever, but I’ve never been very serious about it. I think I’m on my eighth therapist. I’m trying for the record."

Hennessey pulled away and looked at her partner for a moment. "Who does that hurt?"


"You heard me. Who does it hurt when you waste your time in therapy?"

Townsend was quiet for a moment, then said, "I guess it hurts me."

"Yeah, I guess it does," Hennessey said, clearly irritated. "Damn, Townsend, you’ve had so many opportunities, and you not only let them slip by – you throw them away! You’ve got to learn how to care about yourself more."

"Hennessey, I can’t do everything at once. Please stop adding to my list every ten seconds."

Letting out a sigh, Hennessey said, "I’m sorry. There are just some building blocks here that I feel you’ve skipped over. I know you don’t have time to build any trust with a therapist in the little time you have left in Vermont, but you’ve got to find someone to work with once you get back to Boston. It’s going to be very stressful when you’re back on your home turf, baby, and you’re going to need some support."

"I’ll have you," Townsend said, giving her partner a warm smile.

"Of course you will, but I’m not a substitute for a therapist. You need to work on the things that everyone goes through with her parents, Townsend, not just your addictions."

"Okay, okay, I’ll put it on my list. Now can we kiss for a while? I don’t think I’ve gotten one little nibble on those sweet lips today."

"I need that, too," Hennessey said, giving her a warm smile. "Come here and let me hold you for a while."

Surprised, Townsend did as her partner asked, crawling onto her body while Hennessey’s hands trailed all over her cotton-clad form. "I’m glad we’re sharing a room," Hennessey said softly. "I need to do this. I need to have the feel of your body imprinted on my soul."

Townsend lay quietly, the feel of Hennessey’s hands making her body and her heart ache. "The very worst thing about falling off the wagon is knowing that you won’t make love to me this summer," the blonde whimpered. "I dream about it every night, Hennessey. It’s the one thing … the one goal in my life that has been important enough for me to strive for."

"I know,’ the larger woman murmured. "It’s been important to me, too. Too important," she added.

Townsend turned her head and started to kiss Hennessey’s trembling lips. She didn’t rush or push her this time. Fighting her instincts, she used her lips and her tongue not to excite, but to show her love for the beautiful woman who lay beneath her.

Hennessey seemed to detect the change, and she responded in kind, rolling onto her side – taking Townsend with her. Facing each other, their bodies touching all along their lengths, they spent hours exploring each other in the most gentle and tender fashion. Hennessey had a hard time deciding where she stopped and Townsend started, but she honestly did not care. This was nothing like the wild frenzy of sexual need that she’d felt earlier in the week ¾ this was a sacred physical and emotional communion ¾ her mouth and Townsend’s … merging and sharing their hopes and their dreams and their promises.

Neither woman was aware of how tired she was, and each hoped they could continue to luxuriate in the comfort of each other’s arms until morning. But just before dawn, Hennessey woke to find herself still pressed against her lover, their lips less than an inch from each other’s. She let out a sigh and kissed the pouty lips one more time, then tightened her hold and went to sleep once again, feeling safe and sure and confident.

* * *

Townsend had no intention of getting out of bed, despite Hennessey’s best efforts. "Come on, honey, I’ve got to get some breakfast and then get on the road. I didn’t get a thing done this week, and I have a major writing assignment on Wednesday. I’ve got to get a little work done today."

"Call the desk and ask them to bring us breakfast. They’ll be happy to." She looked up at Hennessey with her most plaintive expression, and the dark-haired woman gentled her stern look and capitulated.

"Okay. As usual, you win."

"Ha! If I ever won, I’d be happily nursing a hangover after having kept you up all night making love."

"We were up most of the night," Hennessey reminded her, "and if what we did last night wasn’t making love, then I obviously don’t know what love is." She walked over to the phone and made the call, then came back to bed and slid in.

"It was making love," Townsend agreed. "It was one of the best nights of my life."

"Mine, too," Hennessey said, smiling warmly.

"How long do we have to wait until we can make love with our clothes off?" Townsend asked. "You’re not going to make me wait three hundred sixty-two days, are you?"

Hennessey gave her a half-smile and said, "I’ve been thinking about that a lot, honey, and I think that arbitrary date has been part of our problem."

"Huh? What problem?"

"The problem that led you to a bar on Thursday night," Hennessey said. "I think we’ve set this whole thing up to make it harder for you, rather than easier."

Letting out a wry laugh, Townsend said, "Well, it sure as hell feels hard, so maybe we have. How do we fix it?"

"I think we have to remove the one year rule," Hennessey said.

"Now you’re talkin’!"

"Uhm … I don’t think you’re going to like the alternative," Hennessey said. "Don’t get too excited."

Immediately, Townsend gave her a wary look. "What do you mean, I won’t like it?"

"Just what I said. I think the one year rule is a set-up, and I think we should abolish it. I think we have to wait to be intimate until we’re both ready – emotionally. I guess it’s possible that could happen in a few months – but I don’t think it will. I think it will take a much longer time. But I don’t see any options."

"Much … longer … time?" Townsend asked. "Do you honestly think I’m going to wait years to have sex again? I’m a very sexual person, Hennessey. I need it! I don’t have any intention of waiting until I’m twenty years old to have it again!"

"I’m not suggesting that you should," Hennessey said, giving Townsend a look that the blonde was unable to read.

"Then what are you suggesting?"

Hennessey rolled out of bed and walked across the floor to answer the light knock on the door. Taking the tray from the young man, she placed it on the coffee table and sat down on the couch. Townsend was about to pull her hair out, but Hennessey went about the usual, methodical routine she used for making her tea, then sat back and looked at her partner. "I’m suggesting that we’ve been rushing things ¾ "

"Rushing! I’ve got both feet on the brakes! How’s that rushing?"

"We’re rushing for me, Townsend. No matter how it feels to you, I’m not ready to go any further, and I don’t think I will be for quite a while."

"Since when? You were all over me the other night, and we would have been fucking like mad if I hadn’t stopped you!"

"That’s part of the problem," Hennessey said quietly. "I don’t want to fuck like mad. I’ve never made love before, and I don’t want my first time to be rushed and frantic. I want to make sweet, tender, passionate love with a woman who wants the same thing."

"I want that!" Townsend insisted, jumping out of bed to rush to Hennessey’s side. "I want that, too."

"Not consistently," Hennessey said, her sorrow showing in her eyes. "You have too many problems to work out to be able to devote yourself to working on our relationship, Townsend. I can’t be with you until we’re both at the same place emotionally – if we ever can be."

"Jesus, God, Hennessey! Are you breaking up with me? Please, please, don’t do this!"

