One Wild Ride

Part 8

“Xena, someone’s following us.” Gabrielle said, in a normaltone of voice.

“I know.”

They had been traveling along the wall for four candlemarks.The surrounding terrain had changed from a thick forest to a scrubbier brush,but as a positive side effect, they’d stocked up on several kinds of nuts andberries, and one stalk that had tender, edible ends.

“You think we should worry about that?”

Xena had picked herself up a staff again, and had her axslipped into the belt around her waist. “Not yet.” She replied. “I think it’syour boyfriend.”

“Don’t start with that.” Gabrielle bapped her on the edge ofher shoulder with the tip of her staff. “What makes you think it’s him?”

“I can smell him.” Xena answered equably. “Definitely stinksworse than the woman did.”

“Isn’t that usually the case?” Gabrielle asked, drolly.

Xena pondered that. “Well, there was that Amazon..”

“Ugh. Say no more.”

Xena led them across two fallen tree trunks, poking theground carefully to stir any possible snakes into retreat. They’d had a closecall once already. “How are you feeling?”

Caught in the middle of chewing a nut, Gabrielle swallowedhastily. “Fine.” She replied. “Why? Did you decide those berries we found werereally poisonous?”

“No.” Xena stepped off the logs and back onto the ground.“Just wondered.”  She wandered on,glancing up at the valley wall looming over them.  At treetop level, she spotted a large bird’s nest, and asshe watched, a bird of prey landed in it, something small and limp dangling fromit’s claws.

Was it a hawk? Xena shaded her eyes. “Falcon.” She indicatedthe bird.

Gabrielle trotted over and looked up. “Oh, wow.” She couldsee the pinions as the bird spread it’s wings, walking awkwardly on the edge ofthe nest. “You think it has babies?”

“That’s usually what a nest is for.” The warrior remarkeddryly.  “Besides, she’s feedingsomething up there.”

“Hm.” Gabrielle blithely ignored the sarcasm and continuedwatching the bird. “She’s pretty.” She concluded, dropping her eyes and turningthem forward along their path. “And its far enough up so that we won’t getpooped on.”

Xena chuckled. “You still resent those seagulls, don’t you?”

“Pfftp.” The bard made a disparaging noise, as they walked.“They were chasing me. Lucky Dori was around to throw rocks at them, becauseyou certainly weren’t any help.”

“I was busy.”

“Busy laughing your butt off.”  Gabrielle said. “Hey, is that a passageway up there?” Shepointed to a crack in the wall. 

They angled for it, crossing another of the many smallbrooks that seemed to gush from the wall in regular intervals. The crack grewbroader as they approached,  wideenough for both of them to pass through together, and Gabrielle felt a sense ofanticipation as they came up to it and peered inside.

“Oh..” Gabrielle said, after a moment. “Well, it’s not a wayout.”

“No.” Xena exhaled. “But it’s interesting.” She walkedforward into the crack, which narrowed quickly at it’s top to a closed rockfinality. The result was a long, triangular cave like space that should havebeen dark, but wasn’t. The ground sloped downward, and water had collected in apool inside, and sunlight bouncing off the water reflected off the thicklyencrusted crystals that lined the rock above it.

It was beautiful, in a strange, wild way.   Gabrielle walked inside, peeringaround. Past the pool the narrow cave continued, it’s flickers of light fadinginto utter darkness. “What do you think is back there?”

Xena cautiously followed her, reaching up to run her fingersover the crystals curiously. She wrinkled her nose, then stepped closer andlicked one of the crystals. “Salt.” She pronounced, with some surprise.

“Really?” Gabrielle looked over her shoulder. “Great. Breaksome off for me?”

“Sure.” The warrior was glad enough to pause, reversing herax and gently knocking some of the irregular crystals free. “Don’t go to farback there.”

“I won’t.” Gabrielle had edged over to where the shadowstook over, and she could see no further back into the cave. “You think thisgoes somewhere?” She asked. “Want to get a torch and find out? Maybe there’smore caves, or a chimney.”

Xena walked over, juggling the crystals in one hand. Shestopped at Gabrielle’s side and cocked her head, sniffing the air brushinglanguidly across her face. After a moment she opened her mouth as well, andclosed her eyes. The salt put an acrid edge on the air, but under that, and thestrong smell of the water, she could detect rock, dust, and a faint hint ofsulpher.

A chimney was always possible, and she’d seen these cracksin the rock leading upwards often enough. Hades, she owed her life to one ofthem.  She didn’t smell anythingthat would make her think so this time – at least not close to where they were.

“No, huh?” Gabrielle said.

“Hard to say.” Xena admitted. “Nothing near us.”

Gabrielle walked a little further into the shadows,bolstered by her partner’s presence. As she moved along, she could hear herboots scuffing lightly against the rock, and the shadows seemed to press in onher. She blinked, but the darkness was impenetrable, and she stopped walking.“Hm.”


Gabrielle felt Xena come up behind her, and lay a hand onher shoulder. “I know, I’m coming.”

“Look.” Xena pointed.

The bard inhaled sharply, when she saw two glowing eyeslooking back at her. “What is that?” She whispered. The eyes were round andfeatureless, floating about her head level from the ground. She could see nobody outline around them.

Given what they’d seen in the valley so far, Xena reallydidn’t have any confidence in a guess. “Dunno.” She took a step towards theeyes, then another. 

The glowing orbs disappeared.

Xena remained still, but she shifted her grip on her ax, herheartbeat picking up a little. She strained her ears, but aside from the rippleof the water, and Gabrielle’s soft breaths behind her, she could hear nothing.So, now what?

“I don’t think we should go any further.” Gabrielle spoke upquietly. “Not without a torch.”

Xena held up her hand, as a faint sound came to her ears. Itwas a soft clacking, very much like bone hitting bone. It made her nape hairsprickle, and she took a step back, towards the opening, and the light. “Goodidea.” 

They backed out, past the water, towards the opening, notturning until they were in a fairly sizable patch of reflected light.

Then they stopped dead, as they both saw the line of bodiesblocking their way out of the crevice and back into the main valley. “Oh..damn.” Gabrielle blurted, bringing her staff up across her body in a defensiveposition. “Xena..”

“Yeah, I see em.” Xena glanced behind her. She thought shesaw a brief glimpse of glowing eyes, but she turned her attention forwardagain, to this more immediate threat.

She could see only about six of the creatures. They wereshoulder to shoulder across the opening, watching them both with hungry, yetwary eyes.  These were, asGabrielle had noted, much larger than the lone male they’d last encountered,and they were more muscular, and appeared older if the thick facial hair andgeneral burliness meant anything.

“So, now what?” Gabrielle murmured. “Talk about being stuckbetween some rocks and an ugly face.”

Xena exhaled in disgust, setting her staff aside and heftingher ax. She eased around the edge of the pool and let her body fill theopening, squaring her shoulders as she faced off against the creatures.

The biggest of them grunted at her, a preemptory barkaccompanying a sharp gesture, his stubby fingers curling towards him hand helddown. 

Gabrielle came up behind Xena, peeking past her elbow at thecreatures. “Yow.”

“Watch our backs, huh?” Xena uttered. “I don’t like what Iheard back there.”

“Is it worse than what we see in front of us?” Gabriellequeried.


Oh, yippee. Gabrielle resolutely faced away from her partner, putting her back toXena’s back and gripping her staff firmly with both hands. She anxiouslysearched the shadows, catching a brief glimpse of the glowing orbs before theyvanished, as though sensing her watching. “Oh, that’s creepy.” She murmured.“Sure you don’t want to trade?”

Xena regarded the creatures. The largest one had taken astep towards her, making the come hither gesture in company with an unsubtlehip thrust. “Yeah, I’m sure.” She told her partner. “Swing for the glowingthings if it comes close.”