"No, I’m not breaking up with you; I’m just telling you that it can’t go on like it has been. This isn’t working for me."

"How is that not a breakup?"

Hennessey sighed and closed her eyes. "Okay, I guess it is a breakup. But it’s not a permanent breakup." She turned to face Townsend and said, "I’ve never lied to you – not once – and I’m not going to start now. I want to be with you – in every way – more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I’d give everything I have to be able to have you share an apartment with me next year. Nothing would make me happier than to come home at night and make love to you until we couldn’t see straight." She took in a breath and continued, "But we’d break up within the year. I’d either start being your supervisor and you’d start to resent me, or I’d keep my mouth shut and let you make your mistakes – all the while hating you for them. I … can’t … I … won’t … do … that."

Dropping her head into her hands, Townsend asked in a very tired voice, "What in the hell does all of this mean?"

"It means," Hennessey said, "that I have to go back to where we were last summer. I have to concentrate on being your friend and helping you in any way that I can. I’ll write to you every day, I’ll call you whenever I have the money, I’ll see you – often – when you move back to Boston. But I can’t claim to be your lover, Townsend. We haven’t earned that right yet."

Townsend looked at her, her green eyes piercing into Hennessey. "Are you going to wait for me? Am I supposed to wait for you?"

The wide shoulders shrugged. "I can’t make that decision for you. All I know is that I’m not attracted to anyone else. I have no plans to pursue anyone else. You’re the woman I want – I just can’t have you yet."

"You could have me for the rest of your life, and you know it, Hennessey Boudreaux."

"That’s not true," the brunette stated firmly. "If I thought that was possible, I’d do it." She sat up and tossed her hair over her shoulders. "Look. I know that a big part of the problem is me. I’ve never dated anyone, Townsend. I’m so inexperienced that it’s criminal. I wish I’d been casually dating for a few years, and I wish I’d had some relationships before now, but I haven’t. Being with you isn’t a casual thing. It requires my full commitment. I’m eager to do that – but I can’t do it if I’m not confident it will work out. I know that you have to take a leap to fall in love – but I can’t take that leap if I’m sure all that awaits me is rocky ground! I’m not going to have this relationship destroy all of the work I’ve done to maintain my boundaries. Jesus, part of the reason you drank this week was because of how guilty you felt about trying to trick me into having sex. We’ve been with each other for less than a week, and you’ve had a major slip and landed in jail. Is that a sign of good things ahead?"

"No, of course it isn’t," she said softly. "But if we were together all of the time, things would even out. It would be easier, not harder."

"That’s not true, Townsend. I wish it were, but that’s not true."

"Fuck." The younger woman rested her head against the back of the sofa. "So, that’s it? I get the big kiss-off, and you go back to Boston?"

"Yeah, that’s exactly what I said. Thanks for listening so carefully." Hennessey stood up and went into the bathroom, the sharp snap of the lock making Townsend jump.

After one of the longer showers in history, Hennessey emerged, barely glancing at Townsend as she started to walk by her to pack up her things. Townsend’s soft voice stopped her. "I know you’re going to say no, but … I know I’ll never get another chance."

Cocking her head, Hennessey looked at her friend, waiting for her to continue.

"Can I see your body?"

"Pardon me?"

Townsend blushed, a very uncommon occurrence for her. "I know you won’t understand, but I know I’ll never get to see it. I want … I want to have something to remind me of how badly I fucked this up."

"Oh, Townsend," the older woman said, walking over to her. "This isn’t the time to get all fatalistic. I believe in us … and I wish to hell that you did, too."

"Please?" the blonde asked.

"No, I can’t," Hennessey said. "I won’t participate in this, Townsend. If you want to see my body, you’re going to have to earn the privilege. I will not have you using me to torture yourself." She turned and went back into the bathroom, leaving Townsend to shed another batch of tears which seemed to spring from an unlimited source.

* * *

An hour later, the pair stood next to the entrance to Townsend’s dorm. "I don’t think I can stay sober without you, Hennessey. I know I should be optimistic, but I can’t be."

Hennessey placed her hand on her friend’s cheek and gently rubbed her thumb across the soft skin. "Townsend, this is hard for me to say, but I’m going to say it anyway. If I’m the only thing that’s keeping you from drinking, then you might as well start again. I can’t supervise you; I can’t be your conscience. You’ve got to do this for yourself – any other reason dooms you to fail."

"Then I guess I’m doomed," she said softly.

"Look," Hennessey said, "you’re probably going to have another slip or two. Hell, you might have a couple of dozen. But if you make up your mind, you will win this battle. It’s your battle and your battle alone. I can support you, but I can’t fight it for you. No one can do this for you, baby."

"I know," she said. "I know it; I just have a hard time thinking about how I’ll be able to stand not having you as my reward."

"Townsend, I’ve said this every way I can think of. When we’re both ready, I would be the happiest woman in the world to be your lover. My feelings for you are very deep and very genuine. I know what I want, and what I want is a sober, mature, Townsend Bartley. I won’t settle for anything less, and you shouldn’t either."

"All right," Townsend said, nodding briefly. "Uhm … I decided to give Art a try as my sponsor. I thought about some of the things that have gone on this week, and I decided that I’ve got to start listening to the people I trust. Sharon wouldn’t have recommended him if she didn’t feel strongly about it."

"That’s my girl," Hennessey said, beaming a grin at her friend. "I think you’ll be a good match – he seems like he’s the type who can keep up with you."

"Why do you think I resisted?" Townsend said, giving her first genuine smile of the day.

"I love to see that spark in your eyes," Hennessey said. "It’s your feistiness that’s going to get you through this, baby. I know that in my heart."

Townsend slipped her arms around Hennessey’s waist and gave her a gentle hug. "Will I stay in your heart?"

"Always. Always, Townsend. I swear it."

Looking up and staring into Hennessey’s eyes, Townsend asked, "Will you kiss me goodbye?"

"Of course I will. I’ll kiss you the same way I do the people I love the most." She placed a tender, brief kiss on Townsend’s lips, then pulled away and said, "That’s how I kiss my grandparents. You mean as much to me as they do, honey, and that’s the biggest compliment I can give you."

Hugging her tightly, Townsend whispered, "Don’t forget me, Hennessey, please don’t forget me."

"I won’t, baby, I promise I won’t." She pulled back and gave her friend one brief kiss, then got into the car. "I know this week didn’t turn out like we’d planned, but I honestly think we’ve got a better chance of making it now than we did last Saturday. Have faith in yourself, Townsend, and in us."

"I have faith in you, Hennessey. That’s gonna have to tide me over for a while."

"I can do that," the brunette said. "I can carry you for a little while. Then, one day, we’ll be able to walk … together."

Townsend reached into the car and slipped her fingers through Hennessey’s. "I don’t think I can let you go," she said, the tears starting to flow again.

"I don’t want to go. I wish … I truly wish that we could be together for all of the days of our lives." She blinked the hot tears from her eyes and said, "I pray to God that one day we can."

"I love you, Hennessey. I always will, no matter what happens. You’ve given me a second chance at life, and I will never, ever be able to show you how grateful I am for that."

"You can show your gratitude by living well," Hennessey said, smiling through her tears. "That’s all I want for you."

"You’re the only person who’s ever loved me in spite of my faults," Townsend said. "I need that so badly, Hennessey."

"Baby, I don’t love you in spite of anything. I love the whole you – the pretty parts and the not so pretty parts. They all come together to make you who you are. I wouldn’t change a thing."

"Now you’re lying," Townsend said, managing a smile.

Giving her friend the crooked grin that always went straight to Townsend’s heart, Hennessey said, "Maybe just a little. I’d change you so you saw yourself like I see you. Then you wouldn’t want to hurt yourself any longer. That would make me very, very happy."

"I’m gonna try hard, Hennessey. I swear I will."

"I know you will. Now, make sure you save me a ticket for your graduation. I wouldn’t miss that for the world."

"When do you leave for home?"

"The day after you graduate. I have to spend some time with my family before I leave for camp."

"Damn, I wish I could have gone, too."

"You’re too old to be a camper, honey, and you haven’t proven yourself enough to be a counselor. I think you’ll do better staying close to home and working with Art. Maybe you should consider staying in Vermont this summer. Your friends in Boston haven’t been the greatest influence on you."

"That’s an understatement," Townsend said, rolling her eyes. "I’ve been thinking about doing that, you know. There are a bunch of good writing programs here, and some of the classes are open to the public."

"That’s what I’d recommend," Hennessey said. "Focus on yourself and your creativity. You’ll be ready for whatever they throw at you when you start school in the fall."

"Could I come visit you in Beaufort before school starts? I’d love to see your grandparents again."

"Yeah, I think we could manage that. When you know what your school schedule is, we’ll talk."

Townsend gave her friend a long, contemplative look. "You really will stay connected to me, won’t you?"

"Without question. You are my best friend, and you always will be."

"I’d like to have all of you, Hennessey, but some of you is much, much better than nothing."

"You’ll get more than some," the brunette promised. "You’ll get the best I have to give."

"I can’t believe I’m the one to say it, but you’d better get going." Townsend bent over and kissed her friend lightly on the lips. "Hold me in your heart, Hennessey. That’s the only place I feel safe."

Placing her hand over her breast, Hennessey said, "You’re right here. Right where you’ve been since last summer. Right where you’ll always be."

Each woman tried to put on a smile, but neither was very successful. Their lips curved in the appropriate way, but both sets of eyes were filled with tears. "Goodbye, Hennessey."

"Bye, sweetheart. I’ll see you in May."

Townsend nodded and stepped back, but she didn’t release her death grip on her friend’s fingers. The car started to roll away, and Townsend ran a few steps, her hand refusing her brain’s order to release. Finally, Hennessey’s fingers loosened, and Townsend’s hand started to slip away, leaving a fraction of a second where the tips of their fingers connected.

Hennessey couldn’t bear to look in the rear view mirror, since she knew the mere sight of her friend would break her heart. Instead, she brought her fingers to her mouth and kissed them gently, then placed her hand on her shoulder, hugging herself tightly as she drove away.

* * *

Part 8

The golden sun hovered directly overhead, and the breeze was light, making the late spring day unseasonably warm. Hennessey Boudreaux walked at a brisk pace despite the heat, viewing the lovely Vermont prep school campus in the small amount of time she had. For reasons she couldn’t explain it was important to her to see the environment that Townsend had been living in, even if she had to do so at breakneck speed. It’s so beautiful here, she thought to herself. I can almost feel the sense of peace that Townsend spoke of during the winter months. It’s easy to see how nature became a substitute addiction for her. Mentally shaking her head, the tall, thin brunette thought, I don’t think Townsend will ever be free of addiction. But having a jones for the great outdoors is a heck of a lot healthier for her than drugs and alcohol.

Hennessey checked her watch and noted that it was nearly noon. She quickened her pace and soon arrived at the school’s rather lavish auditorium. After handing her ticket to an usher she breathed a sigh of relief when the young man informed her that she could sit wherever she liked. She had nothing against the Bartley's, but she thought her enjoyment of the day's events might be enhanced by keeping her distance as much as possible. Quickly scanning the crowd, she picked out Townsend’s mother. There was a crowd of parents and faculty members surrounding Miranda, and Hennessey silently thanked the school for allowing open seating. Miranda was a pleasant woman, but the brunette knew that being involved in the adulation would only tarnish her own status with Townsend. She settled into a seat about six rows back from Townsend’s parents and grandparents and spent the next few minutes trying to reconcile her mental images with the people she now perused.

Guessing that the fine featured, brown haired man was Townsend’s father, Hennessey searched in vain for any similarity between him and Townsend. After a while she admitted defeat and moved on to the older couple seated next to Mr. Bartley. She knew that Miranda’s parents were both still alive, but that neither of them was able to make the event. So the silver haired man and the dark haired woman had to be Townsend’s paternal grandparents.

When an attractive gray haired woman sitting in the row stood and turned around, Hennessey was stunned to see how much the woman looked like Townsend. I’m sure her great-grandmother isn’t alive. Maybe I’ve confused things, Hennessey thought. The dark haired woman must be Townsend’s aunt. She thought and thought, but couldn’t recall ever hearing of an aunt. Her confusion was magnified when the dark haired woman leaned over and kissed the silver haired gentleman. The kiss was nearly chaste, but there was something about the couple that made it clear they were lovers, rather than father and daughter. I guess I’m gonna have to ask Townsend a few questions about the relatives. Either her grandfather is married to a woman who’s still in her twenties, or the Bartley’s approve of incest. Knowing the family, I wouldn’t take a bet on which of the two is correct.

While she was studying the family dynamic, a chamber group began to play a soothing classical piece. At the conclusion, the audience stood for the procession of the faculty and graduates. Despite the bountiful grounds the class was quite small and Hennessey guessed that it contained only around fifty members. Townsend was in the first pair of students, and Hennessey was able to clearly see her smiling face as the group processed up the aisle and filed into a few rows of seats in the front of the auditorium.

The headmaster approached the lectern and began to speak, but Hennessey tuned him out immediately. She was there for one reason, and that was to show her support for Townsend.