Yippee. Gabrielle swallowed, and focused her attention onthe dark recesses of the cave. She could feel Xena shifting behind her, andhear the warrior let out an aggressive growl.  “Wish I could do that.”

“What?” Xena asked.

“Nothing.” Gabrielle spotted the orbs again, but this timeshe didn’t look right at them. She focused her attention ahead of her, andwatched the orbs float in her peripheral vision.


Xena made eye contact with the big creature, and traded hisimperious gesture with one of her own. She watched him take another step, thenshe took one herself, raising the ax to waist level and flexing her handsaround it.

The creature beat his chest, as the younger one had done. Itmade a hollow thumping sound, and was something Xena had no interest induplicating given her natural physical differences. So, instead, she spread herarms out wide, the ax almost grazing the stone roof, and let out a wild yellthat echoed off the crystals quite satisfyingly.

The big creature glared at her, then he mimicked her armsweep, but only managed a rough bark to counter her yell.

“Get the Hades out of here!” Xena switched to actuallanguage. This seemed to enrage the creatures, and they all started jumping upand down, and hooting. “Gabrielle!”

“What?” The bard was busy watching floating orbs, becausenow there were two sets. “I’m busy!”

“It is *NOT* easier to talk instead of fight.” The warrioryelled. “These stupid bastards are getting on my LAST NERVE!”

“Sorry hon.” Gabrielle edged towards the first set ofeyeballs, making a motion with her staff. “G’wan, get back, you!” She couldhear a soft rattling, and was that a hiss, or did she imagine it? “Back!”  She yelled louder. “Xena, these thingsare creeping me out!”


“There’s two of them now.”

“Great.” Xena sighed in utter frustration. “All right.c’mon.We’re going to have to fight our way out of this damn place.” She startedforward. “Let’s go, Pounding Pauline.”

“Right here.” Gabrielle gladly abandoned her littlenightmares and came to Xena’s side, joining her as they both headed for thecreatures. “Just rush them?”


Good an idea as any. Gabrielle readied herself as they bothbroke into a jog, passing the sparkling pool and coming into the reflectedlight from the outside.

Xena let out another yell for good measure and lifted her axup, threatening the creatures with it. “Ya stinking bastards! Beat it!”  She bellowed, hitting a patch of sunthat caught her in all her mottle furred glory.

The creatures stared at Xena, stopped hooting, and turned,running away as fast as they could, howling in fear. Warrior and bard stoppedat the entrance, watching them shred foliage on their way through the trees,and turned to look at each other.

“What in the Hades was that?” Gabrielle wondered.

Xena stared at them, then down at herself. “They think I’mone of these?” She pondered, touching her catskin dress.

“Honey.” Gabrielle put her staff end on the ground andleaned on it. “I don’t think even those guys could be that stupid.”

“Well, then I don’t know w..” Xena happened to turn towards Gabrielle,and from the corner of her eye she caught sight of the forest of glowingeyeballs that were now approaching them. “Bacchae!” She grabbed Gabrielle bythe arm and started after the creatures. “Move it!”

“Yahhhh!!” Gabrielle looked, and then regretted it. “Whatare those!”

Xena didn’t know. Uncharacteristically, she really didn’twant o find out. “If this is Ares’ playground, you wanna get up close andpersonal with something that lives in a dark cave and sounds like bonesrattling?”

Gabrielle didn’t even have to think about it. She caught upto Xena and passed her, breaking into a very workman or workwomanline run,passing out of the crevice and turning right, heading away from where thecreatures had bolted off to the left.

Xena unabashedly raced after her, glad to abandon the caveand it’s occupants, and hoping they didn’t come out after them. If there wasone thing she hated more than spiders, it was weird skeleton creatures withglowing eyes.

She just hated them. Especially since she had no idea whatthey were. Or where they came from.

Or why their eyes glowed.

The sun was starting to dive behind the cliff wall again.They’d have to find another place to stay the night, away from hairy and scarycreatures, and hunting animals… Xena looked up as thunder rumbled overhead. And rain.

Damn it.

Romance of the road my ass.


It was dark by the time they found any kind of shelter. Ithad been raining for a candlemark, and they’d slogged the last few miles inankle deep mud that sucked at their every step.

“Ugh.” Gabrielle thumped back against the prickly bark of adowned tree, raking the wet hair off her forehead as Xena managed to get theirdeerskin hammered into place to protect them from the rain.  The ground was soaked and muddy, andthere was no where to sit down, but at least the skin kept the needle-like rainfrom pelting every square inch of her.

It felt good to stand still. She could feel the roughness ofthe tree behind her and she leaned back, glad to hang her pack off a brokenbranch and just listen to the storm instead of be in it. She glanced up as Xenaducked under the skin, her hair plastered down over her shoulders. “Good as itgets?

“Yeah.” Xena joined her leaning against the tree trunk.“Give me a minute, and I’ll cut us a seat out of this.” She patted the barkthey were resting against. “Rain’ll keep most things away from us.”

“Mm.” Gabrielle blinked, propping her boot up on the treeand letting her hands rest on her thigh. She flicked a bit of dried mud off herskin and wiggled her toes, wincing a little at the squishy, muddy sensation.There was no chance of a fire, she realized, and she reconciled herself to acold, wet night with the only positive the fact she would be sleeping on thesoft, muddy ground instead of on rocks.

Relative levels of comfort, after all.  She listened to the rain pelting theforest around them, and despite the discomfort, she took heart in it because,as Xena had said, it provided them a measure of safety.  She turned and studied their littlenook. “Cozy.”

Xena snorted softly. She’d tied off the skin from the fallentrunk to one of the roots sticking out from the bottom of the tree, andprovided them with a space just about big enough for the two of them and theirgear. The ground was sloped away from them, and the hide was pitched to allowthe water to drip off.

She addressed her stone ax to the bark, cutting into it,then bending close to sniff the gash. The tree had only recently fallen, andshe straightened in relief before she made her second cut. If the bark had beentoo dead and dried out, all she’d have gotten for her troubles was crumbledrubble and she really, really wanted something other than mud to sit on.

She continued to work, pausing briefly when she feltGabrielle come up and lean against her, the bard’s warm hands gently rubbingher shoulders. “What’s up?”

“Nothing.” The bard replied. “Just making myself useful.”

Xena wasn’t sure how useful that really was, but it surefelt wonderful so she wasn’t about to complain. “Damn rain.”

Gabrielle continued working. They’d traveled over so muchground since the scare at the crevice, it was all starting to blend together inher mind. Trees, more trees, hills, and the everpresent wall on their right,which was now beginning to angle in to join the opposite wall they could justsee from the hilltops on the left.

Somewhere ahead of them, they would meet. What would theyfind there? Would there be some place where they could seek a way out of thevalley?

Or was the woman right? Gabrielle faced the thought as shekneaded the tense muscles in her partner’s back. Nah. Xena would find a way forthem to get home. It would take more than a creepy old valley to hold her.

“So.” Xena started to peel back her cut square of bark.

“So?” Gabrielle circled her from behind, and gave her asqueeze.

“How’s everything?”

Gabrielle considered. “Well, it’s wet, it’s muddy, and thereare probably slugs around.”

Xena was silent, her hands busy with the bark. “Wasn’t whatI meant.” She finally muttered.

“It wasn’t?” The bard frowned. “What did you mean?’

Xena wrenched the bark free, then she turned in the circleof Gabrielle’s arms to face her. “You say I don’t get subtlety?” She asked,with a wry expression. “You bleeding yet?”

Gabrielle blinked, her head jerking back a little insurprise. “Huh?”  She blurted, thenrealized what Xena meant. “Oh.. sheep.” She hid her face against her partner’scollarbone. “No.”