The past few weeks had been incredibly hard on both of the young women, and Hennessey knew that her own studies had suffered because of the pain that she felt. I’m the one who decided that Townsend and I needed to focus on our friendship rather than having a physical relationship, but I’m still not sure I made the right choice. Gramma always told me that a decision was right if I could sleep well after I made it. So either this decision was totally wrong, or Gramma was totally wrong – ‘cause I have not had a good night’s sleep since the day we broke up.

She closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to clear it. We did not break up, she reminded herself once again. It just became clear that Townsend was putting too much pressure on herself to please me, rather than doing what she needed to do to get and stay sober. Staring up at the coffered ceiling, Hennessey thought, Sometimes I don’t feel mature enough to make my own decisions, much less ones that affect another person so deeply.

The time passed remarkably quickly, and soon the headmaster called on the commencement speaker to take the stage. Hennessey winced a little, knowing that Townsend was violently opposed to her mother giving the speech. But as Miranda started to speak, the brunette was moved by the conciliatory words that the well-known author chose. Miranda spoke of how difficult it was to come of age in the late twentieth century, and of how much harder it was to resist the temptations that were so available to the well-heeled youngsters at the prep school. Much to Hennessey’s surprise, Miranda also said that she was afraid that many of the parents in attendance had not done nearly as good a job with raising their children as they might have. She clearly included herself in this group, and even shed a few tears when she admitted that she had let her child down in many ways over the years.

Surprisingly, Miranda said that both students and parents were paying too much attention to college and not enough to the things that really mattered. She ended the speech by challenging both students and parents to make a commitment to learn more about each other and to try to find common ground to strengthen and reinforce family bonds.

The speech was very well received, and as soon as the applause died down the graduates were all standing, looking quite scholarly wearing the school colors – navy blue gowns and mortarboards for the men and maroon for the women.

Townsend’s was the second name called, and it was all Hennessey could do not to cause a scene. The dark-haired woman clapped so loudly that her hands hurt, and by the time Townsend made it to the stage Hennessey was wiping tears from her cheeks while maintaining her enthusiastic applause.

The young blonde woman confidently strode up to the stage and accepted her diploma, then shook the hands of the headmaster and the dean of the school. As Townsend approached the side of the stage, she reached up and moved her tassel to the left, showing that she was now a high school graduate. Not many people as bright as you are have had to work as hard to graduate from high school, Hennessey thought as her heart filled with respect for her friend’s efforts. If you can work as hard on your sobriety you’ll never touch alcohol again. Hennessey closed her eyes once more and offered up a silent prayer that Townsend’s troubles with substance abuse were now behind her.

* * *

At the culmination of the ceremony, the faculty and the graduates filed out, and Townsend gave Hennessey a wink as she walked past her. The audience followed, leaving from the back, as directed. Hennessey was no more than three feet from the steps when a hand grasped her arm and pulled her behind a tree. "What the ...?"

"Shh!" Townsend whispered. "Don’t say a word!"

Wriggling under the too-firm grip, Hennessey finally gave up and felt her friend’s hand loosen. In a few moments the Bartley family descended the stairs and began to walk towards the large lawn in the quadrangle. As soon as they were a distance that Townsend felt was safe, she took Hennessey’s hand and led her back into the auditorium.

"What in the heck are you doing?" Hennessey asked.

"I can not bear to spend another moment with those people," Townsend said, rolling her eyes as she spoke.

Wrinkling up her nose, Hennessey asked, "That bad, huh?"

"Worse. My grandfather has a new toy and he’s intentionally trying to annoy everyone in the family."


"Yeah. A toy named Amanda. Do you have any idea how it feels to have your grandfather tongue dueling with a woman who’s only eight years older than you are?"

Hennessey tried to imagine the feeling, but the mere thought of her grandfather with a younger woman gave her a fit of the giggles. "I’m sorry," she said, trying to control herself. "The image in my head is not a pretty thing."

"That’s all right," Townsend said. "I know there’s nothing about my family that you can relate to."

"Ahh … not true," Hennessey said. "I know they all love you, even though they sometimes aren’t able to show their love properly. I can really relate to that." She leaned forward and wrapped her long arms around Townsend. "I know I don’t always love you well enough, but it’s never from lack of trying. Sometimes I’m just inept."

Townsend held onto the taller woman with all of her might, squeezing so hard that Hennessey could barely breathe. "Do you still love me?" she asked, her voice full of emotion.

"Yes, yes, yes," Hennessey whispered. "I love you with all my heart, Townsend. All I want is for you to have the time and the space to gain some confidence in your sobriety. I only want to take some of the pressure off of you."

"Is there any way I can change you mind?" Townsend asked. "Isn’t there anything I can say to show you I’m ready to make love with you?"

"No, baby," Hennessey said softly. "This isn’t only about your sobriety, it’s about my ability to stay separate from you. I want to make you stop drinking, to watch you to make sure nothing upsets you, to make sure that you can’t drink even if you want to. That’s not your struggle, baby, it’s mine."

Snuggling tighter against the woman she loved, Townsend asked, "Do you swear you love me?"

"I swear it," Hennessey said, her voice barely a whisper. "I love you, Townsend."

"Do you swear that you won’t forget about me this summer?"

"I swear." Hennessey pulled back slightly and looked into Townsend’s eyes. "I can’t stop thinking about you for an hour. How could I go a whole summer?"

"Can I have a kiss?"

In response, Hennessey bent her head and placed soft kisses on Townsend’s forehead and cheeks. "Someday we’ll kiss as lovers. Until then, I want you to know that my desire for you is as strong as it ever was. I want to kiss you more than anything, Townsend, but it’s too dangerous right now. Until we’re ready, I think we have to show our love and affection in safer ways."

Townsend rolled her eyes and said, "I hardly ever had safe sex before I met you. Now, even a kiss is dangerous. The playing field has changed completely, babe, but you’re worth waiting for."

"Let’s go find your family," Hennessey said. "I’m sure they’re a little tired of waiting."

"Screw ‘em," Townsend said. "I’m sure my mother’s surrounded by a bunch of her fans. They won’t even notice I’m not there. Let’s just load up my car and take off."

Cocking her head, Hennessey gave her friend a half smile. "What do you think the odds of my doing that are?"

"Mmm …" Townsend closed her eyes and appeared to think for a few moments. "Million to one?"

"Not even close," Hennessey said as she tucked an arm around her friend and led her out of the building.

* * *

From: Hennessey Boudreaux <> Sent: June 1, 1995
To: Townsend Bartley <>

Subject: Greetings from Beautiful Beaufort

Hi Townsend,

I thought I’d drop you a quick line to let you know I got to Beaufort safe and sound. I don’t know why I’d never thought to go to the public library to use their Internet connection, but it makes sense that you’d think of it first, since you’re a prep school graduate <s>.