“Ahhh.” The warrior kissed her on the top of her head.

“I could just be late.” Gabrielle demurred. “I am sometimes.”

“True.”  Xenaagreed. “But on the other hand, not cycling right now is a gift from the gods,so don’t say that too loud.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” The bard sighed. She hugged Xena,and felt a sense of peace come over her as the warrior hugged her back.

Xena dropped the bark down and nudged it into place with herfoot. “C’mon.” She dropped to her knees onto the pale, moist surface, halfguiding half tugging Gabrielle along with her.

They arranged themselves as best they could, sharing thesquare to sit on and propping their knees up with boots planted in the dampground. Shoulder to shoulder, they rested quietly, listening to the rain peltdown in almost absolute darkness. 

After a little while, Gabrielle exhaled, and reached up toget her sack, removing it from it’s makeshift hook and taking it down into herlap. “Want some figs?”

“Sure.” Xena anticipated the sweet, chewy treat. “Got any ofthat deer left?”

“A little.” Gabrielle removed it by touch and separated itinto two portions. She handed one to Xena along with some figs, and put a pieceinto her own mouth and started chewing. “Do you have any idea at all what those creepy things were? I’ve neverseen anything like that before, Xena.”

The warrior took a bite of fig and pondered the question. “Idon’t… well, I heard of something like that once.” She amended. “Someone.. Ithink one of the guys I sailed with back when told us a story about a ship thatwas cursed.”

“Like Cecrops?”

“Yeah, something like that.” Xena said. “Anyway, the crewdied of something, but instead of just dying, they became living skeletons.Just bones, and glowing eyes.”


“Guy said you could see them across the water at night.Scared hell out of the crew.” She added. “Told the damn thing every night untilthey all were seeing ghosts everywhere.”

Gabrielle chewed quietly for a minute. “So what did you do?”

“Broke his jaw.”

“Mm.” Gabrielle reached in and retrieved a handful of nuts,cracking one and sharing it. “You think he was telling the truth?”

“Nah.” Xena shook her head. “Just a sea tale.”

“But Cecrops’ story was true.” The bard argued. “And if youthink about it, that’s just as crazy sounding.”  She said. “I would have thought it was just a story, if Ihadn’t actually seen it myself.”

“Maybe.” The warrior conceded. “Anyway, they were there.”She added. “Whatever they were.”

“They scared the hooters.”

Xena stopped in mid chew. “Scared the what?” She looked ather partner.

“Hooters. That’s what I’m calling those guys.” Gabrielleinformed her. “That weird noise they make. You know.”


“Mm.” Xena grunted. “The damn things scared me, so why notthem?” She said.

“Scared me too.” Gabrielle said. “Don’t you think they spookeasy, though? They seem to be afraid of a lot of stuff.”

Xena nodded, having noticed that as well.

“Wonder what they really are.” The bard mused. “I don’tthink they’re anything Ares did, Xe.”


“No.”  Gabriellesaid. “They’re way too ugly.” She glanced at her partner. “Much as I don’t likehim, he’s got good taste.”

Xena looked back at her, the barest hint of reflection offher eyes in the dim stormlight. “Was that a compliment?”

Gabrielle chuckled softly.

“I don’t know, Gabrielle.” The warrior sighed. “There’s justso much here we just don’t know about.” She edged over a little, so theirbodies were touching. “Every time I turn around, there’s just more mysteriesand fewer answers.”

Gabrielle swallowed her last mouthful and dusted her fingersoff.  She took the half skull fromthe bag and leaned forward, extending her hand to catch rain runoff into themakeshift cup, waiting until it filled before she settled back and took  a sip.

Xena had patiently rasped down the edges of the bone with abit of rock, and it was smooth now and comfortable, if still creepy, to drinkfrom. Gabrielle took another sip, then passed it over. “Well, tell you what.”


“How about I tell us both a story?”

Xena laid a hand on the bard’s thigh, giving her a dimlyseen fond look. “You don’t have to do that. We both need some rest.”

“I want to do it.” Gabrielle said. “I’m tired, but notsleepy. If I tell a story, maybe I’ll get my brain to agree with my body.”

“Mm.. okay.” Xena stifled a yawn, then stopped, and cocked her head to listen.

Gabrielle sensed it. “What?” She uttered sub vocally.

After a moment, the warrior relaxed. “There’s someone outthere.” She uttered back.


“Probably.” Xena listened intently. “Only one.”

The woman? Or the boy? Gabrielle wondered. “Are they comingafter us?”

“No… just out there.” Xena could sense the creature not faraway, but not close enough to worry her either. It wasn’t moving around much,probably taking shelter as best it could just as they were.  She felt Gabrielle lean against her,and exhale. “Tell *you* what.”


“How about I sing you to sleep?” Xena offered. “Haven’t donethat in a long time.”

Gabrielle was positively charmed. “I’d like that.” Shereplied softly. “Thank you.”

Xena slid her arm around her partner’s waist and waited forGabrielle to cuddle close, as she selected a song from her admittedly small repertoireand composed herself to sing it. As the rain pattered down, she started, agentle, sweet tune she knew Gabrielle adored.

It was an expression of love that made the surroundingsirrelevant, and the skulking watcher just a point in the wind outside.

And it worked.


Ephiny walked into total chaos in the inn. She stopped insurprise just inside the door and just listened, watching with wide eyes as athrong of muddy, angry people all stood around the Amphipolis village elders,yelling at the top of their lungs.

“What the heck?” She turned to ask Granella, who had spottedher and skulked on over. “What’s going on here?”

“They’re mad.” Granella said, succinctly.

Ephiny waited, then, when nothing more was forthcoming, shelooked at her friend. “And?”

Granella shrugged. “They seem to think the town up here owesthem compensation.”

The regent’s jaw dropped a little. “For what?”

“Hard to say.” Granella leaned against the wall. “Somethingabout them coming here and settling and bringing in money, and now it’s allgone to crap, and so they’re owed.”

Ephiny’s eyebrows lifted. “ You have got to be kidding me.”


The regent folded her arms over her chest. “Did someone askthem to come here?”

Granella sighed. “Well, no.. I mean, some of them just came,you know?”


“But the council’s been trying to get more of them in, and Iguess.. yeah, some of them got talked into it.” The dark haired womanexplained. “But it wasn’t like anyone did this on purpose. It’s a damn flood.”She added. “So I don’t know.”

“The council paid them to come here?” Ephiny asked.

“I don’t think they paid them. More like promised themthey’d do well.”

“Ah.” The regent nodded. “So now, when they’ve losteverything, they want the council to make good on the promise.”


Ephiny sniffed reflectively, as she watched the council tryto deal with the angry merchants and lower town residents. “Bet they wishGabrielle were here.”

Granella hid a grin with her hand. “Bet they do.” Sheagreed. “Where’s Dori?”

“Up at the village.” Ephiny said. “Playing with the rest ofthe rugrats and having a ball.” She spotted Cyrene entering. “Hm.”

The innkeeper saw her, and diverted her path, heading overto where the two women were standing. “Ephiny?”

“Yeees?” Ephiny mimicked Xena’s usual answer.

“Where’s my granddaughter?’

“We cooked and ate her. Figured you wouldn’t mind.” Ephinyreplied, with a straight face.

Cyrene sighed.

“She’s up at the village with the rest of the kids.” Theregent relented. “We’ve got about a half dozen youngsters up there, and a bunchof doting aunts to watch em. She’s fine.” She looked around. “I figured she’dbe better off there than down here with all the hubbub.”

Cyrene looked around, and seemed to appreciate thesentiment. She watched the argument going on in the corner, and shook her head.“Idiots.”

“Which ones?” Ephiny asked. “I’d say your council got whatit deserved, myself.”

Cyrene turned and looked at her in surprise.

Ephiny shrugged.

“They did what they thought was best for all of us.” Theinnkeeper said. “No one can blame them for stirring up business.. you shouldn’tsay that. It’s those moochers who don’t’ deserve their time of day.” Shecontinued. “I wouldn’t give them a dinar.”

One of the bigger merchants stepped forward, his voicerising and his finger jabbing into the lead councilman’s chest. “You listen,you useless bit of hot air! You promised me a fortune! You promised my family anice house!  Now you make good! Youmake good or I’ll have your head!”

Cyrene exhaled. “Fools.”

“Pity Gabrielle’s not in charge.” Ephiny remarked.

“Yeah.” Granella said. “For one thing, that guy would not bepoking her.”

“More than once.”

“Hmph.” Cyrene cleared her throat. “Really, they just feltthat with her traveling so much, it wasn’t fair to ask her to be involved.”

“Do you really believe that?” Granella asked,unexpectedly.  “Even Torisdoesn’t.”

Cyrene eyed her.

“I think they were just torked that a woman was incharge.”  The dark haired womanstated. “I heard them talking. It had nothing to with Gab’s traveling. Theyjust want it all. They want to run everything, but they want them to be here tofix things when they break.” She shook her head. “I felt bad for Gab. Tellingher to get lost.. that hurt her.”

Cyrene was silent for a bit. “I didn’t think she cared.” Shefinally said.

“How could she not care? She loves this place.” Ephiny said.“It’s the one spot beside tall dark and deadly she thinks of as home. Not evenPotadeia is that to her.” She paused reflectively. “Or our village.”

“All right, all right..” The head councilman finally said,loudly. “Fine, I.. I’ll make it up to you. We’ll make it good. For all of you.”

Cyrene turned. “What?”

“Damn straight you will!” The merchant yelled. “And you’llstart it right now by putting us up! Here! My wife’s not gonna sleep in theback of no wagon, like you told me!” He looked around at the group. “Right?”

“Yeah. That’s not fair!” One of the other merchants agreed.“You gotta do us right!”

“O…of course. Of course.” The head man turned to Cyrene. “Ofcourse.. yes?”

“No.” Cyrene replied, in a steady tone. “We’re full. Youknow that Alaf.”

Alaf made a shushing gesture. “Put someone out.” The manordered. “Can’t you see how important this is?”  He glared at her. “It’s business!”

Everyone swung to look at Cyrene. “I’m an innkeeper.”  She stated flatly. “My business is torun this inn, not kick out paying customers for your whims, Alaf.”

“A whim!” Alaf hissed.

Cyrene shrugged. “I’m not the one who cut the deal withthem.”  She said. “If I recall, youdeliberately cut me out of that conversation.”


“Now look!” The merchant broke in, striding forward. “Youlisten to me old woman..”

Granella and Ephiny reacted, cutting him off and sliding infront of Cyrene, Ephiny drawing her sword and extending it with absolutely nohesitation whatsoever. “Hold it.” The regent ordered.

“Don’t interfere.” Alaf ordered. “This is none of yourbusiness!”

“Wrong.” Ephiny contradicted him. “This inn belongs to myqueen’s family, and that makes it my business.” She motioned the merchantforward with her other hand. “So c’mon. You want a piece of me? Think you canknock me down, big guy?”

“But..” Alaf hesitated.

“Wait your turn.” Ephiny cut him off. “I’ll kick your asswhen I’m done with his.”  Sheturned back to the merchant. “Well? See how far your big mouth gets you withme, buster.”

The merchant stared at Ephiny. “You know what the problem isin this place?” He said. “Women.” He turned to Alaf. “They got you allwhipped.”

Alaf looked at the regent.

“Bet your ass we do.” Ephiny grinned at him. “And you betterthank me for keeping you from being mean to Cyrene here, because, little man –there’s lots worse than me around here.” She spun her sword in her hand, andthen sheathed it, letting her hands come to rest on her hips  and giving the two of them her verybest Amazon glare.

“You can say that again.” Cyrene stepped forward and edgedpast Ephiny. “Now, all of you lot, get out.” She pointed at the door. “I don’tgive a damn what deals you cut with these bastards. It’s not my affair, and Iwon’t be throwing anyone out for you!”

Alaf’s lips twitched. “All right. You can stay in my house.”He told the man. “Come with me. We’ll get things settled.” He turned to leave,then turned back to Cyrene. “I”ll remember this, Cyrene.”

They walked out, slamming the door behind them while therest of the merchants milled around uncertainly, and then followed, leaving theinn covered in muddy footprints, but empty of their agitated whispers.

Cyrene sighed. “This is not good.”

Ephiny took a seat at one of the tables and propped a bootup on the trestle. “I thought I was pretty spiffy, actually. Haven’t had topull the cycling Amazon from Hades from my bag of tricks in a while.” Sherested her arm on the table. “Did it buy me a mug of ale?”

Granella chuckled. “Eph, you’re too much.” She went over andsat down. “But you know, I think we should go find Xena and Gabrielle.”

“Thought you decided they didn’t need our help?” Cyrenesaid, but in a mild tone that took the sting out.

“They don’t.” Ephiny looked up at her. “But I think we’regoing to end up needing theirs, here.” She gestured at the window. “River’sleveled. Maybe I can send a few warriors in a canoe down, see if they spotthem.”

“Hm.” Granella murmured.

Cyrene sat down next to Ephiny. “I think that would be avery good idea.” She said.  “And nomatter what you say, or what you think… they could be in trouble and reallyneed the help this time.”

Ephiny thought about that. “Anything’s possible.” Sheconceded. “They do get into some scrapes.” She studied the edge of the table,drawing her finger along it. “Sometimes I think they manage to get out ofwhatever they get into by themselves because they just don’t have any otheroption.”

“Exactly.” Cyrene agreed. “Listen, I know they’reresourceful. I know Xena’s got more tricks up her sleeve than.. than…”

“Than she has sleeves.” Granella supplied, with a rakishgrin. “Eph, tell you what. Let me go down the river for them. I’ll take Pony.”She offered. “When we find them, that way it’ll be more like me going to them forhelp, then us trying to rescue them.”

All three women were quiet for a little bit.  “All right.” Ephiny finally said.“Pony’d like that. She’d rather go chasing down those two than clean up the mudin the village, that’s for damn sure.”

Granella grinned again. “I’m sure Toris won’t mind chasingafter the twins instead of doing the same here.”

Cyrene snorted and rolled her eyes.

“Cyrene.” Ephiny tapped the table. “Are those guys going togive you a problem? I can send some featherheads down here to hang out if theyare.”

The innkeeper propped her chin up on her fist. “Probably.But I can grab some of Xena’s boys if they get too riled up. I think they’ll gojust so far before they realize they really don’t want to get their ass kickedin public.”

“By the militia?”

“By me.” Cyrene corrected, wryly. “You know, Xena *is* mydaughter.”

Granella and Ephiny both laughed at that. “Yeah, and if theyget too nasty, I’ll send Dori down here.” Ephiny said. “They’ll wish they werefacing the Athenian army instead.” She slapped Granella’s arm. “Okay, deal.I”ll let Pon know. C’mon up and you two can make plans.”

“Gotcha.” Granella nodded. “Let me go tell Toris.” She gotup and slipped out the kitchen door, leaving Ephiny and Cyrene alone.

“Let me get you that ale.” Cyrene got up and headed for thetap. “Thanks for the show, by the way.”

“I hate loudmouth jerks.” Ephiny said. “Especially loudmouthjerks who do bad things to friends of mine.” She accepted the mug, and sippedfrom it, then set it down. “And I’m really ticked off about that whole councilthing with Gabrielle.”