It was fantastic to see you on the weekend, and I want to tell you again how proud I was of you. Seeing your face as you got your diploma was worth more to me than you’ll ever know. I know how hard things have been for you this past year, and seeing how you’d raised your GPA amidst all the troubles you’ve had was astounding.

I clearly don’t know them as well as you do, but I think your parents weren’t merely relieved that you’d graduated – I think they were proud of you, as well.

I also thought you did a masterful job of dealing with the added pressure of your mother’s speech. That was a prime drinking opportunity – don’t think I didn’t see your classmates passing around a flask <s> -- but you handled your feelings beautifully.

Can’t talk for long. There’s a strange guy peering over my shoulder <g>, but I’ll write again. I leave for camp in two weeks, and once I’m there I’ll have much better access to e-mail.

I’ll give my family your regards – Gramma says she’d love to have you come visit any time you’d like. The same goes for me, of course.

Let me hear from you when you get settled in your nifty Vermont apartment – you independent thing, you <s>.

Much love,





* * *

From: Townsend Bartley <> Sent: June 9, 1995
To: Hennessey Boudreaux <>

Subject: Greetings from Abstinenceville

Hey H,

How’s life in the slow lane? Like I should talk! The most exciting thing going on around here is when Art, my sponsor, takes me for an ice cream cone after a meeting <s>. A year ago, I was drinking every day and sleeping with a different woman every night. You’ve ruined me!

The new apartment is pretty nice. Mother sent a truck with all of the furniture from my room (think she’s trying to tell me something?) and a few pieces from the beach house. It looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. I haven’t used the kitchen for anything but popcorn, but I’ve promised myself that I’ll make at least one meal this summer. It might only be breakfast, but I’m gonna do it <s>.

Art’s keeping a very close watch on me – but I guess he has reason to. I’ve been going to two meetings a day, and I’ve also dropped in on a few Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Much hipper crowd <s>.

My writing class starts on Monday, and I’m looking forward to it. My mom bought me a sizzling hot new computer to write with. I didn’t really need it, but I think she was trying to show her support. I’m giving you my old laptop, and don’t even try to argue.

I think I’ll come to visit you the week after your camp is finished, if that’s all right. Let me know so I can make a plane reservation.

I’m feeling pretty good, H, except for the fact that I miss you more than I could ever begin to tell you. I don’t want to be too needy, but it would really help me if you could drop me just a short note every day from camp. I need a little connection from you to help me get through the night – the nights are the hardest times, Hennessey. Hearing from you before I go to bed would make a huge difference. But don’t stress if you can’t manage it. I can handle it, H – I’d just like it if you could help take the edge off.

Take care of yourself, stretch. And let me hear from you once you get to camp. I hope you don’t have any campers who tax your patience like I did. You’ve suffered enough for one lifetime <s>.

All my love,




* * *

From: Hennessey Boudreaux <> Sent: August 9, 1995
To: Townsend Bartley <>

Subject: Your visit

Hi, Townsend

I’ve told you this three times on the phone, but I can tell you’re still bothered by it, so I’m going to give the written word a chance <s>. I understand why you can’t come to visit, and I swear I’m not upset about it.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m disappointed, Townsend, very disappointed. But I think it’s a great sign that you’re putting your writing classes first. I know I wouldn’t have a good time if I were trying to finish a twenty page story during my vacation, and I doubt that you would either.

It’s not a big deal, sweetheart, since I’ll be in Boston in two weeks. Since both of our colleges start on the same day I thought I’d try to get there on the Friday before classes start. Then we'd have a long weekend to spend together. How’s that?

I know it’s not what you want, and it’s not what I want, either. But one of the sucky things about being an adult is learning how to delay gratification. Stick with me, pal, and you’ll know more about delaying gratification than any woman should know <bg>.

I love you, Townsend, and I love the fact that you’re being so serious and diligent about your classes. Who knows? Maybe you’ll have enough experience so that you can be a writing instructor with me next summer. Wouldn’t that be great?

Counting the days until I see you,







* * *

"Come on in!"

Hennessey poked her head into the dorm room, smiling when she caught sight of the boxes that nearly surrounded Townsend. "I heard there was a woman around here in serious need of assistance."

"Hennessey! You’re not supposed to be here until late afternoon!" Townsend jumped over an open box and flung herself into her friend’s arms.

"I was at the airport early and got on an earlier flight. I came here without even stopping in Cambridge since I figured that you had the bigger task ahead of you. I was sure you’d need a ton of help getting settled."

"Oh, you sweet, sweet thing," Townsend murmured into the cotton of her friend’s sky blue T-shirt.

Releasing her, Hennessey said, "Well, all of my gear fit into two suitcases, and I had a feeling the same wouldn’t be true for you." She looked around the room and said, "I must be psychic."

"Thank God my roommate isn’t going to be here until tomorrow. She’d kill me if she saw all of this junk. I honestly don’t know where to start."

"Well, how did you get set up in your apartment?"

Smiling, Townsend said, "My mother had someone do it for me. She offered to have someone do it again, but I didn’t think it would look very good for me to have a decorator accompany me on my first day at my new college. I’ll make a bad impression on my own – when the time comes."

Hennessey gave her a half smile, otherwise ignoring the comment. "Well, I’m ready to work, so let’s get busy."

"Where do we start?" Townsend asked, looking around helplessly.

"It doesn’t matter where we start," Hennessey said, giving her a big, warm smile. "It only matters that we start."

* * *

"You’ve got to let me buy you dinner," Townsend said hours later when they’d wrestled the room into submission. "Anywhere you want to go."

Hennessey looked down at herself and gave her friend a smile. "I’m dressed for McDonald’s, but I have a hankering for a steak. Don’t know why, but I’m feeling carnivorous today."

"Your pants look fine, stretch. I’ll lend you a sweater and you’ll be set."

Laughing, Hennessey said, "That won’t work. You’re a medium, and I’m a large."

"Uh-huh. That’s why you’ll look fine, you big dope. Your clothes are all too big. Showing a curve isn’t a crime, you know."

"How do you think I’ve maintained my chastity for all of these years?" Hennessey asked. "The fact that I’m a woman is a closely guarded secret."

Giving her a sad smile, Townsend said, "You’re definitely a woman, Hennessey. No doubt about it."

* * *

Over dinner, Townsend didn’t attack her food with her usual verve. Reaching across the table, Hennessey placed her hand over her friend’s and asked, "What’s going on in that cute head?"

Giving her a slightly embarrassed look, Townsend said, "I’m worried about starting school."

"That’s natural, honey. I can’t imagine that every freshman doesn’t feel that way. This is a big step for you."