Cyrene sat down with her own mug. “Are you?’ She mused.“When I heard, I thought it was a good thing.. not having them bother her.” Sheglanced up. “Is that why they moved up the mountain?”

Ephiny stifled her first impulse, and took a steady breathinstead. “Might have been one of the small reasons.” She said. “But you know,Cyrene.. it really was because they can’t stand the uproar. They’ve lived outin the wild too long.”


“I noticed it when they stayed by us. They just really needspace.” The regent said. “And… Xena told me she felt like this place wasn’t herhome anymore.”

Cyrene looked sharply at her. “She said that to you too?”

Ephiny nodded.

“Damn it.” The innkeeper shook her head. “How can I tradethat for the success of all the people here?” She asked plaintively. “Thesepeople suffered during that war, and stood by us. Don’t they deserve to makegood now?”

They did. Ephiny had to agree with that. “Of course theydo.” She said. “I don’t know what the answer is, Cyrene.”

A loud yell penetrated the inn wall, and they both turned tolook. “Well, it could be a moot point.” Cyrene got up and headed for the door.“We may all be going to Hades in a wicker basket now.”

Could be. Ephiny hauled herself to her feet and followed.Could very well be.


The air was a dark gray, and so was the sky. The only colorwas from the trees around them, sodden greens and the brown of moss that leantthe glade a gloomy air.

Gabrielle sat cross-legged on the bark, her elbows restingon her knees as she gazed out into the pouring rain.  Across from her, under a thick bush, was their Hooterfriend, the young male. He was hunched under the leaves, drenched, but stubbornlywatching them just as she was watching him.

He hadn’t tried to come any closer, after he’d found them.He just settled in across the glade, his dark eyes fixed on them with an almostwoebegone expression.

Darn it. Gabrielle wiped mist from her face for the nthtime. What the heck were they going to do with him?

Xena was taking advantage of the storm to kick back andrelax, her body stretched out under the tarp and her eyes closed. “Is he doingtricks yet?”

“Xena.” Gabrielle reached behind her and gave the warrior aslap on the calf.  “What’s he waitingfor, I wonder?”

“Rain to stop?”

The bard sighed. “You’re such a punk sometimes.”

“I’m bored.” Xena answered. “C’mon over here. We can givehim something more fun to watch.” She nudged Gabrielle with her foot.

“I’m trying to figure out how to communicate with this guy.”Gabrielle nevertheless turned and laid down on her side, draping one arm overXena’s middle. “You’re not helping.”

“Gabrielle.” Xena opened one blue eye and peered at her.“It’s raining like Hades. Besides mind reading, how much communication youthink’s getting done here?”

“Mm.” Gabrielle snuggled closer. “I don’t want to try thatcome here gesture again. This place isn’t big enough for us, plus a wetHooter.”  She lifted her head andcraned her neck, spotting just a quick glimpse of their watcher as he huddledin the rain.


“What does he want, you think?”

“A mate.” Xena replied. “Must be frustrating the Hades outof him, seeing two females just ripe for the picking, and having them kick hisass.”

The bard snorted softly, and buried her face into Xena’sshoulder. “This would be funny if it wasn’t so darn…darn..”


“Frustrating.” Gabrielle corrected. “That’s what it is.. it’s just so frustrating thatall this stuff is happening to us and we’re just… stuck here.”


Gabrielle sighed, her eyes straying out to the rain. “Isthis ever going to end, Xe?” She complained, feeling a light touch as thewarrior’s hand came to rest on her back, and began a slow massage. “I’m tiredof this whole rain thing already.”

Xena gazed up at the hide protecting them, and found herselffully in agreement with her partner’s sentiments. The heavy downpour wasgetting on her nerves as well, and the misty wet that kept covering their skinwas just making it worse.

She wanted to be up and gone, but having them walk in thatmuch rain for so long was just asking for trouble, and she was a littlesurprised they both weren’t coming down with colds already.  She had no herbs for that, and ifGabrielle got the coughing sickness here..

Xena felt a chill run down her spine. In reflex, she pulledGabrielle a little closer, hugging her. A fire was out of the question, and they’d finished off the last oftheir stores for breakfast. If the rain ever stopped, they’d have to go out andfind or catch something, and if the rain didn’t stop..

Well, she’d have to go out and find something anyway. 

“What are you thinking about?” Gabrielle asked.


“Ah. Romantic.”

“You asked.” The warrior sighed. “Damn I wish we were out ofhere.”

“Out of this charming nest you made us? Me too.” Gabrielleagreed.

“Out of this damn valley.” Xena replied, in a frustratedtone. “I’m tired of not having.. anything.. I need.”


Xena curled her hand around Gabrielle’s elbow and rubbed theskin there with her thumb. “Anything aside from you.” She amended, wryly. “Andall this wet’s getting on my last nerve.”

“Mine too.”

It was enough to drive anyone crazy, the warrioracknowledged. Knowing they had so far to go to get home, and to be just sittinghere.

Ah well.

Xena forced herself to just relax. She thought for a minute,then she rolled onto her side, tilting her head and giving Gabrielle a kiss onthe lips. There was a hint of figs to be found there and she took her timefollowing up on the hint.

Gabrielle hesitated, then leaned into the kiss, her bodyresponding without any conscious direction to the familiar touch. A briefthought of their silent watcher crossed her mind, but it was just as quicklydismissed when Xena’s fingers traveled around from her back across herwaistline and eased between them to gently cup her breast.

She felt a jolt hit her guts, and the rain outside faded.Xena’s touch always had that affect on her, even after all this time, and shewas glad enough to dismiss the discomforts around  her and concentrate on more pleasurable tingles instead.

Xena’s fur tunic was unbelted, and she nudged a fold of itaside. She ran the tips of her fingers up the warrior’s bare side, and felt themuscles just under the skin contract in reflex.

The cat skin had a musky scent of it’s own, and it blendedwith Xena’s in a not unpleasant way. Gabrielle ducked her head and kissed thewarrior’s collarbone, welcoming the warmth as her partner’s thigh slippedbetween hers.

“Grrr.” Xena growled softly into her ear.

Gabrielle smiled, moving her kisses slowly downward.  With Xena, there was plenty of lengthto cover and she liked taking her time to do so, as the warrior reciprocatedwith teasing nips along the back of her neck.

Definitely more interesting that watching the rain. The bardfelt a touch glide down her back, coming to rest on her hip for just aninstant, before she felt a teasing tug on the laces of her belt.

Hm. “Xe?”

“Mm?’ The warrior licked her earlobe lightly, then caught itbetween her teeth.

“Do I really want to moon the Hooter?”

Without even the slightest hesitation, Xena removed thecatskin and draped it over Gabrielle’s body. “There. Better?”

Leaving herself, of course, completely exposed.“Exhibitionist.” The bard surrendered, going back to her exploration.

“My mother always says, if you got it..”

“Don’t leave it out in the rain to get wrinkled.” The bardcompleted the sentence, her gentle touch moving lower and getting a soft gaspfrom her partner. “So there.”

“Whatever.” Xena unlaced her belt and slid her skirt away,nudging her over onto her back as their bodies touched and melded.

Gabrielle flipped an edge of the catskin back over Xena’storso, just before she mostly forgot about their surroundings, and the rain,and any watchers. Her body got caught up in Xena’s stroking, as desire eruptedin her guts and shortened her breathing.

She used to feel shy about how she reacted to Xena, butsomewhere between her growing up and them growing together, she’d dropped theblushing and just learned to really enjoy it.

Now a groan eased from her throat  as Xena hit a particularily sensitive spot and she duckedher head to tease one of Xena’s nipples in return, coaxing a low sound ofappreciation from the warrior.

She used to feel a little awkward, and more than a littleawed at being able to touch Xena like this, after so much time where they’dtraveled together as friends. It had seemed amazing.


It had seemed unbelievable, when it finally  happened.


Oh, boy, she loved it when Xena did that. “Uhngh.” And sheloved when Xena said her name, too.

Ah well. She could really think of no better way to spend arainy day than this, after all.


By evening, it still hadn’t stopped raining.  Xena sighed, tying the makeshift laceson her even more makeshift boots, and turned her head to look at Gabrielle.“You over this?”

“Way over it.” Gabrielle agreed. “It’s flooding under here.We can’t stick around, and if I’m gonna get wet anyway, might as well belooking for another place to take shelter.”  The bard fastened their carrysack to her back and snuggedthe gut tie around her waist. “Let’s go.”

Mentally preparing herself for the rain, Xena steppedoutside into it, and unfastened the skin they’d been huddled under. It wastruly sodden, but she patiently rolled and squeezed it as she folded it into amanageable bundle.

Gabrielle stood behind her, blond hair already plastered toher head as the rain bounced off her skin and darkened her clothing. She tippedher head back, and reckoned they had a few hours of light left to travel by,and maybe a few more if they got lucky and the rain cleared enough for the moonto come out.

The Hooter had disappeared. They weren’t sure exactly whenbut after they’d spent a pleasant candlemark snuggling they’d gotten up to findhe was no longer there watching them.

Gabrielle wasn’t really sure if that was any kind ofcommentary or just coincidence. She glanced around, then turned her back toXena as the warrior approached. “Put it in the sack.” She said.”There’s nothingelse in there but some pieces of your rocks.”

“It’s heavy.” The warrior warned.

Gabrielle turned back around and gave her partner a glare.“You are *not* going to start this.” She said, firmly. “Xena, I swear, I can’thandle nine months of you treating me like a piece of darn crystal.”

Caught flatfooted, the warrior merely clasped the soddenhide to her chest, and blinked.

“Don’t give me that look.” The bard repressed a grin withdifficulty. “Can you at least wait until we’re sure I’m pregnant?”

Xena poked her lower lip out in a pout.

“Xeeeena.” Gabrielle covered her eyes. “Stoooop.”

Xena leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the forehead.“Love you.”

“Mmph.” The bard peeked up at her, melting effortlessly atthe honest sentiment she saw in the warrior’s eyes. “That’s not fair.”  She murmured. “You know exactly whereto get me.”

The warrior gently turned her around, and started stuffingthe hide into her carrysack. “After all this time I damn well better.”  She pushed the lumpy load flat with onehand. “How’s that?”

Darn it. It was heavy. Gabrielle felt the strap across herwaist dig into her ribs. She shifted it a little, and pulled the sack higher onher shoulders. “It’s okay.”

“You sure?” Xena uttered, right into her ear.

“Yep.” Gabrielle knew at this point, if she admittedotherwise she was going to be ribbed unmercifully, so she hitched herself upand got on with it, heading down out from where they’d taken shelter towardsthe wall again.

Xena caught up to her and they walked side by side, both ofthem using their staffs as the rain drove against them. Most of the animalswere hiding from the rain, and they walked through a forest that seemed almosteerily quiet.

They had only walked for about half candle mark when theyheard a soft rustling off to the right. Xena paused, and put her arm out, butGabrielle had already stopped, lifting her staff up and sliding her handsacross it at shoulder’s width.

The leaves went still, then after a moment,  a branch slowly moved aside, and thewoman Hooter appeared, her expression wary as she studied them.

Gabrielle eased her staff back down onto the ground. “Hi.”She greeted the woman. “I’m glad you came back.  We didn’t mean to scare you off before.”

The woman Hooter stayed where she was, her eyes going withdeep apprehension to Xena. “What are you?” Her voice, as before, was low andguttural, the tone hoarse.

Gabrielle turned and looked at her partner, then she turnedback. “Who, Xena?” She asked. “Xena’s a person. Just like I am.”  She studied the Hooter. “Just like youare.”

Xena remained silent, her hands wrapped around her staff asshe leaned on it.

“You killed a two fang.” The Hooter accused.

“Sure.” Gabrielle said, after a moment’s hesitation. “It wastrying to kill us.” She explained. “We didn’t have a choice.”

Xena stiffened suddenly, straightening. “Watch out.” Shewarned. “There’s more around us.”

Gabrielle shifted and took a step back, her eyes sweepingaround them as she put a tree at her back and cleared Xena’s reach. Shecouldn’t see anything in the foliage, but she trusted Xena’s senses implicitlyand she lifted her staff into a defensive posture.

A hoot from her left confirmed the warrior’s hearing.  “Tell them not to attack us.” Gabriellesuddenly said, turning towards the woman Hooter. “They’re going to get hurt.”

The woman licked her lips.

“I’m not kidding.” The bard warned.

The woman picked up a rock. Xena and Gabrielle both tensed,and Gabrielle felt a shiver come over her skin as her body readied itself forbattle. The cold rain eased, as a flush warmed her and she clenched and relaxedher hands on her staff.

The woman lifted her hand, but instead of throwing the rock,she whacked it against the tree she was crouched next to.  She was answered by a hoot, and shewhacked the tree again.

Gabrielle tapped Xena on the back of the leg lightly.

Another hoot. The woman cautiously edged out into view,raising her hand over her head, and making a sign with her fingers.

Xena snorted, one shoulder lifting into a half shrug. “Youwin.”

A low, powerful hoot came from their left, and Gabrielleswiveled a little, her eyes searching the bushes intently. After a few blinksto clear the rain from her eyes, she spotted a discontinuity in the leaves, andher vision focused on a flicker of light that resolved itself into a pair ofbrown eyes.

There was danger around them. She could feel that. But therewas danger in them also, and she hoped the Hooters realized that as well.

A rock appeared in the air. “Gab.” Xena surged into motion,but the rock was closer to Gabrielle than she was, and the bard whipped herstaff up and intercepted it, whacking it in the opposite direction with a loud,distinct crack.

“Nice.” Xena said. “Tell them not to try that again or thenext one’s going up someone’s ass.” She told the woman Hooter directly. “That’sgonna hurt.”

The woman stared at Xena.  Gabrielle cleared her throat gently. “I don’t think shereally understood that, hon.” She muttered. “Tell them to stop.” She repeated,in a louder voice. “If Xena could kill a two fang, your people are nothing toher.”

Xena gave her a look.

The woman definitely seemed to understand that. She smackedthe rock against the tree several times, with an urgency, and signed with herhand in the direction just past Gabrielle’s left.  The bard sensed motion, and she stepped back gracefully,turning to face the bushes but moving out of Xena’s way at the same time.

Xena slid past her at the same time, tucking her staff underher arm and wrapping her fingers around it while she removed her hand ax fromher belt and hefted it, her eyes fixed on where the male Hooter was hiding.

“Careful, Xe.” Gabrielle took up her rear guard position,watching the rest of the undergrowth carefully. It was so thick here, it washard to see anything past the deep green leaves, and with the rain, hard tohear anything in them as well.

The woman Hooter banged her rock again, and signed, andhearing a answering hoot, finally got so frustrated she stood up out of thebushes and let out a scream so loud it made Xena grimace. 

The male hooted angrily. The woman threw the rock at him,the stone tearing through the leaves and disappearing.  She screamed again, and signed withboth hands.

Xena paused, waiting to see what was going to happen. “Keepyour eyes open.” She warned Gabrielle.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered.” The bard answered.

After a brief silence, the male Hooter stood up, his headrising out of the brush as he faced off against Xena.   He was the largest of them, almost as tall as thewarrior, with thick, very broad shoulders and a powerful chest. 