"Uhm … no, that’s not it. I’m not worried about the normal things. I know I’ll do well if I put my mind to it."

"Tell me," Hennessey said, gazing into her eyes.

"I’m worried about resisting the temptations. There’s a part of me that thinks I might do better in an apartment, where I have more control over the environment."

"Mmm … that makes sense. Why did you choose to live in the dorm?"

"Mainly because I want to have a real college experience. I want to try to fit in for a change, Hennessey. I want to act like an eighteen-year-old."

"I think it’s a good thing for you, honey. I know it’ll be hard to resist the drugs and alcohol that are going to surround you, but being with people your own age can help you reclaim a little bit of your youth. You missed out on so much by being drunk during your adolescence."

"Yeah, I know. My therapist said something that’s really stuck with me. She said that when you start drinking and taking drugs when you’re young, you get emotionally stuck at that point. In many ways, I’m just like I was when I was fourteen – but in other ways, I’m so fucking jaded. I feel like two different people, Hennessey."

"That makes sense," the older woman said. "You’ve seen a lot that most eighteen-year-olds haven’t experienced."

"Lucky for them," the blonde commented wryly. "I’m worried that I’m not going to be able to fit in, ya know?"

"Of course I know. I didn’t feel very confident when I started at Harvard. There aren’t a heck of a lot of Southerners around here, ya know, and I’m certain that I’m the only virgin in the whole school. I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, I don’t smoke. I had exactly the same problem you did – but from the other direction."

Townsend laughed softly. "I guess you did, didn’t ya?"

"Yeah, I did. Luckily, Robin, my roommate, and I got along very well, and I was able to meet some other people who were a little sheltered, too. Harvard has an international student body and I tried to make friends with foreign students. I figured a Japanese accent and a Southern accent were equally hard for Bostonians to understand. If you look around, I’m sure you’ll be able to find some kindred souls."

"That’s the problem, Hennessey, kindred souls seek me out like moths to a flame. I want to meet people who aren’t like me." Her face gentled into a warm smile and she said, "I want to meet people like you."

"Well, I’m one of a kind, buddy, and the good news is that I’m just a short ride away. Actually, I was thinking that we should set up a regular time to get together."

"Really?" Townsend’s face brightened dramatically.

"Of course. How about Friday nights? We’ll be finished with school for the week and we can decompress a little."

"Friday would be great. I heard about a meeting in Cambridge that a lot of college-aged people go to, and it’s at 5:00 on Friday. We can get together on your turf."

"Works for me. Let’s make it a permanent thing – every Friday night we’ll do something fun -- go to a movie or out to dinner or something."

"Just being with you is fun," Townsend said. "And having something to look forward to will really help me out."

"Speaking of helping … are you looking for a new sponsor?"

"Yeah. I’ve got a few leads, and I’m going to start making calls tomorrow. I’m not letting Art go, though. We’re gonna stay in touch until I’m comfortable with the new person."

"You’re doing this in just the right way, Townsend. I’m proud of you."

"Thanks, Hennessey. That still means way too much to me, but I’m not gonna fight it. Now, let’s head back to my dorm so I can give you your new laptop."

"Aww … you really don’t have to do that …"

"I want to. I don’t need two of them, Hennessey, so either you take it or I give it away."

"Well, when you put it that way, I guess I’m in. Thanks, Townsend. I truly appreciate the gift."

"I’ll admit it’s partially selfish," the younger woman said. "Now, you have no excuse for not e-mailing me every day."

"You’ve always got an angle going, doncha?" Hennessey asked, smiling warmly at her friend.

"Yep. I’ve learned it pays to think ahead."

* * *

From: Hennessey Boudreaux <> Sent: September 30, 1995
To: Townsend Bartley <>


  Hi there,

Just wanted to drop you a note to tell you I had a nice time yesterday. Jenna seems like a great friend for you to have made, and leave it to you to find a Mormon in Boston! Did you put an ad in the student newspaper asking for people who’ve never tasted the demon rum? <s>

Seriously, Townsend, I admire you for seeking out people who don’t share the habits you’re trying to break. I’m very sorry that your roommate is acting out so badly, but it’s all too common for people away from home for the first time. From the way it sounds, she’d do well to attend a few meetings with you, but I doubt that she’d be amenable. Hang in there as well as you can, and if things get really uncomfortable, you can always request a room change. I’m sure someone else would give anything to switch at this point of the term.

Robin says to tell you that she enjoyed finally getting to meet you. I think she was afraid I was making you up, after the way I talked about you constantly last year <s>. She liked Jenna as well, and suggested we all get together for a movie. I think that would be fun, as long as it doesn’t interfere with our Friday night date. That’s sacrosanct <s>.

Gotta run. I’ve got a quiz in my history class and I can’t be late.






From: Townsend Bartley <> Sent: September 30, 1995
To: Hennessey Boudreaux <>


Hi there yourself.

<Just wanted to drop you a note to tell you I had a nice time yesterday.

<Jenna seems like a great friend for you to have made, and leave it to you

<to find a Mormon in Boston! Did you put an ad in the student newspaper

<asking for people who’ve never tasted the demon rum? <s>

Very funny! I didn’t take out an ad, I hired a private investigator, smart ass! No, Jenna and I met in English composition class. I picked her out when I saw her blush whenever the instructor used a naughty word <s>. As you could tell from our conversation yesterday, she knows about my drinking – I think she loves the fact that I’ve quit – it’s like a victory for her side <lol>. To be honest, though, I haven’t told her about any of my other … issues. I really like her, and I want to keep her as a friend. I think I’d scare her off if she knew of my sexual history – and I don’t mean just the lesbian thing – although that alone would probably be enough. So, I’d like it if we didn’t talk about my and our sexual history when she’s around, okay? I don’t like to lie to people, but in this case I think I have to.

I enjoyed meeting Robin, and Jenna did, too. We’d both like to hang out with some brainy Harvard chicks, so give us some clear, easy to read directions, making sure you use small, monosyllabic words, and we’re there <lol>.

Well, I’m off to a meeting. Things are working out great with Laura so far. She’s a good sponsor, and once again, she won’t take any shit from me. It seems like everyone has my number. Have you been talking?

All my love,





From: Hennessey Boudreaux <> Sent: October 1, 1995
To: Townsend Bartley <>


Hi Townsend,

<Snipped for brevity's sake>

<As you could tell from our conversation yesterday, she knows about my

<drinking – I think she loves the fact that I’ve quit – it’s like a

<victory for her side <lol>. To be honest, though, I haven’t told her

<about any of my other … issues. I really like her, and I want to keep her

<as a friend. I think I’d scare her off if she knew of my sexual history –

<and I don’t mean just the lesbian thing – although that alone would

<probably be enough. So, I’d like it if we didn’t talk about my and our

<sexual history when she’s around, okay? I don’t like to lie to people <anymore, but in this case I think I have to.