He smacked his chest with one hand, and hooted at Xena,tossing his head with an almost arrogant air – only to dissolve into startledfear when the warrior leaped at him, letting out a yell of her own and swingingher ax at  his head.

He scurried off quickly, hiding behind a tree and staring ather.

Xena twirled her ax and snorted. “Typical.”

The woman Hooter dashed out from behind her tree and racedover to where the male was, signing furiously at him. Her attitude, though, wasone of fear, and as she reached him, she crouched down and held her hands overher head.

Gabrielle watched them in fascination, trying to figure outwhat they were saying to each other with mostly body language and a few signs.  

Only a few. But they were communicating, and she felt proudof herself for understanding the possibility of that despite what her partnerhad thought. It was a rare thing to have Xena be wrong and at least now, afterall this time, she freely admitted it when it did happen.

But only to Gabrielle. “We really don’t’ want to hurt you.”She called out to the woman. “We’re just trying to get out of here.”

The male glared at them, then he surprisingly hunkered downnext to the female, hooting softly at her. The female signed something at him,with a small grunting noise of her own. He jerked his head up twice, then backed up, going behind a tree againand watching Xena.

“Now what?” Gabrielle muttered.

“Guess we’ll find out.” Xena took a few steps back, closerto Gabrielle. “At least they’re not just attacking us.”


The woman got up and ambled over towards them. When she gotclose, she sat down on the ground, and did the same thing she’d done with themales, held her hands over her head.

Xena turned and looked at Gabrielle. “Any ideas?”

Gabrielle studied the woman. “I think that means… she wantsto talk to you.” She said. “Go over and kneel down next to her.”

The warrior looked dubious, but she complied, easing down onone knee cautiously. “If she bites me, you’re gonna never hear the end of this,Gabrielle.”

“If she tries, I’ll knock her block off.” Gabrielle repliedshortly.  She edged up behind herpartner and waited, her hands clasped around her staff.

The woman stayed in her hunched position.  Xena turned her head and lookedquestioningly at the bard, her eye brows hiking up.

“Touch her hand.” Gabrielle said.

Obediently, Xena did so, drawing her own back quickly whenthe woman straightened and peered at her, thorugh the rain that now came downin sheets over both of them. “Well?” She asked. “I know you can talk. So talk.”

The woman Hooter gazed steadily at her. “Come with us.” Shesaid. “See what we are.”

Oo. Gabrielle felt the dual strong tugs of caution andcuriosity. “Where?” She asked, but the woman didn’t even look at her.

“Where?” Xena repeated.

The woman pointed in the general direction of the wall. “Ourplace.”

Xena stood and backed up. “I don’t like it.”

“Me either.” Gabrielle put a hand on her arm. “But chancesare, it’s out of the rain.” She said. “And maybe, if we can figure out whothese people are… they’ll just leave us alone, and we can get on our way. It’shard with them chasing us.”

“Mm.” Xena grunted. “It’s dangerous, Gabrielle. They’rewild.. almost wild animals.”

Gabrielle studied the creatures. Xena was right about that,she realized, but there was some level of understanding there. “We can handleit.” She finally said. “I think we should take the risk.”

Xena considered that for a moment. She tipped her head backand looked at the clouds, which were only getting darker, and heavier. “Allright.” She finally said. “I still don’t like it, but.. “ She looked at thewoman. “Okay.” She said. “We’ll go.”

An expression of relief came over the woman’s face, and shegot up, motioning them to follow. Xena stepped in front of her and held a hand up. “Hold it.”  She watched the woman cringe and backup. “If  anyone tries to hurt us.”She said, slowly. “I will kill them. You understand me?”

Slowly, the woman nodded.

“All right. Let’s go.” Xena motioned for Gabrielle to go infront of her. “I”ll watch your back.”

Gabrielle nodded and followed the woman, aware of the silentfigures gliding through the trees on either side of them. Thunder rolled overhead, and she wondered, briefly, if they weren’t making a very big mistake.

Hoots went up around them. Gabrielle sighed and clutched herstaff.  Guess she’d have to waitand find out.


It was nearly nightfall by the time they reached the Hootershelter. It wasn’t quite a cave, much to Xena’s relief, it was more of a long,extended overhang back into the cliff face, that showed some signs of havingbeen chipped out by unskilled hands.

There was a long, rocky slope filled with loose gravel infront of it, and the brush had been cleared back to allow a view of anythingapproaching.  Xena caught all thesedetails, and she nodded slightly, her estimation of the Hooter’s intelligencecreeping up a notch.

As they walked into the cleared space, the male Hootersappeared from the forest around them, slouching by and into the shelter withdark looks and wary distance. The biggest one alone took his time, stalking upthe slope and pausing at the entrance to look at them, before he went inside aswell.

“We okay?” Gabrielle uttered softly. “Looks pretty open.”

“Mm.” Xena grunted a response, putting a hand on hershoulder. “I think we’re all right. Just be very, very careful.” The maleHooters still made her wary, but they’d kept their distance the entire walk,and showed every sign of continuing to do so.

Xena wasn’t sure if going inside their lair would changeanything, but at least they had a clear escape path, and by her count, onlyabout a dozen of the Hooters were inside, a number she felt they were capableof dealing with.

“Wonder where the rest of them are?” Gabrielle asked, asthey approached the cliff overhang.

“Reading my mind?”

The bard chuckled softly, easing inside and blinking atlittle while her eyes adjusted to the additional gloom, that yet wasn’t as darkas she’d expected. “Oh. Xena, look.”

The warrior ducked her head to one side and peered at theroof of the overhang, which was dotted with tiny, glowing specks.  They didn’t shed a lot of light, just asoft eerie glow but it was something other than darkness. “Huh.”

“It’s pretty.” Gabrielle edged further inside as her visionadjusted. The overhang was sheltering a range of different levels of stone, andit went back for maybe ten of Xena’s outstretched arm lengths. There were pilesof leaves in various places, matted down and roundish and near each one weresmall collections of stones and other items.

Nests?  Shewatched the Hooters separate and go to the leaf piles, confirming her guess.There was little else in the shelter save some stacks of twigs and a few animalbones and she supposed they lived day to day on what they found much like sheand Xena had often done when traveling.

Or now.

The male Hooter went to the top level nearest the cavernroof, in the back and sat down in his pile of leaves, folding his arms over hisknees and glaring morosely at them.

“Come.” The woman told them, gesturing towards a shelf offto one side. 

Xena cast a dark look around the cavern, but followed her,with Gabrielle at her heels. The shelter smelled about like she’d expected,dusty and rank, the scent of long decayed kills mixed with refuse and worsethat thankfully wasn’t too overpowering due to the open nature of the overhang.

She could smell water somewhere, a richly mineral scent thattickled her nose, and as they stepped further inside the overhang, the rainfinally stopped drenching them much to her relief.

One of the males hooted loudly. The others responded, andtwo stood up, gesturing angrily at each other. The big male in the back let outa bellow, and after a few breaths, the sound subsided.

“Nice.” Xena sighed.

“Stay here.” The woman rasped.  She crawled up onto one of the ledge and gathered somethingto her, then she ambled back into the open space, heading for the big male’snest.

Gabrielle watched her, easing down onto one knee as water droppedoff her clothing onto the stone. This was like nothing she’d ever seen, noteven the cave of the throwback forest people had been like that. Thedifference, she realized, was that the forest dwellers were acting in a certainway because they wanted to where these creatures were what they were justbecause they were.

It felt very wild, and very dangerous to be here. She felttense, and she knew Xena was even more so. The warrior was standing between herand the rest of the room, her weight resting on her staff and her eyes movingconstantly.