I wouldn’t dream of talking about our history with anyone, Townsend. What we had and what we have is too precious to me to share with anyone but you. I know you like to be totally honest with people, and while it probably isn’t a good thing to hide too much of yourself, I can see that doling out the information slowly is probably a good idea. Jenna seemed more naïve than me, and that’s a feat unto itself <lol>. So, don’t worry, buddy. Your secrets are forever safe with me.

Much love,




* * *

Hennessey unexpectedly had to spend a Wednesday afternoon in Boston and rather than head back to Cambridge she decided to drop in on Townsend and see if she was available for an impromptu dinner. When she arrived she found both beds in Townsend's room filled with clothes and books. "What's going on? Early Spring cleaning?"

"Nope," Townsend said, giving her friend a hug. My roommate hated me and so did Jenna's. They met each other recently and decided to dump both of us. She's been dragging her stuff over here all afternoon."

"Wow, you were really dumped, huh?" Hennessey asked. "Did that upset you?"

"Nah," Townsend said, shaking her head. "She wanted someone to party with, and so did Jenna's roommate. We were just passed because we were in the slow lane." She giggled softly and asked, "Who would ever guess that I'd be in the slow lane."

"I think you're right where you belong." Hennessey said. "Where's Jenna now? Does she need any help?"

"Her old dorm is clear across campus. I just brought another load over while she got the next one ready." She gave Hennessey a curious look and asked, "Would you mind helping out?"

"Not at all. Let's get her organized and then we can all have dinner together."

Townsend threw her arms around Hennessey and gave her a robust hug. "You're the best friend in the whole world, stretch."

"Nah. Surely there's a better friend somewhere in the world. I haven't met her, but it's a very large planet you know—" She was cut off by a giggling Townsend tugging on her sleeve and firmly pulling her out the door.

* * *

On a cold Friday night in November Hennessey braved the elements to go into Boston to visit Townsend. For most of the fall Townsend had been attending an AA meeting not far from Harvard, but she had found a good group closer to her school and had recently made the switch.

When Hennessey arrived she was nearly frozen and Townsend gasped when she saw the ice-covered woman. "My God! I didn't know it was snowing!"

"It's n…n…n…not," Hennessey said, shivering mightily. "It's sleeting."

"You poor thing! Come in here and get warm."

"I don't think I'll ever be warm again," Hennessey said. She shuffled into the room, barely moving her knees or ankles. "I stepped into an icy puddle that must have been a foot deep. I can't feel my feet."

"Jesus! Take those boots off!" Townsend bent down and saw that Hennessey's jeans were drenched nearly to her knees. "And the pants!"

"My turtleneck is wet, too," Hennessey said. "The wind was blowing so hard that ice got into my coat."

"I'll get you some sweats, honey. Go into the bathroom and take everything off."

"I'll bet you say that to all the girls," Hennessey teased.

"Yeah, I do, but most of them scream and run. I'm counting on your stiff joints to keep you from scampering."

The taller woman bent and kissed Townsend on the cheek, her lips so cold that it felt like an ice cube had been placed on the spot. "I'll take whatever you have, buddy. I don't care if it fits or not. Just warm me up."

"I can handle it," Townsend assured her.

A few moments later Townsend knocked on the bathroom door and handed Hennessey a roomy fleece sweatshirt, a pair of sweats and two pairs of socks. "You can take a hot shower if you think it'll help," she added.

"No, I'll be fine as soon as I'm dry. Can you turn the heat up?"

"No can do, bud. We don't have individual thermostats. It's usually pretty warm, but when the wind blows like it is tonight I realize how many gaps there are in the window frame."

"Then chop up your furniture and start a bonfire. I'm sure no one will mind."

"Come out here and I'll warm you up," Townsend said.

"If anyone can do it, you can," Hennessey agreed. "Be right out."

* * *

A short while later the pair was snuggling on Townsend's bed, getting ready to watch a movie that Townsend had rented. "Have you ever seen "The Incredible True Life Adventures of Two Girls in Love?" she asked.

"Huh uh, but I've wanted to. I don't think it ever made it to Beaufort," Hennessey said, chuckling. "Nothing I really want to see ever does."

"Well, you're in the big city now, bud. Scoot over so I don't fall off the bed, will ya?"

"Why do dorms always put such tiny beds in the rooms?" Hennessey asked.

"So they have room for a pair of desks that are too small for kindergarteners," Townsend replied. "My bathroom at home is bigger than this room."

"I know that," Hennessey said. "And I think it's great that you chose to live here. Just another example of the excellent decisions you've made this year."

"Stop complimenting me and eat some popcorn," Townsend said, grinning. "The movie's starting."

The movie had been playing for about a half hour when the phone rang. Townsend answered it, saying, "Hey. What's going on?" She looked puzzled, then asked, "Is it really that bad?" After another short pause Townsend said, "No, I think you should stay. Hennessey's here and she'll probably stay over. Mind if she uses your bed?" She smiled and nodded, then said, "Take care, buddy. See you in the morning." She hung up and said, "Jenna says the weather is so bad that she's gonna stay over at her friend Sheila's dorm. You're here for the night, pal."

"Thank God," Hennessey said. "I was dreading having to go out in this storm, but I knew you wouldn't want me to stay if Jenna was here."

"Then you lucked out, didn't you?" Townsend asked, tweaking Hennessey's nose. She twitched her head and asked, "If you want to lie on her bed you can."

Hennessey's eyebrows knit and she asked, "Do you want me to? I kinda like it here if you don't mind."

"Yeah, I'm all about getting you out of my bed," Townsend said, jumping onto her friend and sneaking her cold hands up under Hennessey's shirt.

The brunette shrieked and fought to remove the cold digits from her warm skin. Townsend gave up quickly, then snuggled up to Hennessey's side and rested her head against a convenient shoulder. "I like you here, buddy. You're a very nice pillow."

"Thanks," Hennessey said. "I aim to please."

It struck the taller woman that this was the first time they'd been physically close since the previous spring. I hope I'm not giving Townsend the wrong message, she thought. I know it's hard for her to keep a distance and I don't want her to think that the rules have changed. Watching the movie with half of her attention, she let her mind wander, asking herself, Why haven't the rules changed? Townsend could be the poster child for AA! She hasn't had one slip since March of last year, and she was sober for nine months when she got drunk that time. She's developing a much better relationship with her parents and is working so hard in therapy. Why aren't we changing the rules?!?