And yet, here was something completely new to both of them.Gabrielle had to admit that situation didn’t happen nearly as often as it usedto, and it touched the spirit of adventure inside her. One of the most excitingthings she’d felt about traveling with Xena when they’d first met was thatevery sunset of her life then had ended someplace new.

There was something very appealing about that, especially toa newly minted bard.

She sat down on the stone, letting the pack on her back restand taking the weight off her shoulders. Now that she’d gotten used to the softglow, she could see details around her, smudges on the rock wall in the backthat looked like the images she’d seen before, and the few animal skins stretchedon frames made of branches stacked off to one side.

A low hoot made her look back at the woman. She had stoppednext to the big male, and crouched down, with the now familiar posture of handsover head.  The sight madeGabrielle’s face twitch into an almost grimace, and she half stood back up asthe big male slapped at her hand.

Xena reached back and put a hand on her shoulder withouteven looking. Gabrielle moved forward and came up next to her, feeling the handshift across her back as Xena’s arm draped over her shoulders instead. Theystood watching as the female crawled forward and put down a bundle in front ofthe male.

The male pushed the bundle aside, and grabbed the female,twisting her around and mounting her sexually. He let out a hoot and bared histeeth, thrusting energetically.

Both Xena and Gabrielle surged forward as if they were oneperson. Gabrielle yelled a warning as they ran across the rocks towards the twoof them.

One of the smaller males got up and jumped at Xena as shecame close, only to be whacked across the head by the warrior’s staff with acrack that resounded across the cavern.

“No!” The woman gasped. “No.. no stop!” She held a shakinghand up in the oncoming warriors direction. “No!” She looked behind her at themale, who had frozen in place, his eyes huge.

Realizing they were being addressed, Xena slowed, holdingout one arm to catch Gabrielle as she almost lunged past. “What?”

“It is the way.” The female told them. “Go back.”

The other males started hooting, standing up and wavingtheir arms. The sound echoed and re-echoed, beating down on their ears as Xenaand Gabrielle exchanged glances.

“Go!” The woman begged.

Slowly, they retreated back to the side alcove together. Thechaos went on for a few minutes, then faded out as the big male started histhrusting again, grunting lustily.

“Xena.” Gabrielle sat down on the edge of the rock. “”I’mnot sure I can handle this.” She admitted softly, feeling a flush of guilt heather skin.

The warrior sat down next to her, a perplexed expression onher face. “Me either.”

Gabrielle looked at her, seeing the angular profile tense inthe dim glow. “Really?”


Gabrielle averted her eyes from the two Hooters. “Should wejust get out of here?” She asked. “How… that’s horrible.”

Xena reached up and scratched the bridge of her nose, thenpinched it. “Just close your eyes.” She finally said. “I don’t want us back outin that damn storm.”

It was over before she could really do it. Gabrielle heardthe male cough, and she looked up in reflex to see the woman headed back downtowards them with that odd, shambling gait. The male was now sprawled in hisleaf bed, busy eating something out of the bundle she’d brought him. “Gods.”

Xena put her arm around her partner again, pulling her close.“Just take it easy.” She said. “We’ll get through this.”

Gabrielle rested her head against Xena’s shoulder.

The woman Hooter reached them and sat down, staring at themin the dim light. “This is our way.” She rasped. “You should not have hurt thecrooked one.”

Xena glanced at the Hooter she’d clobbered, who was curledup in his nest moaning. “He shouldn’t have jumped at me.” She said, bluntly.“Why did you want us to come here?”

Gabrielle untied the pack from her back and let it slide offher shoulders. “We’re sorry if we did something wrong. We were trying to helpyou.”

“You do not understand.” The woman wrapped her arms aroundher knees. “He honors me by doing that.” She said. “I have not sprouted in manymoons. But I still hope for it.”

Sprouted? Gabrielle’s brow creased, then cleared as sherealized what the woman meant. Xena was remaining quiet after her laststatement, her hands busy untangling Gabrielle from the pack and working itfree. “Sorry.” She murmured. “Do you have… children?”

The woman looked over her shoulder. “They are there.” Shesaid, in a disinterested tone. “Those that live.”

Xena handed Gabrielle a pear from the pack, and took one forherself.  The Hooters here were allmales, save this one woman. “Where are the rest?” She indicated the cavern. “Isaw more.”

“Many places.” The woman answered evasively.

“Is this.. a hunting group?” Gabrielle asked. “I noticedit’s all males.. except for you.”

The woman looked furtively at her, but didn’t answer.

The other males rustled around, some going over to where thestretched hides were and scrounging in a shallow rock pit there, taking awaydark, filthy looking bones.  Onecame over to stare at them, then slunk away, something square clutched in onefist.

Xena chewed on her pear slowly. She paused, and indicatedthe back wall, where very dimly, the dark pictographs were just barely visible.“What are those?”

The woman looked behind her, then she looked back at Xena.“Only the old one  knows.” Shesaid. “And he tells no one.”

“Then what’s the point?” Gabrielle asked. “Those picturestell a story, I know it.”  She wenton. “And if no one’s meant to know the story, why tell it?”

The woman stared at her in silence.

“Why do you speak, and they don’t?” Xena asked suddenly.

For a minute, Gabrielle thought the woman wasn’t going toanswer that question either. Then she lifted her head, an oddly proud gesture,and looked directly at Xena.

“It is my gift.” She said. “The old one told us.”

That made no sense. Gabrielle felt the strangeness of thesituation getting more and more pronounced. Paladia’s ability to draw was agift. Her own ability to tell stories was a gift. Xena’s voice.. her ability tosing. That was a gift.

Speaking wasn’t a gift. It was something you learned, asDori had learned from them how. Gabrielle understood that in a very real way,and so, what the woman was saying to her – she knew that wasn’t true.

“Where is the old one?” Xena asked.

“At another place.” The woman answered briefly. “Withothers.”

Xena finished her pear and took out a handful of nuts, theresults of some very meager gathering they’d been able to do on the way to theoverhang.  She cracked one open,and picked out a nutmeat, handing it over to Gabrielle.

“What you do?” The woman suddenly asked. “Why?”

Gabrielle paused in the act of taking the nut. “What?” Sheput the nut in her mouth and chewed it. “Why did she give me that?”

“Why?  You arethe strong one.” The woman indicated Xena.

Xena cracked another nut and shared it. “So?”

The woman seemed nervous. She got up and edged away fromthem, going over to sit on a nearby ledge in silence. After a bit, she turnedher head. “Do not show the big one.” She whispered, then went silent again andignored them.

Xena stolidly shared the rest of her nuts, and then a fewlonely, tattered figs she found at the bottom of the bag. “Gotta admit.” Shemused. “I haven’t been this confused since I was six years old.”

Gabrielle sighed. “Well, that makes me feel better.”

“Figured it would.”

One of the younger males hopped over and stared at them,with an obvious physical arousal. Xena picked up her staff and got up. “Tell lover boy he’ll lose hismanhood if he gets any closer.” She told the female, but before the woman couldanswer, the big male barked gruffly, and threw a rock at the younger male.

The younger male retreated, but not without a protestinghoot. Xena sat back down, and glared at the rain still pouring down outside.“Know what?”

“Me too.” Gabrielle pulled her legs up crossed under her. “Gonna be a long night.”But her mind was caught with the riddle of the creatures, and now, with so manymore confusing clues, the puzzle seemed only to be getting bigger and biggerwith every minute.

Oh well. At least they weren’t attacking them any more.Maybe, she reasoned, if they could get to talk to the ‘old one’ – the puzzlepieces would begin to fit in place. Maybe they could even find an easy way out.

Thunder rolled. Gabrielle sighed, and leaned against Xena’sshoulder. At least they had each other, and a dry spot to rest.

Better than nothing.


Continued inPart 9

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