Using one of her mental tricks, Hennessey forced herself to stop wondering about the question, deciding that she couldn't think about it when she was with Townsend. She needed some solitude to consider such a big issue, so tonight she wanted to clear her head and merely enjoy the movie.

The movie was definitely heating up and the young women were in a situation eerily similar to the one that Hennessey found herself in. The high school aged girls from the movie were spending their first night together, sleeping at one of the girl's homes while her mother was away. Damn, that's the age I should have been fooling around with girls, Hennessey thought. Yeah. Right. You can't do it now, what makes you think you could have done it then. Sighing, she reminded herself, I thought we were going to table this issue until tomorrow.

Once again she tried to focus, but the girls were undressing each other and kissing each other exactly like she wanted to kiss Townsend. God, I want to kiss her, she thought, tipping her chin so that she could breathe in the floral scent of Townsend's shampoo. She smells so good, so sexy. And I know she'll be such a good lover. Sighing heavily and shifting a little, she thought, She'll be a great lover, and you know it. So, what's the problem?!?

Deciding that she couldn't avoid the issue, Hennessey let herself dwell on it. I want her, and I know she wants me. I see the way she looks at me sometimes when she doesn't think I'm looking. I see the way her eyes light up when I see her on Friday nights. She looks at me like she wants me, like she desires me. So why can't I just let go?

Searching deep within herself, Hennessey came to the only conclusion that made sense to her. I'm so fucking afraid of falling in love with an alcoholic. I never should have gotten involved with her in the first place! My Al-Anon sponsor is always warning me about how easy it is for me to want to take care of Townsend, rather than let her live her own life.

But what in the hell do I do? Can I get over my fears? I can't keep Townsend hanging on if I'm never going to trust her. That's unbelievably cruel, and I can't allow that to happen. So how do I move on? She fidgeted on the bed until Townsend started patting her thigh to calm her down, but that only made her more aware of the warm, soft body curled up against her.


I don't know how I'll know I can trust her, but I know I'm not there yet. I know it's selfish of me, but loving another alcoholic will kill me. There's no way that I could survive if we got together and Townsend started to drink. I have to see her go through some tough times and not give into temptation. She hasn't had a difficult situation since last spring break, and as soon as I hurt her feelings she immediately got hammered. Shaking her head, Hennessey reminded herself, She isn't the same woman she was then, and you know it. She's maturing at an incredible pace, and her sobriety finally means as much to her as it does to you. She's close, Hennessey, and there's a good chance that you'll be able to trust her soon. She breathed in the delightful scent of the woman who lay in her arms and tightened her grip, trying to press Townsend's soft breasts into her own. God, I hope it's soon!


* * *

From: Townsend Bartley <> Sent: November 29, 1995
To: Hennessey Boudreaux <>


Hey studly!

Congratulations on being selected for the winter writing program at the camp! I still find it hard to believe that you’re going to spend more time with my mother over winter break than I am, but you really deserve this, Hennessey, and I’m proud of you. I think MaryAnn was a little surprised at how much pull my mom has with other writers, but when she puts her mind to it she’s quite persuasive. I think part of the reason my mom worked so hard to get this together was because of how grateful she is to you, buddy. I had dinner with her last night, and she was full of compliments – something I haven’t heard from her in many, many years. Of course, I haven’t given her much to compliment me on … so I can’t really blame her. But she made a point of mentioning how wonderful an influence you’ve been on me, and I can’t disagree <s>.

Don’t worry about not being home long enough for me to come visit. I think I’ll take Jenna up on her invitation to go to her family’s home in Salt Lake City. I’d love to ski some of those mountains that the Olympics will be held on, and thankfully, Jenna is a good skier, too. It’s gonna be weird to be surrounded by people who don’t drink or smoke. Hell, I’m gonna have to smuggle in some Diet Coke! I wonder if I’ll be able to find an AA meeting there. Just kidding – there are alcoholics in every town big enough for a bar <lol>.

Talk to you tomorrow, buddy – I just wanted to congratulate you as soon as I heard.

All my love,




* * *

From: Townsend Bartley <> Sent: January 15, 1996
To: Hennessey Boudreaux <>



I know you won’t be home for a few days, but I couldn’t wait to tell you all about my trip. I don’t use that word indiscriminately, Hennessey, it was a trip!

I’ve seen happy families on TV and in ads my whole life, but I was always certain that only an actor or a model could pull it off. You can imagine my amazement when I actually encountered what appears to be a happy family. I was suspicious, of course, and I probed carefully, trying to expose the dark underbelly of this seemingly functional family. But much to my surprise, I wasn’t able to find the evil hidden within. I honestly think that the Markham’s might be the real deal.

At first, it was scary, to tell you the truth. I kept waiting for Mr. Markham to sneak into my room and make me watch him jerk off – not because of anything he did – he just seemed so normal! It was freakish, Hennessey!

And Mrs. Markham cooked all of the meals we ate – with her own hands! I thought you had to work in a restaurant to do that, but apparently there are mothers who cook meals for their own children. Trippy, huh?

Jenna is the oldest, and she has four younger sibs – two girls and two boys. They seemed like normal kids, but when they’d start to fight or argue, Mrs. Markham would, in a very calm voice, ask them to stop – and they would! I didn’t hear a curse word all week; no one got drunk; no one got yelled at; and Mrs. Markham wasn’t driving the kids to therapy all week long. They went to church together a couple of times, but they didn’t try to pressure me into going with them – no one tried to convert me. Maybe they were smart enough to recognize a hopeless case <s>.

Anyway, as the week went on, I started to see that they weren’t just acting like they were a normal family – they really were! Mr. Markham got frustrated with the kids a few times – but he told them why he was upset and what he wanted them to do. And Mrs. Markham wasn’t too happy about having to make dinner again when Jenna’s sister came home late from soccer practice. But after telling her that she expected her to call next time, she cooked for her! No guilt trips! The girl apologized, and she actually looked sincere!

I don’t know what all of this means, Hennessey. I’m being serious. Is it really possible to live with people and not try to drive each other crazy? God, I thought of the way I speak to my mother, and it made me ashamed! I mean, my mother is no Mrs. Markham, but I treat her like she’s a sack of shit – maybe that’s part of the reason she doesn’t want to spend time with me.

I’m really pretty confused about all of this, pal. Call me when you get home and maybe you can help me sort it out. I’m starting to have a glimmer of hope for the basic goodness of people, and I need you to dissuade me of this notion before it lodges in my brain!

By the way, the skiing was fabulous! Jenna’s got a little wild streak in her when she gets on a snowboard – who would have guessed? <s>

Counting the days until you’re back in Boston.

All my love,





* * *


Continued in Parts 9 & 10


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